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Is Robin a fan of Slash?

Son Of A Gun

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nothing wrong with...... 5 guitarists.... is there?

LOL yes. On record, many layers of guitar in exact time with each other can sound good but LIVE? It will sound like total shit with only one guitar out of time. I wonder what Nu-GNR would sound like with Slash on lead, Izzy on rhthym, Duff on bass and Matt on drums? :drevil:

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AD, your cool man - I like how you defend Robin. We all know Robin's got what it takes.

However - your just stirring the pot there - saying Slash is overrated. The guy is one of our most influential guitarists of our time. You can like Robin but it doesnt mean you have to hate Slash. And that also goes for the people who love and respect Slash - you dont have to hate Robin. I mean Slash and Robin dont even hate each other so why must their fans?


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AD, your cool man - I like how you defend Robin. We all know Robin's got what it takes.

However - your just stirring the pot there - saying Slash is overrated. The guy is one of our most influential guitarists of our time. You can like Robin but it doesnt mean you have to hate Slash. And that also goes for the people who love and respect Slash - you dont have to hate Robin. I mean Slash and Robin dont even hate each other so why must their fans?


but to say everybody is a fan of him is an overstatement. i do respect slash and treasure his undenyable contributions to the GNR of the past. but some people act like he's the second coming of christ.

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AD, your cool man - I like how you defend Robin. We all know Robin's got what it takes.

However - your just stirring the pot there - saying Slash is overrated. The guy is one of our most influential guitarists of our time. You can like Robin but it doesnt mean you have to hate Slash. And that also goes for the people who love and respect Slash - you dont have to hate Robin. I mean Slash and Robin dont even hate each other so why must their fans?


but to say everybody is a fan of him is an overstatement. i do respect slash and treasure his undenyable contributions to the GNR of the past. but some people act like he's the second coming of christ.

That's because he is... :huh:

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AD, your cool man - I like how you defend Robin. We all know Robin's got what it takes.

However - your just stirring the pot there - saying Slash is overrated. The guy is one of our most influential guitarists of our time. You can like Robin but it doesnt mean you have to hate Slash. And that also goes for the people who love and respect Slash - you dont have to hate Robin. I mean Slash and Robin dont even hate each other so why must their fans?


but to say everybody is a fan of him is an overstatement. i do respect slash and treasure his undenyable contributions to the GNR of the past. but some people act like he's the second coming of christ.

That's because he is... :huh:

:huh: Robin could be...Look at him!?

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Finck could be too. Just look at that hair.

Yes, becouse of the photos of Jesus we have clearly showes us that he and robin has the same hair.

(I'm not talking about the glorified paintings that are painted long after his death/decent)

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Everybody's a fan of Slash.

no, he's way overrated in your mind.

Then Robin is overrated in yours :rolleyes:

Its stupid to say that somebody overrates a musician they admire, because in reality we all in some way or another "overrate" our favorate musicians because their work means more to us than it does to everybody else, its what makes them our favorates. Now, you can call it "overrateing" all you want, because thats just the easy way to say it, but these guys are artists, not competators. How the fuck can they be overrated? :huh:


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never said it was a competition. i think he's overrated because

A. he's not in the band anymore yet some of his fans who have no interest in or even dislike axl still come to gnr boards 10 years later. :rolleyes:

B. people are claiming that 'everybody' is a slash fan. thats simply not true. :drevil:

C. people bash current members without even knowing anything about them, simply because its not slash and anything that isn't slash sucks in their minds. :rolleyes:

i'm not saying slash isn't a great guitarist, i'm not saying its a competition, i'm just saying he is regarded way too highly by many, to the point where it makes them blind to everything else.

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A. he's not in the band anymore yet some of his fans who have no interest in or even dislike axl still come to gnr boards 10 years later. :rolleyes:

Who? :huh:

B. people are claiming that 'everybody' is a slash fan. thats simply not true. :drevil:

No, moreblack claims that everybody is a Slash fan, and if Im not mistaken there was some level of sarcasm in that comment.

C. people bash current members without even knowing anything about them, simply because its not slash and anything that isn't slash sucks in their minds. :rolleyes:

I think youre getting the wrong idea anytime you see a negative comment towards the new band or a positive comment towards Slash. Its not because its not Slash, its because its not good, hence the negative comment.

i'm not saying slash isn't a great guitarist, i'm not saying its a competition, i'm just saying he is regarded way too highly by many, to the point where it makes them blind to everything else.

