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Pink Floyd


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To appreciate Pink Floyd, you can't just listen to a couple songs and judge them from that. They're an album band...at least after Syd left anyway.

You gotta feel the music, feel the lyric, understand how it conveys the message and then understand how it fits into the rest of the album and what significance it has, what it adds to the theme of the album. Then you realise how incredible it was. Nobody has done anything as incredible as Pink Floyd...flying pigs, building a real wall between the audience and band, etc.

The music may sound easy to record and mix now but, back then, making a new mix was basically rerecording the song. It was not simple. On stuff like On The Run, they had people manually changing settings and turning knobs on sequencers and stuff.

Edited by FanMan
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Pink Floyd is by far one of the most overrated bands in history. They are OK, but nowhere near how good people say they are.

I have never liked prog-rock. Bands like Yes, Rush, Zappa and Pink Floyd bore me.

How in the shit can Rush and Yes bore you? Both probably have some of the best prog-rock imaginable. I can see how the long songs may drone on for some people, but I really don't see how they get boring.

Oh well, that's you then. Personally, I find Yes to be one of the most interesting bands I've ever discovered. Close to the Edge has it all.

Absolutely agreed.

As for Floyd, lots of genius in that band. I love The Wall, and I'm getting into the Barrett era stuff.

Also possibly some of the greatest music to get high too has been written by them.

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I've got the same problem with the Velvet Underground

Same here. I've got The Velvet Underground & Nico....and it is such a snore :sleeper: . It's so lame and soft...and I just don't find much of it at all appealing. Just bland and boring.

*gasp* whaaaaaaatttt?????

lame and soft?!?!?! *dies* are we talkin about the same album? tell me, what is soft about waiting for my man? that grinding jangling guitar, the lyrics about being a hurtin junkie? or black angels death song. soft? its fuckin atonal, how is it soft?!?! and there she goes again (y'bettter hit her!) comin out of flower power & the 60s, this atonal cold band were the mirror opposite of soft. venus in furs...u call that soft? its fuckin screeching with bondagey lyrics...like doped poetry. detached and brutal. and heroin, thats noise crescendo...how is this soft? all tommorows parties, its so fucking bleak and hopeless sounding. ur entitled to not like it but soft?!?!! that i do not see.

Haha I didn't mean soft lyrically :P Just sound wise. I guess I have never really listened to it, so I owe it another go.

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i've heard a very limited amount. one album where theres a song that keeps goin all in all ur just another brick in the wall and "momma will i be the president" etc and i didnt think much of it. then i heard this song yesterday called comfortably numb and it just felt like the most generic, boring, designed for highs corniest song i've EVER heard. their output from what limited amounts i've heard is just appallingly crap yet people (on here and off) laud them like they're the shit, whats with that, what am i missing?

You had never heard Another Brick In The Wall Pt2 and Confortably Numb before??? :blink::blink:

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i've heard a very limited amount. one album where theres a song that keeps goin all in all ur just another brick in the wall and "momma will i be the president" etc and i didnt think much of it. then i heard this song yesterday called comfortably numb and it just felt like the most generic, boring, designed for highs corniest song i've EVER heard. their output from what limited amounts i've heard is just appallingly crap yet people (on here and off) laud them like they're the shit, whats with that, what am i missing?

You had never heard Another Brick In The Wall Pt2 and Confortably Numb before??? :blink::blink:

the whole wall album i heard a coupla years back but comfortably numb i heard the other day and, now i think of it, i think it's about the worst song i've ever heard.

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i've heard a very limited amount. one album where theres a song that keeps goin all in all ur just another brick in the wall and "momma will i be the president" etc and i didnt think much of it. then i heard this song yesterday called comfortably numb and it just felt like the most generic, boring, designed for highs corniest song i've EVER heard. their output from what limited amounts i've heard is just appallingly crap yet people (on here and off) laud them like they're the shit, whats with that, what am i missing?

You had never heard Another Brick In The Wall Pt2 and Confortably Numb before??? :blink::blink:

the whole wall album i heard a coupla years back but comfortably numb i heard the other day and, now i think of it, i think it's about the worst song i've ever heard.

Wow, you really dislike the song so much? Come on, it can't be the WORST song you ever heard right.

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i've heard a very limited amount. one album where theres a song that keeps goin all in all ur just another brick in the wall and "momma will i be the president" etc and i didnt think much of it. then i heard this song yesterday called comfortably numb and it just felt like the most generic, boring, designed for highs corniest song i've EVER heard. their output from what limited amounts i've heard is just appallingly crap yet people (on here and off) laud them like they're the shit, whats with that, what am i missing?

