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Once Axl drops Chinese D he will be in the most vulnerable poistion of his life


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Yeah, Slash should rejoin the band. Then the entire situation would no longer be vulnerable at all, and life will be perfect for all with daisies growing around you every step you take :rolleyes:. Once again, you people do not learn. Sure, Slash could rejoin the band and give the band the perfect image it once had, but that automatically makes amazing music? Wow. I think some of you need to separate the idea of image and the actual music being made. Of course, these two created amazing rock music, and music that cannot be touched by anyone.

However, you people truly think that these two may come back together, forget all conflict, and create just as good, if not, better music than before? Now, I've seen people on acid trips before, and this is much worse. Axl has always been in a vulnerable position. It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out. He is choosing to move on with the name of Guns N' Roses, and you're telling me that the time of most vulnerability is after the release of the album? Sheesh. Axl has been under increasing critcism from a fanbase, and critics everywhere for keeping this name, so I'm pretty sure the vulnerability factor will be a little lighter once the album is released, unless it is an absolute piece of shit album.

Imagine Slash did rejoin the band. Sure, the euphoria and simultaneous orgasms around the globe would occur, but eventually it would all come back down on Axl, and questions would come about, wondering if it was the right move and if Axl needed to beg for an original member to come back. And what if it wasn't a success? Axl & Slash do not guarantee success. Neither does delaying an album for almost a decade, but if Axl is trying to prove that he can do this and make something worthy of the Guns N' Roses name, then he's going to take his time.

I really don't care anymore if you dislike this new band, or if you hate Finck, or whatever. The fact remains, bringing back old members for a permanent place in the band doesn't just happen like a fairy tale after years of conflict. Yes, Izzy has been at a couple of shows, but he's not a permanent member of the band anymore. We all know Izzy wouldn't want to come back to the spotlight anyways. But that's besides the point.

If you really believe that Axl will be most vulnerable after the album is released, that's your opinion. But really, don't you think that the vulnerability he already has could be one contributing reason to the album's delay?

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"And by never showing his cards, Axl has fooled us all into believing that he has the best hand at the table. Picture a table of card players, where instead of people, one hand is being played by AFD, one by UYI 1, one by UYI 2, one by GNR Lies, one By Spaghetti Incident, and then there's Axl sitting there playing as Chinese D. Everyone else has shown there cards, the other musicians that made up GNR have delivered songs the world absolutley loved. And nobody loved the adoration more than Axl, for it fed his ego and meglomania personality. But now it's all on his shoulders and he is scared shitless to release an album."

There is no way you weren't stoned when you came up with that. Not discounting that is may be true, you HAD to be stoned.

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the electricity will only return when slash does :)


Exactly! We want Slash! It would be so cool if he came back... I think it's possible. Maybe next year after the release of Libertad and CD...

Axl used to insult Izzy onstage when he left the band but now they are good friends again... The same thing will happen concerning Slash... :heart:

And great posts Kaneda and sweetness!

if you want Slash , go and see VR where Slash belongs

Edited by Axl-rocks
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OK, for some reason anytime Slash is mentioned it means the people who like Slash, hate Axl and the new band. I dont know how that general assumtion came to be, buts its wrong.

I think the people on this forum labeled as haters (Im pretty sure I am one of them too), are missunderstood. I know I want Slash to rejoin Guns N' Roses, and its not because I HATE Axl or any of the new members. Not only would it be the reunion of my favorite musical duo, but the constant critisim Axl and the new guys get every day would stop.

Robin Finck, Richard Fortus, Bumblefoot, Brain, and Tommy Stinson are great musicians. But they are simply in the wrong place. They do not deserve the critism they get and they do not need the weight of a band as huge as Guns N' Roses on their shoulders. They cant make Guns N' Roses fans happy the way the origional members did, because they come from different spheres of musical influence. They could be out to make new fans, but then why would the band be called Guns N' Roses? Buckethead came to realize this, and that is why he has returned to his solo career.

