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Has the internet robbed Axl of his confidence?

Randy Lahey

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Reality has robbed him of his confidence. His supporters egged him on and led him to believe he would be immensely successful. His detractors assumed he would fail. When it turned out his enemies were right then it must have been the mind fuck of all mind fucks. He can't even trust his friends. He's probably realized he can't trust the circle of sycophants around him. Remember Dj telling him how good his songs are?

Kurt Cobain similarly lived a world of people criticizing him for his drug addiction in the press. His lyrics in "Heart Shaped Box" sarcastically alluded to their priceless advice. When the people he hated turned out to be right then that must have been extremely defeating.
Slash, Izzy, Sorum, Duff, Buckethead all abandoned him. His universe is probably very small, and I'm guessing he trusts the ones that praise him the most the very least.
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Has the internet robbed Axl of his confidence?

Axl robs himself of his confidence. If he lacks it...its his mind space. He can either believe in himself or he can listen to "the voices" If this forum breaks his spirit...crushes his aspirations ...confounds his artistic expression ..then that would make him weak and at teh mercy of the world.

if we listened to all the marketing, news, and the dozen or so tragedys that kick us in the balls daily ...the teachers and the preachers, so called friends and family to have inner confidence....were DOOMED! we COULD blame society for being hell bent on tearing us down....but relying on outside sources for confidence is like waiting for Chinese Democracy 2 to happen and change the whole world...nice idea but its not going to happen...(unless you believe it in your bones!)

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Axl is probably old school, and probably liked it when there was more mystery around, when the only form of press was paper magazines, and the only fan feed back came in the form of the odd letter here and there printed in a magazine. With the internet anyone and everyone has their say, there's no control, and it's instant. That lack of control must eat away at some people.

Edited by vaida
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