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Posts posted by Kula2006

  1. As for a GNR reunion, I think it will absolutely hang on Axl's financial health, if he can keep nuGNR viable it won't happen, if not, we will see a reconciliation.

    I don't think that axl would ever do that - doing this he would confirm having failed completly with nugnr and that he need the old guys to "survive" somehow.

  2. YCBM was the perfect choice back in the day - one of the most anticipated songs from the biggest band at that time combined with the most anticipated movie - simply a perfect match. I think the music video with arnold is great to bad it didn't make it onto welcome to the videos :(

    This song will always be connected with T2 - that's why it's a legendary song but I wouldn't really say that it is a hit song...

  3. I wonder how long Axl will accept this - BBF is nothing more than an (well paid) employee in the company Guns'n Roses and should behave like this.

    Just imagine how long you will stay in your company if you talk shit about it every now and then (even if it's just for fun) publicaly.

    I really wonder why Axl accepts this -> Slash is a cancer because he talked shit about Axl/GnR in public and with BBF everything seems to be fine when he does the same shit?!

  4. In AT they have sold 15 tickets for the movie...

    They also did promotion for it before Celebration Day (LedZep Concert) here.

    By the way most of the people there where laughing their asses of as the trailer said that it's Guns n Roses - just to show you how the general (rock) fans view this current version of the band.

    TBH I don't think the lack of interest is due to Axl's bad performance in London - in the trailer I have seen they didn't even show him singing and still no one gave a fuck about this cinema concert...

  5. I see no reason to get excited about this leak - the song has been released 4 years ago - 50 % of the members that are shown in there are long gone.

    I guess GnR wanted to satisfy the hardcore fans by leaking something "new" - this just shows you that we are nowhere close to getting new songs soon as they would have leaked at least some bits of them instead to create much more excitement.

  6. So are there any good reasons for him to work on or release a new album?? I guess just to satisfy some people on the forums isn't enough to convince him....

    Err, perhaps as an artist to share his art

    That might be the case for most artists but in Axls case I always had the impression that he definitely doesn't enjoy recording new material. As a perfectionist he never seems to be happy with the end product and nowadays no rec company would give him the time/money to make a "perfect" record -> from his perspective

  7. Something I've been thinking about lately.

    What good reason should Axl have to release new material?

    He will never get the support he would need to create a perfect album from any record company (costs, timelines, etc) again

    The general public won't change their opinion on "NuGNR" (=cover band) just because they release another solid album - just in case they would release another revolutionary album like AFD but we all know that won't happen

    The setlist for the live shows won't change - we will get less CD and more new songs but the setlist will still consist of all the classics (80 % of the setlist)

    So are there any good reasons for him to work on or release a new album?? I guess just to satisfy some people on the forums isn't enough to convince him....

  8. The problem isnt JUST the setlist; it's that Axl doesnt sound awesome like he did generally throughout '10. In '10 the set was the same but I was watching every show and really excited about things. He changed his appearance from the cornrows and weird shit and appeared to be coming full circle with everything including his voice. I was thinking at least pleasantries could be exchanged b/w him and the old band; or that maybe BH and Brain would be around; or that new material, or the material we never got to hear, would finally fucking be out. No way someone with a flair for drama like Axl would let all this momentum and potential opportunities be squandered. lol But no, just sending me back into '04 or '98! Except with a band that's not as interesting (but apparently generic and commercial thanks to DJ Ashba TM, woo hoo!), no excitement about something new except vague twitter bird shit, and Axl appearing to have lost it and having no fire or apparent interest in anything.

    Are we talking about the same tour? 2012? The chemistry and the shows are better than ever, Axl and the members are having more fun than they ever had!

    But I still don't see the need to complain in every single topic about the setlist.

    Saw them yesterday and Axl sounded like shit - Mickey Mouse Axl. No comparison to 2006 when I saw them the last time. Very dissapointing as I thought Axls voice will be much better as Graz was right in the middle of the tour.

  9. People in Europe pretty much don't care about the HOF whatsoever.

    Bring on the European Tour.

    Do you really think all people are disapointed because of axl not attending the ceremony?!

    It's the way he treats his former bandmates and his glorified past in general - demonizing everything that has to do with it but still doing a live set which consists of song that are 80 % from this time = cash grab deluxe.

    Do you really think people in Europe attend the concerts because they love CD/nugnr so much?!

  10. Just found this on blabbermouth:

    The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame will induct GUNS N' ROSES lead singer Axl Rose with the rest of the band's classic lineup despite the fact that he has asked to have his name withdrawn as a member of the group he co-founded and still fronts today.

    So Axl will get inducted anyway.

  11. Introduced by Green Day? I like that, awesome band!

    Wished though that Axl would show up! As he mentioned before he does not really seem to care, but it should be for the fans!!

    I think Axl will definitly take part of this:

    If he still hates slash the ways slash thinks he does, he would never ever want slash to accept an award as someone representing gnr (which was also the reason he sued the guitar hero makers)

    If he is now cool with slash he will attend anyway.

  12. So Uncle Axl has 3 choices for april 14th - and I think just 2 of them would really make sense:

    1. Don't attend the whole thing - axl will be seen as the big asshole and the one person who ruined everything. On the other hand he would make clear - once and for all - that he doesn't want to deal with anything related to the old band and maybe a lot of fans would have to accept the fact that a reunion will definitly never ever happen. I also expect some ugly words from the other guys especially slash if that happens after the ceremony in several interviews.

    2. Attend and play - Axl would be the winner of the day including gaining more love and respect also from the fanbase of the old band. Of course reunion rumors would spread like crazy but that has been the case since all the other guys left but this could also be avoided by the man himself if he clearly communicates that its just for this one night and for the fans only bla bla bla

    3. Attend and don't play - this wouldn't really make sense. What reason would he have to do this? Everyone would see that there is still bad blood between these guys - as Axl doesn't want to perform - so why attend this whole thing anyway? Would the fans of the old band stop hoping for a reunion - NO - would it help Axl to gain more respect - NO - would it help nuGNR being more respected - NO.

    As Axl has always been someone who takes either one side or the other - and nothing in between - I tend to bet he will either do point 1 or 2.

  13. Why should Axl care about the quality of his performance anyway - since beta etc took over management nobody in his team would say a bad word to him anyway - he would need somebody telling him to try harder or to care for his voice - I guess thats also a reason why we will never see any new music soon and no reunion as these guys wont keep there mouths shut.

  14. PS: I have no facts but I was always sure that everyone in the band are millionaires ....

    I'm quit sure that this is not the case. The Band might get well paid but they are for sure far away from being millionaires..

    At least they are all just session musicians and they get paid for that - never heard that someone became millionaire just by doing this job.

    Even if they received a million dollar check for the year, because they have periods of having no money come in and might make 20,000-30,000 the following year, wouldn't be calling themselves millionaires.

    The musicians in GNR don't seem to be treated like session musicians - they are a part of the show.

    Of course they are because it would look extremly stupid if it's just axl on stage and the guys are playing somewhere in the background

    From a contractual point of view they are for sure no more than session musicians - band members normally also earn money from merch etc which is for sure not the case here.

  15. PS: I have no facts but I was always sure that everyone in the band are millionaires ....

    I'm quit sure that this is not the case. The Band might get well paid but they are for sure far away from being millionaires..

    At least they are all just session musicians and they get paid for that - never heard that someone became millionaire just by doing this job.

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