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Posts posted by fabrph5

  1. And just like moths to a flame, all the people living in the past come out in droves to discredit Dizzy, insult him, and talk shit. Axl owns them all. Haha.

    but yet this NEW version of the band plays 85-90% of songs FROM THE PAST which really have no connection to this version exept for Axl? HMMMMMM

  2. Yeah Rob from Metallica was great on Kill Em All and Chris Broderick from Megadeth was amazing on Rust in Peace.

    Oh let's not forget Wiliam Duvall sounded great on the Rooster recording.

    I also like John Corabi on Dr. Feelgood, great album!

    Metallica is 3/4 original. The two most important members of the band are still there.

    Megadeth is basically Mustaine's solo thing. He writes pretty much all riffs in the music.

    and so on...

    You have used this same dumb argument lots of times.

    nuGNR except Axl has nothing to do with the glory days of the band or their recordings.

    You failed...

    great point. I hate reading headlines like "gnr are back, one of the greatest bands, ....." No, Axl is back with new guys who have contributed NOTHING to making the name big. The drummer could quit tomorrow, and be replaced by anyone. Same with the guitar players, there are tons of people who can play SCOM note for note, Doesnt make them gnr

  3. I wonder how much influence Guns had over this... If Guns actually signed off on having the Greatest Hits album on the poster then that is extremely disappointing.

    why? This tour is exactly that. The classics mixed in with a few Chinese D songs. Its funny, 1st it was annoying that nugnr werent touring, now its annoying that they wont stop :-)

  4. do you know if Axl sleeps on the right or left side of the bed?

    do you know if axl watches fooball?

    do you knwo if axl likes wintergreen toothpaste?

    do you know if axl likes dove soap?

    do you know if axl likes his steak med. rare?

    do you know if axl has a real or fake Christmas tree?

    some of you are like litle queer fan boys. If i were a mod on this board, i would close down every stupid think like these

  5. This is the problem with nuGNR. I mean you have to be a team player, play for the team and do not just jump from project to project ( I think that every band member has different porjects with other bands or solo) . Let me put this on the different words, Messi plays for Barcelona, he is busting his balls for this team he doesn't say ok I am playing for Barcelona but I can wait to play for Real in summer or for PSG in the winter breaks but count me in for Barcelona player.

    same thing is with nuGNR dont take it as a project just be Guns and nothing more, play for your team until they shoot you down, if every musician were doing music tas a project we should have one fkng band aid and no bands at all.......

    Dont use GNR for better CV......be GNR as familly member...

    was never a problem with real gnr. How can you blame anyone in this nugnr? musicians like to WRITE and RELEASE their own material. it might have been cool covering AFD and UYI for this long, but what is the next chapter? They cant expect to be in a "band" where all they do is cover other peoples music.

    How do you know it was never a problem with the original lineup? As far as I know, Axl and the others weren't too happy when Slash went to Lenny Kravitz with "Always on the Run". Besides, the original lineup didn't have other bands/projects running at the same time as GN'R was active (I don't count Slash's snakepit as formed in 93, when the tour ended and things were going downhill - and I suspect Axl wasn't too happy about the snakepit either).

    Nah, the original GN'R was all about GN'R. Just think about the 80s, fighting their way up (a family if you will).

    Doesn't work like that today when it's, if you look at it realistically, just a bunch of hired guys.

    i dont think they really cared that much about slash doing a song with Lenny. How many times did axl sing with other people? Free falling, sang with Bruce, a few of them sang with the stones, etc. They never had a "side " project or toured. The main focus was GNR

  6. This is the problem with nuGNR. I mean you have to be a team player, play for the team and do not just jump from project to project ( I think that every band member has different porjects with other bands or solo) . Let me put this on the different words, Messi plays for Barcelona, he is busting his balls for this team he doesn't say ok I am playing for Barcelona but I can wait to play for Real in summer or for PSG in the winter breaks but count me in for Barcelona player.

    same thing is with nuGNR dont take it as a project just be Guns and nothing more, play for your team until they shoot you down, if every musician were doing music tas a project we should have one fkng band aid and no bands at all.......

