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The record is not going to randomly appear in shops

Estranged Reality

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Merck was joking. He was poking fun at those of us who speculate about when it's coming out.

I don't know what the policy here is regarding Mysteron on HTGTH, I'm not sure if people give him any credence here, but he has connections and has proved so to jarmo. He said that he doesn't know anything about a release date, but he does know that we will hear about the release FROM GN'R, not from the record stores.

So before someone starts another ten-page + thread about some random store employee yanking your chain, please be aware that it won't be out in stores until we hear something from the album's label - in this case, Universal/Geffen.

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To me it's the only reason to hold off on releasing the album.

at this point, i wouldnt be surprised if axl is holding the record cause he hates the color of the mixing desk.

maybe we should all just stop posting.

let's shut down the entire gnr web community! then axl and co will get bored with not reading silly threads about themselves and release the record....

Edited by ohyesindeed
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ER... please don't say 'this is going to happen' or 'this is not going to happen' because none of us know how anything will happen. We can only SPECULATE. If you don't think it will just 'pop up', say, "I don't think it will just pop up".

It's not that hard.

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Axl said this year. He's gonna miss his own deadline. All the other deadlines were set by others. So I guess he has to miss his own just to even things out. I go back to the dragon graphiti it said "2008" on a wall at the back at the Korn party.

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