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Posts posted by parisrocks

  1. On 4/20/2014 at 6:22 AM, SoulMonster said:

    They played Val du Lakes Amphitheater in Mears, Michigan in July 30, 1988, as part of their tour with Aerosmith. I have never heard of them playing the same venue on the exact date one year before. What is your source for this? I also don't have the full setlist for the 1988 show in Mears, but I doubt strongly they would play that song again.

    I was there.  It happened.  

  2. Sad that thats how the longest serving member of the new band was treated. Obviously it makes sense, but he still put so much time into that, and he's basically kicked out cause of old members. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather see Duff and I'm sure Tommy made a ton of money these past 15 years, but its just weird how that works out. Sounds so awkward that he obviously can't just say "I'm gone because Duff's back, what do you want me to say?!" even though thats probably the case.

    I listened and got a completely different impression. Love Tommy and the Mats and all he does, but it sounds like he had different priorities. Maybe even a health thing. Sounds like Axl just did what fit.

  3. I think it's crazy that they posted 2 Las Vegas reunion shows ahead of Coachella w/ no promotion besides the same ol', same ol' social media bullshit.

    I used to judge how current GN'R could be on the quality of the new music. That practice failed me. Now, I ask my friends who aren't superfans what they know and use them as my barometer. Survey says that no one knows about the Vegas shows and they think all 5 old Guns will be at Coachella.

    One interview could give everyone the info they need before they pay $2,500 for a VIP ticket.

    Axl Rose is fucking annoying.

  4. I think success of the tour will have to do w/ the production of the tour.

    GN'R should be a massive outing full of attitude and a sense of danger.

    Motley Crue was able to hide behind some fabulous production and tour incredibly successfully. You almost didn't notice their fat ass singer couldn't sing and poor Mick Mars could barely move behind all those fireballs and rollercoasters.

    GN'R have slowed, Axl especially. If they go out w/ that bare bones staging that the most recent GN'R tours have had, then all all eyes are on them and they have to live and die by their performance alone.

    That's when the poor word of mouth comes in and ticket sales suffer. This is also why I think stadiums are a terrible idea. Ain't all about capacity and arenas are better for shows.

    If they provide an experience, they'll do well. If they don't, I think people will talk shit about them being over the hill and all the haters on this board will start complaning how long Axl holds specific notes and it's all downhill from there unless they really make new music and it kicks ass.

    *My 2 cents.

  5. I'm most stoked to get some real press and interviews out of Axl!!! This is going to need to be hyped to shit to sell stadiums.

    Many think this tour will sell itself. I disagree. I wholeheartedly disagree. Stadiums are a lofty goal. I love Guns more than anything, but Rolling Stones they are not!

    That being said, a reunion tour w/out new music is a pure novelty,

    Please, please, please make some f'n music!!!

    Then, get out there and sell it!!! (no staged arrests, though)

  6. Not having Adler up for just even one song would be the utmost in cruelty on all of their parts. Yeah, if you take him on tour, he'll probably OD and die. But good lord, let the bastard play Rocket Queen or something.

    And anyway, I still think this is just a film biopic and big licensing deal for merch and video slots etc.

    It would be hilarious if there was no reunion and all the backstage negotiating was because of a movie and merch deal. It would be funny to watch all the insiders we have on here talk their way out of that one.

    Yeah, they shelled out big bucks on a trailer for a documentary and merch deal...

    This is very low-cost in relative terms of an advertising campaign. Extremely low.

  7. Still believe that "not in this lifetime" is not in this lifetime. So i'll be glad if Robin and the CD are back.

    Great point!

    I don't know why, but I feel like an original (Matt instead of Steven) reunion would only be a few primo gigs. Definitely can't see them writing a record together.

    The thing people are missing is that CD2 and possibly CD3 are in the can for the most part.

  8. If the talks of a new music are true, it would surely just be more from the Chinese Democracy era.

    Why hasn't there been more gossip or hope of Robin, and way less likely Buckethead, rejoining the fold?

    The only 2 players gone are strictly live show guys (DJ & Ron). Bumble contributions on CD are jack shit, so don't get technical.

    Makes sense to me. Robin is free. The rest of the CD era guys are intact. They wanted a 2 guitar approach, anyway.


  9. Found another mention in the new GQ while Ad Rock is doing press While We're Young. . .

    “I first went to L.A. in ’88 to be in a movie, and I met this guy, Donovan, who turned out to be one of my best friends, lifelong friends. And one of the first nights I got there, he was like,’Oh, there’s this crazy Hollywood party; I want you to come.’ So a bunch of us went to this crazy Hollywood party, and all these—like, the most random celebrities. It was the best way you could be introduced into, like, a Hollywood party. And you know, we’re drinkin’—it’s this huge house up in the hills somewhere—and everybody’s there, and I’m gettin’ drunk, and it’s like, next thing I know, I turn, I’m on the dance floor, and George Michael’s just standing next to me. I’m like,’This is awesome.’ And then Axl Rose came—like, stepped to me at the party and told me to stop ripping off Led Zeppelin. I’m like,’How am I even—how is this even happening?’ You know, this thing happens to all of us, I would assume: Like, there’s a moment in your life—and I would assume it happens for a lot of different reasons in a lot of different ways, like how you dress and your state of mind or whatever—but there’s this fun time in your life that you’re at, and you kind of always picture yourself that age. So like, I’m 48, but I still kind of think that I’m 22.”

  10. I had never heard this and I'm a huge Guns AND Beastie Boys fan.

    I think it's pretty fucking weak on Axl's part and seems a little narrow minded from a dude that thought N.W.A. was the second coming.


    Are you fucking kidding me? Did you just compare the Beastie Boys to NWA?

    You're goddamned right, I did!!! Do you have a problem w/ me insinuating that the Beastie Boys are above the league of that late 80's novelty act???

    If you wanna chop hip-hop history w/ me, I will literally leave you crying. Your turn.

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  11. The Beyonce business model of sudden album drops only favors the mega popular. The standard release plan of late is to release 3 - 4 songs ahead of album release at $1.29, so that when the album comes out you're committed and only have 6 bucks to go to complete the whole CD.

    Chinese Democracy is still a fantastic album no matter what haters will say 7 seven years after the fact. The lack of promotion sealed it's fate and that's it.

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