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Any Venom fans here?


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Well either a few people are goign to respond or none at all haha, but anywho

I'm getting into Venom and recently on Amazon.com I ordered this


Ok, now when I ordered it, 5 copies were left. So I ordered it.

Two days later I got an e-mail basically saying

"Dear Amazon Customer,

We're sorry to regret that we shoved all possible copies of this CD up our ass and are hiding it from you to make your life a miserable hell. And for good meaure, we even have Chinese Democracy crammed somewhere up there as well, you can imagine the immensly painful bowel movements we take. Sincerely, Corrupt Amazon.com"

in basic terms "they didn't have it"

sniff sniff-I smell bullshit

A few days later I checked and now there are 3 copies now, so what the hell Amazon? Are you biased against people in Pennsylvania? Think your too good for us? Bastards.

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