I want to see Slash back in GNR for the sake of him and Axl. I dont believe either one of tham can have the same success without their cooperation. Look how they have done without eachother, even if they didnt get along so well. Contreband isnt terrible, Slash does a good job at what he does, but is the music at the same level of material he and Axl produced? No way. Listen to the leaks, Axl does a great job. The lyrics are well written, he sings with power, but where is the blues influenced guitar solos that bring out the energy in the song? Nowhere to be heared.

Well, thats just what I think about all of this. I dont know if I speek for everybody else who is a "hater", but as one of the people called that, I really dont hate the new band. I just dont see them getting very far, the sky isnt the limmit for them, even if they hit it big they would still be considered "the next best thing", and I dont think thats fair for them. Besides, they have yet to impress thousands of GNR fans in 13 years. Why arent the fans impressed? Because it is a different band.

Bottom line, Slash is not rejoining Guns N Roses, he's been out of the band for 10 years. If you truly do like the new band like you claim you do, I would think you would understand why some of us get a little pissed off when you keep bringing him into these discussions. Why do you think axl called that guy an idiot the other day? If you want Slash, go see Velvet Revolver. He's not coming back, so why not at least be supportive of Axl and the band and appreciate what we do have?

Im guessing that went right over your head...

nope, not at all. you are the one who doesn't get it. when you and alan_niveen(ferrari) constantly come into threads whining that you want Slash back, in that same breath you are saying you want this band to breakup.. which is pretty fucked up considering this band is GNR and its the band we are here to support. Either accept it, or move on to something more to your taste. i dont see how hard that is.

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Now who says you keep repeating the same old thing?!? I never heard that card scenario before...good one. :shades:

yea that was a rather good metaphorical picture to help argue your case... I can agree with parts of it and accept that that has an equal chance of becoming/being true as any other opinions. I do believe that the new GNR won't be greately received becos they are not the old band but hopefully enough GNR fans will stay/be made to help them carry on and continue touring and writing, cos after all I don't care where they play as long as I can go and see them

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I don't think what Kaneda said is true. And you can tell me if my thoughts are wrong. But basically the new material we've heard is just as good as AFD and UYI. To me that is clear. It might be true that Axl is scared but I think he is working on burying UYI not equaling it. I hope there are songs where he's going farther out. A lot more introspection. Like a 20 minute Dark Side of the Moon type of song. Also I hope he can get some My World type of song which kicks ass. I hope it's a triple album. I think we are reaching a point where it doesnt matter anymore. There must come a point when you've done all you can and the record is grand enough that other people's opinions don't matter.

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the electricity will only return when slash does :)


Exactly! We want Slash! It would be so cool if he came back... I think it's possible. Maybe next year after the release of Libertad and CD...

Axl used to insult Izzy onstage when he left the band but now they are good friends again... The same thing will happen concerning Slash... :heart:

And great posts Kaneda and sweetness!

if you want Slash , go and see VR where Slash belongs

i dont like scott weiland-got anymore advice that dont help?

Edited by lawrence
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You are such a pain in the arse, you come here every week or so to try and enlighten us in your ways of thinking or in the hope Axl may read this and decide to rant about you.Let me fucking enlighten you.

Some people are actually happy with this band, some people are happy the ex members are that - EX.

You think you are special because you can bitch and moan because thats all your life centers around, you should really try gettin out more then you wouldn't have such a hard on for moaning and bitching about how bad uncle Axl is doing things or how the new band will never be the old band.Axl does not need to hook up with the ex members he is and allways was bigger than them, thats not to say that they didn't play their part but he will allways be more important ( at least to me ).

I would just like to know how you think you know Axl, i mean everybody who has heard CD says its mind blowing but you and other seem to have an interest in comparing it to people who made Contraband, are you on fucking crack?.

Axl has allways been the villain but he patched up his differences with Izzy, maybe Axl aint the fucking problem, maybe its the poodle haired halfwit thats got the problem.

You main interest is in informing us of your great knowlege, well thats a shame because you have none.Your a fucking cupcake feeding off new GnR because without them you would have to visit your proctologist or go hump an ugly chick to feel supirior.

