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Posts posted by fabrph5

  1. I am starting to believe only Duff is joining GNR (of the original lineup) and Slash is nowhere close being part of it.

    I think that would be a HUGE let down at this point. Duff has already performed with the fill ins. Its needs to be Axl, Duff and slash at the min. Most people don't accept this new version because slash is/was one of the main reasons of their success. if they cant pull it off, forget it. Its sad watching motley crue giving their fans a goodbye show and hearing them say they started and finished together.

  2. Jesus, this whole thing is like a scene out of Monty Python's Life of Brian....

    Brian: I'm not the Messiah!

    Follower: Only the true Messiah denies his own divinity!

    Brian: Fine. I AM the Messiah.

    Crowd: HE IS THE MESSIAH!!!!!

    Seriously. Silence? They're deliberately not responding! Reunion is happening! Announce other plans? Smokescreen, reunion is happening! I bet they could issue a press release that the reunion will never happen and people would still say it isn't true. Fuck, I bet one of them could die and we'd get posters saying "He faked his death to make the eventual reunion announcement that much better!"


    You. Don't. Know. Shit. We don't know. How can you know it's not happening? and why haven't they issued a press release denying it? or even a fuckin' "tweet"? Facebook post?

    It's been months. No one is denying shit. Something could be in the works.

    I agree, there are a few people on here that state things as facts "its not happening" unless your name is Axl Rose or Slash, you are just giving ANOTHER opinion based on nothing except wanting attention

  3. Sorry I'm not as excited as some people about seeing two musicians past their prime play songs they made famous 30 years ago. I don't need to see Axl/Slash team up on Mr Brownstone for the 327th time.

    Personally, and I'm not saying this applies to you, but I don't know how anyone that saw NuGuns since 2000 could possibly say that about a reunion. There are no doubt people saying "I'm not interested. They are over the hill" that then saw NuGuns upwards of 5 or more times in the last 15 years. That to me is inexplicable. Why you'd settle for that, but then say there's nothing good to come of a reunion. Its something people haven't seen in over 20 years, and its basically setlist-wise the exact same thing as NuGuns, except its the original guys playing the material.

    Exactly this. It's tough and just crazy to assume you know exactly what everybody else is thinking, however I agree that if the same material is going to get played over and over, I'd rather have the guys who wrote and recorded the material as their own perform it. Kind of like a "lesser of two evils" situation...

    As far as them being "over the hill", I think without question that statement above all, not that you're saying it, but the band will have to prove that they can still hang with the best of them. There will certainly be pressure to sound good, and a lot of pressure will certainly be on Axl. I hope that it doesn't lead to too many late starts, that's what I'm worried about the most. Because at that point thins are probably flying off the handle... We'll see

    Totally agree. Most sane people feel this way as well. it would be different if nugnr did something and released and toured new music. But why would I want to go see a cover band playing gnr hits? If I am going to see a nostalgia show, give me the people responsible for the music.

    • Like 1
  4. If u dont like Slash then u dont like Guns N Roses. If Slash was never there to help write the classic songs and propel GNR to stardom then there would be no Guns N Roses for Axl to record Chinese Democracy to release under said name in the first place. Its really not that hard to comprehend, personal preferences aside.

    This statement basically sums it all up. People act like this nugnr is why the name is popular. SLASH was a huge part of the glory days. To say you dislike him, means you really don't like the band. ALL the other ones after him were just people filling in for him.

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  5. A reunion doesn't make sense. Axl doesn't like old Guns music anymore. And Slash thought CD was "okay." And even if it was good/he liked it, who gives a fuck about Slash playing CD?

    Really cause AFD and UYIs songs are 80+% percent of a NUGnR show....

    A reunion doesn't make sense. Axl doesn't like old Guns music anymore. And Slash thought CD was "okay." And even if it was good/he liked it, who gives a fuck about Slash playing CD?

    This is a joke right? Have you ever been to a nugnr concert? They play mostly the OLD stuff with a few songs from CD. And if a bunch of B players can cover slashs music on the HITS that made the name, Slash can sure play, probably better, the few songs of CD that they may play. This experiment is over. It never caught on, and really did not produce anything that great.

    Faulty assumptive logic. Let me know if you want me to explain why you're wrong.

