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Pearl Jam better than GNR?


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Alright, I can sense many of you frothing at the mouth already, but let me state my case. Like all of you, I am a hard rock fan. My top 3 fav. bands of all time are GNR, Pearl Jam, and the Beatles (I realize Beatles aren't hard rock).

For most of the 90s and early 2000s, there was no doubt in my mind that I felt GNR was superior to PJ (no one is superior to the Beatles). But as each year went by, GNR stayed idle with basically 3 full albums of material while PJ just kept pumping out great albums every year or two.

Though song for song, GNR is better than just about anyone, but let's face it, they are NOT prolific song writers (sorry, but since '97 I've been told just wait for ChDem... CD doesn't come into my thinking on this one) They have a great, but small catelogue.

PJ has a great, large, and growing catelogue, and they have grown over the years without prostituting themselves on MTV and crap.

So with a cool new PJ single out- and I might add it is free via the band, no threats from agents and lawyers (oh yea, they care about there fans unlike another band in my top 3)- on tenclub.net - I am ready to say it... I believe PJ is a better band. I love em both, but with Axl not able to put out more than one song (Oh My God isn't a great one either) in ten years, GNR will remain one of my favorite bands that I wish didn't suffer from severe writers block, which makes a prolific band like PJ a better, more relavent rock band.



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It takes more than being prolific... Pearl Jam's last several albums have been utter garbage and have essentially deleted them from the elvevated station they once held in rock lore... meanwhile the legend of Guns N' Roses continues to grow with each passing, day, month, and year.

Don't get me wrong... I love old PJ (Ten, VS and Vitalogy)- definitely the best music of the grunge 90s, and I hope the new album can be a successful return to their roots, but no way in hell would I put them above Guns N' Fvcking Roses... even off a miniscule catalog... GN'R are rock greats... they're the closest we've had to the Stones or Led Zep, etc. PJ just isn't that level IMHO.

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Ten and Vs were probably two of the best ever albums. Probably on par with GNR's.

But everything since then, including the new single has been utterly forgettable.

It's very difficult to define as to who is the better band. If you were to rate it on album sales, awards, and number of people performed in front of, I think the nod goes to Pearl Jam. But those categories do not necessarily make you "better." Just look at Mariah Carey.

As for treating their fans with respect, obviously the nod goes to Pearl Jam. They have an amazing fan club, treat their fans with first dibbs to amazing seats (anyone remember the 2002 tour where we got first cracks to nosebleeds - thanks Axl), and they actually show up to their concerts.

As for comparing the music itself; that's a tough call. I'm not a fan of putting one bands music over another as it's a little selfcentred to think that your tastes are better than anyone elses. Both bands are/were unbelieveable at cranking out amazing songs - and for the record, I think Riot Act, Pearl Jam's last studio album, was its second best album after Ten. That said, I suppose one could predict that in 50-100 years people are more likely to be listening to Welcome to the Jungle, November Rain and Sweet Child O' Mine more than they were to listen to Even Flow, Daughter, Jeremy. But I like both bands for different reasons; hence why I think this topic is rather useless anyway.

But in terms of evaluating each band as a band, I would have to give the nods to Pearl Jam, simply because they treat their fans with respect, continue to put out albums (some better than others - but at least PJ fans still get new material, and as I said, they're last album was a return to form), show up when they say they're going to, and most importantly, have stayed together as a band instead of acting like little children.



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Gn'R no doubt, Pearl Jam didn't hace the impact Guns did on music....the music world would be the same if PJ hadn't existed, not the case with Guns N' Roses rock2

I have a hard time even saying anyone is better than GNR cause they are so freakin awesome, but when it comes to impact on music, wouldn't being an influence on future music be a good measure of impact? Thus bands like the Beatles, Stones, Zep, are so widely copied that their impact is undeniable.

If that is the case, I can think of only a few loosely-GNR-influenced bands, but there are about a million bands trying to sound like PJ (consiquently, they all suck: nickleback, creed, staind, etc., with STP being a really good PJ imitator). The PJ influence is there.

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Guest Ohdistortedsmile1789

Most of you weren't around when I originally posted this, so here goes:

1. Mike McCready is generic Hendrix at best, he can play good blues rock solos, but there is nothing original about him.

2. Eddie Vedder, although copied very much so, is not all that great of a singer, others during his time (especially Layne Staley) were much better.

3. Most of their material is just rehashed 70's rock, they do a good job of it, but I would personally rather listen to 70's rock. This is why PJ immediately got more radioplay than most of their Seattle contemporaries, Classic Rock audiences were very comfortable with their sound. Often times their songs are uncomfortably similar to older material, for example, compare "Yellow Ledbetter" to "Little Wing" or any other Hendrix ballads.

4. Besides Ten, they are fairly inconsistent, VS., definitely a fan favorite, has a few too many weak or underwritten tracks (Indifference, Blood). I think those who credit them as a great album rock band are wrong, to stay with VS., "Daughter" is a better song than anything else on that album, same goes for Ten, where "Alive", "Even Flow", "Black", and "Jeremy" aren't nearly matched on the rest of the album. Yes, there are many great songs on Ten, but look at STP's debut, weren't "Plush", "Sex Type Thing", "Dead and Bloated", "Wicked Garden", and "Creep" great songs too? Yet Ten is credited as a great album when STP's M.O. is that they can only produce singles. STP may not have made great complete albums, but neither did PJ.

