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All the negative comments..... Why?


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He's the same guy as Alan_Niveen.. he was put on read only because of his constant bashing and the extremely distasteful rude posts he would make to those of us who did support the band. he makes every thread some competition between old vs new. This dude is just getting kicks from being a cupcake. I doubt he even likes GNR in any capacity.

Give it a rest already.

You're going to talk about people with different usernames.........Jim Bob, Taste Good, Long Wong, Pittman Rose, and those are just the ones I remember YOU using everytime YOU got Banned or put on Read Only.

And at least he never made a thread accusing Eric of making a profit off of '02 ticket sales. Maybe madison and Eric forgot about that one, but I was here that day and I didn't.

you are talking about things that happened years ago and that I've already discussed with the admin and straighted up.

I don't care when it happened, the point is that it did.

You want to debate members if you don't agree on what they post about the band is one thing, but constantly whining like a child and trying to call them out because of a different username, when You have done it countless times, is just pathetic.

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If you can't stand the negativity on a fucking forum of "fans", how will you stand the onslaught of hate when this album is released? Mr. Rose is not a well loved musician like John Lennon and Kurt Cobain, but a polarizing one. You haven't seen the worst of it yet.

If the album is good, the hate will dissapate. If it sucks...expect guns and axl to be torn a new asshole.

The only reason a guy like Kurt Cobain is loved is because he commit suicide. If the mother fucker had lived it would be different. I don't recall everyon loving the junkie when he was alive.

Seeing as you were 8 when he died I'm sure you can judge that well.

That don't mean much to me dude. I've been around people that were there when it happened. I grew up around people that were into Nirvan from day one.

The only reason Axl gets hate is because he doesn't take shit, he's late, he doesn't show up etc. Has nothing to do with music.

I agree with you but "one in a million" earned him a battalion of haters....the music is part of it. A lot of people see him as a mysoginistic homophobe and a redneck.

It's songs like that unfortunately that will hurt his legacy...

wtf Stallone? you are kidding right?, I hope ignorance its not so bad in human beings now like to think a song about whats just nothing but the cruel true could hurt a brilliant artist legacy!

Axl didnt wrote that song cos he heard about it or cos he is a racist or whatever ignornats and puritans have said, he wrote it cos that's what he lived when he arrived LA being a poor kid in seek of America's dream.

Dont get me wrong, i come from a third world country, i guess my spelling can tell, but im not an idiot and cant let ignorance get me, it is a fact that inmigrants, gays and colored are not always productive people in the USA.

Did you know that his first night in LA being out of money, looking for a place to stay instead of help all he got was junkies, drug dealers, trasvesties, etc all over him trying to get who knows what of him?

Dont blame him for knowing the lowest world in beautiful USA and singing about it, maybe you never had the need, thank god, to know it cos you have always been safe in your home under at least one of your parents 'wing', but he did, he had to deal with the worst and lowest of society in his way to success and all he did was to sing about it the best way he knows, telling the rough true no matter how crude could sound.

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it is a fact that inmigrants, gays and colored are not always productive people in the USA.


Are white straight people that productive ?

The lyrics of One In a Million were lame and so is your post.

The lyrics is/were fantastick!

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it is a fact that inmigrants, gays and colored are not always productive people in the USA.


Are white straight people that productive ?

The lyrics of One In a Million were lame and so is your post.

no they are not, but too bad when he arrived LA white people were not the ones who approached him trying to sell him drugs and stolen stuff among other things and we are hand to hand cos i think its LAME and ignorant to judge a person's experience just cos you have never lived it and you think its lame.

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If you all look at the history a little (as far as you have one in the US :) ):

We used Australia for getting rid the criminals in Europe, and all the lazy people went to the US.

In fact, they were so lazy the transported the half of Africa to their country to do the work for them. And also the half of Latin America etc.

Back to Guns n Roses please <_<

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OIAM is a great song. The lyrics were perhaps unfortunate, but they were real and they do have some truth to them (the question is do people want to accept these truths or just stick their heads in the sand and pretend it doesn't happen - there are lots of things wrong in this world you know). If Axl was generalizing then he was wrong to do it because all gays, immigrants, and blacks are not as he described (it's probably just a small minority) - but I don't think it was a generalization. He even explained that it wasn't.

