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Posts posted by jamillos

  1. 2 minutes ago, oneway23 said:

    I apologize for cherry-picking a part of your post.  I hate it when done to me, and, I usually find it obnoxious, but, I'm doing it now because the rest of it was the usual Pele-related drivel and, really, only this part stood out to me.

    To the above, I say, well, why not?  We would've said the same three years ago before the Village leaks.  Sure, the probability is fairly low, but, not outside the realm of possibility.

    No problem. The leaks - sure, that could happen. I meant more like the box set with the original versions. I kinda can't imagine people having waited for 20 yrs for Axl and Slash to bury the hatchet only to then receive a record with someone elses' guitars on it. Maybe if it was a gigantic collection on some anniversary, then maybe, maybe... Also, this kind of release would generate merciless comparisons a la Axl's NuGNR vs "Slash" GNR. Not sure if that's what Axl would want...

  2. 18 minutes ago, Pele said:

    Of course the intention was to finish more songs, complete the remaining instrumentals and release follow up albums.

    If you genuinely think that songs like Monstrosity, Cuban Skies, Zodiac, Elvis, Seven, Leave Me Alone, PRL, Thyme, Rebel etc were actually finished and recorded then you're in for a disappointment when they release the songs that Slash said Axl has lying around.

    Here's a clue - it's not those (IMO)

    As usual, as pointless as it is, I can just once again repeat the same stuff: they used some 14 studios for recording of CD. Surely they didn’t create completely new music in all of them, but on the other hand, it’s unreasonable to presume they used them all only for tinkering with the existing 14 CD songs. That’s just nonsense. And considering Axl had loads of time in 2003–2005 and some more later, there’s no reason to insist that he wrote/finished/revamped nothing at all during these periods. There’s zero evidence of that. On the contrary – we do know the sequel was getting ready. 
    Anyway, the best way to hear all these tracks would be in the original version as a box set or if they leaked. Which is not gonna happen, we’ll probably hear them the same way as HS/SW. 
    And even if Axl didn't get to finish them back then – what would be stopping him from having finished them in the recent years during all those downtimes? Nothing, that’s what. 
    Anyway, there's definitely material. The thing is, I want something new as well, that's the point. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Pele said:

    If you think this guy has 'heaps of material,' you're crazy IMO

    I think he has 3 usable songs left (and we already have 2 of them)

    I already know that old daily routine of yours, so I suppose it’s useless to point out that CD was meant to have a sequel, which was reportedly ready several years after the release. That makes another 12–14 songs, so at least this we know. 
    Even if it was just the songs from the Village sessions, that's still a lot of material that they’d currently only have to rehash the same way they did with Silkworms and HS. So whatever the result will be, we know there’s at least one more record worth of unreleased tracks. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    I don't think the legacy of the band is hurt at all by some of the past band members coming together at this late stage to tour the world - something so many fans have dreamt of for so long. That they decide to collaborate on CD material also doesn't affect the legacy. Hopefully it will be good and we fans can enjoy a larger discography. 

    No but it would suck for many fans once they’d realize all they’ve got is Axl’s 2000s demos conceived in the period when Slash and Duff even weren’t in the band. It can still rock, sure, but as I keep saying: for this reunion to have some real gravity, there needs to be at least a few songs created by these main figures together, like in the heydays. Otherwise, I’m afraid, many may not take it very seriously. 
    And I believe the boys are aware of this fact. Again, if they still got it, there’s no reason why they should solely rely on some demos from the past without even trying doing something together. Like I’ve said above, I believe that if no one else, Slash will want to come up with something new. At least I friggin’ hope so. 

  5. 1 hour ago, ShadowOfTheWave said:

    We have no idea how much money Slash actually has, and he's going to want to maintain his current lifestyle and not downgrade due to the millions he has to give Perla. He is at the age where money becomes more important than legacy, we are talking hundreds of millions of dollars from the NITL tour. He is not going to turn down that kind of cash because Axl doesn't write music anymore. And he has an outlet for his riffs in SMKC.

