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Posts posted by Graeme

  1. 6 hours ago, Lio said:

    He must be the most despicable man on the planet. He's such a disgrace. Saying he saved thousands of lives? It's beyond belief. How can people still fall for that? Do they have the memory of a goldfish? Because to still support him you have to hear what he says, cheer him on and then immediately forget it, as a day later he'll say sth different and you'll have to cheer him on again, pretending he didn't say what he said yesterday.

    It really bothers me that we live in a world where someone with his mindset and personality can be even remotely successful, never mind have obtained the most powerful position on the planet.

    He continually says and does things that would be career-enders for most normal politicians, public servants or people in the public eye and yet none of it sticks and I don't honestly know why... other than his own brass neck and pigheaded inability to accept that he's ever done anything wrong, which seem to actually convince people (not everyone obviously, but enough people that he's not been deemed unfit for public office).

    It'd be like me failing an exam and then shouting at the exam board loudly that I passed the exam with the best grade ever, so they shrug their shoulders and give me an A.

    • Like 3
  2. On 02/04/2020 at 10:13 PM, rocknroll41 said:

    Ah ok. Yeah this is a very common question. Here it goes:

    The Thrawn trilogy from the Legends universe that came out in 1991-1993 was VERY popular because, not only was the character of Thrawn himself such a cool villain, but it was the first set of stories that ever showed what happened to Luke, Han, Leia, etc. after the original trilogy movies. The duology that followed wasn’t as popular, but still featured Luke and Han and Leia going up against Thrawn again, so that was kinda cool.

    In 2014, when the Legends universe was decanonized, a lot of fans were sad that Thrawn didn’t “exist” as a character anymore, so he was brought back by popular demand. The big difference, tho, is that the new canon Thrawn books take place BEFORE the original trilogy, instead of after, so Luke, Han, Leia, etc. have nothing to do with the new canon Thrawn stories. The only classic characters that appear are Vader and Tarkin, as far as I know. Completely different stories. This version of Thrawn is more of a misunderstood antihero, rather than a stone-cold villain like he was in the Legends universe. Still interesting to read, but not quite as cool as the trilogy from Legends.

    The original Thrawn trilogy are the real Episodes VII, VIII and IX. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, action said:

    doesn't that pointy thingy need to be aimed the other way? 

    also, it's not real work when you're doing it in the shade. that's cheating. real work happens in the baking sun, on a field with not a tree in sight. preferrably with repeated bending and situps.

    when you're doing that 12 hours a day, then you can say you have worked.


    Obviously we were posing for a photograph, I wasn't holding it the way I was using it.

    How about in the crater of an active volcano where the air temperature is 45 degrees celsius, the ground is 70 degrees celsius, there are acidic fumes, no breeze and cliffs to climb to get in and out with all your equipment? I mean I don't want to turn this into a dick-measuring contest, I was just making the point that scientists do work hard and I posted the photo for a bit of fun. 

  4. 41 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    But you are the Indiana Jones type of scientist. Fighting local tribes and wild, fierce animals just to get the chance to arrive at some distant volcano and be burnt to crisp in a pyroclastic flow. 

    All I did was push buttons. I got good at it. 

    Actual evidence of me using a shovel on a volcano...


    • Haha 2
  5. 49 minutes ago, action said:

    I had a good working session in the garden. basically restructured the whole layout of plants. moved some plants here, others there. The garden architect, an expert by his own admission, has done an awful job at conceptualising the layout. I've completely redone his work, and now it's perfect. I'm tired as a dog, but very happy with the result. "Working man's happiness", they call this. I guess people like @SoulMonster, who indulge in books and science, don't know what I'm talking about. 

    A man only becomes a real man, when he has a spade in his hands and is sweating from brute working labour, moving heaps of dirt from here to there, while the wife brings a cold one. Then, at the end of the day, a hot bath. Life doesn't become much better.