You had never heard Another Brick In The Wall Pt2 and Confortably Numb before??? :blink::blink:

the whole wall album i heard a coupla years back but comfortably numb i heard the other day and, now i think of it, i think it's about the worst song i've ever heard.

Wow, you really dislike the song so much? Come on, it can't be the WORST song you ever heard right.

i am being serious yeah. i really dont wanna disrespect anyones taste here but that song is just SOOOOO insulting its unbelievable, lyrically it looks like it coulda been written by a 5 yr old. it sounds like a song designed specifically for people who are high so that they might think emptily groovy mystical thoughts when tweakin, its just utterly phoney or comes across that way for me. and its not even cleverly done like I Am The Walrus where the wordplay is put across well, its just cheap and generic sounding

Edited by frankwhite
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i've heard a very limited amount. one album where theres a song that keeps goin all in all ur just another brick in the wall and "momma will i be the president" etc and i didnt think much of it. then i heard this song yesterday called comfortably numb and it just felt like the most generic, boring, designed for highs corniest song i've EVER heard. their output from what limited amounts i've heard is just appallingly crap yet people (on here and off) laud them like they're the shit, whats with that, what am i missing?

You had never heard Another Brick In The Wall Pt2 and Confortably Numb before??? :blink::blink:

the whole wall album i heard a coupla years back but comfortably numb i heard the other day and, now i think of it, i think it's about the worst song i've ever heard.

Wow, you really dislike the song so much? Come on, it can't be the WORST song you ever heard right.

i am being serious yeah. i really dont wanna disrespect anyones taste here but that song is just SOOOOO insulting its unbelievable, lyrically it looks like it coulda been written by a 5 yr old. it sounds like a song designed specifically for people who are high so that they might think emptily groovy mystical thoughts when tweakin, its just utterly phoney or comes across that way for me. and its not even cleverly done like I Am The Walrus where the wordplay is put across well, its just cheap and generic sounding

Comfortably numb is an amazing song. I am now stupider for having read your post.

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i've heard a very limited amount. one album where theres a song that keeps goin all in all ur just another brick in the wall and "momma will i be the president" etc and i didnt think much of it. then i heard this song yesterday called comfortably numb and it just felt like the most generic, boring, designed for highs corniest song i've EVER heard. their output from what limited amounts i've heard is just appallingly crap yet people (on here and off) laud them like they're the shit, whats with that, what am i missing?

You had never heard Another Brick In The Wall Pt2 and Confortably Numb before??? :blink::blink:

the whole wall album i heard a coupla years back but comfortably numb i heard the other day and, now i think of it, i think it's about the worst song i've ever heard.

Wow, you really dislike the song so much? Come on, it can't be the WORST song you ever heard right.

i am being serious yeah. i really dont wanna disrespect anyones taste here but that song is just SOOOOO insulting its unbelievable, lyrically it looks like it coulda been written by a 5 yr old. it sounds like a song designed specifically for people who are high so that they might think emptily groovy mystical thoughts when tweakin, its just utterly phoney or comes across that way for me. and its not even cleverly done like I Am The Walrus where the wordplay is put across well, its just cheap and generic sounding

Comfortably numb is an amazing song. I am now stupider for having read your post.

instead of just making offhand comments, why not actually say something to back up ur statement, like i did. cuz otherwise ur talkin shit.

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instead of just making offhand comments, why not actually say something to back up ur statement, like i did. cuz otherwise ur talkin shit.

No shit-talkin

Just wanted to be brief

You claim Comfortably Numb sounds like it was written by a 5 year old

Not much else left to say after a statement like that

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instead of just making offhand comments, why not actually say something to back up ur statement, like i did. cuz otherwise ur talkin shit.

No shit-talkin

Just wanted to be brief

You claim Comfortably Numb sounds like it was written by a 5 year old

Not much else left to say after a statement like that

yeah, and i believe that...listen to the lyrics, its just dumbass pothead posturing that only sounds like it means something when ur high, listen to it, its just plain insulting, they're like run of the mill generic word play thats like...suited to stonedness, doesnt come across as meaning much at all. its not even clever imagery its just so mundane.


Is there anybody in there?

Just nod if you can hear me.

Is there anyone home?

ooooh, groovy, tryna tap into my conciousness there? try usin a sledgehammer. i dont mind songs that like...feel like they mean something when ur high but...dont when its done on purpose or done on purpose SOOOO badly that its just...obvious. they're like....stock stoner wordplays designed to feel like they mean somethin after 20 minutes and and some LSD, its just sooo awful.

There is no pain, woah, that ones never been used before has it? fuck me, they're really trying here huh?

