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The Real McCoy's life issues and style advice thread


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Guest Len B'stard

Most awkward internet fight ever.

I know right? You lot need to drop your shoulders and lean into it a bit :lol:

Fuck off Mccoy you little pussyclaat, keep givin' it you cunt, watch when I burn your Mums house down, fuck is wrong with you? You know I'll slap fire out that ass!'

Y'know, like that :D

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Most awkward internet fight ever.

I'm not even fighting with Arnold. What's the point? I'm cracking up over here at the absurdity that is Arnold wasting his time finding fault with anyone else when hen needs a good long look on the mirror first. The irony is fantastic.

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If y'all are mean to Nate, I'm gonna get cranky. :max:

But why is Arnold so mad at McCoy? Did I miss something?

I'm guessing it's jealousy due to all the attention McCoy has been getting. Nate used to be the sadsack that everyone gave advice to, but now McCoy has kind of taken over that role.

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Just couldn't let this thread die in peace... :no:

McCoy, do you wear cowboy boots on your dates? Please say yes. Because I think we might have found our answer to all your problems.

My jeans go over them. They simply look like black boots. It's not like the girls that I go out with don't know that I work at a country radio station. Hell, they usually wear cowgirl boots.

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Cowboy boots do not look like regular boots. Nah, I can spot them and shudder a mile away. :lol:

I honestly don't know what girl is wearing them these days north of the Mason Dixon line, except for horse girl maybe. And I guarantee you she didn't wear them to the casino. So yeah, I'm pretty sure we've solved the problem. Cowboy boots.

My honest thoughts? When you meet someone you've spoken to online, you've already formed an image of them in your head. So, if I met up with a guy who said he was a country music DJ, and he shows for the date wearing cowboy boots, it would seem.... stereotypical? Like he may be more concerned with trying to cultivate some sort of image, and he's less concerned with being genuine. Because no matter how much you wish it, they are not in style. It would be like meeting a classic rock DJ and he shows up with a mullet. I'm not saying that's you, and maybe when people get to know you they understand it's not just a role play thing, but it still would make a strong first impression, and not in a positive way. Show up on a date NOT looking like a country music DJ. That would be unexpected, in a nice way.

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Most awkward internet fight ever.

I know right? You lot need to drop your shoulders and lean into it a bit :lol:

Fuck off Mccoy you little pussyclaat, keep givin' it you cunt, watch when I burn your Mums house down, fuck is wrong with you? You know I'll slap fire out that ass!'

Y'know, like that :D


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Guest Len B'stard

I know right? You lot need to drop your shoulders and lean into it a bit :lol:

Fuck off Mccoy you little pussyclaat, keep givin' it you cunt, watch when I burn your Mums house down, fuck is wrong with you? You know I'll slap fire out that ass!'

Y'know, like that :D

Len have you been watching 24 the past couple weeks? This season's location is London and there's a character who reminds me a lot of you, especially when he told a cop to "Piss Off". :lol:

I haven't, no, whats 24? :)

Most awkward internet fight ever.

I know right? You lot need to drop your shoulders and lean into it a bit :lol:

Fuck off Mccoy you little pussyclaat, keep givin' it you cunt, watch when I burn your Mums house down, fuck is wrong with you? You know I'll slap fire out that ass!'

Y'know, like that :D


Aggressions not your strong suit, is it? :lol: Probably a good thing actually.

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Cowboy boots do not look like regular boots. Nah, I can spot them and shudder a mile away. :lol:

I honestly don't know what girl is wearing them these days north of the Mason Dixon line, except for horse girl maybe. And I guarantee you she didn't wear them to the casino. So yeah, I'm pretty sure we've solved the problem. Cowboy boots.

My honest thoughts? When you meet someone you've spoken to online, you've already formed an image of them in your head. So, if I met up with a guy who said he was a country music DJ, and he shows for the date wearing cowboy boots, it would seem.... stereotypical? Like he may be more concerned with trying to cultivate some sort of image, and he's less concerned with being genuine. Because no matter how much you wish it, they are not in style. It would be like meeting a classic rock DJ and he shows up with a mullet. I'm not saying that's you, and maybe when people get to know you they understand it's not just a role play thing, but it still would make a strong first impression, and not in a positive way. Show up on a date NOT looking like a country music DJ. That would be unexpected, in a nice way.

I think you mean cowboy boots are not in 'fashion'? Because STYLE is timeless, it's not about 'in' or 'out'.

McCoy don't worry about 'image', don't worry about 'stereotypical', don't worry about 'role play things' (whatever that means), just be yourself. Because if the girl likes you in some constructed look she sure as fuck is going to wonder what's going on when you take her home and she sees 4 pairs of cowboy boots in the cupboard. :lol:

Wear it and own it. Theres nothing worse than artifice.

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No, I meant what I wrote, not what you think I should have written. And offering advice on changing a few things is not the same as telling McCoy not to be himself. That's advice I would offer to you. Nothing worse than artifice? Funny coming from you, hypocritical twit.

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Did you buy any boots yet McCoy? These are my cowboy boots, I've had them for years, in fact they were the boots i bought back in the days of AFD. So they're more than 25 years old. I forgot about them for many years but my Mum kept them and gave them back to me when I returned from living overseas and it was like being re-aquainted with an old friend. I still wear them and am surprised how well they have held up over the years. They're great boots though and are a testament to buying quality. The brand inside says Berman's, which were mostly produced in the 70s and 80s. Don't think they exist any more today, but my point is quality will serve you well and they might seem expensive initially but in the long run they're better value than cheap/low quality. As long as its an item you're planning on wearing for years to come.



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