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why Slash rejoining G'n'R is a plausible possibility


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I'm guessing we all saw this by now...


By 1997, Guns N' Roses was in shambles... the band was divided into camps that seemingly assumed crass communications at best. But, even with Axl controlling the band, he NEVER kicked anyone out. Despite turmoil that we could imagine, Axl assumed what he thought was the best thing for the band and kept it together until Slash/Duff/Matt left on their own account. It was never Axl's position to fire another... in fact, the only time he did was with the Adler case, and that was outside the general constraints.


um, i'm pretty sure matt was fired. so was gilby clarke.

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Excellent initial post. A player like Slash is the one thing the new band lacks... and it would get the fans and media of Axl's back... let's face it... beyond us diehards... no one else gives a damn just as long as Axl and Slash are back together... most people would go to a Guns' show and figure Tommy Stinson was Duff and Fortus was Izzy anyway... Also, CD would be GUARANTEED HUGE... which would get the record execs. off Axl's ass too.

The only thing I conclude from the Duff article above is that Duff, Scott and Matt are all still in VR... and that VR... in some form... will carry on. Frankly, the stuff Duff is talking about doesn't sound anything like Slash would be into at all... in fact, it almost sounds like ideas you would throw around if you knew that your star lead guitarist was no longer in the band... do you think if given a choice... Slash would rather try to write riffs to a Prince concept album produced by a hip hop star... OR... come up with riffs for CITR, TWAT, IRS and tour around with the biggest rock band in the world and be a part of rock history?

Interesting theory. I guess that makes sense. Whether Slash would be into VR's new project or not, I'm sure that given the choice his heart would be with Axl and GN'R more than anything else.

luvaxl4ever...I think if Slash came back he would do his own parts. I don't think he'd just play what BH wrote. But I'm sure if he is back he has already recorded his own parts. He initially spoke with Axl last fall after all. He could have been working on his parts the entire winter.

Nice theory Kbear........you are one of the people on this forum I actually like........


You give me the anger.

You give me the nerve.

Carry out the sentence.

I get what I deserve.

I'm just an effigy to be disgraced.

To be defaced.

Your need for me has been replaced.

And if I can't have everything well then just give me a taste.

NIN lyrics

I often disagree with you Warchild as I am more pro-old Gunners than not, but I also like the insights you bring. Food for thought, as you like to say. Whether we agree on an issue or we don't, things tend to be just a wee bit more interesting when you are around. :D JALP too. :o

Thanx Kbear.......JALP is hot!!

and we are NOT the same person, although I do know her.......we live on opposite sides of the country......

sometimes phones must suffice...........

Thanx again for positive comments........interesting is good!!


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I just can't see Chinese Demcoracy without Slash and co playing a part. I hope the material that Axl has done with session musicians stays but adds Slash and Duff and they get on that TWAT song for the album. Not necessarily a reunion but play on the record and make appearnaces on stage with Axl (especially for Paradise City) If Axl can play with Bucket he can play with Slash.

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dont get me wrong, id love to see axl and slash together again....just not right now. this new band is freakin awesome and i want to hear what they have to offer. the bad thing about that is, slash sucks on his own/with velvet revolver. the only time slash produced anything good was when he was with axl. so, while the new band is doing great.....slash is stuck wasting his talent

i agree completely. give these guys a chance. theyve worked hard. I wanna hear em.

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WASTED,why do u want Slash and Duff to involve in Chinese Democracy and why do u think that without S&D Axl won't be successful or CD won't be good ...They already have their bands and there is no need of people who just left Axl and tried to start their own shit AKA VR...

Sooooooo True, and with Mr, FRAUD


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Cmon people ,u all know that there won't be REUNION any time soon.And lets face it, what Axl is going to do with those new bandmates who worked hard to bring CD to us if there is going to a reunion right now......THINK

Why in the name of Zeus's butthole does someone come along and start saying "There isn't going to be a reunion", when we're not. Bloody. Talking. About. A. Full. Reunion.

There is a vacant spot for a third guitarist in the current GN'R lineup. Slash is being very quiet about all the rumours flying round. It would make critical and commercial sense for Axl to have Slash rejoin GN'R; in the eyes of the general public, Axl and Slash together would constitute a 'reunion', 'cause they're the iconic members of the band. It'd shut up all those critics who slate Axl's new incarnation of GN'R because "it's not the same without Slash".

This is not a reunion we're talking about, though. Where in the phrase "why Slash rejoining G'n'R is a plausible possibility" does it say "oh, and Duff will replace Tommy and Matt will replace Brain and Izzy will replace Fortus"? We're talking about one person coming in to fill the vacant guitarist spot in the band, not the rest of Velvet Revolver jumping ship and displacing the current GN'R lineup...