A distant ships smoke on the horizon.

You are only coming through in waves

*gasp* ships, waves?!?! ohmigod, are u like, a poet? WOAH DUDE!!

Your lips move but I cant hear what youre sayin

hm, again, generic, i can show u a MILLION songs where that has been said it a round about way. thats kinda close to "everybodys talkin at me, but i dont hear a word they're sayin, only the echoes of my mind". its just appalling that anyone should not see thru this for the lameity that it is...

"When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse,

Out of the corner of my eye.

I turned to look but it was gone.

I cannot put my finger on it now.

The child is grown, the dream is gone"

this, again, has been rephrased time and time and TIME again in rock n roll, it really has and its makes my teeth itch. lameass "the loss of innocence" riff.

even the title, comfortably numb, its just a fucking drug thing, silly little phrase that doesnt really have a lot of lyrical or poetic merit, its not smart or anything. i would normally mind, its just the fact that this band is like, lauded as some big thing when...c'mon, if thats the best u can do then pfft, y'know? then again, each to his own y'know, u dig it, good for you, im just explaining why i dont.

Edited by frankwhite
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I admit, those lyrics are pretty basic. However, I do believe that Roger Waters is a great song writer, just look at these lyrics:

Overhead the albatross hangs motionless upon the air

And deep beneath the rolling waves in labyrinths of coral caves

The echo of a distant tide

Comes willowing across the sand

And everything is green and submarine

And no one showed us to the land

And no one knows the wheres or whys

But something stirs and

Something tries

And starts to climb towards the light

Strangers passing in the street

By chance two separate glances meet

And I am you and what I see is me

And do I take you by the hand

And lead you through the land

And help me understand the best I can

And no one calls us to move on

And no one forces down our eyes

And no one speaks

And no one tries

And no one flies around the sun

Cloudless every day you fall

Upon my waking eyes

Inviting and inciting me to rise

And through the window in the wall

Comes streamin in on sunlight wings

A million bright ambassadors of morning

And no one sings me lullabies

And no one makes me close my eyes

So I throw the windows wide

And call to you across the sky.

I think Floyd are a great band to listen to when you're just chilling out.

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instead of just making offhand comments, why not actually say something to back up ur statement, like i did. cuz otherwise ur talkin shit.

No shit-talkin

Just wanted to be brief

You claim Comfortably Numb sounds like it was written by a 5 year old

Not much else left to say after a statement like that

yeah, and i believe that...listen to the lyrics, its just dumbass pothead posturing that only sounds like it means something when ur high, listen to it, its just plain insulting, they're like run of the mill generic word play thats like...suited to stonedness, doesnt come across as meaning much at all. its not even clever imagery its just so mundane.


Is there anybody in there?

Just nod if you can hear me.

Is there anyone home?

ooooh, groovy, tryna tap into my conciousness there? try usin a sledgehammer. i dont mind songs that like...feel like they mean something when ur high but...dont when its done on purpose or done on purpose SOOOO badly that its just...obvious. they're like....stock stoner wordplays designed to feel like they mean somethin after 20 minutes and and some LSD, its just sooo awful.

There is no pain, woah, that ones never been used before has it? fuck me, they're really trying here huh?

A distant ships smoke on the horizon.

You are only coming through in waves

*gasp* ships, waves?!?! ohmigod, are u like, a poet? WOAH DUDE!!

Your lips move but I cant hear what youre sayin

hm, again, generic, i can show u a MILLION songs where that has been said it a round about way. thats kinda close to "everybodys talkin at me, but i dont hear a word they're sayin, only the echoes of my mind". its just appalling that anyone should not see thru this for the lameity that it is...

"When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse,

Out of the corner of my eye.

I turned to look but it was gone.

I cannot put my finger on it now.

The child is grown, the dream is gone"

this, again, has been rephrased time and time and TIME again in rock n roll, it really has and its makes my teeth itch. lameass "the loss of innocence" riff.

even the title, comfortably numb, its just a fucking drug thing, silly little phrase that doesnt really have a lot of lyrical or poetic merit, its not smart or anything. i would normally mind, its just the fact that this band is like, lauded as some big thing when...c'mon, if thats the best u can do then pfft, y'know? then again, each to his own y'know, u dig it, good for you, im just explaining why i dont.

Sorry they don't meet up to your high intellectual standards and all, but are you for real?

You can take just about any lyrics , post them here and make fun of them, I would think.

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instead of just making offhand comments, why not actually say something to back up ur statement, like i did. cuz otherwise ur talkin shit.

