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Posts posted by 11dayempire

  1. ...wouldn't it be a bit awkward for Finck and Fortus? Slash would effectively be replacing Buckethead, who had a tendency to stand around doing bugger all, and Slash is rather more active... I mean, how would they divvy up the solos on the old material? Would Slash be willing to trade licks with Fortus in the Nightrain solo? Would he let Finck and Fortus play the first two solos on November Rain? Would he let Finck play the main SCOM solo? And would fans feel short-changed if he did?


  2. Axl - vocals

    Slash - lead guitar

    Finck - 2nd lead guitar

    Fortus - rhythm guitar (Izzy probably wouldn't want to join anyway)

    Duff - bass

    Brain - drums (Matt rejoins The Cult...though I'm not sure if that position is still open...or maybe Matt even comes back)


    I agree with this line-up but why would you need two lead guitarists? Slash is more than capable on his own, with Fortus on rhythm. After all, he wrote all of the relevant guitar parts for the pre CD songs in the first place.

    And WTF -Stinson has now left to join Soul Asylum? It just goes from bad to worse. :shocked:

    GN'R needs two lead guitarists because all the songs on CD have been written with two lead guitarists in mind. Good as Slash is, I don't think he could play both Buckethead and Finck's parts, especially when they're playing simultaneously!

    Anyway, while I'm taking any reunion rumours with a MASSIVE dose of salt, that Slash/Fortus/Finck/Duff/Brain/Pittman/Reed lineup is pretty much my ideal version of GN'R. Though I can take or leave Duff; as has been noted, it wouldn't be very nice to Stinson to reward all the effort he's put in by firing him just before the release of CD in favour of Duff. But Slash would fit quite nicely into the new GN'R lineup, given that they need a replacement for Buckethead. Face it, as far as the general public's concerned, GN'R is Axl and Slash; they're the iconic figures in the band, and most people wouldn't care who's filling the other places in the lineup. A lot of the naysayers would shut up if Slash were recruited to fill that vacant lead guitarist slot.

    ...but I very much doubt it'll happen. :rolleyes:


  3. It ain't gonna happen - the original article says it's a false rumour - but I wouldn't mind seeing Slash taking over Buckethead's part in the new GN'R lineup. Izzy doesn't like playing big arenas and has sworn off big tours, hasn't he? So there's no chance of him turning up, plus, well, I really like Fortus. I really can't see Axl kicking Tommy out of the band in favour of Duff; it'd be a slap in the face to someone who's spent 10 years working with him. Same with the other guys. But there is a convenient vacancy for a lead guitarist...


  4. I really dont get why Brian May is playin on CITR. Whats the point in havin three guitarists if you're bringing other people in because you want your current guitarists to sound like the guy you're bringing in? (Hope everyone followed that bit). Im thinkin that he was brought in for creative reasons, and on the studio version of CD, Finck or Fortus or whoever will re-do his bit?

    May was brought in to record parts when Finck (briefly) quit the band, back in... 1998, 1999 or 2000. Not sure of the exact date. It was round about the time when Axl was experimenting with different musicians and different sounds (like, say, Dave Navarro on Oh My God).


  5. i wouldnt compare them to nazis though!!! :no: although a hell of a lot of people do, cause theyre prods, hence the sectarionist label "hun" <_<<_< but they knew theyd have bricks thrown at them and all, theyre pretty thick, just not that thick. but sure its over and done with now...lets just wait around for til the next one.

    Nah, I'm not comparing them to Nazis... just saying that you could pretty much predict that the response to a bunch of Orangemen marching up O'Connell Street would be about the same as a bunch of Germans marching through Trafalgar Square with swastikas...

    <sighs> Why can't everyone just get along, eh?


  6. I'm working on a live bootleg from AFD by the new guns, so I needed to know...

    does anybody know if it's done before?

    it'll be done in a few days, and it kicks serious ass....

    the soundbords by the new guns are only bosten pittsburg and rio right? thats what I've used so far

    There's a bunch of stuff from Axl's in-ear monitor from Osaka, too. Probably the mix is a bit off, but if you're feeling clever you could add some depth by mixing in the audio from the crowd recording...


  7. 1) Due to annoying residents band must finish by half eleven. Expect them to be hit the stage bout nine, although this is Axl we're talking about so who knows!

    Hahaha! I'd like to see them try and tell a crowd of GN'R fans who haven't seen Axl since 1992 that the gig has to stop if it's overrunning...


  8. Not sure about Patience, but YCBM was written during the same kinda time as AFD, so it probably makes sense to throw it on there as it was a very AFD style track. Also IMO, which I'm sure has had no bearing on Axl what so ever, it pretty much completes AFD as untouchable. It's also something that they reworked half decently with synths etc...