On a side note, his explanations of the song seemed to contradict each other sometimes but on closer examination I don't think they actually do. He just provides a different angle on what amounts to the same story.

I think the song is less of a political statement and more just the expression of a person's feelings as they are being run through the grinder of the big city streets, but no less a flawed person as anyone else as Axl described later in the song. I think if you write the song off because it's offensive (and it is, don't get me wrong), rather than actually give it the consideration it deserves, is that any better?

You could make a song like this one that addresses whites or a segment of the white population. That's probably more suited for another artist to do. It might be equally offensive, but I'm sure it too will have some basis in truth. And either we give people freedom of speech or we draw some arbitrary line (who decides this???). I think maybe that's the bottom line here.

I think everything has some basis in truth, the question is how much is that truth exaggerated?

For how bad these lyrics actually are, Axl really isn't hated that much. He's an easy target for the media for all the stuff he does but you are more likely to hear him get bashed for being late to shows and causing riots, destroying the old band, taking ten years to put out a new album, or for the Estranged video. I hardly ever hear anyone complain about him b/c of OIAM anymore. History will always remember it of course. It'll be one of the defining moments of his career and that of the band's. But in the mainstream culture I find it's hardly ever brought up anymore.

Edited by KBear
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OIAM is a great song. The lyrics were perhaps unfortunate, but they were real and they do have some truth to them (the question is do people want to accept these truths or just stick their heads in the sand and pretend it doesn't happen - there are lots of things wrong in this world you know). If Axl was generalizing then he was wrong to do it because all gays, immigrants, and blacks are not as he described (it's probably just a small minority) - but I don't think it was a generalization. He even explained that it wasn't.

On a side note, his explanations of the song seemed to contradict each other sometimes but on closer examination I don't think they actually do. He just provides a different angle on what amounts to the same story.

I think the song is less of a political statement and more just the expression of a person's feelings as they are being run through the grinder of the big city streets, but no less a flawed person as anyone else as Axl described later in the song. I think if you write the song off because it's offensive (and it is, don't get me wrong), rather than actually give it the consideration it deserves, is that any better?

You could make a song like this one that addresses whites or a segment of the white population. That's probably more suited for another artist to do. It might be equally offensive, but I'm sure it too will have some basis in truth. And either we give people freedom of speech or we draw some arbitrary line (who decides this???). I think maybe that's the bottom line here.

I think everything has some basis in truth, the question is how much is that truth exaggerated?

For how bad these lyrics actually are, Axl really isn't hated that much. He's an easy target for the media for all the stuff he does but you are more likely to hear him get bashed for being late to shows and causing riots, destroying the old band, taking ten years to put out a new album, or for the Estranged video. I hardly ever hear anyone complain about him b/c of OIAM anymore. History will always remember it of course. It'll be one of the defining moments of his career and that of the band's. But in the mainstream culture I find it's hardly ever brought up anymore.

Long read but hey, well said. :)

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I agree with KBear and Sweet, One In A Million is a great song and it shouldnt be dismissed as crap because of a few words that people with weak constitutions will allow to hurt them. I know what Axl is talking about in that song, and I can relate. But I dont hate black people or immigrants. However, I will admit I am a bit of a homophobe, I just think its fuckin wierd.

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this thread has gone from:

a heated argument between axlites and anti-modern gnr about all the negative comments


a heated argument about whether or not anti-modern gnr members should be banned


a heated argument about how warchild and axls dillusions are hypocrites


a heated argument about kurt cobain(this is when sylvester stallone enters rock1 )


a heated argument about the lyrics of one in a million and whether they are good or bad :confused:

The only people to make good, insightful posts about the topic are "kbear" and "old distorted smile"

sly made a good post...but about kurt cobain

so if my calculations are correct this thread has turned into the craziest thread ive ever seen in my time here(which is for more than a year)

Look there will always be people making negative comments...why? because a lot of them care. Some might not but most(like me) are criticizing because we want to see this modern gnr succeed. Like kbear said, it's like people calling in about their favorite sports teams offering advice and saying stuff. They only do it because they care enough to do it.