    PS: I'm a huge Slash fan.

    A reunion doesn't make sense. Axl doesn't like old Guns music anymore. And Slash thought CD was "okay." And even if it was good/he liked it, who gives a fuck about Slash playing CD?

    This is a joke right? Have you ever been to a nugnr concert? They play mostly the OLD stuff with a few songs from CD. And if a bunch of B players can cover slashs music on the HITS that made the name, Slash can sure play, probably better, the few songs of CD that they may play. This experiment is over. It never caught on, and really did not produce anything that great.


    Chill. I have seen NuGNR unfortunately.

    I'm pretty sure Axl has said quite a few times he has no interest in hard rock music/old GNR. I don't care to pull sources, but I'm fairly certain I'm not making this up.

    He may SAY lots of things, but his ACTIONS at the multiple nugnr concerts I have attended and followed say other wise

  6. A reunion doesn't make sense. Axl doesn't like old Guns music anymore. And Slash thought CD was "okay." And even if it was good/he liked it, who gives a fuck about Slash playing CD?

    This is a joke right? Have you ever been to a nugnr concert? They play mostly the OLD stuff with a few songs from CD. And if a bunch of B players can cover slashs music on the HITS that made the name, Slash can sure play, probably better, the few songs of CD that they may play. This experiment is over. It never caught on, and really did not produce anything that great.

  7. At this point in the GNR mess, this would really be the only thing that could save the name. At the end of the day, most fans of the music that made this name popular would prefer to see the real band together one last time. Really, another tour at the end of this year with this new band singing the same old show??????? No point!!! Might as well be the guys who are responsible for that music playing it. The new direction axl kept lying to us about, is a failure. Why?, because their is nothing new about 90% of the show being old songs. Where is all this music?

  8. What does this have to do with the subject?

    The way this thread is taking is just ridiculous ... no one gives a shit about this guy (whoever he is) ... and is hilarious to see some people giving him credit just because e said some shit about GN'R or Axl ...

    "whoever he is"? please, you must be about 10 years old then? Newsflash :Axl is about 1/20 away from being just as relevant . Twisted sister was HUGE in their day. Everytime another band may not like what Axl has done (ruined the gnr name) that band gets slammed with the same old BS


    They stink

    what have they done?

    what has axl done since UYI??? NOTHING! tours the old music with people that no one knows or cares about. I know for a fact that more people know who Dee is than know who ashba, bumble or some fool wearing a bucket

  9. "The practice of billing post-peak players as ‘of’ or ‘from’ a famous group is misleading to the public. There are guys today who are in Guns N’ Roses? Dude, you’re not in Guns N’ Roses. You’re playing with Axl Rose. … I’m sorry, man. I’m sorry. If you’re hired to play in a band after their heyday, I don’t care if you played with them for three decades. You’re a paid sideman. You’re on salary. You’re not a band member. None of these guys are band members

    There is NO ONE that can argue this point. Its 100% dead on.. I don't care if this new "band" sticks together 50 more years. They are nothing more than a cover band, living off the success of the name and hit songs that they have NOTHING to do with. Adding a "new" song from UYI, is adding another cover song. There are tons of cover bands playing GNR songs every night. The only difference is this one has Axl as the singer.

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  10. I love how people say things like that about ac/dc, etc. The only difference is they release good songs that sound like ac/dc. and they stay relevant doing so. Axl should have stayed with what most fans like about gnr, ROCK and ROLL. this new direction obviously didn't work. no radio paly, and the tour is 90% old stuff EVERY time. People fell in love with the old band and that was a successful formula. Ac/dc fans want ac/dc music. Most gnr fans want gnr music. pretty simple

  11. Of course looking at it today, that would be your opinion. Music videos are no big deal anymore. BACK THEN, going big was what it was about. Look at November rain, Thriller, etc. That was the thing to do back then. GNR were doing it right in the 80s and 90s. That is why they were huge and people wanted to see them.

  12. This subject is awful.... if you rock out to gnr songs prior to chinese democracy... why would you prefer anybody playing them over the people that created them

    when Better come's on.... i want to hear robin and bucket play it... etc

    end of story

    EXACTLY!!!! All the big hits have nothing to do with this band. When they become more than a cover band, then this would be a fair question

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