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A little taste of "Chinese Democracy"


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Wow..I leave for three hours and.......HOLY CHRIST!!! Many thanks to those responsible....Let's hope this was not the new material Axl was referring to......Also, please stop sending this to radio stations...I don't want to see anyone lose their jobs due to backlash against a station by Axl's legal team...This WILL NOT expedite the release of CD...If anything, sending it out to stations will only hinder plans...Keep it within the GNR community folks!

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For any of you who are sending an "unauthorized' copy of a GNR song to radio stations, and think they are gonna play it.....................you're out of your mind. Not to mention it is not radio quality.

Can you say lawsuit? Not gonna happen folks! Don't even bother!

i used to work for college radio as dj, i had a 2 hour show weeknights, and i am still hang out with some of the dj's i will get it played maybe a onetime thing...maybe get one of the tecky dude sto see of he can play with it ....but anyways............rock3

Edited by steve-o
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For any of you who are sending an "unauthorized' copy of a GNR song to radio stations, and think they are gonna play it.....................you're out of your mind. Not to mention it is not radio quality.

Can you say lawsuit? Not gonna happen folks! Don't even bother!

when you know you're right, the last nirvana studio song leaked, the radio stations played the songs, even tought it was known that there was a lawsuit to stop the release of the song...

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Guest swwet_child

Wow! :shocked::shocked:

I didn't know why there are so many people online at this hour! :shocked:

Thanks a looooooooot! :heart::heart:

Can't wait till i hear it! rock4

I'm so excited!

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For any of you who are sending an "unauthorized' copy of a GNR song to radio stations, and think they are gonna play it.....................you're out of your mind. Not to mention it is not radio quality.

Can you say lawsuit? Not gonna happen folks! Don't even bother!

i used to work for college radio as dj, i had a 2 hour show weeknights, and i am still hang out with some of the dj's i will get it played rock3

I understand that, but I was mainly talking about major radio stations across the country. People that have to answer to the FCC, and such. You know what I mean.

Sure there are gonna be some small radio shows that will spin it, but hey, that's your ass if caught. Can't say nobody told ya.

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For any of you who are sending an "unauthorized' copy of a GNR song to radio stations, and think they are gonna play it.....................you're out of your mind. Not to mention it is not radio quality.

Can you say lawsuit? Not gonna happen folks! Don't even bother!

i used to work for college radio as dj, i had a 2 hour show weeknights, and i am still hang out with some of the dj's i will get it played rock3

I understand that, but I was mainly talking about major radio stations across the country. People that have to answer to the FCC, and such. You know what I mean.

Sure there are gonna be some small radio shows that will spin it, but hey, that's your ass if caught. Can't say nobody told ya.

The FCC is what will stop this song from being played? :rofl-lol:

Edited by Budweiser
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For any of you who are sending an "unauthorized' copy of a GNR song to radio stations, and think they are gonna play it.....................you're out of your mind. Not to mention it is not radio quality.

Can you say lawsuit? Not gonna happen folks! Don't even bother!

i used to work for college radio as dj, i had a 2 hour show weeknights, and i am still hang out with some of the dj's i will get it played rock3

I understand that, but I was mainly talking about major radio stations across the country. People that have to answer to the FCC, and such. You know what I mean.

Sure there are gonna be some small radio shows that will spin it, but hey, that's your ass if caught. Can't say nobody told ya.

pft, we used to get shit tons of demos and random cd's from peopel wanting shit played, we would preview it make sutre it wasn't too filthy, and let er fly, i can say we have played many a bootlegs and never had a problem,

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uh oh you guys......

you know when axl said we would hear music this year........

what if this was all he meant???? :confused::confused::scared::scared::scared:

How funny , me and Newrose were joking around about that on msn . Lunatic :rofl-lol:

Well this clean version is awesome . I already loved the song when i heard those bad clips that leaked first about one year ago .

But now i can really see it has power , amazing . I wasn't wrong

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Some of you are missing the point here........

First of all..... You are talking about a SIGNED band, and a band known the world over. It's not like some local band in your town that gets their disc played at fucking 2:00 in the morning on some radio station that could be drowned out by a cell phone signal.

Secondly..... Sure, there will be people that will take a chance and play it. But I guarantee you it won't be in heavy rotation. Their jobs will be on the line and they'll know it. What do you think? As much as everybody pretends to understand Axl....... do you think if he found out about it, he would tolerate it????? I'll answer that for you.... Not no, but Hell No!!! He would own that fucking radio station!!!!

Thirdly..... I'm a producer myself, so I may be a little bias towards the quality of the song. Yes I'm excited as all of you are........ but it's not ready to be sent in to major radio stations. It's not a good mix..... nor is it the final version of the song.

All I am saying is to not get to carried away with this. It's good to hear something like this, but it's not time to play it on radio, and make fucking videos with yet.

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I can't seem to stop listening to this song.

I do believe in Chinese Democracy, and even though there has been set backs, and we've heard rumored release date after rumored release date only to see all of those rumors fall through, I've never stopped believing in Chinese Democracy.

This song is bad ass.

If this is one of the worst songs on CD, I can't wait to hear what the rest sound like.

I also agree with the many posts by those of you who have said that this song should not be sent to radio stations. This album is Axl's baby. This is his masterpiece. If you are a true fan, and truly respect him as an artist, then you have to respect him enough to let him do this project of his as he pleases. I too am ready to see GNR retake their rightful place atop the rock world, but in due time.

As I've read through the 15 pages of posts I've stumbled upon some posts from members comparing this song to VR's material on Contraband. I for one thought VR made a very kick ass album that delivered. However I disagree, respectfully, with the statements that IRS isn't anything outstanding. I think of all the modern rock that's getting airtime right now, and this blows it all out of the water.

The music has this dark feel to it, though it's a demo I think the band sounds great, and will sound even better on the album, the song is edgy, listening to Axl sing, listening to those vocals you can just hear the cry of a tortured soul, and I think that's something Axl has always portrayed through his voice to perfection.

Axl connects with his audience in a way that most singers can only dream. This song is everything a GNR fan loves. In my humble opinion...

And while VR had some really great songs, made some really great music, and while Scott Weiland is a singer that I respect, and enjoy listening to, he isn't an Axl Rose. He doesn't connect with me like Axl does.

In closing I would just like to say that IRS, fucking rocks, and thank you Wes for hooking us all up biatch!

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A radio station by me just got it. I diddnt send them anything about it.

Anybody who has got Q106Fm (Lansings Rock Station) turn on in. They said there gonna play it. They also said "Dont tell Axl".


Very interesting...............damn quick for a radio station ot pick up a song that isn't confirmed even if it is a leak, they usualy don't play it w/o some kind of aknoledge that its real.just interstin in deed

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A radio station by me just got it. I diddnt send them anything about it.

Anybody who has got Q106Fm (Lansings Rock Station) turn on in. They said there gonna play it. They also said "Dont tell Axl".


:o i wanna hear it on the radio! that makes it extra kewl cuz you know other people are listening lol, lucky guy

James S.

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