    Lots of scientists have to do pretty intense physical work to obtain and analyse their data. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Dazey said:

    Fuck all really. Boris has an 80 seat majority because Corbyn was useless so he can pretty much do whatever he wants.

    Coronavirus is doing its best to prevent that at the moment. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, spunko12345 said:

    Pot noodles are a bit like eating elastic bands in salted boiling water.

    A mate of mine in school used to make one up and pour in a packet of hoola hoops. He said they were like croutons.

    Classy as fuck.

    • Haha 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

    I know a LOT of people here in the US who truly don't understand the economy fallout in progress or what's still on the way. 

    There are an alarming amount of people thinking that their company just has some magic unlimited well to pay them from while they sit at home. 

    Things have been relatively calm here, but I'm thinking that's because ignorance is bliss. We could see some very dark times here as more and more companies start cutting people loose. 

    This is where the US's culture of frowning upon those who rely on social safety nets might come back to bite it in the ass, as telling millions of people to "get a job" becomes untenable.

    • Like 1
  9. In the state of Morelos in central México a group of 150 or so people have gathered threatening to burn their local hospital (and its director) if they take in any Coronavirus victims. In some ways this crisis is bringing out the best of people, and in others the absolute worst. I think it's the stupidity that accompanies a lot of the bad/selfish decision making that's so disheartening - whether it be panic-buying 500 cans of a soft drink, not buying Corona beer or Chinese food, discriminating against Asian people, killing bats or threatening to burn a hospital. We might be the most advanced species that evolution has ever produced, but we're capable of making some awful decisions. 


    • Like 4
  10. In Scotland there are 179 new cases today, a 13% increase from yesterday, bringing the total to 1,563 and in my region the numbers jumped 43% (I think the biggest proportional increase for any region in a single day) with 46 new cases from yesterday to today.

  11. 15 hours ago, Dazey said:

    I wonder how it's going to work when everybody else has beaten this while the US is still a bloodbath. I can just imagine Trump's response when all the other countries impose travel bans from the US to prevent reinfection. Fuck, Mexico might finally decide to pay for the wall. :lol: 

    México's president is possibly handling this even worse than Trump - I sincerely hope that something in the air there slows the spread of the virus or means that the coming cases won't be as severe as in Spain and Italy but he's been actively advocating that people go out and live their lives as normal, visit family and be sure to hug and kiss them. He's recommended that for protection, they carry lucky amulets around with them (I'm not joking). México may be sleepwalking into a disaster for which it doesn't have the infrastructure to cope, I really hope that's not the case but I'm worried for a lot of loved ones right now.

    10 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

    It's the countries who impose strict social distancing that will take longer to beat it. They will control it, and handle it, but it will take much longer before herd immunity has been reached and life can go back to normal.

    A country that doesn't impose social distancing will beat it sooner. It might be hell with a huge amount of infected at the same time, and this will likely result in mode deaths, but they will quickly develop herd immunity and can go back to normal.

    I mean, I think they know that, they're just trying to avoid the 'hell' scenario you've outlined (the complete overwhelming of health and other public services and probably an overall higher death toll) by 'flattening the curve' as all the graph users have told us, which makes it quite obvious at a glance that the situation is going to go on much longer than it would if you had a sharp, high peak and then a rapid fall away. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, Len Cnut said:

    Gods a proper vindictive cunt :lol:  ‘Think you’re wise do you?  Have a bit of this Corona you slags’ :lol: 

    A girl I know shared a post blaming the Coronavirus on God's wrath incurred by gay marriage. :confused:

  13. 49 minutes ago, Dazey said:

    So this couple of fat asses got pissed that they were stopped from buying over 500 cans of Mountain Dew. :lol: 




    Why are people doing this shit? Do they not have any sense of self-awareness? Like "Maybe we're being complete morons" of course you look like a tool buying 500 cans of Mountain Dew - you'd look like a tool buying 500 cans of anything! See if everyone just bought what they normally buy, there would be no problems. I can't honestly fathom these people's thought processes.

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