GnR is here to stay and thats fucking it, you can't change it and thats a good thing because if it was left upto cupcakes like you we would have original GnR on stage all miserable.

Now im all for free speach but enough is enough, you are not constructive you come here to mock and bash new GnR its time you were banned.Constructive critisism is fine but you have no intention of giving Axl or the band a chance, does raise the question as to why you dont get banned when other members who haven't been half as trollish as you have been.

PS it's not a matter of me trying to stop free speach as i can deal with many members who have similar views but they are not trollish cunts.

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You are such a pain in the arse, you come here every week or so to try and enlighten us in your ways of thinking or in the hope Axl may read this and decide to rant about you.Let me fucking enlighten you.

Some people are actually happy with this band, some people are happy the ex members are that - EX.

You think you are special because you can bitch and moan because thats all your life centers around, you should really try gettin out more then you wouldn't have such a hard on for moaning and bitching about how bad uncle Axl is doing things or how the new band will never be the old band.Axl does not need to hook up with the ex members he is and allways was bigger than them, thats not to say that they didn't play their part but he will allways be more important ( at least to me ).

I would just like to know how you think you know Axl, i mean everybody who has heard CD says its mind blowing but you and other seem to have an interest in comparing it to people who made Contraband, are you on fucking crack?.

Axl has allways been the villain but he patched up his differences with Izzy, maybe Axl aint the fucking problem, maybe its the poodle haired halfwit thats got the problem.

You main interest is in informing us of your great knowlege, well thats a shame because you have none.Your a fucking cupcake feeding off new GnR because without them you would have to visit your proctologist or go hump an ugly chick to feel supirior.

GnR is here to stay and thats fucking it, you can't change it and thats a good thing because if it was left upto cupcakes like you we would have original GnR on stage all miserable.

Now im all for free speach but enough is enough, you are not constructive you come here to mock and bash new GnR its time you were banned.Constructive critisism is fine but you have no intention of giving Axl or the band a chance, does raise the question as to why you dont get banned when other members who haven't been half as trollish as you have been.

PS it's not a matter of me trying to stop free speach as i can deal with many members who have similar views but they are not trollish cunts.

dude are you talking about kaneda ?

cos theres that many so-called haters here i'm getting confused

Edited by lawrence
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You are such a pain in the arse, you come here every week or so to try and enlighten us in your ways of thinking or in the hope Axl may read this and decide to rant about you.Let me fucking enlighten you.

Some people are actually happy with this band, some people are happy the ex members are that - EX.

You think you are special because you can bitch and moan because thats all your life centers around, you should really try gettin out more then you wouldn't have such a hard on for moaning and bitching about how bad uncle Axl is doing things or how the new band will never be the old band.Axl does not need to hook up with the ex members he is and allways was bigger than them, thats not to say that they didn't play their part but he will allways be more important ( at least to me ).

I would just like to know how you think you know Axl, i mean everybody who has heard CD says its mind blowing but you and other seem to have an interest in comparing it to people who made Contraband, are you on fucking crack?.

Axl has allways been the villain but he patched up his differences with Izzy, maybe Axl aint the fucking problem, maybe its the poodle haired halfwit thats got the problem.

You main interest is in informing us of your great knowlege, well thats a shame because you have none.Your a fucking cupcake feeding off new GnR because without them you would have to visit your proctologist or go hump an ugly chick to feel supirior.

GnR is here to stay and thats fucking it, you can't change it and thats a good thing because if it was left upto cupcakes like you we would have original GnR on stage all miserable.

Now im all for free speach but enough is enough, you are not constructive you come here to mock and bash new GnR its time you were banned.Constructive critisism is fine but you have no intention of giving Axl or the band a chance, does raise the question as to why you dont get banned when other members who haven't been half as trollish as you have been.

PS it's not a matter of me trying to stop free speach as i can deal with many members who have similar views but they are not trollish cunts.

word!, hey dude post this 20 more times, maybe Kaneda could relate then.