    Dont use GNR for better CV......be GNR as familly member...

    was never a problem with real gnr. How can you blame anyone in this nugnr? musicians like to WRITE and RELEASE their own material. it might have been cool covering AFD and UYI for this long, but what is the next chapter? They cant expect to be in a "band" where all they do is cover other peoples music.

  7. I think some may consider it a flop is how the entire process went down. When UYI came out, the hype was big, the wait was long, but it sold like crazt day one. Their was the video for YCBM, all sorts of songs were played on the radeo, etc. It didnt hurt that they were probably the biggest band at that time either. Even the SI album saw 2 songs (it aint fun, and hair of the dog) get radio play. Hair of the dog is still played today more than any "hit" from CD. When CD came out, only die hard Axl lovers, and us old timers who just wanted to hear some Axl coudnt wait. It my mind, it would do very well and make the new band popular. It kind of came and went with no major fan fare. I see the numbers of albums sold, etc, but most of them counted because best buy bought them. A few songs got radio play for a few months, but its back to the original songs from the original band. Even Axl still relies on the songs from his old band while touring. Sure, most of us on these boards love CD, but most outside the die hards dont. It was like people waited for ever to hear it, then were like, ok, lets hear PC,, and SCOM, those are gnr songs. there will never be a day 20 years from now, that TWAT is heard playing at a sports game, etc. So, the long winded answer is: for a few die hards that would have bought an album for happy birthday sand 12 differnent ways (me included), CD was great. But in the real world, it was mediocre at best

  8. + without Slash, I'd rather they left it alone, buried.

    Pretty sure that Smash doesn't play on it in the first place. What does he have to do with anything?

    You are joking correct? All those songs off the unwanted illusisions cd is the OLD band. This nugnr needs to start standing on their own. write something NEW! If the old band was still together, then yea, re-work alot of the unrelased material that THEY wrote. Time to stop touting old music and lets hear this new direction we kepthearing about when the band broke up in the 1st place. And before anyone types it, i will save you the time. By the "old" band, i mean the people responsible for AFD, LIES and UYI. I dont care about anyone BEFORE that album came out. They have nothing to do with the success of gnr.

  9. these songs are 15 years old. OMG is decent, but SW sucks. Lets hear NEW music. Why keep re-hasjing old stuff. I want to hear what THIS band can do. We alrerady know they cover the old materila really well, but why keep bringing up old music? Maybe they should play too much too soon and just another Sunday as well?

  10. American hard rock band Guns N' Roses, behind international hits like November Rain, Don't Cry, and Catcher In The Rye

    1st How is the current band exactly behing NR and Don't Cry???

    2nd Since when is CITR an international hit?

    Shit article.

    1st: your argument makes no sense. this group of guys has no more to do with any of the hits than if i were to join as their drummer. And you know it! All the new guys do is cover someone elses music. When SCOM starts, any guiatarist can play it, but its slash who we all think of, since its his music

  11. So let's say the original lineup were still together. Don't you think the exact same UYI and AFD songs would be in the set as it is today? I doubt the setlist would look a whole lot different - and you would still be able to use the exact same argument as above.

    are you joking? The difference would be that those 'hits" would have been made by the people on stage playing them. As stated above, when the core band broke up, Axl just should have gone solo. he could have still palyed all the hits. All the examples above of other bands, still have MOST of the band together. The UYI band had a different drummer and some new members, but the core was still there. For years, we have heard axl say that he wanted to take the band in a new direction. Well? So far, the "new direction" was releasing an album that too WAY to long to release, sold pretty well, but was not really accepted by the general public, had no hit song on the radio, and endless touring of every place on earth playing old songs with new guys. Love him or not, you have to admit it, things did not really go as he sold it. You cant say they play most of "their" hits, because those hits have nothing to do with any of them. I know one thing, if there ever was a reunion, they wouldnt have to play one new song, and it would do better than any tour this new band has been on. So is he a has been? HELL NO! their will always be interest in him for what he was part of in the past. But honestly comparing what gnr was and what they are today? I think we all know the answer to that one.