Slash is my favorite guitarist, I think hes fucking amazing. But that doesnt make it hard too take things for what they are (accepting the new GNR as a band), but it does get in the way of accepting the band as Guns N' Roses, wich is a totally different argument from Robin vs Slash and if they admire eachother as musicians.

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Finck could be too. Just look at that hair.

Yes, becouse of the photos of Jesus we have clearly showes us that he and robin has the same hair.

(I'm not talking about the glorified paintings that are painted long after his death/decent)

:huh: Dude its just a stereotype joke you really dont have to get so literal about everything, its annoying.

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never said it was a competition. i think he's overrated because

A. he's not in the band anymore yet some of his fans who have no interest in or even dislike axl still come to gnr boards 10 years later.

I don't think anyone here dislikes Axl. Some of us criticize his ethics. EGO before band, EGO before giving news to fans, EGO before explanations to fans for some missed shows, EGO before letting your own band members speak out about this CD! Although you may accept it all because you idolize him doesn't mean we have to. Thats the great thing about america and this site, we can say what we want(within reason) under a blanket of freedom. It may bother you, but noone cares. This is life, get used to people not agreeing with everything you feel. :rolleyes:

B. people are claiming that 'everybody' is a slash fan. thats simply not true. :drevil:

I am willing to bet that 98% of the members here like him. If we didn't like his work, we wouldn't be GNR fans. Considering that nu-g&r hasn't released anything to the public yet. :drevil:

C. people bash current members without even knowing anything about them, simply because its not slash and anything that isn't slash sucks in their minds. :rolleyes:

I know that he was a fill in guitarist for NIN and that alot of the underground work is mediocre. Alot of people think his work for nu-gnr is lame for the standards of GNR. We can admit that GNR deserves better. That's our opinion. You can feel "threatened" all you want but protecting your ego or your feelings about Finck is not in the COC. Noone really says that Buckethead sucked did they? Or how about Bumblefoot? Brain? NO! Your argument is ridiculous. Open your mind a little and try being objective :rolleyes:

i'm not saying slash isn't a great guitarist, i'm not saying its a competition, i'm just saying he is regarded way too highly by many, to the point where it makes them blind to everything else.

He is regarded too highly for the work he did for GNR? ON A FUCKING GNR WEBSITE?!!! :drevil: Dude, if anyone has jealousy, it is clearly you. People will always like Slash, get over it ;)

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Everybody's a fan of Slash.

no, he's way overrated in your mind.

you need to lighten up.

Everyone's a Slash fan, that's all there's to it. Nothing YOU can do about it...

you need to lighten up, i was simply telling you that you are wrong. dont take it personal. not everyone is a slash fan. thats a gross assumption. A large number of fans? yes. everyone? no. its like anything else in life, some people will like and others will be haters.

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How many people do you see walking around saying "God I hate Slash!!"?

do a poll, they do exist.

i wouldn't even say i hate him. i've just not cared for anything he's done since GNR, i dont care for the fact that he files frivolous lawsuits against Axl (which directly or indirectly HAS affected the release of CD), i dont care for his micheal jackson and other related collaborations. but most of all, the people who wont let go of the fact that GNR has continued without him.

i consider myself a slash fan, but its no where near the level of appreciation i have for Axl and the new Guns guys.

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A_D you're a sad, sad little boy.

So you dont think Slash isnt a good guitarist because you dont like his work since GNR?(I dont like Contraband either-mostly Scott though) Do you even like the stuff he played in GNR?

YET! You're a fan of a guitarist, who so far, has only emulated(poorly) Slash for a living...

The thing is, you dont hear many people complain abou the way Tommy plays Duff's parts.

You dont hear many people complain about Brain's drumming(except YCBM)

You dont hear too many people complain about the way Richard, Ron and Buckethead played Slash's parts.

But a shit load of people complain about Robin's playing. You have to ask yourself why. Its not because someone else is playing Slash's parts. It because Robin is playing Slash's parts poorly.

You need to stop ragging on Slash's playing because at this moment you are worshipping a poor man's Slash.

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