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Posts posted by hudsonsaul

  1. More Star Wars movies is just facepalm worthy.

    However in saying that, and echoing someone's post on the 1st page, having George Lucas as far away as possible from it is most definitely the best thing. Pitty it didn't happen before the prequels.

    Look forward to someone revamping the whole franchise though, and pulling a whole Dark Knight on it all.

  2. Talk shows interviews are rarely 'interviews'. More short breif disconnected chats with plenty of lame 'stories' that are never funny. Will be cool seeing Axl in the spotlight, but not holding my breath for any sort of decent interview or anything to come from it. Its just to promote Las Vegas imo and gather up some interest,...tbh it's crazy that the band isn't playing afterwards.

  3. You seriously think someone like Axl still has that much sway in the industry? Why would MTV even want him at this point if he's not going to play with the AFD/UYI lineup? Axl doesn't appeal to their target demographic anymore. He had an outside shot ten years ago when people were still curious as to what GNR had turned into, but the idea that Axl would "gain fans" by playing a 20 year old song to a bunch of kids who want to see Rhianna or Lady Gaga is ridiculous. The Grammys would be more appropriate nowadays, and that's if he has a new album to push. Plus, nobody would ever give Axl eight or nine minutes of performance time at an award show nowadays. Just not going to happen.

    Wishful thinking at best.

    Completely agree.

  4. Wow what stands out to me with the recent posts in this thread of Axl and his appearance through the older years, is that from 93/94ish onwards (post UYI tour basically), his eyes have this wide eyed, spaced out, intense stare/lok that gets more 'insane' looking as the years go by. Not saying he is insane, but his eyes get more intense and pissed off and distant.

    And now i feel like a tool for staring into Axl's eyes O_O

    I've noticed that too. When he poses for pictures now, he has a deer in headlights look on his face.

    'Deer in headlights' sums it up quite well.

  5. Wow what stands out to me with the recent posts in this thread of Axl and his appearance through the older years, is that from 93/94ish onwards (post UYI tour basically), his eyes have this wide eyed, spaced out, intense stare/lok that gets more 'insane' looking as the years go by. Not saying he is insane, but his eyes get more intense and pissed off and distant.

    And now i feel like a tool for staring into Axl's eyes O_O

  6. The most interesting part of this article is this quote from Axl:

    ".....three partners of GNR Music"

    when he is speaking of approving the use of material.

    THIS IS HUGE for personally, as I've often wondered how material can be agreed to be used, ...obviously we all know Axl owns the name, but I've always known that there will be more to it than just Axls say.

    Anyone know who the three partners of GNR Music are? Imagine this shit is public information?...dunno tho.

    Yes, it is Axl, Slash and Duff. This was a legal agreement reached many years ago. Something along the lines of Axl received the name but they all need to sign off on decisions to license the old songs (or at least old songs they all have writing credits on)

    Interesting thanks,...always wondered about this. Thanks.

  7. The most interesting part of this article is this quote from Axl:

    ".....three partners of GNR Music"

    when he is speaking of approving the use of material.

    THIS IS HUGE for personally, as I've often wondered how material can be agreed to be used, ...obviously we all know Axl owns the name, but I've always known that there will be more to it than just Axls say.

    Anyone know who the three partners of GNR Music are? Imagine this shit is public information?...dunno tho.

  8. It didn't change anything, regarding my view of the current lineup. It made me respect Axl a lot more, and I was giving up here, all in all I thought he handled it really well considering the position he was in.

    Voted for YES - I now like the current lineup more.

    Only because there was no positive spin on NO.

    Personally I don't care much for Slashs music or Axls new guns & music. I mostly come here to read others thoughts and see what is going on in the world of Guns, can't remember the last time I listened to them...new or old :(

  9. Dont know anyone other than myself and ppl on this forum who have properly heard CD. Most ppl moved on. Then when CD came out, I know of one household that bought it........and it became a coaster oddly with about one or two spins.

    Generally ppl don't care (from my experience). Certainly not enough to comment on individual songs like Sorry.

    Sadly if Axl teamed up with Slash and delivered a mediocre song (for arguments sake), these same folk I mention (and imo the general public) would then be interested and say the song was awesome.

    OP should be pleased he/she has buddies that accept and can even listen to some of CD tbh.

