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Posts posted by Graeme

  1. why aren't we allowed to post them here, but over at HTGT we are allowed?

    just wondering :)

    Merck has asked for no lyrics and stuff to be posted or links. So the mods are just complying with his wishes. It's made him very unpopular around here but there you go....

  2. Alright, who knows how the Dublin gig is selling? i remember someone who posted here ages ago about someone they know trying to organise for GnR to play in Dublin, but we all panned him and didn't believe him. If you're syill ou there, come and tell us how it's doing. If anyone else knows, do spill the beans

  3. Intresting thought, it very well possible that the tour and the leaks are something to satisfy the fans (and it does). The album might be far from complete, although he mentions that 26 songs are nearly done, but in what context? are they only nearly done on paper but still not recorded, in which case million things might happen before that are one tape.

    Maybe the CD isn't far from ready and will take several years to complete.

    Anyway, we have 4 beautifull songs and hopefully a european tour, for the moment this satisfies me and a lot of fans. We'll just have to wait and see.


    I agree with you 100 % mr Q, I am really happy with the amount of news which has bolted from the GnR stable this year, I love the new songs and my ticket for the Dublin gig just arrived, i can not wait :)

  4. IF another show is to be played in london, anyone going off here??????????

    Fuckin' right I'll be goin! I'll be wrapped in a Scottish flag and carryin' bucky! B)

    You NED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uuurgh, Kev you're a good guy but i just cannot stand neds!!!!

    They are the scourge of scotland and should be removed. Okay so england has it's chavs but they're nothing compared to our problem!!!!!!!!! :anger:

  5. Think that was just to show that Axl could play the guitar..... it didn't work at all though as nothing impressive ever came of it....... lol.

    Maybe Axl has taken up a guitar position as welll if he's got a lot better of late

  6. I think that this song has potential but I think that Guns should take it more in the direction of thrash than grunge, that would make it incredible the lyrics and shit could sound really cool if it was thrashed up a bit and the synth parts should be transferred onto guitar to provide tripped out wailing type noises

  7. Give axl a mike stand and he's whoop Neil and Guccione jr,s asses, have you seen the way he waves that thing around, i wouldn't like to be within a 5 metre radius of him, he might take my head off. Oh and scott weiland is a dick, VR are a good band but he is even more of a poser than Axl. Plus his onstage antics are kinda lame next to Axl's

  8. Me and my friend are flying Ryanair from Edinburgh on the Thursday morning

    ..and me and my friend are flying with RyanAir first thing on the Friday morning!

    UK SUBS.

    I'm flying RyanAir at 6 50 in the morning, i'll get some sleep in the afternoon at the hotel i'm staying at and then it'll be off to the jungle.........To Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooohhhyeaaaaaaaahhh!

  9. Uhhh...... Something positive about Pitman?.... Hmm, well,

    In Rio He was dressed like a cross between a gimp and a member of the Village people which made me laugh a lot, Give him an Oscar for comedy, will that do.....?

  10. After standing bemused in O'Connell St for a few minutes a fire engine turned up to douse a flaming moped that had been torched by some celtic supporters!

    up the fucking hoops!

    I concur wholeheartedly my friend!!!!!!! :D

  11. Screw you Bon Jovi, what the hell makes you think you and your collection of pampered poodles are anywhere near half as good as Guns N Roses, Axl rose has a visible

    prowess and you are all permed and lame.l i mean, come on Sweet Child versus Living on a prayer, who's the winner!

  12. I really hope that GnR play estranged on this tour as it is one of my favourite songs, in a recent Email i sent to Richard I put in as an afternote Play estranged if you can, Is anyone else as bothered as i am about hearing this song?

  13. the dissers are simple minded. the songs are to different for them..fuck them axl is moving forward..in a great way. rock2

    lol, I totally agree with you

  14. weve an english fella, a dutch guy, and an italian and only one Irish lad in a topic about GNR in Dublin

    I just thought id help even out the numbers! :D

    yeah the RDS is a great venue I remember gettin the lard kicked out me there at a motorhead show (mosh pit + youth + strange tasting cider = idiot) a few years back, tis also the locale were i do my collage exams, this gig should change the vibe there for next summers exams! rock3

    Yeah, and a scottish dude or two. P.S about dublin being the happiest place on earth, i've heard that it can get pretty depressing there when Celtic lose :rofl-lol: 'Mon the Rangers!

  15. Hey, I'm going to go to the RDS gig and i was wondering, it says that I'll be on the pitch so I was wondering if the pitch would be seating or standing, I paid 75 euros so i think i will be near the front but somehow i don't think that seating will suit the vibe of a GnR gig, plus it doesn't mention anything about seats on the website rock1

    Anyways, i can not wait, see you in Dublin :D

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