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Posts posted by RNRS

  1. I actually enjoy the rants. I enjoy them because it is like living vicariously through him. There are many times that I would love to flip someone off. There have been plenty of times I wanted to go on an obscenity laced tirade aimed at the person who has been pissing me off. There have been times I wanted to tell a manager, a supervisor, a director to go fuck themselves. Once or twice, I've done all these things. Most of the time, I am your average, upstanding citizen who just grinds her teeth and bites her tongue and seeths silently. The part of me that is still 21 years old, 10 feet tall, and bulletproof LOVES every second of these rants because my inner rocker roars with delight at the prospect of some poor dipshit who had the bad luck to draw Axl's ire. Yes, I'm sure many instances were of his own making, but he is unapologetically honest. He lays it out there for the world to see, in all his furious glory and I, in my suburban home, with my "normal" family, my Monday-Friday job, and my repressed wild side, bask in the ferocity of all the things that he is free to say, shout, or shriek in front of tens of thousands of people. Oh, to be so free.

    The thing is that he "lays it out there" when the other party can't really respond. He's ranting when he's relatively safe, which differs a lot from the average Joe ranting to his manager.

  2. I know that in my heart of hearts Guns N' Roses/Sweet Child O' Mine's in Eb, tuned half a step down from E, or is it?

    I've found that moving a whole fret up (how one achieve's the transition from Eb to E) gets me playing Sweet Child O' Mine... It's like I know the song, what I knew was okay, move it up a fret and I'm playing it...

    Or maybe it was just a backing track in E instead of Eb?

    I forget right now but I was wondering about this last week.

    A lot of backing tracks are in E.

    All GNR albums are recorded in Eb except some tunes on CD that are E standard.

    Some CD tunes are tuned down to B also. Such as Shackler's, ITW, and Scraped. And Better is C#

    Yeah. Wonder why they make it so complicated!! I guess it don't matter when you own a gazillion guitars tuned differently.

    With the amount of work done on Chinese Democracy it wouldn't surprise me if half of it was recorded in a completely different key and then changed to a different tuning altogether when mixing it. Same goes for Axl's vocals. They might all have been recorded 3 steps down and then tuned up on a computer. Who the fuck knows with that record.

  3. Why the fuck would he want to live on a turd world country? There's a good reason for a lot of people here in SA trying to reach first world countries. Life is actually not a tropical paradise here.

    It's not a tropical paradise in the U.S.A. either, it's mostly Americans thinking America is such a great place to live, while it's only really great if you've got a lot of money to spend and can afford all the things your average Joe can't. If you've got loads of cash, why not live in a place you seem to be most fond of?

  4. Still haven't bought it. Have downloaded it, obviously, but never played it all the way through. Think there's a few bright spots on the album but most of it is just not my cup of tea and has not much to do with the GnR I grew up with.

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