  10. Voted YES.

    BUT - i think that he would be no way as musically relevant if he was still around. IMO he'd have gone off on a tangent (nirvana had runs its course really, an album more tops), and slowly burnt out. Can't see any evidence to suggest he'd have pushed his songs further. He'd still be famous as fuck though, as what he did with Nirvana was brilliant and had perfect timing and there is no denying his influence. But musically, I think he would have faded away.

    However, i think right now if he were around, he'd be digging some bands and would have enjoyed the likes of Jack White's attitude to music and some of the indie artists of this nature.

    In fact, offtopic, but Izzy should totally hit up Jack White and get him to produce a couple songs on Jacks 'blue record' (or whatever it's called - where an artist drops by and they fire out a number or two together),...Izzy is old school and classy, whilst Jack would keep in there and push out a fast rough but well placed & produced track that would be outstanding in my opinion.

  11. Heath by a long stretch. Took the character to a far better level.

    Cesar Romero was good for his period, but nothing to write home about tbh (lol @ the feeble cupcake of pointing this out - very hipster esq of the OP :rolleyes: ). Jack Nicholson put in a performance that was good, but he suffered from his joker coming across so strongly as 'jack nicholson as the joker', it was him being a bit out there in makeup, it could have been any of his previous characters (eg. Jack Torrance) in Joker makeup. Heath Ledger made the character SOMETHING, with some sort of manic essence to it, there was some substance there and it was different and fresh (no idea if this was all him, or the script/story defined it more than his craft did, but it was certainly the best joke we've had imo - in all formats, comic, film, cartoon, game etc).

  12. Too be honest.... and not trolling here. The review could be applied to a lot of their shows over the past handful of years. A lot of us here, and me included at times, can have the equivalent of beer goggles on when viewing all things GnR.

    Lately I have really got the impression that everyone is just going through motions, cashing the cheque, and leaving it at that these days. Axl's an old man, and that is fine, but his voice is his main instrument and it's sad when he appears to not train it for tours and also get in a shape a bit for it (this is not for looks, but for his performance and vocals - running around on stage and trying to sing like how we know he can, requires one to be in better shape than he is imo).

    Don't get me wrong, I'm sure sometimes they are fucking on song and put on a great show, but imo.... in general they miss hit it. This makes it so much easier for ppl to have a go at Axl and his "new" guns as well. Whereas if they cut things down, moved with the times (less solo spots, smaller venues) and Axl himself put in more effort into his art, they'd be incrediable and the naysayers wouldn't have anything to attack and comment negatively.

    It's a shame tbh.

  13. I dont think GNR will have anymore hits personally. Not to say they wont have more songs released and good ones at that, but I think hits wont exist. If there were some sort of reunion then a hit would be guaranteed regardless of the quality of the song imo.

  14. Better would have been perfect single if it had have been pushed and marketed and promoted. It touches on everything, rock, UYI esq lyrics/vox, bluesy solo, rockin bridges etc.

    However, I also believe that even loads of promotion...the album wouldn't have been an amazing success.

    Whilst, releasing TIL after CD and Better,....would (i think) been lol'd at more than anything else. It is a nice song tho, but easy to rip apart on first listen after a 10+ year wait for new music.

  15. Interesting lists by everyone, mostly that they are all very similar and all consist of "big bands" from eras long long gone, bands that were once in the charts. Does no one listen to anything remotely modern anymore? Even when these listed bands were big guns, there were shitloads of cool acts out there that never hit the charts, much like now.

    Edit: not trying cupcake or anything with this post. It is interesting seeing the similarities, and essentially the same 12 bands (incidently the same bands that are only ever talked about on here, outside of GUns - move or less /give or take).

  16. Jack White is definitely an iconic player. Would go see him over Slash any day. Once you've seen Slash once, you've seen him a billion times. Generic and samey all the time. His best years IMO were before AFD made it big. Full of energy, full of improv in his solos, figuring his instrument out. But pretty much just hit a plateau very quickly.

    His image is more what makes him a icon. Much like how the Kardasians are icons of sorts :/

    His work in songs is very good, but he has hardly pushed the instrument, reintroduced ppl to a type of music, or done anything remotely significant musically since Guns.

    JW on the other hand has, and all of his bands have offered something different, whilst his production is fucking mean too. (and this isn't me trolling its facing facts, my name's been the same for ages too)

  17. Early 90s, and then the last decade had some amazing music. This decade has started off fucking strong too but it's too young to comment on.

    Like most decades though, avoid the charts, and you'll find awesome stuff - until your band hits the charts and you'll be all "they sold out bro! I've been a fan since day 1!" :P

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