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Posts posted by jekylhyde

  1. Cover albums shouldn't count, cause they (almost) automatically suck. And some of those records are considered sucky just because they didn't sell well. Aerosmith's Just Push Play is a great album, and I honestly dig St. Anger. But maybe I'm just biased.

    TSI has some good songs (those that Duff sings on), but yeah, it's pretty effortless album.

  2. I was originally more into Star Wars, but now I think they're both great. I'm not like a super fan or a trekkie. Scifi is one of my favorite movie/tv genres, so they rock in my book. The last Star Trek movie was awesome indeed. Great example how remakes/reboots should be done. I don't think theres any dull moment in that movie.... I might have to watch it again now... Really waiting for the next one.

  3. No. Prometheus doesn't seem that kinda of movie where you can slap rock-songs carelessly on top of it. It needs original and instrumental score only.

    Axl's probably got some pretty cool instrumental sections they could use, or they could stick it in at the end like in Body of Lies. Even the music already in the trailer sounds like something Axl could make.

    Well, that's true... maybe some industrial-thing mixed with piano would be cool. And Axl could pull it off. But seems kind of a long shot :D...

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