No shit-talkin

Just wanted to be brief

You claim Comfortably Numb sounds like it was written by a 5 year old

Not much else left to say after a statement like that

yeah, and i believe that...listen to the lyrics, its just dumbass pothead posturing that only sounds like it means something when ur high, listen to it, its just plain insulting, they're like run of the mill generic word play thats like...suited to stonedness, doesnt come across as meaning much at all. its not even clever imagery its just so mundane.


Is there anybody in there?

Just nod if you can hear me.

Is there anyone home?

ooooh, groovy, tryna tap into my conciousness there? try usin a sledgehammer. i dont mind songs that like...feel like they mean something when ur high but...dont when its done on purpose or done on purpose SOOOO badly that its just...obvious. they're like....stock stoner wordplays designed to feel like they mean somethin after 20 minutes and and some LSD, its just sooo awful.

There is no pain, woah, that ones never been used before has it? fuck me, they're really trying here huh?

A distant ships smoke on the horizon.

You are only coming through in waves

*gasp* ships, waves?!?! ohmigod, are u like, a poet? WOAH DUDE!!

Your lips move but I cant hear what youre sayin

hm, again, generic, i can show u a MILLION songs where that has been said it a round about way. thats kinda close to "everybodys talkin at me, but i dont hear a word they're sayin, only the echoes of my mind". its just appalling that anyone should not see thru this for the lameity that it is...

"When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse,

Out of the corner of my eye.

I turned to look but it was gone.

I cannot put my finger on it now.

The child is grown, the dream is gone"

this, again, has been rephrased time and time and TIME again in rock n roll, it really has and its makes my teeth itch. lameass "the loss of innocence" riff.

even the title, comfortably numb, its just a fucking drug thing, silly little phrase that doesnt really have a lot of lyrical or poetic merit, its not smart or anything. i would normally mind, its just the fact that this band is like, lauded as some big thing when...c'mon, if thats the best u can do then pfft, y'know? then again, each to his own y'know, u dig it, good for you, im just explaining why i dont.

Sorry they don't meet up to your high intellectual standards and all, but are you for real?

You can take just about any lyrics , post them here and make fun of them, I would think.

its not a high intellectual standard to not wannabe spoonfed the same bland shit over n over. a lot of punks rag on em, sure, but then i'm into like...guns n roses and the beatles and they're like...punk anathema y'know? i dont even mind (in fact i quite like) a lotta music that is just out n out goofy and stupid so its not like this big intelligensia thing, im into GG Allin for godssake, its like...at least they're honest y'know? honest and earnest and thats how i like my music and it just shows (in regards to my analysis of comfortably numb) this horrible complacency and its indicative of why music was in such a fucked up state in the 70s and why punk was even born at all. (although punk became its own kinda complacency later on) but...i think the whole Floyd era was like...the drop off point y'know, where rock n roll stopped n looked at itself and realised that the king didnt have any clothes. i listen to bands where the lyrics sometimes are utterly non-sensical but...there hasta be something to it, a flair, an imagination, somethin different...if Floyds stuff is honestly all like comfortably numb then they just aint my cup of coffee. like, ok, theres a song by the ramones, im sure u've heard it, i dont wanna go down to the basement and the lyrics are like...theres nothin to em, its just "hey daddio, i dont wanna go down to the basement, theres somethin down there, i dont wanna go" and thats it, thats all of em but...theres something to em y'know? its basic, its reductive to basic emotions, the kinda things u feel as a child y'know and im almost positive (although how would i know?) that that shit werent on purpose and thats hardly "intelligent" lyrics in the typical sense of the word, in fact people thought the ramones were fuckin retards. having said all of this shit though, im really just speaking in regards to that one wall album (which i heard once through and thought was terrible) and comfortably numb so my knowledge is very limited and is only as good as the limited expierience i have of floyd, maybe i'll love some of the other shit. i've always thought this and maintain to this day that 99.9% of rock lyrics are piss poor poetry, at best and its the music that matters most (lyrics obviously count for something) and the best kinda lyrics in rock are the ones that are vague and...evoke imagery as opposed to really overtly saying something because then the creativity belongs to the audience. this is why i think kurt cobain wrote such great fuckin lyrics. its a special kinda person that can write music AND decent lyrics and i think they're few and far between and a LOTTA lyrics just on paper come off as fuckin crap and only work when put to music as opposed to somethin say, Sylvia Plath wrote which is just...striking y'know, even just on paper. there are exceptions though so there ya, a little in defence of Floyd too but my opinion stands and i think i have good reason for it and, aside from all of that the only thing anyones really said in defence of Floyd here is "they're good for relaxing". cool but...y'know.

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