    You sound like the users before the reunion who said Slash would never accept TB managing the band or would insist on a full reunion lineup without any of the NuGuns guys. There has been no indication whatsoever that Axl has written anything new in 15 years, and now Slash has come out and confirmed there is nothing new plain as day. It is you who is deluded by your own wishful thinking.

    Agree, but he already is a multimillionaire, and I just refuse to believe dough is all he’s in it for. If anything, he’s already set for a few lives now. 
    As for Axl’s writing – we don’t know. What was he doing during those downtimes in 2018, 2019, entire 2020, 2021? He may have been writing. Then again, he already has heaps of material, so yeah, it’s not like he’s pressed or anything. 
    Yeah, wishful thinking indeed, but there’s at least some logic behind it. Besides, all these interviews are always very evasive, and nothing is set in stone. But yes, the money side is really too apparent. They’ve been a No. 1 band in a wasting opportunity challenge ever since the beginning of 2018. That’s where the all new exciting chapter should have started, including multiple releases, interviews, dvds... 
    One dares to dream...

  6. 3 hours ago, El Guapo said:

    I used to think like that, but not anymore. It sucks hard, but how much more evidence do you need to face the ugly truth? Slash himself just confirmed that nothing new was written.  Nothing. Since 2016. Then you have the release of Absurd and Hardskool with those old ass vocals, half assed production and shitty merch. No interviews, no nothing which would even try to make this seem like a real band. All we're gonna get is Chinese leftovers and bad lyric videos. Slash basically said it himself.

    It's just a gig, you know.

    Oh I’m quite a realist, don’t get me wrong. I know Slash said that, although he was kinda evasive (as usual), and I can imagine they’ve secretly composed something new, even if just one or two songs. But yeah, wishful thinking probably. 
    As for the HS/Absurd sound, I’m still expecting the physical release to be way better. It cannot have the same shitty youtube quality when it’s finally out, can it? 
    In general, I do agree it doesn’t look great at all, which sucks. 

  7. 3 hours ago, AlterL said:

    Nahh, he gets to release his own music with his own band on his own terms, and while he's essential to GN'R's old albums I don't get the feeling that it was ever his band, just the biggest band that he was a part of, so maybe that's why he's so content with the situation, he gets to do the type of music that he likes without having to answer to nobody like he used to with GN'R plus he gets to do all of this huge shows and make money just by playing some songs that he didn't wrote. Plus is not like he's gonna risk losing the gig over a petty fight with Axl when he can just channel his creativity and energy somewhere else, they're not kids anymore. 

    Slash’s solo is not comparable with the magnitude of GN’R in any thinkable way. And yes, it was definitely his band, I mean jeez, he was one of the most important pillars since day one. I don’t see it the same way as many people seem to, i.e. it’s still “only Axl’s band”. This ended in 2015. Slash doesn’t need to take any crap, and I believe they truly are on amicable terms including respect, i.e. making compromises etc., not the “Axl’s the Ayatollah” version any longer. Axl now needs Slash more than Slash needs Axl. No need to be in a disadvantageous relationship for Slash (or either of them), not even for money. I know they make zillions now, but they never came off as money-driven people. Nope, there must be something real going on. 

  8. I still don’t believe that even if Axl would be fine with just releasing old stuff like the two singles, Slash would be content merely with that. I refuse to believe he returned to the band only for the buck and doesn’t care about the legacy at all. Hell, he could pay off his alimony even without the millions from GN’R. And above all – he’s the kind of guy who wants to see results, i.e. his own music. Thinking he’d be satisfied just with playing some replacements’ 20-year old demos on a new, highly anticipated album of his own lifetime signature band is deluded. There’s bound to be something else cooking than just rehashed CD shelf material a la Silkworms and Hard School. 

  9. The Thin Blue Line. I love getting back to this old little gem from the 90s every couple of years, to that small constable office in England from the times when the world was still alright. Brilliant Rowan Atkinson and the whole crew. Too bad they only made two series, this could have gone on for a long time. 

  10. 52 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    I suppose you mean the "spoken word" Axl did as a transition between DTJ and WTJ at the first RIR show:

    When the poor come down to the street
    And the death squad is out of reach
    Everybody’s looking for a piece of the pie
    I look outside my window
    I see your [?]

