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jamillos last won the day on June 28

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  1. I'd literally rather have no Axl interview than an Axl interview with Jimmy Fallon. Can't stand that guy.
  2. I think we lost that particular battle about 30 years ago...
  3. It's just father "wasting 8 years on the essentially same tour and giving the best to a different band 8 yrs ago" taking its toll, but whatever. : )
  4. Underselling their best "new" track this way, no promotion or anything, would be typical for GN'R - so yeah, it's quite possible it will be Monsters. I hope not. As for the fact that the band, notoriously known for constant touring and poor release history, requires premium purchases from fans in order to hear "another tracks", well, I'll leave that without comment.
  5. I miss the Evader remix or whatever it was called, with that weird other-wordly part ('who would do that... tooo youuu').
  6. The General definitely benefits from being patched together with Monsters, since it's quite meh, while the latter is clearly a big gun.
  7. Alice in Chains vibes Now imagine Eric Dover on vocals and Slash actually using a proper acoustic guitar on the solos. Imagine the sound... what a crazy thing that could have been. Still, cool...
  8. Ok I will. I don't think I even know her voice.
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