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Posts posted by RNRS

  1. There is a reason why Axl_morris only has two stars in his profile.

    I'm not saying stars are everything in life but it does give an accurate rating how others feel about you.

    If someone rates you as a person they must be pretty desperate to get their feelings across.

  2. I actually like this place a lot more nowadays than before. The endless topics about what songs Guns N Roses should play at the VMA's of 2015 are just as ridiculous as the one's about Axl and Kurt. The latter ones are a lot more fun though.

  3. Would you agree it would only be fair for you to let us know about your experience working in the music and radio industries, since you claim to be well versed in what determines airplay?

    CD's singles could have been Axl playing a flute and UMG would have still had enough juice to get them a few weeks of airplay.

    My personal life and experiences don't have much to do in regards to my knowledge as to what determines airplay. Magazines like Billboard have run articles on how record companies buy up airspace for the stuff they want to promote, and although there's no radio station that'll ever admit playing what they've been told to play it's a well known thing among that part of the business, hence Axl complaining about the lack of support from the record company. It's only the really small radio stations that can dictate their own airplay, but even those will cater to their audiences by playing what their audiences want, which leads back to the massive requesting for Chinese Democracy.

    UMG however had good reasons not to invest money whatsoever on a promo campaign for Chinese Democracy as Axl was completely unavailable for any promo work from the moment he actually handed in the album. UMG not investing money also meant no investing in airspace, hence the single needing to rely on fan demand, something Universal hoped would be strong and this worked. The problem however was, like I said before, that there was only a specific audience who requested the song. The singles were never picked up by the audiences Universal hoped for, this showing itself in the Billboard Hot 100, which in the end is the only chart artists and people in the business refer to after a few years. Universal could've given any song from Chinese Democracy enough funding to get played thousands of times and therefore making it to the top of the charts but they chose not to as audiences never picked up on the songs from the beginning when the novelty already wore off once they'd reached the tops of the US Rock charts.

    When listening to Chinese Democracy it's quite clear that there isn't a single song on there that could have become a hit. There's catchy elements here and there like the hook in Better, but there's no song that's catchy as a whole, hence me saying Axl being incapable of writing a hit. This is not a dig at the quality of the songs, Estranged is a good song as well but was never a hit either. If Axl however couldn't get it together after 14 years, certainly Ashba isn't going to get him anywhere either.

  4. anybody know what planet this guy is living on?

    he seems to be under the impression that fan requests are determining what's getting played on mainstream radio in the US?!?

    i assume you'll be looking forward to santa claus later in the year as well?

    Actually, yes. Considering how there was a major buzz going on back then radio stations were heavily influenced by what people wanted to hear in regards to Chinese Democracy. However, if by your theory radio stations do not take into account what it's audience wants to hear, and the album had no backing from anyone, why was it played as often on radio as it was? A song can only become a hit once audiences start to request it more often. If a radio receives no input from it's audience in regards to a song the song is dropped from the playlist. Again, common sense.

    But once again, if you need to hide yourself behind derogatory comments to divert attention from your own words this only indicates that you've not got much to say to begin with. You're starting to sound like a tape look stuck in your own own dated cassette player, incapable of recording and therefore taking in information, and only capable of playing whatever information they put on you years ago.

  5. We're a few posts further and you still haven't given me examples of hits coming from Chinese Democracy

    the album had two top five hits. this has been covered in numerous recent threads. if you are not aware of this, perhaps you should educate yourself more on the subjects you choose to speak so flippantly about.

    Yeah, two top 5 hits. In the US Rock charts.

    Those charts were developed to showcase what songs were most played on modern rock radio as rock radio had started to become a big thing of itself. Again, those positions indicate that both songs were massively requested by fans who had already made up their mind in regards to wanting to hear the stuff, simply due to the enormous anticipation for Chinese Democracy among rock radio fans. The thing is though, an audience of GnR fans does not consist of rock radio fans, it's audience is the same audience that bought the Greatest Hits record. In order to have a hit song you have to be able to draw in all sorts of audience. And that's why Sweet Child, Paradise City, November Rain are considered hit songs, and nothing of Chinese Democracy will ever be considered a hit song, no matter how high they charted in the US Rock charts.

    When, however, looking at the real definition of a hit, as in a song that is popular under the audience that it's made for it both songs fell flat on their face. No one releases albums just for a selected audience, especially not Axl Rose, who wants his stuff to be succesful and wants appreciation and acknowledgement from the people he plays and records for. The first single barely cracked the top 40 in the Billboard Hot 100 and the second was in and out of that chart in no time. Once all anticipatoin was gone and a third single was released it went nowhere. No one requested the song on Rock Radio. You tell me, how is Street Of Dreams less commercially attractive than Chinese Democracy?

    Now let's look at it from a global scale. And since GnR's fanbase is a lot bigger outside of America, and the money is outside of America. There's no hit songs, the first single didn't chart despite it being promoted on radio here. It's therefore safe to say that Chinese Democracy did not spawn any hits, just by using common sense and the sheer logic of using facts to prove a point as opposed to twisting the facts in order to be able to prove a point when being confronted with the fact that common sense outrules your own definition of things.

  6. RNRS -

    You flat out said Axl can't write hits and nothing from Chinese was a hit.

    My point was that Chinese had two hits in the US.

    You were wrong.

    There is no personal vendetta involved. You've already admitted now that Chinese did have hits despite originally saying it didn't. You shifted your argument to complaining about how hits are compiled.

    Lazy lazy lazy posting.

