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A test of public response to GnR!


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Whilst out Saturday night we ended up in a late bar that has a DJ and a small space for dancing, after a few drinks me and my mate asked him to play a GnR song for us, we debated with him for a while and eventually settled on Paradise City. Now this wasn't an easy feat to achieve, the DJ needed plenty of gentle reminders and he admitted that he thought that this song would kill the club and every one would stop dancing immediatly! My other half went along with this also saying that there was no way I would get the DJ to play GnR on a busy Saturday night when he's stuck to the regular club set of plenty of house and rave style shit.

I wasn't to be thwarted though!! Finally the DJ played walk this way, me and my mate nodded yep this was the lead up my request was next, what would the mostly young crowd make of it?

Opening bars to paradise city, yep a few bling girls and guys went back to their seats but they were soon replaced by many other people of ALL ages who leapt onto the dancing area and began pumping their fists in the air, singing loudly along with it and when it finished cheered and clapped and thanked the DJ!! LOL!! I too thanked him for his bravery but couldn't help smugly pointing out how popular it had actually been................!! Who knows maybe GnR will become a regular part of his set!!


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Whilst out Saturday night we ended up in a late bar that has a DJ and a small space for dancing, after a few drinks me and my mate asked him to play a GnR song for us, we debated with him for a while and eventually settled on Paradise City. Now this wasn't an easy feat to achieve, the DJ needed plenty of gentle reminders and he admitted that he thought that this song would kill the club and every one would stop dancing immediatly! My other half went along with this also saying that there was no way I would get the DJ to play GnR on a busy Saturday night when he's stuck to the regular club set of plenty of house and rave style shit.

I wasn't to be thwarted though!! Finally the DJ played walk this way, me and my mate nodded yep this was the lead up my request was next, what would the mostly young crowd make of it?

Opening bars to paradise city, yep a few bling girls and guys went back to their seats but they were soon replaced by many other people of ALL ages who leapt onto the dancing area and began pumping their fists in the air, singing loudly along with it and when it finished cheered and clapped and thanked the DJ!! LOL!! I too thanked him for his bravery but couldn't help smugly pointing out how popular it had actually been................!! Who knows maybe GnR will become a regular part of his set!!


:heart: You're so cool :D

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Same thing happened in an 'Indie' club in Derby we were at, playing songs by all the 'cool' bands all night, and out of nowhere SCOM came on.... last song I expected to hear and everyone went nuts.

I was completely surprised as I think I'm the only GnR fan in England, but it definitely changed my mind!


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Yeah, you'd be surprised. I didn't think there was a whole lot of GNR fans about but like the other night in the bar there was a good lot of people singing along to Sweet Child. Different age groups though mostly in their 30s.

Also at a concert the other week, they played the Sweet Child video on the big screen, just while we were waiting. There was a load of people singing along to that. I was pretty surprised. This was mainly teenagers looking to see the Kaiser Chiefs :drevil:

They're more popular than you'd think. Some people who wouldn't listen to rock music now seem to know who Axl is because of the VMAs.

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Everyone loves Paradise City. The problem is seeing what the crowd would do this a song like Better or IRS.


Fuck Better and IRS, we got Silkworms :fuckyou::fuckyou:

yea.... it will fit a dance club right up there :xmassrudolph:

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Whilst out Saturday night we ended up in a late bar that has a DJ and a small space for dancing, after a few drinks me and my mate asked him to play a GnR song for us, we debated with him for a while and eventually settled on Paradise City. Now this wasn't an easy feat to achieve, the DJ needed plenty of gentle reminders and he admitted that he thought that this song would kill the club and every one would stop dancing immediatly! My other half went along with this also saying that there was no way I would get the DJ to play GnR on a busy Saturday night when he's stuck to the regular club set of plenty of house and rave style shit.

I wasn't to be thwarted though!! Finally the DJ played walk this way, me and my mate nodded yep this was the lead up my request was next, what would the mostly young crowd make of it?

Opening bars to paradise city, yep a few bling girls and guys went back to their seats but they were soon replaced by many other people of ALL ages who leapt onto the dancing area and began pumping their fists in the air, singing loudly along with it and when it finished cheered and clapped and thanked the DJ!! LOL!! I too thanked him for his bravery but couldn't help smugly pointing out how popular it had actually been................!! Who knows maybe GnR will become a regular part of his set!!


Actually thats almost exactly what happened some months back to me! :D I was at this club where they played some rock and pop but mostly it was regular club music anyways I first went to ask the DJ for SCOM and he played it and the reaction was really nice for it! Some time later I asked for PC and the reaction was great! :D

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Once i asked dj to put 'perfect crime' and since the club wasn't loaded he agreed. :) as a result only some few people left on the dancefloor, me and a friend of mine being the most nuts people they all had ever seen;DDDDD

Edited by zara mama
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Once i asked dj to put 'perfect crime' and since the club wasn't loaded he agreed. :) as a result only some few people left on the dancefloor, me and a friend of mine being the most nuts people they all had ever seen;DDDDD

I'd love to see that. :rofl-lol: Next time I'm somewhere with a DJ, I'm requesting Garden of Eden to see the reaction. (Though Dead Horse would be another fun song to dance to, if we're not talking about the hits) Come to think of it, I forgot if they played any GNR at my cousin's wedding or not.

Edited by Kaleigh
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Thats funny,

I was gonna start a thread about this. I'm a regular at clubs and quite a few bring out some of that old school rock like ACDC Shook me which always gets a raging response.

I have to say though I love it when SCOM comes on, everyone goes nuts as soon as that openning riff hits. It never fails at the club.

Whenever I'm with my friends everyone looks at me cuz they know I'll be screaming!!!

Love it when that happens.

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