Now I admit some people are doing it as cupcakes but all other negative comments are made to help out the band...yes a positive comment would be nice, but we live in a negative world where nothing is perfect and there will always be comments made.

As long as this modern Guns 'N Roses still stays in the beginning phase of its life, and still is underacheiving as far as popularity and albums being released and completed tours and success goes, then there will always be a little bit more criticism than usual because it's so easy to find stuff.

No one knows what is happening or when the album is being released, but we care enough to be scared and pessimistic and we care enough to offer our own opinions about the band because this forum is based off of opinions. If there were no negative comments then we could just call this "The GNR Online Newsletter". It's not an online newsletter, it's a forum and forums are made of opinions. Opinions must be bad AND GOOD, or they don't stay opinions; they become facts in our view.

Don't let people who are specifically out to cupcake and shit on this modern GNR stay because this section is for those who CARE about this band. They can go to the classic GNR section. If they don't care then they leave, but some of the people who post negative comments really care and really try to make this band better if the right person sees their post. If they really like Axl and want him to succeed, which I think 95% of the people do, then they should be given free reign to say anything they want on an internet forum. Otherwise this section ceases to be a forum.

Done? :(

Edited by 3rd Wheel
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- So just because I genuinely think the New GNR sucks means I'm closeminded? I have seen them live and the new band just isn't that good. I look at it as more of an Axl Rose + Coverband show rather than a GNR show.

Yes, that actually makes you closeminded :) When you base that on: "I look at it as more of an Axl Rose + Coverband show rather than a GNR show."

In that comment you directed your critism at the persons in the band, and not the sound who flows out of the loudspeakers when they play. Your statement says that you miss the former members as icons, -something you can relate to. But nothing about the music. U can´t say they suck(as musicians) based on that.

You maby want them to suck.

But your WISHES, is not substance enough to base a comment like that. :)

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- So just because I genuinely think the New GNR sucks means I'm closeminded? I have seen them live and the new band just isn't that good. I look at it as more of an Axl Rose + Coverband show rather than a GNR show.

Yes, that actually makes you closeminded :) When you base that on: "I look at it as more of an Axl Rose + Coverband show rather than a GNR show."

In that comment you directed your critism at the persons in the band, and not the sound who flows out of the loudspeakers when they play. Your statement says that you miss the former members as icons, -something you can relate to. But nothing about the music. U can´t say they suck(as musicians) based on that.

You maby want them to suck.

But your WISHES, is not substance enough to base a comment like that. :)

I don't know what show you've seen, but the show in the Netherlands was a typicall GnR show.

Fireworks, great voice, real rock n roll!@

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- So just because I genuinely think the New GNR sucks means I'm closeminded? I have seen them live and the new band just isn't that good. I look at it as more of an Axl Rose + Coverband show rather than a GNR show.

Yes, that actually makes you closeminded :) When you base that on: "I look at it as more of an Axl Rose + Coverband show rather than a GNR show."

In that comment you directed your critism at the persons in the band, and not the sound who flows out of the loudspeakers when they play. Your statement says that you miss the former members as icons, -something you can relate to. But nothing about the music. U can´t say they suck(as musicians) based on that.

You maby want them to suck.

But your WISHES, is not substance enough to base a comment like that. :)

I don't know what show you've seen, but the show in the Netherlands was a typicall GnR show.

Fireworks, great voice, real rock n roll!@

I won´t disagree with that.. :) If u´re talking to me? were at the stockholm show and it was awsome!!

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If you can't stand the negativity on a fucking forum of "fans", how will you stand the onslaught of hate when this album is released? Mr. Rose is not a well loved musician like John Lennon and Kurt Cobain, but a polarizing one. You haven't seen the worst of it yet.

If the album is good, the hate will dissapate. If it sucks...expect guns and axl to be torn a new asshole.

The only reason a guy like Kurt Cobain is loved is because he commit suicide. If the mother fucker had lived it would be different. I don't recall everyon loving the junkie when he was alive.