    Actually, I never admitted that Chinese Democracy contained hit songs. I talked about the chart positions, therefore proving my point how the songs didn't go anywhere and therefore weren't any hits. Again, if all you take out of the things people post here are things to prove your points as opposed to taking in the counterpoints that prove how blatantly wrong you are you will always be right in your own little world.

    We're a few posts further and you still haven't given me examples of hits coming from Chinese Democracy. A song charting in the Billboard Hot 100 does not automatically mean hit song, no one things of songs that have charted at 76 (Better) when thinking about hits. A hit is a song everyone has heard, everyone wants to hear in concert and unless you're completely delusional I doubt that many people have actually buy tickets for Guns N Roses live to hear songs like Better and Chinese Democracy, this proving itself by the massive lines at the bathrooms in America when the song gets played or just the look of utter boredom on people's faces when your so called hits gets played.

    You've been owned in this forum multiple times bitter ex-wrestler.

    Feel free to show an example of someone proving me wrong. Good luck.

    Now I'm not out here to own anyone and I'm not one of the biggest posters on this board, but as far as I'm concerned I've now proven you wrong three times in a row by going over the same thing several times due to you lacking examples that back up your story. Still, you've made it quite clear how you can't comprehend several things in here and have very different definitions of what a hit is compared to people that don't lack common sense, but you changing the definition of the word just so you can tell others how right you are doesn't actually mean you are right to begin with.

  7. Pay close attention guys. Classic amateur maneuvers here from RNRS.

    First he says: "Axl obviously can't write hits. It took him 14 years or whatever it was to finish Chinese Democracy and none of it turned into a hit."

    Then, when confronted with the fact that BOTH of his statements were 100% false, he then complains that it's not fair how the hits on the chart are determined.

    Lazy lazy lazy posting. When will it stop?

    Pay close attention guys. Classic amateur trolling from MSL.

    First he tries to make a point.

    Then, when confronted with the fact that his point doesn't make sense he changes it in a personal vendetta against the person who just made him look like a fool to divert attention from the fact that he's just a noob with an ego that's grown a little too big for his boots.

    If the initial points I made are too difficult for you to comprehend and all you took out of it was a complaint about the way charts are compiled, while I wasn't complaining to begin with, then just stop posting on a discussion board altogether. So far all you've done is try to make me come across as a fool yet you've not managed to actually defend your point of view by offering counterpoints. If you're not able to discuss things on a discussion board without making derogatory comments about the people that post there it leads me to believe you've not got much to say to begin with.

    Now try again.

  8. RNRS -

    chinese had two singles in the US, both of which were hits.

    and that was with very little cooperation from the label and NO cooperation from axl.

    you have no idea what you're talking about.

    Don't be silly. Chinese Democracy were heavily requested and therefore made it to the positions they did in the US as the Billboard charts are mostly compiled out of airplay. Outside of the US, where charts are compiled differently it barely charted once the hype wore off. Better didn't go anywhere and Street Of Dreams wasn't even played. And don't give me that nonsense of the record company not backing it up, if a song is good enough it manages to chart just by itself. You're A Lie by Slash (not to compete but just to stay in familiar territories) cracked the top 20 by the same lack of promotion. Where Axl had the benefit of having a large name backing him up and people either being curious or just expecting more greatness from GnR only few people really know what Slash solo means.

    So yeah, before you start to tell people they've got no idea what you're talking about I'd say look into the information you're spouting off a bit first before posting more nonsense.

  9. Honestly, who knows. Who knows if even Axl can still write hits? Just because someone has been able to write hits before is no guarantee they'll be able to write hits going forward. Look at Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Chris Cornell, Bono, etc. I've always viewed musicians much like athletes, they have their prime years followed by a fading of their talents.



    Axl obviously can't write hits. It took him 14 years or whatever it was to finish Chinese Democracy and none of it turned into a hit. If he can't get it together 14 years with the help of virtually anyone who was popular over the time the album was recorded someone like Ashba won't push him into the right direction now.

  10. No surprise there. Horrible shit always goes #1 these days. Join Justin Beiber and Kesha, Smash. Welcome to the club you sellout fuck.

    Yeah, the whole reason why Chinese Democracy songs didn't chart was because their quality was simply too good for radio.

    That said, it'd be quite something of Keisha or Justin Bieber would make it to number 1 on Active Rock Radio.

  11. I was at that gig in bamberg and Anastasia was really incredible that night :)

    Slash more or less destroyed Mötley Crüe that night, who played after him but were more or less ignored by the crowd *g*

    I don't think that Mötley Crüe know that Slash is a lot more popular in Europe than they are.

  12. As much as I love Anastasia, Double Talkin' Jive is fuckin' epic (better drum work, better bass work and slightly better guitar work). The fact that a 3:23 studio song evolved to that monster is just plain amazing.

    No it isn't, it's just a jam, the entire song is build around about 6 lines of lyrics, the rest is all jamming. Anastasia is a full song with a start, a middle and and end that has a solo that's actually well constructed unlike all the endless jams of Slash during the UYI tour.

    Huh? You may want to consider the live intro as a jam (more so the 1993 version) but the version performed live is still the same song with a nice and extended outro. I don't really get what you're saying about the "endless jam". Anyways, opinions are opinions and I appreciate that.

    I'm sorry, I don't think I was clear enough. What I meant with endless jam was Slash did a few of those on the UYI tour, namely this one and his own guitar solo that just seemed to go on and on. What you see as an extended outro is in essence just another jam added to the song. The core of the song is a verse and a chorus, the rest is just jamming, both in the studio and when played live. You're comparing it to Anastasia, but Anastasia is a full song with a guitar solo that was composed before it was recorded, where as Double Talkin' Jive is just one long jam, hence me saying that it's not really that amazing that it can turn into such a monster.

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