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Excellent initial post. A player like Slash is the one thing the new band lacks... and it would get the fans and media of Axl's back... let's face it... beyond us diehards... no one else gives a damn just as long as Axl and Slash are back together... most people would go to a Guns' show and figure Tommy Stinson was Duff and Fortus was Izzy anyway... Also, CD would be GUARANTEED HUGE... which would get the record execs. off Axl's ass too.

The only thing I conclude from the Duff article above is that Duff, Scott and Matt are all still in VR... and that VR... in some form... will carry on. Frankly, the stuff Duff is talking about doesn't sound anything like Slash would be into at all... in fact, it almost sounds like ideas you would throw around if you knew that your star lead guitarist was no longer in the band... do you think if given a choice... Slash would rather try to write riffs to a Prince concept album produced by a hip hop star... OR... come up with riffs for CITR, TWAT, IRS and tour around with the biggest rock band in the world and be a part of rock history?

Interesting theory. I guess that makes sense. Whether Slash would be into VR's new project or not, I'm sure that given the choice his heart would be with Axl and GN'R more than anything else.

luvaxl4ever...I think if Slash came back he would do his own parts. I don't think he'd just play what BH wrote. But I'm sure if he is back he has already recorded his own parts. He initially spoke with Axl last fall after all. He could have been working on his parts the entire winter.

Nice theory Kbear........you are one of the people on this forum I actually like........


You give me the anger.

You give me the nerve.

Carry out the sentence.

I get what I deserve.

I'm just an effigy to be disgraced.

To be defaced.

Your need for me has been replaced.

And if I can't have everything well then just give me a taste.

NIN lyrics

I often disagree with you Warchild as I am more pro-old Gunners than not, but I also like the insights you bring. Food for thought, as you like to say. Whether we agree on an issue or we don't, things tend to be just a wee bit more interesting when you are around. :D JALP too. :o

Thanx Kbear.......JALP is hot!!

and we are NOT the same person, although I do know her.......we live on opposite sides of the country......

sometimes phones must suffice...........

Thanx again for positive comments........interesting is good!!


Everyone loves Slash.....including me........JALP

Look at my sig and avatar (stole from P4A and sweetness) :xmasssanta:

Edited by Just_a_little_patience
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Chinese Democracy is more or less a solo album. Outside of Reed as a veteran of the UYI era-the rest of the "band" are on retainers more than likely nothing more NOR nothing less than paid employees. They signed on to a brand name in GNR. It is Axl's vision that has taken him 13 years to figure out how to do.

SO why would Slash go back to the hell that drove him away unless...

1.Chinese Democracy was just Axls experiment/hobby in the unknown and now he's ready to get back to the Sunset Strip.

2.Axl come down off of a chemical high and realized that "Chinese Democracy" as an album just wouldn't work under the GNR banner?

3.Axl came to his senses and took a cue from the Motley Crue fellas and thier Immensely successful reunion tour saw the lucre of what a GNR reunion could do to paying for 13 million dollars worth of studio time.

4. Axl realized that when all was said and done GNR occupied a place in rock history with the very best of them. As a huge rock fan he realized that by trying to replace all key members of the founding group would be a sorry disaster. He wouldn't have liked Led Zeppelin half as much if Jimmy Page wasn't the fretboard master. Paul trying to carry on without Ringo, John and George would have been..... Wings? yeah I kinda remember them... didn't his wife play keyboards?

The time is both right and wrong for a reunion.

This new material....lets hear it... see what the mad genious has been locked away for years grinding out. See what the new fellas can do to a GNR song... can they write one? Can they indeed pull it off?Can they take the stadiums again? Can they carry on the image and the sound that IS the GNR trademark. (Can you really be a bad ass rockstar in facepaint and stripped pippy longstocking socks?) the world will find out very soon.

However.... time is slipping away. A good percentage of you were in diapers the last time that GNR painted the town red. Most of us original gunners can only remember the summers of 87 ,91,92. If not now when?IF?

You do understand it is us few faithful "fans" that keep GNR relevant for our current time.

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As someone said earlier in the thread how do we know Slash hasn't been working on parts for CD since last year, we know Axl wasn't in the Studio when UYI was recorded so why coudn't slash record the parts at home and send them into Axl and Axl puts them on the record?

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Slash can suck my dick.

He is chained to VR quality for the rest of his life :xmasschef2:

slash can do what he want so screw you

As someone said earlier in the thread how do we know Slash hasn't been working on parts for CD since last year, we know Axl wasn't in the Studio when UYI was recorded so why coudn't slash record the parts at home and send them into Axl and Axl puts them on the record?

thats a very good point.

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i heard axl did fire matt sorum for sticking up for slash!!!and IMO slash isnt wasting his talent at all with vr, some cracking riffs in contraband!!! rock2

he does have some good riffs but they aint as good as GNR

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