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Is Zep's 'How the west was won' worth buying?


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No it's not worth buying.


HTWWW got me into Led Zeppelin. Its shows how great a live band they were (shown by Dazed And Confused and Whole Lotta Love). If you like Led Zepp, you'll love it.

The Song Remains The Same DVD is alright, but Led Zeppelin DVD is much better.

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Absolutely buy it. Sell blood if necessary, but buy it. Don't listen to those that would tell you the Song Remains the Same DVD is better, because it is really sub-par musically. I have been listening to Zeppelin for about 20 years and am extremely loyal, but I will admit The Song Remains the Same is not at all representative of the band's overwhelming live sound and is the low point of their recording career. The only other official live CD is the second disc of BBC Sessions and it is pretty good as well.

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worth it, but if you'er looking for their BEST performance...

look for bootlegs from 70' like blueberry hill or live at the pacific colliseum or even 79 knebsworth is well or worth the money..or even the dvd...

it might cost a pretty penny but it's worth it

don't get me wrong htwww is great but robert was already losing his spunk at that point (due to impending voice problems that led to surgery in 75...believe me...74 was a dark era for zeppelin bootlegs)

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Actually the surgery was earlier. In late 72 either before or after the Japan tour, because by the time Zeppelin came to America in early 73, there was noticeable change in Plant's voice.

then there musta been two because he well...sounded horrible 74-75 and then was all fixed up when they retoured in 77 and through 79...sure it wasn't the same but it was a lot better than 75

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worth every penny....buy it

(all Zep is worth buying......)

yes it is! WHere Cna I Find the song remains the same DVD?

Any good music store should have it, but if you don't have a good store in your area try Amazon or whatever online music source you prefer. It really is a dissapointment though.

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Buy it but skip the pretentious bits, which are dire.

Yeah, those little story vignettes are pompous and ridiculous. The concert segments are o.k., but not among the better performances I have heard.

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