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You are such a pain in the arse, you come here every week or so to try and enlighten us in your ways of thinking or in the hope Axl may read this and decide to rant about you.Let me fucking enlighten you.

Some people are actually happy with this band, some people are happy the ex members are that - EX.

You think you are special because you can bitch and moan because thats all your life centers around, you should really try gettin out more then you wouldn't have such a hard on for moaning and bitching about how bad uncle Axl is doing things or how the new band will never be the old band.Axl does not need to hook up with the ex members he is and allways was bigger than them, thats not to say that they didn't play their part but he will allways be more important ( at least to me ).

I would just like to know how you think you know Axl, i mean everybody who has heard CD says its mind blowing but you and other seem to have an interest in comparing it to people who made Contraband, are you on fucking crack?.

Axl has allways been the villain but he patched up his differences with Izzy, maybe Axl aint the fucking problem, maybe its the poodle haired halfwit thats got the problem.

You main interest is in informing us of your great knowlege, well thats a shame because you have none.Your a fucking cupcake feeding off new GnR because without them you would have to visit your proctologist or go hump an ugly chick to feel supirior.

GnR is here to stay and thats fucking it, you can't change it and thats a good thing because if it was left upto cupcakes like you we would have original GnR on stage all miserable.

Now im all for free speach but enough is enough, you are not constructive you come here to mock and bash new GnR its time you were banned.Constructive critisism is fine but you have no intention of giving Axl or the band a chance, does raise the question as to why you dont get banned when other members who haven't been half as trollish as you have been.

PS it's not a matter of me trying to stop free speach as i can deal with many members who have similar views but they are not trollish cunts.

dude are you talking about kaneda ?

cos theres that many so-called haters here i'm getting confused

Yes mate its Kaneda, but on equall terms there is the other type of cupcake i can't be arsed with, people that can't here anything bad said about the band or Axl - AD!

Neither Kaneda or AD bring anything to this board but negativity!!

Im all for constructive critisism but this shit has gone to far with this arse jockey, me and you and a select few others are able to descuss our prefered version without all the negativity but there are a select few cunts here that are incapable of taking other peoples views as just that - views.

Kaneda is here for the sole purpose of hating and stiring shit, AD seems to have promoted himself to Axl personal body gaurd.

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You are such a pain in the arse, you come here every week or so to try and enlighten us in your ways of thinking or in the hope Axl may read this and decide to rant about you.Let me fucking enlighten you.

Some people are actually happy with this band, some people are happy the ex members are that - EX.

You think you are special because you can bitch and moan because thats all your life centers around, you should really try gettin out more then you wouldn't have such a hard on for moaning and bitching about how bad uncle Axl is doing things or how the new band will never be the old band.Axl does not need to hook up with the ex members he is and allways was bigger than them, thats not to say that they didn't play their part but he will allways be more important ( at least to me ).

I would just like to know how you think you know Axl, i mean everybody who has heard CD says its mind blowing but you and other seem to have an interest in comparing it to people who made Contraband, are you on fucking crack?.

Axl has allways been the villain but he patched up his differences with Izzy, maybe Axl aint the fucking problem, maybe its the poodle haired halfwit thats got the problem.

You main interest is in informing us of your great knowlege, well thats a shame because you have none.Your a fucking cupcake feeding off new GnR because without them you would have to visit your proctologist or go hump an ugly chick to feel supirior.

GnR is here to stay and thats fucking it, you can't change it and thats a good thing because if it was left upto cupcakes like you we would have original GnR on stage all miserable.

Now im all for free speach but enough is enough, you are not constructive you come here to mock and bash new GnR its time you were banned.Constructive critisism is fine but you have no intention of giving Axl or the band a chance, does raise the question as to why you dont get banned when other members who haven't been half as trollish as you have been.

PS it's not a matter of me trying to stop free speach as i can deal with many members who have similar views but they are not trollish cunts.

dude are you talking about kaneda ?

cos theres that many so-called haters here i'm getting confused

Yes mate its Kaneda, but on equall terms there is the other type of cupcake i can't be arsed with, people that can't here anything bad said about the band or Axl - AD!

