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Posts posted by ironmt

  1. 57 minutes ago, username said:

    Yeah dude. You're like, totally too rock and roll for this shit. Just judging the performance on her singing is for pussies. How dare they work with someone who isn't totally rock and roll and shit. 

     Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit. If they are Interested In bringing In special guests than start with bringing In one of the two guys that helped make the band as successful as they are right now.

    Yeah, I am to rock n roll for that shit. I can guarantee you that you won't find a fucking Pink CD In my collection.

    • Like 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, RONIN said:

    Coming from you of all people, yikes...that ain't good.

    Hey RONIN I am really nothing In the over all grand scheme of things. Just an Idiot who has spent 30 years being a fan and spending money on a band that just doesn't care and I apologize to all of those that I argued with defending them. I am also an enormous Tom Petty fan and the fact that they didn't honor him Is an absolute Insult IMO. The Tom Petty situation was the start and Pink was the finish. 

    • Haha 2
  3. LMAO, Pink? I have heard the name but never heard any of her songs and all I know about her Is that she Is a pop singer, I think. Anyway, I wouldn't even bother to google her to find out due to It being a waste of time. This band Is going down the drain, even with the return of Slash and Duff.  I was looking forward to seeing them next month In Las Vegas, but there Isn't a chance at this point that I would waste $275.00 per ticket.  At this point, they are on the same level as the GNR cover bands that Axl fronted from 2000-2015. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, pastortine said:

    I wish mom and dad had stayed together forever, but it just doesn't play out that way.  I love the romantic notion of my favorite band being frozen in time and staying together forever.  It's just not realistic.  How many of you still work with exactly the same people you did thirty years ago?  I know we want rock-n-roll to be more than a job, and at it's core it is, but there is definitely a 'business' element to the music business.  I've personally tried to enjoy every era of GNR, and can honestly say that I have.  

    For the record - I also think that if Chinese Democracy was not one note different than what we got upon its release, and the only thing different was that it had Slash, Duff, etc. playing on it... I really do believe that GNR fans would have embraced it and hailed it as a great album.  It was a logical musical progression from UYI.  Cry foul on that if you want, we'll never know for sure, but if I had a time machine and enough influence... 

    I'm sure someone will pounce on that with their opinion, but that's the funny thing about opinions... we all have them.  And, just because you type with more fury and intensity doesn't make yours any more right than someone else's.

    One more bit of housekeeping - If you been to any of the shows on this tour you got a great show... regardless of the line-up.



    You make some good points, but as far as  the Chinese Democracy album goes, It wouldn't matter to me personally whether Slash and Duff were on It or not.  There Is not one stand out "go to" song on Chinese Democracy. I find It difficult to accept the fact that the majority of the GNR fan base have refused to accept It or hail It as a great album just because Slash and Duff were not on It. The more logical explanation Is that the the songs are just not good songs and do not stack up when compared to previously released albums. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Bono said:

    When people refer to Madagascar as Maddy it's about as cringe worthy as when Padme and others referred to Anakin as Annie in Star Wars. Stop it. 

    I can't stand that shit, It Is beyond cringe worthy. Actually It Is a major pet peeve that I have. When people change or abbreviate names or places. If someone asks me If I have ever been to "Vegas" I tell them that I have never heard of It before, but that I have been to Las Vegas. Is It really to much effort to say Las first? 

  6. Just now, Gunsdrummer63 said:

    I may be in college and never saw them live or in their prime but hasn’t GNR kinda always don’t what THEY wanted? That’s the Beauty of the band and why people are so interested in them. 

    You have a point and I was lucky enough to be alive and actually see them In their prime and that was cool then, but they are now In their mid 50's with people sitting or heading to the bathroom or making a beer run when Chinese songs are played. The majority In the stadium/arena do not want to hear those songs or just don't know them. At some point It would be nice If they actually pretended to care about what the majority wanted and play a few songs to accommodate those people.  I know It Is a wild thought and unlikely, but It would be nice. 

    • Like 1
  7. Not to complain about the setlist and I am glad for all of those that enjoy the Chinese Democracy album but this band really could care less what the fans want and I apologize to all of those that I have had arguments with In the past defending them, you guys were right. They have to be the only band on the planet that plays songs that the majority would oppose. We have been asking for more Illusion material such as Breakdown, Pretty Tied Up, Locomotive, The Garden, Perfect Crime, You Ain't The First, ect for almost two years and they play Madagascar and There Was A Time Instead. They also play covers to honor Glenn Campbell and Chris Cornell but nothing for Tom Petty. That Is a crime IMO.

    • Like 3
  8. This Is tragic news and one of those deaths that leaves you numb and having to hear It  3-4 times to actually believe It. In today's society every celebrity/musician's death Is equivalent to "losing one of the best" but In this case, It really Is. The guy will be sorely missed.  God Bless Tom Petty and his family. 

    I think this should serve as a wake up call to thoroughly enjoy what we have right now and be grateful that we did actually witness the reunion In our lifetime.

     R.I.P Tom Petty, gone but never forgotten. 

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  9. It Is kind of a shame that Axl gets slammed the way he does, although he deserves some criticism because he does sound like his nuts are caught In a vice. He really Isn't any worse than other artists from his era Including Bon Jovi and Joe Elliot who I thought were both deplorable at Rock In Rio. I guess we are coming to an end of an era and It Isn't easy to accept. I would rather Axl stick with AC/DC rather than continue sounding the way he does with Guns.   

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, SoulMonster said:

    Okay. I believe he is now displaying other types of voice problems typical of wear and tear damage after prolonged touring and which simply cannot be suppressed by motivation but requires rest or therapy to heal. Well, we will see what happens.

    It will be Interesting to say the least. For now I think I will take advantage of youtube and stick to shows from 88-93.  

    • Like 2
  11. We have been down this road so many times before when It comes to Axl's voice. If he was to play a one off show next week with AC/DC he would sound just as good as he did with them last year. When 42,000 people are going to show up to watch you regardless of how you sound, what motivation does he have to Improve? As we all know It does sound a little better when you are there as opposed to watching on youtube. I am In no way defending him, because he sounds terrible right now, along with Slash. It Is a sacrilege to alter the solos In Estranged IMO. Play the fuckin song the way you always have. 

  12. 1 hour ago, LA_0013 said:

    The only way forward is a new album of bitchin hard rock in Axl's lower registers with the occasional high rasp. Even some AC/DC-esque songs that he's confident he can sing a la Out Ta Get Me.

    Then tour the new album with selective cuts from the back catalogue.

    Time to finally put Coma, YCBM, Jungle at al to bed. It's a young man's game singing an entire setlist of such songs.

    An album full of songs like ITs So Easy, DTJ would still be cool - and at least they'd sound consistently good live

    There Isn't a chance that they would get away with not playing Jungle. Besides, It has consistently been one of the better live songs. I agree with Coma and YCBM. 

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