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Foo Fighters and Houses of the Holy


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I do not care for the Foo Fighters so I would say no for that one but HOTH it a definite YES! It has D'yer Mak'er on it which is probably one of my favorite (if not my favorite) Led Zep song. The rest of the album rocks as well. Get it now! rock3

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It has D'yer Mak'er on it which is probably one of my favorite (if not my favorite) Led Zep song.



D'yer Mak'er is horrid.


Are you kidding me? :huh: That's the reason I bought the album. I love that song. What don't you like about it?

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[Are you kidding me? That's the reason I bought the album. I love that song. What don't you like about it?


It's reggae.


I wouldn't call it reggae. I do not like reggae. If you consider it reggae then go ahead but I love the song no matter what. We need to get some more opinions on this song to make sure I'm not crazy for liking this song so much. I'm going to open a thread about it.

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I think I've heard all of HOTH but I really just want to own it. Have it in my hands. D'Yer should be covered by Axl if they can make it work.

I'm suckered into buying double albums like this new Foo Fighters one. Basically it probably should be 8 rockers and 2 slow songs like Pump. It seems like they cleaning out the closet. All the odds and ends that they found from the other recording sessions revamped and stuffed out cos they are running out of ideas. They should just be Ac/DC style band. Grohl is pretending he can ever get away from the fact he makes money off Kurt's death.

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One by One is a good album. Not sure about Nevermind though. In Utero is classic but you can see why they were having problems from that record, how drenched in Cobain's personality was it? Dave and Chris were mere sideshows in this band. I don't know if it was just his talent or personality coming thru stronger but Dave and Chris don't even have one song which sounds like it had remotely anything to do with them. It's all self loathing screamers and heroin ditties. Then Dave comes out with his goofy bubble gum video and he flies down a candy covered highway to corporate rock valhalha. and Chris is running for Prez.

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Ok, I'm going to buy every album ever made now and if they suck its ur funeral.

I'll get it cos it's a double album. But when Axl drops the Triple Album all these double album marketing plows are going to look lame. Why not just go for a triple album? Didn't Primus release a triple album. God, I'm gonna release triple album.

I'm forming a band. Let's call it...


Ok, I need a guitar player, a bass player and er um oh yes a drummer, ok another geetar player, slide geetar. I need a female dancer for live shows, preferably a ex-stripper turned pornstar but anyone who can dance in a cage will do. Keyboard player and a cellist.

Now the album...

Mercy of Flight

Disc One

1. Gonna Get Paid




5.Lai Ba




9. I Should Be So Lucky (Minogue)

Disc Two










Disc Three










If you want to be in this band. Post a pic on this thread and put a song title on one of the discs. Let Technoidosers rule!!!

I've booked studio time for 2007. Get on board the last flight to heaven.

Edited by wasted
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