No matter how totally AWESOME the album is there will still be haters Can we start a new section maybe called the piss and moan brigade? or the Bash Slash and Ax Axl panel of know it alls? Fair weather fans unite?Anti anything GNR? What ever we called it it would be a waste because the haters would still come here and stir the pot. How about we whistle innocently and IGNORE those spreading crap. I wonder how long we would have to ignore them before posts escalated and then they just went somewhere else? By the way I don't have a problem with the respectful sharing of opposing viewpoints, but bashing and hating just gets real old real fast.

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As long as I have been coming in here there has been a Slash vs Axl thing and it all boils down to that.

If you think Axl is Guns N Roses then VR/Slash suck.

If you think Axl was the cause of the breakup, and he is the only one not willing to reunite, then new GNR sucks.

Both can be right, both can be wrong.

negativity is pointless

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As long as I have been coming in here there has been a Slash vs Axl thing and it all boils down to that.

If you think Axl is Guns N Roses then VR/Slash suck.

If you think Axl was the cause of the breakup, and he is the only one not willing to reunite, then new GNR sucks.

Both can be right, both can be wrong.

negativity is pointless

And why? just because some managers tell them what to do (lawsuits). Plus the media and forums make it much worse and intense then in real life.

They had all that great history as a band. I think, as musicians, they appreciate each other.

At personal level, i don't think they can hang out as original band, because to much has happened lately. Axl insults Slash at stage and according to media, slash does the same in interviews.

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OK, Freedom of speech rules, censorship sucks.....Fuck Parental Advisory...and all of the related cliches'

Let Guns N' Roses BE Guns N' Roses......you really don't have a choice, come to think of it......

Nazis and Stalinists used to say the same : "you don't have a choice". They demanded complete submission... Just like you do.

WC, you are definitely looking back nostalgically to those regims in which personality cult was unquestionable. Luckily, there's always been people to stand up for truth and justice, fighting against the tyrants that called themselves liberators, against dictatorships that called themselves democracies and against changing things that kept their old name to fool people...

You and your friends are not even GN'R fans... You are not able to understand what's GN'R, you're only able to understand a small part of it called "Axl"...

Posterity will be the judge.

PS: great post Patience 4 Axl!

Comparing fans who think it is what it is to Nazis?

Axl is and allways wil be GnR but enjoy crying to yourself while GnR play europe.

The simple fact that Doof and Slish think Scit Woland is an exceptable frontman only goes to prove why they should never be allowed to perform under the GnR name.

The fact that you tried to make your point political only goes to show how weak your aguement is.

While you spend your time masterbating over your long haired poodle called Slish some people are fucking loving the ride and enjoying the shit out of a kick ass band and the best frontman alive

Axl = GnR

Slish and Doof = crappy GnR wannabe fucking puke bags.

No need to take offence to me been mean to your wanking material, most of you do enough of it to GnR ;)

I agree. I can't understand why Finck and Fortus even bother playing all those songs written by Slish and Doof. It's like man, the crowd would really rather hear Madagascar and Beautiful over and over all night than hear Welcome to the Jungle or Paradise City. It's like Finck and Fortus are leading a tribute to Slish every time they play. What gives?! This is NuGuns. 2K6, motherfuckers! Not 1990! Stop living in the past dudes!

You should include Izzy in your put downs too. Just because he and Axl are friends again doesn't mean that he deserves anybody's respect. That belongs to Axl alone.

Maybe we could call him Snizzy. Or maybe Snizzbot XL7.

wow i can not belive you. that was the most idiotodict post yet in this. i mean at least warchild made sence in his ranting diss. but you, are you for real. why do they play those songs by "slish n doof" is because thats why people are seeing GnR u dumbfuck! did u one day turn on the radio when the leaks were relieased and were like i like this band??? no u liked the first songs so by saying why play those songs is because those fuckin songs is what made u a fucking fan, even if you are one. wow that still pisses me off. i will admit i dont like the new band, but if i were to see them id want them to play the GnR hits. i wouldnt want them to play only CD songs cause taht show would just suck. at least the haters most of the time give some form of a reason.

warchild, i do not agree with your post really, but it was good points n my points dont exceed yours, but if this was AXL IS THE BEST fourm then no one would post here. i admit it is fun pissing some of the axlasskissers off by my antinugnr posts and i like dicussing my favourite band. thats why i dont agree.