Neither Kaneda or AD bring anything to this board but negativity!!

Im all for constructive critisism but this shit has gone to far with this arse jockey, me and you and a select few others are able to descuss our prefered version without all the negativity but there are a select few cunts here that are incapable of taking other peoples views as just that - views.

Kaneda is here for the sole purpose of hating and stiring shit, AD seems to have promoted himself to Axl personal body gaurd.

yes that appears to be the case' :)

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People should just say what they want. If they are totally pro Axl then fine, if they think he's a talentless media whore, then fine. Who wants a forum where opinions are banned? It's subjective.

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Kaneda--I agree partially with your initial post. I believe one of Chinese Democracy's biggest draws is in its mystery--what's going to be on the album? Who's playing with him now? The mainstream has, for the most part, no fucking idea who is in Guns N' Roses. You bring up GnR, everyone goes "Axl and Slash, right?" And it's kinda hard to break it to them that Slash has been gone for almost a decade now.

On the same note, you voice my own inner doubts--like I honestly fear that he hasn't recorded anything beyond what we've already heard. That's my biggest fear--that there IS no CD, and that when he goes to record in September, they're going to be starting from scratch on everything beyond Better, IRS, TWAT, and CITR. Because it doesn't make sense to me why it hasn't come out already.

But at the same time, I also think it might be just a business strategy. Get everyone interested in the band again by selling out Europe, stir up some shit in Sweden to hit the papers, and then blow up big when Chinese Democracy finally hits.

To Lawrence--I'm not going to say "OMG FUCK U SLASH SUKZ THE DICK LOL", but I must admit I grow tired of seeing him pop up every time we try to discuss serious topics liek the one Kaneda brought up. Slash has ZERO relevance to this topic, and to say that he brought the energy to the show insults not only Axl and the Nu-Guns, but to all the old Guns as well--I believe that Duff brought at least as muchenergy to the shows that Slash did--and to discount Izzy and Gilby is a heinous crime. And to all the Slash-Lovers out there who love bashing Axl--at very least, Axl was equally responsible for the success of the old band. So give him some credit.

To Axl's Disillusion--dude, you seriously need to chill the fuck out before you respond. Responses like "fuck u asshole" or whatever nonsense you spewed just invalidates your whole position and makes the rest of us on your side look bad as well. So once again, calm the fuck down.

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Yes mate its Kaneda, but on equall terms there is the other type of cupcake i can't be arsed with, people that can't here anything bad said about the band or Axl - AD!

Neither Kaneda or AD bring anything to this board but negativity!!

Im all for constructive critisism but this shit has gone to far with this arse jockey, me and you and a select few others are able to descuss our prefered version without all the negativity but there are a select few cunts here that are incapable of taking other peoples views as just that - views.

Kaneda is here for the sole purpose of hating and stiring shit, AD seems to have promoted himself to Axl personal body gaurd.

You got me all wrong homie.

I can take constructive criticsm just fine. Its just that most of it is exactly what you are talking about. the same people, doing the same thing, whining about the same shit they've been doing for ages.

I dont give a fuck what you say about Axl or the band. Your opinion is your opinion. But when I see it coming from those who aren't exactly fans of GNR anymore, I wonder wtf they are doing here.

To Axl's Disillusion--dude, you seriously need to chill the fuck out before you respond. Responses like "fuck u asshole" or whatever nonsense you spewed just invalidates your whole position and makes the rest of us on your side look bad as well. So once again, calm the fuck down.

I only respond that way to Larwence or Alan_Ferrari. But it goes both ways. But I hear what you are saying and I am done with this topic now.

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"the other musicians that made up GNR have delivered songs the world absolutley loved"

SO :rolleyes: You state that Axl never had an impact in their music?

The only fair comparison to judge how well CD goes is travelling back to 91 and release it.

The world is different today. It´s like having two different judges and juror in two equal trials.

Even the LAW have changed.

The worst of all, you Kaneda know it. But when it is obvious that you ignore it , but still aware of it, that BLINDED hate of yours shines through. You WANT to be blind. You WANT to hate.

