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Fuck them because they won't provide an estimate on when the network will be back up. Also fuck them for even getting hacked in the first place.

Still a Sony dude though.

You can build a system super secure, but if someone wants in, they usually finds a way.

Seems like they just shut down the servers and are building a lot of the infrastructure from scratch. That takes a lot of time, but I really wish they fixed it, because I want to buy portal 2 on PSN :(

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MK Trilogy is still the best MK. They shoulda released a ultra HD version of the that game instead. The fighting is too slow on the new Mortal Kombat. The XRAY moves are way too easy to execute and gets annoying fast. A lot of the skins are pretty bad too. Reptile just looks horrible. I prefer the old days when al the ninja guys were the same, just different colored suits.

Thats the only one i own. Got it on ps1 back in the day! Fun Times.

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Last update from the PlayStation blog was 35 minutes ago

I know you are waiting for additional information on when PlayStation Network and Qriocity services will be online. Unfortunately, I don’t have an update or timeframe to share at this point in time.

As we previously noted, this is a time intensive process and we’re working to get them back online quickly. We’ll keep you updated with information as it becomes available. We once again thank you for your patience.

Could be another week, crazy.

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Playstation network come back!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm waiting for playstation store. I want to play portal, but since it's a co-op game, it's better to buy online, so I can play it on all my PS3s.

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