    I'd give my right arm to hear the re-recorded versions, esp after hearing how good Captain A sounds on the demos. Also, imagine that Buckehead solo on Nightrain layed down on CD.

    There's a lot of misconception around the re-recorded AFD; it was done, IIRC, specifically for the band to familiarise themselves with the songs for live performance, and the actual recording was done almost as an afterthought.

    Also, Buckethead wasn't involved at that point. I think it was something similar to the Oh My God-era GN'R; Axl, Paul Tobias, Josh Freese, Tommy Stinson and Robin Finck.

    Still love to hear it though - though I doubt it'll ever see the light of day (particularly since it's not the current band playing it).


  9. :unsure: yea nothin to do with gnr but i heard about it

    just the loyalists got fed up starting trouble up here thought theyd go down give ye's a kick up the arse, sorry bout that. shoulda joined in the fun!! chuck a couple of petrol bombs about, be a great laugh!!

    p.s. this is a JOKE of sorts, i am not encouraging rioting you might catch fire :anger:

    Honestly, what the fuck were they thinking? They could parade down O'Connell Street waving union jacks around and nothing would happen? Pillocks. It's like allowing a bunch of Germans to march in Trafalgar Square in full SS uniform, waving swastika flags... and then being surprised when someone chucks a brick at them...


  10. Well, we know Fortus is in the band, so I'm happy. If Brain's in there too, I'll be very happy. Finck is cool, so I hope he stays, and, well... Axl wouldn't screw over Dizzy and Tommy after all the hard work and the decade of their lives they've invested in the new album. I'm sure the current line-up is secure; the only question is who's going to be playing lead guitar...


  11. Bluntly, getting Slash back in GN'R would make a hell of a lot of commercial sense. He's an iconic figure, and the first thing most casual fans think of when you mention the words "Guns N' Roses". Most of the complaints about the new material have been from people going, "It's not the same without Slash". Really, even though he's less technically accomplished than Buckethead, his return to GN'R would buy Axl a whole lot of credit and goodwill from both fans and casual record buyers. It'd also make me happy, since I've got a ticket to Dublin, but that's beside the point. :)

    Is Slash unhappy in VR? Only he knows that. Would he insist on bringing Duff and Matt along with him if he switched to GN'R? Again, only he knows; he'd probably get some bad press for abandoning his bandmates, though. Weiland has ties to Dave Navarro, as does Dave Kushner, so it'd make sense for him to join VR.

    I've got to say, the 2002 GN'R touring lineup plus Slash would be pretty close to my ideal version of the band. On the other hand, all we've really got to go on is rumour and hearsay; Ian Astbury says Slash is leaving, VR's management say the opposite (but, well... they would, wouldn't they?). Axl and Slash are being awful lovey-dovey at the moment ("I love the guy..." is a bit removed from, "He's up my ass... fuck him."), but Slash made it clear he hasn't actually heard Chinese Democracy yet (or hadn't, at the time of the interview.

    It's all up in the air, really. I'm hopeful (mainly 'cause to see Fortus and Slash sharing the stage would be awesome), but I don't know that it's a realistic possibility.


    Navarro would be awesome in GNR.

    Navarro said, some time after Oh My God came out, that "Not joining GN'R was the best decision I ever made". That said, he's one of the few people who'd be an acceptable Bucket-substitute, having both the attitude and style of Slash, and the guitar skills to play Bucket's parts. And, these days, the popular appeal among the younger generation that comes of being a whore to MTV. :)


  12. Guys, sorry to burst your bubble, but I've been visiting Brian's website for quite some time... he just posts news that interests him; he'll post AC/DC or Foo Fighters tour dates just as readily, and it doesn't mean he'll be playing with them. But here's a thing - there's a contact e-mail for his webmaster on that site. Have you tried checking with them? If Brian was playing with GNR - which would be fantastic - he would've posted that he'd be PLAYING WITH GNR...


  13. Question for those of you in Ireland... how likely is it that the gig's going to sell out in, say, the first 10 minutes? I'm getting up early to bag a ticket, but I'm just curious what the buzz on this is over in Dublin.


    I cant see it selling out in 10 minutes to be honest. There is a lot of publicity though, its being talked about on the radio quite often and theres advertisements on the radio and in the national newspaper (s)...FULL PAGE advertisements!!

    Oy yeah and apparently that toll cupcake thing they do in the morning on 98fm was completely dedicated to gnr this morning, I didnt hear it myself

    Whats that?

    Anyways yeah there saying it'll be sold out in mins... all the oldies are going to let out their inner youth or whatever... i bet theres loads fookwits going to see slash :rolleyes:

    the toll cupcakes are these two characters on the radio that sound like chipmonks..They just go on about whats happenin in Dublin and take the piss pretty much

    Hey, do they still have that free paper The Slate over there? That was fucking hilarious...


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