When CD is released, how will you compare it? Don´t say u´re so STUPID that U would compare it in record sales!? I know you want to.. Because that would probably be concealed injustice. As long as it is concealed it´s OK. Isn´t it? If it is, you can argue with this cind of unfair arguments, as long as the injustice in those are concealed. I KNOW IT! Don´t feel ashame, you´re not the only one. And that is also a factor that make it unfair to compare CD with pre albums. Those days there wasn´t people all over the world that just waited to bash every released album. Now it is. Just look at the reviews in the papers. Nothing about the gig and the music, but shit about the past as it was u who wrote it. FUCK!

If I once was accused, my worst fear is that I would have someone like U as a judge.

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To Lawrence--I'm not going to say "OMG FUCK U SLASH SUKZ THE DICK LOL", but I must admit I grow tired of seeing him pop up every time we try to discuss serious topics liek the one Kaneda brought up. Slash has ZERO relevance to this topic, and to say that he brought the energy to the show insults not only Axl and the Nu-Guns, but to all the old Guns as well--I believe that Duff brought at least as muchenergy to the shows that Slash did--and to discount Izzy and Gilby is a heinous crime. And to all the Slash-Lovers out there who love bashing Axl--at very least, Axl was equally responsible for the success of the old band. So give him some credit.

Exactly. Theres no need to bring Slash into every single topic about the new band. It gets really tiresome and its a slap in the face to the guys in the band now.

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Yes mate its Kaneda, but on equall terms there is the other type of cupcake i can't be arsed with, people that can't here anything bad said about the band or Axl - AD!

Neither Kaneda or AD bring anything to this board but negativity!!

Im all for constructive critisism but this shit has gone to far with this arse jockey, me and you and a select few others are able to descuss our prefered version without all the negativity but there are a select few cunts here that are incapable of taking other peoples views as just that - views.

Kaneda is here for the sole purpose of hating and stiring shit, AD seems to have promoted himself to Axl personal body gaurd.

You got me all wrong homie.

I can take constructive criticsm just fine. Its just that most of it is exactly what you are talking about. the same people, doing the same thing, whining about the same shit they've been doing for ages.

I dont give a fuck what you say about Axl or the band. Your opinion is your opinion. But when I see it coming from those who aren't exactly fans of GNR anymore, I wonder wtf they are doing here.

I have no objection to you or other voicing an opinion, thats why we are here but in the same way that Kaneda is negative so are you in the way you reply to people.You get so much more respect and honesty from people if you speak to them a certain way, i agree with most of your views regarding old and new i don't however agree with the way you allow yourself to be wound up.

I do agree that if you have no love or interest in GnR you should find somewhere more to your liking but i kinda enjoy the debate with many people who's views differ from mine ;)

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Yes mate its Kaneda, but on equall terms there is the other type of cupcake i can't be arsed with, people that can't here anything bad said about the band or Axl - AD!

Neither Kaneda or AD bring anything to this board but negativity!!

Im all for constructive critisism but this shit has gone to far with this arse jockey, me and you and a select few others are able to descuss our prefered version without all the negativity but there are a select few cunts here that are incapable of taking other peoples views as just that - views.

Kaneda is here for the sole purpose of hating and stiring shit, AD seems to have promoted himself to Axl personal body gaurd.

You got me all wrong homie.

I can take constructive criticsm just fine. Its just that most of it is exactly what you are talking about. the same people, doing the same thing, whining about the same shit they've been doing for ages.

I dont give a fuck what you say about Axl or the band. Your opinion is your opinion. But when I see it coming from those who aren't exactly fans of GNR anymore, I wonder wtf they are doing here.

To Axl's Disillusion--dude, you seriously need to chill the fuck out before you respond. Responses like "fuck u asshole" or whatever nonsense you spewed just invalidates your whole position and makes the rest of us on your side look bad as well. So once again, calm the fuck down.