  12. blah blah blah, its always the same onld excuses. Green day as a triple album coming out, i am stitting hear listening to the 1st one. Next one in nov, last in jan. Why can EVERY other band release and tour new music except nugnr? Probably because their isnt anything to release. That is the excuse that makes most sense. GNR are my favorite band, hope i am wrong, but new music hits stores every tuesday. Shouldnt be that hard for Axl

    Quite a few Artists are having numerous difficulties with the failing powers that be,You are approaching this with a negative attitude,and wanting a scapegoat to blame.

    GNR aren't your scapegoat,they don't owe you a thing.

    The benefit and Vegas residency is already scheduled,Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to be a fan of a ba nd that causes you such distress,tired of waiting? Don't wait anymore. :rolleyes:

    YES!!! another favorite line "they dont owe you anything". no kidding. no band or entertainer owes me, you or anyone anything. All i am saying is, if Axl really wanted to put out new music, he would. pretty simple!

  13. blah blah blah, its always the same onld excuses. Green day as a triple album coming out, i am stitting hear listening to the 1st one. Next one in nov, last in jan. Why can EVERY other band release and tour new music except nugnr? Probably because their isnt anything to release. That is the excuse that makes most sense. GNR are my favorite band, hope i am wrong, but new music hits stores every tuesday. Shouldnt be that hard for Axl

  14. Just goes to show how starved we are for anything new. Its actually pretty sad that a "supposed leak" for a song thats over 4 years old (or even older when you consider when the 1st leaks were heard) is generating 12 pages of thread. The song is good, but it wasnt that well received 4 years ago, who besides us die hards are really going to care?

  15. There's been a lot of talk about how this is another cash-grab, funding pension plans, no intention to release new music, don't care about the real fans, bla-bla-bla. But the reality is, with a multi-album contract obligation with the label, getting out of which virtually impossible, and at the same time a seemingly deadlock situation since the label won't fund any album release endeavors such as proper promotion, the band has to find a way to release the next album on its own shoulders and expense. Namely, collecting enough cash to fund a potential release pretty much on its own and at the same time keep paying current band members enough so they stick around, since every time someone leaves finding replacements is another nightmarish process, which it seems always loses a bit of credibility with the fans, label and tour promoters. Secondly, in order to be able to tour and promote a potential release properly, the band needs to build enough credibility with tour promoters by constantly touring and showing relevance, hard work and accountability, all of which this band has showed plenty in the last 1 year, not to mention amazing performances, wherever and whenever the opportunity arises, be it in arenas, clubs, casinos, or private parties.

    No one wants to retire at 50, and God forbid stop creating art - for an artist that's equivalent to a death sentence. And financially makes no sense either given how the last 20 years have gone in that department and how many people, starting from band members, to crew and others depend on that and need opportunities to make a living.

    the only problem i have is the credibility part. They can tour for the next 40 years playing AFD, and UYI songs, it will never make them "their" songs. There are tons of cover bands playing gnr songs every night. The only difference is they dont have Axl as the lead singer. You have to tour YOUR OWN work to be giving "credit" Until a CD is relased with one version of the band creating NEW music, this will be as good as it gets for nugnr.

  16. I see no correlation between an award show celebrating the accomplishments of a previous lineup and the current lineup.

    It's not really a current and previous lineup, it's Guns n' Roses and Axl's band. :shrugs:

    Whatever! One version made the name great and is known worldwide for CREATING a bunch of awseome music, while the other version is not really known, excpet for covering the others versions music. So until we can say the same about both, then yes, they are two VERY different bands

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