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Will everyone here please just enjoy the fact that they are back


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Whoohoo, the respect of HARTJH. Guess where we'll all put that... I have a theory:

You are so hurt by Axl, that you've grown to hate the guy. You used to have a crush on him, but as you said, when he let his fans down many times, something just snapped inside you and your young, gayish heart was broken. And since you don't know how to get back at Axl, you start bitchin to people who like what he's doing. It's crystal clear, it has heart-broken gay written all over it.

You have 5 posts, 4 of which are dedicated to me. Who has the man crush?

I apologize for whatever I said that struck so close to home for you that you've taken so much of your time out of your day to worry about me. I post well thought out comments and back them up...I know that bothers some people, including apparently you.

Grow up. Come back when you can discuss things like an adult. You don't have to agree with what anyone says, but there are better ways to discuss something than calling names without ever stating a fact. You will not last here for long.

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You really did a good job of saying some really stupid shit man. You claim that fans have control over the band and the music is retarded. GNR is not some publically traded company that is effected by the supply/demand ratio. Axl has total control, and that's that. He doesn't owe people shit, nor does he care what people WANT to see up on stage. He is doing this for him, and if the fans like it, well good, if not, it doesn't matter. Axl made his money already, he can sit back and collect checks from now until the end of time. As a fan, you can't force his hand to get Chinese D any sooner, and you sure as hell can't make Slash appear back on stage.

Also, I think most people realize by now that GNR isn't the same band as they were in 1991. The VMA appearance in 2001 reached the mainstream, and if anyone was a Guns N Roses fan back in the day, don't you think they would say, "Hey, what's going on with GNR" to which a simple internet search would reveal to them the new lineup?

The album will drop in the Summer/Fall...Axl has always toured first then released the album a la the Illusion tour/album release. Again, when you know your product is awesome, and your band will kick ass live, why would Axl worry? Have you seen the shit music/acts out there? Once Axl takes the stage in NYC on May 12, all of you bitches will know that this time, it's going to happen for good.

Ah, where to begin...I appreciate you making this so easy.

If CD is released and doesn't sell, GnR is done, and Axl is a failure. They may continue to make music (likely not because Axl doesn't handle failure very well), but it's over. $13MM invested already and this one flops? We have complete control. Axl can make all the music he wants, but nobody will sign a failed act with his history of antics. If you think money doesn't dictate everything, you are fooling yourself. It's sad, but it's true.

One performance on TV and everyone knows who's in GnR? Funny. Exacly how many of those guys are ABSOLUTELY still in the current lineup? Who is the lead guitarist (and you better pray the answer isn't Finck)? The short US tour in 2002 cleared it up for everyone? The tour that couldn't sell out most of the dates? The one that was supposed to be followed by CD's triumphant release? Yep, that was very mainstream...everybody knew about that.

Here's the funniest part: Axl DOESN'T know his product is awesome or we'd have had it years ago. He DOESN'T know his band will kick ass live. Who wants to hear a 44 year old out of shape formerly great frontman that can't sing live recreate the late 90's in 2006? How good did their last tour go when they had a technically great lead guitar player? How long did that last? Who will step up to take the musical lead? What the hell would make you think that this lineup is it forever when it's changed several times since 1996? Take off the blinders.

Even I can admit that even a reunion likely wouldn't last...there is no chance in hell that Axl's version of GnR is here for the long term.

On Edit: I highlighted my favorite line.

Why do you try to explain yourself? You have already labeled the new band as a failure, yet you continue to prove that they will fail once they tour again? Unless you are a huge depressive, failure is NOT final. Sure the 2002 tour and the VMAs did not produce the best comeback in history. However, those were 4 years ago, and Axl is still willing to try another tour to prove that his new tunes can still bring about something good.

Imagine yourself as a musician in Axl Rose's position for a change, instead of a corporate standpoint. Sure, Geffen has dumped buckets of money onto this project, but Axl isn't worried about the money. He hasn't released this after several years of work, and you think that a monetary failure would hurt Axl? Dream on. He's a figure who wishes to make an album for himself and prove he still has the musical direction that he previewed for us on the Illusion albums.

