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Everything posted by Bansidhe

  1. Soundcloud maybe. If it's labelled as anything to do with Guns or the track name, it'll disappear very quickly.
  2. Contains the words "bugger" and "willy". Fully expect a return of the Parental Guidance sticker on the vinyl.
  3. Yeah. Pretty much anyone else involved at the level where they're familiar with the lyrics of (at that point) unheard material would have the sense not to post something like that. A pissed/powdered up Baz however...
  4. Most folk on here are big enough marks of the band to know the significance of this tune. Even if they work somewhere that already has it physically instore, they'll also be aware what management are like... Not worth the risk.
  5. Still fully expecting something ludicrous to happen. They made a bolox of things at the pressing plant and the "R" side of the vinyl is blank, Can you imagine the outrage
  6. Be even funnier if they printed up a few and casually left them in the Guns section in random record stores.
  7. In the bigger picture it's great that he seems happier now but it was hilarious when he used to cut promos onstage like that.
  8. Realised I started this thread years ago but haven't really added f**k all to it since Anyway, playing bass with this lot since last year. We've put a couple of singles out and done a few UK shows including Rebellion Festival in Blackpool. For fans of The Wildhearts, The Replacements, early Oasis, Slade, Husker Du.... Probably not doing any more shows this year but already got a good bit of material recorded and will be in the studio more over the next few months with a view to getting an EP out on wax next year. Here's a video we did a few months back. https://daviddelinquentandtheious.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/daviddelinquentandtheious
  9. Wee bit of fun with an idea liberated from a music group thing I'm in. Post an image or images which correspond to a song title. Example here... Easy one to kick off.
  10. Hiyaz folks. I don't know if this warrants getting made a sticky or not but I thought it would be a good idea for a thread which allows forum members to make others aware of their latest gigs/music. Handy as you could find out if a band is playing locally/relatively close and then you will know what they are like & can go and see them and give some support. My band Bismarck is playing Ivory Blacks in Glasgow tomorrow (Sat 20th March). We're sorta dirty/groovy rock but I'm also into a lot of post punk/goth stuff (Killing Joke, Cult, Theatre Of Hate etc) so it's an eclectic mix. Tix are £6. If anyone fancies putting in an appearance then PM me on here and I'll sort you with a ticket. Cheers Scott x
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