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Slash in GN'R? Navaro in Velvet Revolver? WTF


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I don't think Slash can play Bucket's solos -as a matter of fact,i think he would put down his guitar and quit after trying to do some of the shit in Better................

No way!! I think he could play all the shit in Better but the only way to be 100% sure is see him trying so I really hope we see him doing it any time soon rock3

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Pretty cool if its true.

Slash pisses all over Buckethead.

Technically, no... Bucket is actually the better technical player. And whether you want to admit it or not, is more versatile... I've heard bucket play various different types of music, so he is not this mindless shredder everyone makes him out to be.

Where Slash does piss all over bucket is the fact that he brings more emotion and feeling to the music, and the shows in general. Bucket is kind of lifeless on stage, and I guess that plays into his gimmick, but it just doesn't seem to do it for certain songs. I will admit though, there is some stuff in some of these new songs that I don't even think Slash can play...

Don't get me wrong, Slash is my second favorite guitarist behind Eddie Van Halen, but even he has his limits.

Agreed, I am a Slash fan and not really into the style that Bucket represents. HOWEVER, you're right that Bucket is a more technically effeciant player and no, I don't think slash can play the parts Bucket put on the new tunes. I've never heard him attempt a full on sweep to start with.

I like Slash because the emotion in his playing jives with me, and a lot of others of course. Buckets not as emotionally charged but there is no doubt the guy is talented and well versed. rock3

Actually, for not usually liking that kind of guitar playing I think Buckets parts sound really good in the new material. rock1

I prefer Buckethead over Slash, but buckethead is good.


Edited by Painkiller545
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Why would Slash give up a sure thing with VR for Axl and his thousands of question marks?

the answer to that is simple, atleast in my mind. just think of record sales and concert ticket sales if it were confirmed that slash is now back in gnr. all the fans would go nuts. we've been dying for a reunion and this may be the closest we could ever come to getting one. if it happens who knows maybe the new VR album will flop and maybe duff and co would come back to gnr. just a thought. but i seriously doubt it.

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If and a very big, capital IF at that, would be true, it would be too good too be true :P.

If so, I hope Izzy & Duff come back as well, Brian Mantia is capable enough of playing guitar. If Izzy doesn't return, Richard Fortus has enough quality to play alongside with them.

But actually, I think this entire article is dog poo and only written to create a stir (Perhaps another rabbit in the hat from GN'R management)?

The current GN'R music from what we've heard is a million miles away from what Slash likes to play.

Edited by Loco in the Toko!
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If and a very big, capital IF at that, would be true, it would be too good too be true :P.

If so, I hope Izzy & Duff come back as well, Brian Mantia is capable enough of playing guitar. If Izzy doesn't return, Richard Fortus has enough quality to play alongside with them.

But actually, I think this entire article is dog poo and only written to create a stir (Perhaps another rabbit in the hat from GN'R management)?

The current GN'R music from what we've heard is a million miles away from what Slash likes to play.

Come on!! Slash played every single style within ROCK... He IF joining GNR, would fuckin rock!!!! rock3

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I prefer Buckethead over Slash, but buckethead is good.


its possible to have an opinion different than yours Alan :kiss:

Do all of you wishing Slash to come back realize that he probably wouldn't work on Chinese Democracy? He wants too much creative control to just come in and replace buckethead's solos on an album. If Slash came back, there would be no Chinese Democracy.

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If he did Velvet Revolver really losed out on that deal Navarro sucks. I doubt it but Slash has been talking positively about Axl in the last few months, and has had quite a bit to say about CD.

There are too many egos and too many band members for this to go down. Slash wasn't a big fan of Axl's new style of music back in the day, what has happened?

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I know emotions are running high around here at the minute, to say the least, and all the excitement gets you believing that anything could happen but if you think about this rationally for a second, it's a complete waste of time hoping it might happen, let alone posting about it.

Despite lawsuits, re-recording Appetite, mutual bitching in the press, the atrotious VMA performance and everything else, Axl and Izzy/Slash seem to have coincidentally decided to be nice to eachother.

