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Young Modern - Silverchair


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Well, I downloaded it today (buying it sometime this week), and I was really impressed. Frogstomp was the first album I ever bought like... 8 years ago now, and it's always cool to see how they progress from album to album.

This one is definately a lot poppier, but it's definately not a bad thing. It's kinda progressive, kinda funky - if you're looking for a guitar album, this probably isn't for you. It's not as... how do I put this... "bloated" as Diorama. The songs aren't trying to be really epic or mysterious. It sounds like Johns is trying to move into a more of a prog-pop style, so he's taken the orchestra away and made things a little happier and a lot weirder.

Straight Lines isn't my favourite track on the album - but I just saw them play it live on Rove (Aussie TV show) and it's a lot more "rocked up" when they play it live. Johns kinda screamed a lot of the big notes which sounded pretty cool.

It's hard to pick out a favourite track. With a few exceptions, the whole album is a real hit with me. If You Keep Losing Sleep, The Man Who Knew Too Much and All Across The World were some that stood out on the first couple of listens.

Anyway, it's more of a Daniel solo album than a Silverchair collaborative effort, but that was pretty much the same situation with Diorama and Neon Ballroom. One of the best albums i've heard the past few years - much better than I was expecting.


You can listen to a track by track stream of the whole album here.

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Yeah..it's a lot prog-pop but not a bad album.

Of course it can't be compared to the masterpiece Diorama,but has some good songs on it.

Waiting All Day,Low (george harrison kinda song),Straight Lines and Young Modern Station are pretty good..the rest is decent,especially "If You keep losing sleep",which can be considered the weirdest song of the album,along with All Across The World.


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very different, but i don't mind it hey, much better lyrics wise, i just wish for my own personal taste there was more of a...... guitar punch, but i can handle this without it,

the songs that stood out for me were, straight lines, those theiving birds & strange behaviour <- great track!, young modern station, reflections of a sound are good tracks, if you keep losing sleep if just fucking wired! and i like it lol.

Edited by aussie_axl
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Wow hv I was just going to come and write a topic on this. I havent heard the album - though Im listening to the link you gave. I LOVE the song "straight lines" its like one of my favourite songs ever - and well for my bday I got a music voucher and Ive been pondering buying the album. Sounds like its awesome! Mmm but maybe Ill wait till Rove to see them and then make a decision.

Isnt it great that Rove is back? Poor guy had such a rough year. What a trooper.

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Wow hv I was just going to come and write a topic on this. I havent heard the album - though Im listening to the link you gave. I LOVE the song "straight lines" its like one of my favourite songs ever - and well for my bday I got a music voucher and Ive been pondering buying the album. Sounds like its awesome! Mmm but maybe Ill wait till Rove to see them and then make a decision.

Isnt it great that Rove is back? Poor guy had such a rough year. What a trooper.

Heh... you can see the Rove performance on Youtube - why wait?

Straight Lines is a really, really good song, but it's pretty clearly the "radio friendly" pick of the album. If you're into stuff that's a bit more original (you're a Finck fan, right? So i'm assuming you are), then you'll like the rest of the album just as much - if not more.

Yeah... Rove handled his comeback really well. :) I didn't watch the whole thing, but his video tribute at the start was really touching, and he didn't really mention it too much the rest of the night. It was pretty moving to see him back on screen doing what he loved... I think he and especially Peter were a bit nervous to start off with (you could see Pete shaking in some parts), but once they sunk in it was like they'd never left the screen.

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Isnt it great that Rove is back?


Aww give the guy some credit - he might be horrendously unfunny - but hey... at least he knows it. He spends half his time on screen ripping himself off for making bad jokes.

I hadn't seen Rove in years last night, but I watched it out of curiosity to see how he'd be after his wife's death... I went back to the computer after about 20 minutes, but I really did think he handled the start (his little intro speech about Belinda) well.

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The second part of Those thieving Birds is immense,you can hear the birds while Daniel's singing ..what a song!

I can imagine a video for If You Keep Losing Sleep being shot in a big toy factory,with a Willy Wonka style.

Here's the video for "Low":


looks like some tribute video for Harrison

Edited by Gallagher Rose
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The second part of Those thieving Birds is immense,you can hear the birds while Daniel's singing ..what a song!

I can imagine a video for If You Keep Losing Sleep being shot in a big toy factory,with a Willy Wonka style.

Here's the video for "Low":


looks like some tribute video for Harrison

That's a fan made vid...

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eh, this is like reuniting with a childhood friend and finding out hes queer...

Haha - true he has changed a bit along with the music. But I think DJ is looking hotter than ever - good to see him healthy.

I cant believe you guys dont like Rove! :shocked:

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I saw them sing Straight Lines on Rove, and goddamn it rocked. Like jesus christ, a million times better than the studio track. I'll download this album, cause I do really like Silverchair. But I don't know how much I like their 'new' sound.

And screw you guys....Rove is awesome.

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My sister played me the album, i think its their best yet. I FUKIN HAtED them with a pasion when they first came out, they were a joke to me for years, fukin frogstomp! lol. Ever since Annas song though, iv really liked them.

On the dvd that u get with the album, daniel johns said he was sitting in a park and a guy comes up to him and says, "Daniel! Frogstomp! What happened!???", and he was like. "A fukin lot!". Lol, That fukin cracked me up. I love how they havent really repeated themsleves, great band.

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My sister played me the album, i think its their best yet. I FUKIN HAtED them with a pasion when they first came out, they were a joke to me for years, fukin frogstomp! lol. Ever since Annas song though, iv really liked them.

Same with me, I didn't take them seriously until my girlfriend played me Greatest View and Across The Night. I do remember liking Anthem For The Year 2000 when it came out though...

But now as of a few years ago I'm a huge fan. Their set at Rock In Rio 2001 was killer.

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My sister played me the album, i think its their best yet. I FUKIN HAtED them with a pasion when they first came out, they were a joke to me for years, fukin frogstomp! lol. Ever since Annas song though, iv really liked them.

Same with me, I didn't take them seriously until my girlfriend played me Greatest View and Across The Night. I do remember liking Anthem For The Year 2000 when it came out though...

But now as of a few years ago I'm a huge fan. Their set at Rock In Rio 2001 was killer.

Yeah,it was immense..I was there.The concert was perfect and Daniel was really high.Probably he took some ecstasy,there were 250.000 people in the concert.

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