also, this is GNR DICUSSION, last time i checked slash, duff, matt, izzy, gilby, steven, and dizzy were all once GNR so they should be aloud to be discussed.

also please stop with the poetry

also, im just wondering, u guys always put "u axl asshole haters, bla bla bla bla u make no good points bla bla bal u shoud be banned bla bla bla (not trying to say u say bs jus idk) u know who u are" well am i one of those hated people or not? yea its sad i have to ask

Edited by gnrfan4life3690
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I'm not going to read all this..but I gotta know; is Warchild still trying to lead people to believe he's Axl w/o explicitly saying it? What's it been now..a year!?

He damn well better be Axl because "subtely" dropping many facts about yourself that coincide with Axl's life and behavior is very sad; whether they're true or not. Actually, if they are all in fact true it's even sadder because it means there's some form of idol worship going on. Come on man, didn't you get the message your idol was saying by wearing Charlie Manson AND Christ shirts on the same tour. Don't worship him as a god or crucify him as pure evil.

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OK, Freedom of speech rules, censorship sucks.....Fuck Parental Advisory...and all of the related cliches'

Let Guns N' Roses BE Guns N' Roses......you really don't have a choice, come to think of it......

Nazis and Stalinists used to say the same : "you don't have a choice". They demanded complete submission... Just like you do.

WC, you are definitely looking back nostalgically to those regims in which personality cult was unquestionable. Luckily, there's always been people to stand up for truth and justice, fighting against the tyrants that called themselves liberators, against dictatorships that called themselves democracies and against changing things that kept their old name to fool people...

You and your friends are not even GN'R fans... You are not able to understand what's GN'R, you're only able to understand a small part of it called "Axl"...

Posterity will be the judge.

PS: great post Patience 4 Axl!

Comparing fans who think it is what it is to Nazis?

Axl is and allways wil be GnR but enjoy crying to yourself while GnR play europe.

The simple fact that Doof and Slish think Scit Woland is an exceptable frontman only goes to prove why they should never be allowed to perform under the GnR name.

The fact that you tried to make your point political only goes to show how weak your aguement is.

While you spend your time masterbating over your long haired poodle called Slish some people are fucking loving the ride and enjoying the shit out of a kick ass band and the best frontman alive

Axl = GnR

Slish and Doof = crappy GnR wannabe fucking puke bags.

No need to take offence to me been mean to your wanking material, most of you do enough of it to GnR ;)

I agree. I can't understand why Finck and Fortus even bother playing all those songs written by Slish and Doof. It's like man, the crowd would really rather hear Madagascar and Beautiful over and over all night than hear Welcome to the Jungle or Paradise City. It's like Finck and Fortus are leading a tribute to Slish every time they play. What gives?! This is NuGuns. 2K6, motherfuckers! Not 1990! Stop living in the past dudes!

You should include Izzy in your put downs too. Just because he and Axl are friends again doesn't mean that he deserves anybody's respect. That belongs to Axl alone.

Maybe we could call him Snizzy. Or maybe Snizzbot XL7.

wow i can not belive you. that was the most idiotodict post yet in this. i mean at least warchild made sence in his ranting diss. but you, are you for real. why do they play those songs by "slish n doof" is because thats why people are seeing GnR u dumbfuck! did u one day turn on the radio when the leaks were relieased and were like i like this band??? no u liked the first songs so by saying why play those songs is because those fuckin songs is what made u a fucking fan, even if you are one. wow that still pisses me off. i will admit i dont like the new band, but if i were to see them id want them to play the GnR hits. i wouldnt want them to play only CD songs cause taht show would just suck. at least the haters most of the time give some form of a reason.

Pretty sure it was sarcasm dude.

Edited by KBear
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..... There are good people on this forum, and some who I have no fkn use for...waste of time... I left "eyes" on this board, so I get info from time to time.........

Oh please. You left "eyes" on this board? :rolleyes: You are so pretentious. Everybody here has "friends" they chat with on the forum. I doubt anybody cares who sends you emails or what other screennames you use to check out the forum. Get over yourself.