    And when the poor come down from the hills
    At night
    And the government and the merchants send the death squads out
    To remove the beggars
    Keep them out of the way of the rich
    To keep the slums from coming down into the city
    You gotta watch your ass, homeboy
    Cuz I ain’t been at many places
    But you know where you motherfuckers live?
    I said, do you know where you live?

    Do you know where you are?
    You’re in the jungle, baby
    Rio de Janeiro jungle, baby
    And if you don’t watch your ass
    You’re gonna die!


    This is cool, but the one I myself meant seems to be from Night 2. I've never seen that one transcribed. There's definitely "rich man in his land", and the narrative is shorter and just spoken silently, unlike Night 1. Or it's a completely different show and I am crazy, but I'm almost positive it's Rio 91. Gonna have to search my backup disc.

    • Like 1
  11. Great thread. Several points have already been mentioned. 
    - The acoustic guitars in Think about You are one of the best things about the song, so definitely yes. 
    - That weird howling behind the chorus in Shadow of Your Love.
    - Izzy’s voice distortion in Double Talkin’ Jive. There are many cool things about the studio version in general. 
    - The vocal multiplicity at the beginning of Paradise City. Pure bliss. Plus the first guitar tones and... in fact, the whole beginning. The whole fucking song. 
    - The cracking before Axl starts wailing in Dead Horse – the short transition between the acoustic intro and the chorus. The drums! 
    - The tinkling bells in Chinese Democracy verses, which weren’t present in the first leaked versions. I loved that instantly. 
    - The choruses in There Was a Time (yeah, there was a time, didn't wanna know it all).
    - Coma - the guitar work in the tranquillity part, plus all the effects later in the song. 
    - The way the crowd was integrated in Get in the Ring, plus the momentum the song is gaining with the soloing towards the end. Awesome piece of gooseflesh music, back then and still. 
    - The stuff Axl does with his voice in the fast passages of Breakdown. Plus the banjo. Another masterpiece. 
    - Izzy’s sitar in Pretty Tied Up and the whole beginning. 
    - The synth (?) effects behind the soloing at the end of Prostitute, which are more prominent in the Village sessions. 
    - The beginning of Oh My God, in its entirety. 

    • Like 3
  12. 10 hours ago, axlvai said:

    I didnt want to open a new topic, but i have a question. 

    Axl said something in DTJ in rir 91. Like a lyrics in a form of rant in the outro.... is there a transcription of it??????? 

    I've asked this before, but no dice. I know he only did it at one of the Nights, and there's a bit that goes "rich man in his land". Unless you mean the other speech, I guess that's in the video, don't remember.

    • Like 1
  13. 18 minutes ago, axlsalinger said:

    It is my hope that Axl will visit the forum one day and after reading all of these lists, gets so pissed off that he goes into the studio the very next day and records vocals for Oklahoma just to fuck with these guys. 


    I’d prefer it if he appeared suddenly and went off on a tirade like he did with Madison back then. You know, like "that’s right, you know jack shit" etc. That would be fun, and at least we’d possibly learn something new! 

    • Like 2
  14. To toss in my two cents: I’m on the fence about it. On the one hand, it’s heavily retarded, no doubts. On the other one, Guns apparently have one of the "let’s do absolutely fuck all" periods, at least regarding public activity, so I guess there’s a concern there’d otherwise be very low traffic on the forum. Maybe a good compromise would suffice: let them keep their theories + lists in one thread each (even in the D&N section, why not). As long as they don’t derail any other thread with it and keep it there, all’s fine with me. 
    It’s definitely some bad obsession, man. Maybe even...
    8. Back off Bitch (Axl Malibu garden demo 1998, vox by Beta, no guitars, one bongo)

    • Like 1
  15. 3 hours ago, Mendez said:

    ah i see.


    I shall rephrase: whoever mixed the 2006 Better leak but in better quality


    Don't believe everything you read here. I'm not aware of any evidence regarding Better vocals being recorded in 02/03. In fact, it doesn't sound like 2002 Axl at all...

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