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Posts posted by fabrph5

  1. Guys, I am a HUGE gnr fan and have been since AFD was released. Yes, an older fan here. Stood in line to buy UYIs got to see them countless times in HUGE stadiums and really got to see the real band and know why they WERE so huge. I love all the blind support and excuses (I do it too) that we all make for the lack of anything solid from this line up. Not really sure what going on tour again to cover the same songs is really going to accomplish besides making this current line up more of a joke. I keep reading about "how other bands go on tour with no new music", but in reality, those bands have MOST of the members still with them. Then their are threads like this current one. Excuse after excuse about why no music. The bottom line and only answer? AXL DOES NOT WANT TO. Anyone listen to the radio? New music comes out weekly its pretty simple. Lets stop with the label, old band members, law suites, blah blah blah. When Axl broke up one of the greatest bands of all time, he said "I want to move in a different direction". We still have no idea what this means as all he does is tour old music that has nothing to do with nugnr. This current line up is talented, but we all ask for "new" songs to be played like OMG, silkworms and UYIs songs? those are 20 years old. where is the NEW music????

  2. Don't turn this into an Axl vs slash thread. Its fact that neither one of them have or will EVER be alone what they were as a team. Most people on this board, and most fans that grew up with the real band, still go see this new version. Its fun to hear Axl sing the old hits. But in reality, a reunion is what most fans want. It still baffles me, Axl kept saying he wanted to "take the band in a new direction", but all we get is a changing line up still covering the old bands music?

  3. I always thought that Sympathy for the Devil (and I know this is common perception) was the nail in the coffin for the old lineup. I've often wondered if Axl was sending Slash a message with that song. I always think of that line "what's my name" as a subtle (or not so subtle) way of saying I am the Rose in Guns N Roses- as if to say I started this thing, this is my band. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. Maybe not. On a side note- I actually loved that cover and never figured out why Slash thought it was so mediocre. I think it's far better than the original. That's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

    was in a bar this past weekend and an older guy played sympathy for the devil by gnr. It got a good reaction and one guy said he forgot gnr re-did it. The guy who played it tuned out to be an

    Anesthesiologist. He said it was one of the favorites the staff on the operating room played during surgery. cool story

  4. If Adler, Duff or Slash were musical geniuses then maybe it would be enticing. But really everyone is coasting off AFD which was kind of a fluke which they couldn't recreate.

    by everyone you mean Axl as well, correct. Don't believe me? go to a show, its all the old stuff over and over. If it wanst for that stuff, Chinese would not even matter. Where is this new direction?

  5. Even if he does consider it, I hope Axl never reunites the old band purely to spite the braying queens on this forum who's lives are so devoid of meaning that they'll never be satisfied until two people (who they've made their spiritual mommy and daddy) who hate each other give up on any kind of progress in life, suck moneys fat cock and heartlessly wank out a bunch of songs they made a billion years ago so the sad fools can pretend they are 23 again.

    so in your world, its ok for Axl to play the songs he wrote with those other guys (the real gnr cough, cough) a billion years ago over and over with people who have nothing to do with why gnr or those billion year old songs are so popular?? yea, this makes sense.

  6. 1. Sweet child o' mine

    2. Late 80's. Saw the video on TV and I remember thinking the opening riff was the greatest thing I'd ever heard. Those first few seconds of the song were enough for me to know that I was hearing something very special I'd always love. rock4

    THIS!!! was exactly the same for me. I heard WTTJ, and liked it but was in no hurry to buy album. Was watching MTV in the parents basement, they premiered the video for SCOM, and i remember thiinking it was the best music/lyrics i had ever heard. Still in my top 2 favorite songs ever. As soon as it was over, borrowed the moms car and bought the album. Yes, in those days you actually went and bought an album :-)

  7. stones sold out long time ago. went to see them live in 2007, left after an our and a half...

    "sold out" hahahha You dont even know what that means, its just cool to say. The stones (the original) band has been together forever. Not sure how they "sold out". If touring and releasing music with the same guys for 50 years is selling out, I wish Axk and the original would have as wel. GNR are my favirite band too, but lets talk real here. At one time, gnr (the original----axl, slash, duff, izzy, stepehn and maybe even Matt) were once being compared to the stones. a younger version. Its ashame they could not get their shit together and stay together. Mick did some solo stuff, but he always came back to the guys who made them popular

  8. I know exactly what I said...Original Gn'R to me and (99% of people out there) is the AFD lineup that produced the best debut rock album ever. UYI touring was still an acceptable lineup with Duff, Slash & Axl aboard, since they're 3 of the original 5 and both Axl and Slash were pretty obviously the 'duo' that most people associate with the band Gn'R. That and also the fact that Slash & Duff were actual band members having a say on what was going on with the band...one mustn't forget that little detail... After that it was just Axl's band still named Gn'R, or NuGn'R. :)