Obviously no one knows who is in this band, except for Axl Rose, so then you contribute to the reunion threads, and this is supposed to clear the confusion? Right. The band hasn't even started their tour yet to show who is actually in the band, so why are you whining about that? Let them go on tour and show who is in the band first. Otherwise, you're just babbling on like everyone else who has no shitting clue who is in the band.

Even if the album sells well and GN'R become another household name of popularity, you would still not give this a rest. Axl could play a guitar lead with his asshair and people like you would still not be impressed because apparently he is preventing the reunion. If you can't accept the fact that this band has the name Guns N' Roses, you need to post in the Early Days forum and hope that a reunion will someday happen. Otherwise, your arguments aren't going to convince anyone who wish to see this new band.

Finally I agree with Kaneda for once. Some people just can't be happy on this board, and it shows bigtime. Reunion threads are up 600% ever since the tour has been announced and people are almost bursting their balls hoping that a reunion is going to magically happen on the 12th of May. People are going to be very disappointed and ruin what chance they have of seeing Guns N' Roses, because they'll be crying in the corner saying, "Oh how I wish Slash was here." Take some appreciation in the fact that you are finally getting what you want, which is Axl Rose coming back to try once more and show that he can still bring a fresh new look at music. If you can't do that, then don't argue about Axl failing, because it really isn't your concern, and something that really can't be proven.

Axl knows that 2002 wasn't the best thing, so why do you think he only made this tour a strictly European short tour starting with 4 shows in the US? He's trying to recover slowly, but surely, and he will once he releases the album and then launches a world tour. I don't think Axl is concerned at this point whether you think he is going to fail or not. This is all for him, and we're along for the ride, but I guess you're not tall enough to go on the ride just yet, because you just can't accept anything this man does, unless it is attached to an early '90s scene.

I only read about 1/2 of this. You make interesting points, however you label me without having a clue where I stand. Once again, I am waiting for CD to be released to judge Axl. Until then, he's in a Guns n Roses tribute band trying out some new material and making some money.

I don't think Axl cares about financial failure - I've never said such a thing. He is worried about musical failure, about the public's reaction to what he considers his masterpiece. He has a fragile ego. He's the one who's not sure he's ready to take the leap, not me. I won't make my decision until CD is released.

If CD is great, I will say Axl is back...but I will never say GnR is back as long as the band isn't back and it's Axl and his hired musicians. I have the right to feel that way...I've earned it. I will go see Axl if/when he tours the US, but I won't be seeing GnR. I can live with that.

If you think the backup band is GnR, you're entitled to your opinion, whether I agree with you or not. I'm not trying to force my opinion on you, you should not be forcing your opinion on me. Enjoy your cover band...I've seen a couple myself and they were pretty good, but no replacement for the Axl, Izzy, Slash, Duff, and whatever drummer was sober.

I have to agree with you on Axl not caring about a finacial failure. as a kid even all he wanted was to be loved and liked by people. his music is such a hugh part of what he is he would naturaly want people to like it and that would hurt him more then it would finacially.

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to relate back to the orginal very first post about this---can everyone stop bitching. Even if you hate another baord member or think chinese democracy is gonna suck--eveyr member of this message baord is gonna buy chinese democracy when it comes out, bottom line. Everyone is a fan of guns n' roses here or else they wouldnt be a member of the message board. Soak up the sun for chirst sake. This is the best its ever been for a while and just fucking enjoy being a fan.

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to relate back to the orginal very first post about this---can everyone stop bitching. Even if you hate another baord member or think chinese democracy is gonna suck--eveyr member of this message baord is gonna buy chinese democracy when it comes out, bottom line. Everyone is a fan of guns n' roses here or else they wouldnt be a member of the message board. Soak up the sun for chirst sake. This is the best its ever been for a while and just fucking enjoy being a fan.

I'll buy it . Old Guns New Guns WHO CARES just so there is some kind of guns

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