I only respond that way to Larwence or Alan_Ferrari. But it goes both ways. But I hear what you are saying and I am done with this topic now.

its a pleasure to be on your hate list'

ps-funny how people think your a cupcake

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Yes mate its Kaneda, but on equall terms there is the other type of cupcake i can't be arsed with, people that can't here anything bad said about the band or Axl - AD!

Neither Kaneda or AD bring anything to this board but negativity!!

Im all for constructive critisism but this shit has gone to far with this arse jockey, me and you and a select few others are able to descuss our prefered version without all the negativity but there are a select few cunts here that are incapable of taking other peoples views as just that - views.

Kaneda is here for the sole purpose of hating and stiring shit, AD seems to have promoted himself to Axl personal body gaurd.

You got me all wrong homie.

I can take constructive criticsm just fine. Its just that most of it is exactly what you are talking about. the same people, doing the same thing, whining about the same shit they've been doing for ages.

I dont give a fuck what you say about Axl or the band. Your opinion is your opinion. But when I see it coming from those who aren't exactly fans of GNR anymore, I wonder wtf they are doing here.

To Axl's Disillusion--dude, you seriously need to chill the fuck out before you respond. Responses like "fuck u asshole" or whatever nonsense you spewed just invalidates your whole position and makes the rest of us on your side look bad as well. So once again, calm the fuck down.

I only respond that way to Larwence or Alan_Ferrari. But it goes both ways. But I hear what you are saying and I am done with this topic now.

its a pleasure to be on your hate list'

ps-funny how people think your a cupcake

it's true when i say you're a cupcake!. :xmassrudolph: oh my, i couldn't help it.

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The album could be the greatest work of art ever in this world, yet it would be consider a disaster and complete failure because people like you that had your minds closed up and can't absorv any new information about Guns N' Roses....you're just hitting on Axl because he's such an easy target, and it's so fuckin' sad see people like Kaneda (who unfortunatly has more attention than he's closed mind could get) post shit only to see his fellow close mind people saying : "Yeah good one man"!

Use some fuckin ideas of your own!

P.S. Oh my god axl is such an asshole he didn't do shit in 10 years, oh I suposed all the work done by tha other old members was fuckin' good, that work didn't get that bad reviews by only one reason...it wasn't Axl's Work!!

Rock On "true" Rock N' Roll Fans!

Close minded people.....forget can't get any advice to you...sorry!!

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You are such a pain in the arse, you come here every week or so to try and enlighten us in your ways of thinking or in the hope Axl may read this and decide to rant about you.Let me fucking enlighten you.

Some people are actually happy with this band, some people are happy the ex members are that - EX.

You think you are special because you can bitch and moan because thats all your life centers around, you should really try gettin out more then you wouldn't have such a hard on for moaning and bitching about how bad uncle Axl is doing things or how the new band will never be the old band.Axl does not need to hook up with the ex members he is and allways was bigger than them, thats not to say that they didn't play their part but he will allways be more important ( at least to me ).

I would just like to know how you think you know Axl, i mean everybody who has heard CD says its mind blowing but you and other seem to have an interest in comparing it to people who made Contraband, are you on fucking crack?.

Axl has allways been the villain but he patched up his differences with Izzy, maybe Axl aint the fucking problem, maybe its the poodle haired halfwit thats got the problem.

You main interest is in informing us of your great knowlege, well thats a shame because you have none.Your a fucking cupcake feeding off new GnR because without them you would have to visit your proctologist or go hump an ugly chick to feel supirior.

GnR is here to stay and thats fucking it, you can't change it and thats a good thing because if it was left upto cupcakes like you we would have original GnR on stage all miserable.

Now im all for free speach but enough is enough, you are not constructive you come here to mock and bash new GnR its time you were banned.Constructive critisism is fine but you have no intention of giving Axl or the band a chance, does raise the question as to why you dont get banned when other members who haven't been half as trollish as you have been.

PS it's not a matter of me trying to stop free speach as i can deal with many members who have similar views but they are not trollish cunts.

Very well said GOAB, you are the man!!

I wish I could express that clear in this language :)

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