But if anyone here thinks that means that at 1 minute to midnight with shows already booked and the promo juggernaut slowly trundling into action, that Axl has gone "Oh fuck, I forgot to sort everything out after Bucket left in March 2004. I know! I'll call Slash and see if he wants to learn the guitar parts to all these venomous songs I've written about the old band and come play them on tour with the goth from NIN and the guys from the underground punk bands. Of course, the material on the album isn't remotely suited to Slash's bluesy style, but we can work around that. And if he insists on bringing the other old members with him then I guess I'll fire Tommy, Richard and Brain after everything they've done for me over the last 6-7 years and bring back Izzy, Duff and Matt who fought tooth and nail against working on the kind of complex, envelope-pushing material we've all worked so hard on. In fact, I'm not sure the old band could even play this material, it's just so far from the kind of stuff they've been doing recently. Ah well, pro-tools will fix all that and I can always show Slash how to use Windows and do some of that weird shit Bucket used to do. And I guess that means that all the tonnes of shit that the new bad have all worked up for the second and third albums can be finished off by the old guys. And if Robin wants to stay he'll sound great playing with Slash. I'll bet they'll get on like a house on fire. Man, I can't believe I didn't think of this shit before, what a great idea! Hey Merck! Tell the new band they're all fired except for the goth. And tell Slash and Duff they're back in the band. And if Weiland starts bitchin' to Rolling Stone send him a cease and desist letter and tell them I'm doing the first interview with Time. Oh yeah, and tell Reznor his last album sounded like shit. And get me some Krispy Kreme dohnuts!"


Well said!.............there is no way in hell Slash will want to play Bucket solos......He left GNR becuse he din't want to play any other stuff rather then Bluesy sound.

It's more likely Navaro will return to GNR.....that I believe!

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Why would Slash give up a sure thing with VR for Axl and his thousands of question marks?

the answer to that is simple, atleast in my mind. just think of record sales and concert ticket sales if it were confirmed that slash is now back in gnr. all the fans would go nuts. we've been dying for a reunion and this may be the closest we could ever come to getting one. if it happens who knows maybe the new VR album will flop and maybe duff and co would come back to gnr. just a thought. but i seriously doubt it.

the dans would go nuts when cd is not even if salsh isnt in GNR.

And someone else said it too, he wouldnt leave duff.

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you need to quit being a fucking cunt. I told you days ago that I was done posting on the race issue because people are too sensitive to it. IT IS YOU WHO KEEPS BRINGING IT UP.

second time - please stop following me around this board, the race thing is over

I'm not privy to your fight, all I know is saying the C word on a public board is piggish, tasteless, low class, stupid, and vulgar, on the short list. I'm a man, men know this, grow up, and if I were you I'd apologize to every woman on the board ASAP.

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I'm not sure in anyone brought it up yet, but the last time Dave Navarro was rumored to join a band was last year when reports said he would replace Mick Mars on tour with the Crue. That rumor was false, so I would assume (but not guarantee obviously) that this one is as well.

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I think this is a REAAAAAL long-shot, but these damn rumors just don't seem to go away.... something crazy to think about, but wasn't it reported in that SPIN article about Axl in '99 that Matt Sorum introduced Axl to Robin Finck to "play lead guitar along side Slash"? If that arrangement had worked... this is the line-up we would have been looking at then (say 96-97):

Axl Rose (vocals, piano)

Slash (lead guitar #1)

Robin Finck (lead guitar #2)

Paul Huge (rhythm guitar)

Duff McKagan (bass guitar)

Matt Sorum (drums)

Dizzy Reed (keyboards, piano)

A possible line-up today could look like:

Axl Rose (vocals, piano)

Slash (lead guitar #1)

Robin Finck (lead guitar #2)

Richard Fortus (rhythm guitar)

Duff McKagan (bass guitar)

Matt Sorum (drums)

Dizzy Reed (keyboards, piano)

Not that far off from what Matt and Axl were at least discussing 10 years ago (just sub Fortus in for Huge- which makes sense considering Fortus is a far superior player to Huge and assumedly Slash, Duff and Matt don't hate Fortus like they hated Huge)... of course, Sorum is a chronic self-promoter and there's no way to verify (that I am aware of) that he actually thought of Robin Finck as a good fit for GN'R... I do remember Duff saying Robin Finck was a "good player and a good guy"- but that he couldn't possibly stomach continuing on as GN'R w/o Slash... the outstanding issue would be what level of "loyalty" would Finck and Fortus feel to guys like Stinson, Brain, Pitman, etc... it would have to be pretty damn strong to pass up an opportunity to play Chinese Democracy in a re-configuration of the "original" Guns N' Roses though... damn strong.

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