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Guns N' Roses Fans Go On Strike

Darth Vader

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Reports that a new Guns N' Roses studio record titled "Chinese Democracy" was in the works first began to surface way back in 1997. In the years that rolled past since then, Axl and crew performed new songs and tracks have been leaked on the net, but no new record found its way into stores. Earlier this year, Rolling Stone reported a possible November release date. Despite the long wait, Guns fans, who've been snapping up concert tickets on the current Guns tour, seemed ready for the stocking stuffer. Now, here we are, just two weeks before St. Nick makes his rounds, and there is still no record from Axl and crew.

Guns fans in Italy, who say they've manned the GNRonline.it site for six years have had enough. They've posted a message on their fan forum saying they are stopping all posting and forum moderation on the site until they get some "clear" communication from the Guns camp on when the new record is coming out, and if they're not satisfied, they may soon stop the site altogether. A message on the site indicates that the fans who run the site seem quite unappreciated by a "band that does nothing to recognize the[ir] efforts."

Not a peep from Axl or anything on their official site, except to say tonight's show in Fresno is canceled. Guns' guitarist "Bumblefoot" reportedly issued a statement thanking fans for their support, but also seemingly chastised them for complaining about the record not being out yet, saying, "Life's too damn short to be upset about what you don't have - enjoy what you do have."

Easy for him to say, since he hasn't been waiting as long as the diehard "gunners" - but hey, at least he didn't tell them all they "need is just a little patience."

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This may be a blessing in disguise in that it may force management's hand. When a major gossip site picks up on this shit, it can get real ugly real quick..

it wont force shit case noone of significance will see it, and AXL WONT CARE, jesus, the album will come out when it comes out.

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This may be a blessing in disguise in that it may force management's hand. When a major gossip site picks up on this shit, it can get real ugly real quick..

it wont force shit case noone of significance will see it, and AXL WONT CARE, jesus, the album will come out when it comes out.

I wish I had a $1 for every time you have said "jesus"; I'd have more money than Bill Gates!

Anyway, that pic is hilarious.

Edited by luvaxl4ever
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This may be a blessing in disguise in that it may force management's hand. When a major gossip site picks up on this shit, it can get real ugly real quick..

it wont force shit case noone of significance will see it, and AXL WONT CARE, jesus, the album will come out when it comes out.

I wish I had a $1 for every time you have said "jesus"; I'd have more money than Bill Gates!

Anyway, that pic is hilarious.

jesus, now you have enough for your sex change operation. ;)

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Axl doesnt give a shit what we think, it is ultimately his desicion in the end.

yuup, you got it

jesus, now you have enough for your sex change operation. ;)

Sorry, I'm perfectly happy being a woman. Maybe its you who's having the identity crisis since you have sex changes on your mind. :drevil:

heh, naw...im cool. pic?

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Gunzen you are really starting to bore me. If you want to be Axls personal lap dog go stick a chain in your nose and advertise yourself at his local pet store.

And you might wanna practise your begging ;)

I realy am sorry if I make you bored, cause I never even think about you.

Axl is pretty cool though, but I am only a lapdog to my kids. See ya Friday rock1

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Can you blame them? If the album does not come out this year, management will have a lot to answer for. Also Axl Rose has said himself that the album will be out this year. However, the end of the year has not arrived yet so let's wait and see.

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Yeah.Well Bumblefoot was half right,life is too short to get upset over a small thing like CD,but some people really really really wanna hear it (and so do I) and I am really wondering what's with Axl since he is leading the making of CD.I'd hire a paparazzi to spy on Axl and find out what's going on with him,there's somethin' wrong with this guy.

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So some random Italian site is taking a stand. Whoop-de-damn-doo.

You knwo, THESE are the types of people Del was talking about. Talk about overestimating your own importance here.

At least they get press time which says a whole lot about this ridiculous situation GN'R have put themselves in....

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