  9. Yes most definitely! The current lineup feels so much more like an ensemble and everybody seems to accentuate each other; the pre-2009 lineup felt so much more like everyone doing their own stuff:

    watching that is SO embarrassing to fans that got to see the classic line up. I dont care how good he can play, that does not belong in a gnr rock concert. I am glad he is gone

  10. Why sit down and write music when you have material from 2001-2008 that's out there.

    There is a point to this, especially considering the vast amounts of money, time and energy that went into those songs. And do we really think Axl would (or could) write like he use to? He seems to be enjoying himself nowadays and more content where with things are. Like many have commented on here before, he doesn't seem as hungry to prove himself or the band as he once was. For me, the band nowadays represents a soulless money making machine than a true artistic statement (hard to argue with this when 80-85 percent of recent setlists are either covers or material that really only Axl is wholly or partially responsible for). Would Axl really have the drive for another album or capable of pouring his whole self into anything that's written and produced after Chinese Democracy? Not quite sure but who on here really knows. All based on observations with where the band exists today.

    On the other hand, if the next album is monopolized by material that has Finck and Bumblefoot's fingerprints all over it, how enthused are Ron and DJ going to be to tour behind another album that neither had much to do with?

    I'm of the opinion that the next album (or any album) should have the best material regardless of author. So if Ron and DJ can come up with songs that are equal or better than what came before and can get Axl's best on them then it makes more sense to use newer material. Barring that, I think you go with the best songs you have to work with. If certain band members aren't happy about that, well, they can always write better songs (if they're able to).

    What a great post.

    That's how bands usually do it (from what I've read). They go to the studio. Some members bring in songs they've been working on. The band adds a few old songs that didn't make the last album (You Could Be Mine, Don't Cry, etc). In the studio, they work on the old songs, the new songs the band members brought, and then they also create new music while they are there. Midway through, the take those 20-30 songs and figure out the 15 best ones...........and they fine-tune and create their final product.

    Bring the remaining CD songs..............bring in the songs BBF and Ashba and Axl and the whomever else has written over the past couple years............and then have the band spend time together and create a few songs..............pick the best 15 songs from those three groups and put out an album. Then go tour for years. Beta.........you reading?

    They know all this! Axl just doesnt want to release new music.

  11. Perhaps there saving quite a bit of $$ by not bringing out the rest.

    I'm having a blast! Fuck all the haters

    why are you on the forum, while Axl rose is right in front of you? :tongue2:

    Uh because he's being nice and updating us. Ffs what is wrong with people here lately?

    They're all a bunch of whiny negative cupcakes who aren't happy unless Axl fits their agenda.

    "fits their agenda" hahaha Jarmo, is that you?

  12. I wonder if Team Brazil saying "you sound great!" to Axl every night was about to backfire on them with the mainstream seeing how bad he sounds now.

    It would expose them as Yes Men.

    We can't have that, now can we?

    You have an overactive imagination.

    The reality is, Axl's voice is awful and his management still puts him out there to perform.

    That's not fair to him or the fans. Something's gotta give.

    When was the last time you caught a show? The last one I was at, people seemed to think his voice was pretty damn good.

    It's different at a concert. You get caught up in the moment and the excitement. The last time I saw them in 2011 I thought Axl sounded OK. Then I watched the Youtube vids of the same show and was surprised at how bad he sounded. This is amplified when your sitting on your couch watching this show on VH1. It was horrible. If my wife is any kind of a representative of the general public, then her comment after about 30 seconds of a song was "Axl can't sing anymore."

    my wife said the exact same thing. Its funny, because there are shows out there (even when we seen them in youngstown) that he sounded really tight. That show this past saturday sounded bad. People need to take off the fan colored glasses and listen

  13. Was an absolute failure tonight. They were just set back twenty plus years. Only one CD song are you kidding me? This was their chance to showcase Chinese Democracy on Television. They skipped Better, This I love, Street of Dreams, and Maddy. What the hell? They didn't even show 14 Years, Estranged, Civil War, or Rocket Queen. Now I love watching Guns on tv no matter what and I realise there are older people out there wanting the classics but honestly, fuck Palladia and VH1. No CD songs at all I lost it.



    It's So Easy

    Mr. Brownstone



    November Rain



    They didn't even play Maddy at the show. Calm down kid. It's just a 90 minute broadcast. VH1 Classic will show the full thing next week.

    First off I'm not a kid you inept cupcake. Secondly I won't be wasting my time after the bullshit they pulled tonight. Go back to your cave child.

    You need to remember vh1 edits all their concerts this way. Its not some gnr conspiracy.

    No they dont! They may edit to save time, but EVERY new song was edited out? That wasnt by accident

  14. Its garbage like this that keeps him from releasing music and doing something. hey Axl, I love you man!, BECAUSE OF GNR!!!!, not todays cover band, but the guys you were with when you became populaR. Slash will always be part of AFD, UYI, lies and SI.. You can sue, re-record the old albums every 3 years with the newest memnbers, but you cant erase history. MOVE ON with your life and your new band. You have to much talent to be making yourself look pathetic. The old guys have moved on.

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