*Sorry for the smart ass remark -- but the pretentiousness is nauseating sometimes. :ph34r: *


This IS a GnR Forum supposedly, why waste your time slagging and offering unwanted uneducated "advice"

about YOUR Ideas of how the band "should" be run..........

You never know who MIGHT be reading this forum, or where your posts MIGHT be being sent...........!

Actually, I've found some of the suggestions fans have made - to make the band better - have been good ones that I hope certain people will read and take to heart.

.. ... WILL the Album make the world fall out of orbit? NO, but it will raise the bar, and put a hefty dent in what is now accepted as "music"....

might even give people some songs to relate to again..........Its hard when people expect "something Sacred"

.... IF you hate GnR, go somewhere else, and if you hate the current version of GnR, well CDs and DVDs

are your best bet for a fix that fills your soul...........


THANX MADISON.........in my abscence I do get "updates" from all the cyber-forums

and THANX for making some persistant itches "read only" now.........APPRECIATED!

and Ummmm.....I'm over 40 and still have run-ins with people with badges........guess I'll never learn!

take care,......


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..... There are good people on this forum, and some who I have no fkn use for...waste of time... I left "eyes" on this board, so I get info from time to time.........

Oh please. You left "eyes" on this board? :rolleyes: You are so pretentious. Everybody here has "friends" they chat with on the forum. I doubt anybody cares who sends you emails or what other screennames you use to check out the forum. Get over yourself.

*Sorry for the smart ass remark -- but the pretentiousness is nauseating sometimes. :ph34r: *


This IS a GnR Forum supposedly, why waste your time slagging and offering unwanted uneducated "advice"

about YOUR Ideas of how the band "should" be run..........

You never know who MIGHT be reading this forum, or where your posts MIGHT be being sent...........!

Actually, I've found some of the suggestions fans have made - to make the band better - have been good ones that I hope certain people will read and take to heart.

.. ... WILL the Album make the world fall out of orbit? NO, but it will raise the bar, and put a hefty dent in what is now accepted as "music"....

might even give people some songs to relate to again..........Its hard when people expect "something Sacred"

.... IF you hate GnR, go somewhere else, and if you hate the current version of GnR, well CDs and DVDs

are your best bet for a fix that fills your soul...........


THANX MADISON.........in my abscence I do get "updates" from all the cyber-forums

and THANX for making some persistant itches "read only" now.........APPRECIATED!

and Ummmm.....I'm over 40 and still have run-ins with people with badges........guess I'll never learn!

take care,......


yeah there only on.... read only .....for about 5 days! not cool!.

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Guest Ohdistortedsmile1789
..... There are good people on this forum, and some who I have no fkn use for...waste of time... I left "eyes" on this board, so I get info from time to time.........

Oh please. You left "eyes" on this board? :rolleyes: You are so pretentious. Everybody here has "friends" they chat with on the forum. I doubt anybody cares who sends you emails or what other screennames you use to check out the forum. Get over yourself.

*Sorry for the smart ass remark -- but the pretentiousness is nauseating sometimes. :ph34r: *


This IS a GnR Forum supposedly, why waste your time slagging and offering unwanted uneducated "advice"

about YOUR Ideas of how the band "should" be run..........

You never know who MIGHT be reading this forum, or where your posts MIGHT be being sent...........!

Actually, I've found some of the suggestions fans have made - to make the band better - have been good ones that I hope certain people will read and take to heart.

.. ... WILL the Album make the world fall out of orbit? NO, but it will raise the bar, and put a hefty dent in what is now accepted as "music"....

might even give people some songs to relate to again..........Its hard when people expect "something Sacred"

.... IF you hate GnR, go somewhere else, and if you hate the current version of GnR, well CDs and DVDs

are your best bet for a fix that fills your soul...........


THANX MADISON.........in my abscence I do get "updates" from all the cyber-forums

and THANX for making some persistant itches "read only" now.........APPRECIATED!

and Ummmm.....I'm over 40 and still have run-ins with people with badges........guess I'll never learn!

take care,......


yeah there only on.... read only .....for about 5 days! not cool!.

Who? I figured he was just making that up.

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