5. Those who cite their longevity as a factor that makes them great are wrong, they may still be around, but they haven't been all that popular since the mid-90's. How often do you see anything besides "Jeremy" on MTV, maybe "Do the Evolution" once in a blue moon but it's clear that they have never and will never match their initial popularity.

Now, in defense of Pearl Jam. Their uncomprosing politics are admirable, and they did record many great songs.

But they are much too overrated, I saw a poll somewhere placing them as the #1 american rock band of all time! That is absolutely ridiculous, what about "The Doors", "Velvet Underground, "The Byrds", "The Band", "Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young", "The Beach Boys", "Guns N' Roses", "Metallica", or "Van Halen"? Among others I might have not thought of. This isn't acceptable, it's plain and simple why they are what they are today,

A good looking singer + a familiar sound + good singles + MTV. And we have "The best American rock band of all time"? Fuck no. Give me something original.

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Look dude, I love Pearljam on many levels. They really did it right. Even though I do not agree with Eddie Vedder on 90% of what he says. I think they made some of the best music ever made. But I will never say they are BETTER than GNR. They are both great in different ways. I can understand why someone would love Pearljam. I can't understand why someone would LOVE Motley Crue, or Bon Jovi, understand? I think Axl has a much cooler voice. Which is just personal preference. I think GNR songs are more evolved and go a bit deeper without spelling it out. I prefer this tpe of "poetry" to the style that is used in Pearljam songs. But again, this is personal prefernce. I listen to Pearljam weekly. Ten is one of the best albums ever made, in my opinion and many others. But it is not better than Appetite.

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You made some good arguments... the one I quoted below, though, is misleading. after jeremy, they pretty much stopped making videos outside of do the evolution, which was several albums after ten, and they did a promo vid in 2002 for i am mine. even without the vids, vs. and vitalogy set records with their releases without them using that format.

i love gnr's videos... they put alot of thought into making them art, but there is something admirable about making music for music's sake and not giving in to the image-driven, if you look good the music must be good, MTV scene. video did, in a way, kill the radio star.

5. Those who cite their longevity as a factor that makes them great are wrong, they may still be around, but they haven't been all that popular since the mid-90's. How often do you see anything besides "Jeremy" on MTV, maybe "Do the Evolution" once in a blue moon but it's clear that they have never and will never match their initial popularity.
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Guest Ohdistortedsmile1789
You made some good arguments... the one I quoted below, though, is misleading. after jeremy, they pretty much stopped making videos outside of do the evolution, which was several albums after ten, and they did a promo vid in 2002 for i am mine. even without the vids, vs. and vitalogy set records with their releases without them using that format.

i love gnr's videos... they put alot of thought into making them art, but there is something admirable about making music for music's sake and not giving in to the image-driven, if you look good the music must be good, MTV scene. video did, in a way, kill the radio star.

5. Those who cite their longevity as a factor that makes them great are wrong, they may still be around, but they haven't been all that popular since the mid-90's. How often do you see anything besides "Jeremy" on MTV, maybe "Do the Evolution" once in a blue moon but it's clear that they have never and will never match their initial popularity.

Just misinformation on my part, thank you for clearing that up, and don't think my argument has anything to do with GNR, I just think they are overrated in general. You get it, it's just that we have different tastes.

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GNR is my favorite band of all time, but PJ is like in my top 5. I saw them in october at the wachovia center in Philly and they were fuckn awesome. Eddie Vedder is an incredible live performer. They played a nearly 3 hour set, with an eight song encore. It was truly epic, and I can't wait for their new cd. In the big picture GNR is on that next plataeu of greatness, but that should not undermine the accomplishments of vedder and crew. rock1

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Soundgarden was a better grunge band.

if i had to rate the top albumsof the 90's,it would be

uyi 1&2(works best together)




*cough* grace, the bends, definitely maybe, ok computer, automatic for the people *cough* but on topic both bands are equally great and pj are definitely on the same level as gn'r, it comes down to personal opinion. *back to coughing* achtung baby, siamese dream, angel dust.........

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Soundgarden was a better grunge band.

if i had to rate the top albumsof the 90's,it would be

uyi 1&2(works best together)




*cough* grace, the bends, definitely maybe, ok computer, automatic for the people *cough* but on topic both bands are equally great and pj are definitely on the same level as gn'r, it comes down to personal opinion. *back to coughing* achtung baby, siamese dream, angel dust.........

*cough*not as good as superunknown or uyi 1 and 2 as a set*cough*

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Guest Ohdistortedsmile1789

Soundgarden was a better grunge band.

if i had to rate the top albumsof the 90's,it would be

uyi 1&2(works best together)




*cough* grace, the bends, definitely maybe, ok computer, automatic for the people *cough* but on topic both bands are equally great and pj are definitely on the same level as gn'r, it comes down to personal opinion. *back to coughing* achtung baby, siamese dream, angel dust.........

*cough*not as good as superunknown or uyi 1 and 2 as a set*cough*

*cough* Ritual de lo Habitual *cough*

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Soundgarden was a better grunge band.

if i had to rate the top albumsof the 90's,it would be

uyi 1&2(works best together)




*cough* grace, the bends, definitely maybe, ok computer, automatic for the people *cough* but on topic both bands are equally great and pj are definitely on the same level as gn'r, it comes down to personal opinion. *back to coughing* achtung baby, siamese dream, angel dust.........

*cough*not as good as superunknown or uyi 1 and 2 as a set*cough*

*cough* Ritual de lo Habitual *cough*

Yep forgot about ritual, but badmotorfinger was better than superunknown for a start

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