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Posts posted by mahimahi

  1. A lot of bands use backing tracks these days, and I dont see much of a problem with it. They are still singing the songs, not like they are lip syncing or anything. Its just that at times during a show, especially someone like Axl who does a lot of running around, they do need to catch their breath at times, and a backing track just assures that the song continues to sound good during those times. A lot of rappers and pop artists do this as well because they dance and move around so much.

    Axl is close to 50 years old, and he still runs around and is very active onstage, so its understandable why he would need it from time to time.

  2. Cool video.

    When he walked out on stage and the crowd was chanting "DJ", that reminded me of when Duff did the same thing and walked out on stage during the Metallica stadium tour on that MTV special they did on the tour. Anyone remember that?

    That's cool is there a video for it?

    Yep, he walks out at the 2:53 mark.

  3. Cool video.

    When he walked out on stage and the crowd was chanting "DJ", that reminded me of when Duff did the same thing and walked out on stage during the Metallica stadium tour on that MTV special they did on the tour. Anyone remember that?

  4. I'm not really blaming Axl, because he definitely has every right to say something and he didnt really do anything "wrong" in this video, but I think sometimes he should handle these situations a little better. This person hit him with a water bottle in the stomach area, and it didnt seem like it hurt him at all, so I think it was a bit of an overreaction to stop the show and threaten to leave because of ONE asshole. Had it been multiple people throwing shit then I would understand, but notbecause of one person. IMO he should have brushed it off and just kept playing, and if someone else threw something then stop the show and say something.

    Again, not blaming Axl or saying he was totally wrong, I just hate when one dickhead gets that much attention because they throw something.

  5. You forget something very important buddies: if Axl trained the way Mick Jagger does, his face would be all wrinkled and tired. That's the dilemma, and I think Axl, well it seems to me, I can't know for sure, but he seems to prefer having a good youthful face than a very athletic body, and he is damn right on that one. Mick Jagger looks like a mummy (no offense) with an awesomely great body. Axl looks fucking fantastic for his age (I mean his face, he looks very youthful) with a regular body, maybe a little fat but a lot less than most men of his age. My opinion: he looks awesome and he'll only get better as the tour advances.

    IMO he's totally right not to exercise like fuck to stay extra fit and have toned muscles. In my gym club, there are lots of people who are 40/50 and have a great body but their face looks like hell, they are winkled, they look old, really. Personally I don't pull weights too much because it tires your face, I prefer running or swimming, much more healthier and again I can't know for sure but I'm quite sure Axl runs and eats good meals. And it's the best way to keep on going imo, face over body guys.

    Seriously, are you guys fucking gay or what?

    I cannot believe that any male would honestly argue about how another MAN looks, unless they are fucking a homosexual. I have read so many posts saying "Axl is fat", who gives a flying fuck? The only people who would care is someone who wants to fuck Axl because they are a homosexual. Its all about the MUSIC, not the person.

    I just cant understand why someone would care what he looks like. Why dont you fucking idiots get a life? If what Axl looks like is that important, you must not have much of a life yourself.

  6. Q: Hey axl

    what effect do leaks REALLY have on the band/the album? Theres a lot of speculation but no clear answer.

    Thanks for your time

    Axl: Basically for us it's devastating across the board. And when u have such a majority openly justifying their actions and throwing out nonsense such as it's not actually stealing as the original is still with whomever it's unbelievably insane.

    It exists because of the greed of the record industry, the greed of large scale pirating, the ease and common nature now of the act itself and personal motivations such as popularity among certain groups, possible momentary media recognition etc.

    And it's too rampant and widespread. It's simply too huge a mess for the courts to deal with and in that with those #'s and the expense and manpower involved necessary at this time to curtail it... obviously there are more serious crimes for society to focus on.

    Besides, fuck musicians right? If they didn't make enough already then they probably suck anyway rt? "I ain't cryin' for no rich dude." Whatever.

    And who knows? What are our #'s on the torrent sites for this album? I don't know. So I don't know how or if it's affected us in terms of sales this time around. Maybe not but w/the economy and the core of our market I'd think there's a possibility it has had a negative effect. Anyone?

  7. I tried sending this ages ago but apparently it never went through. It was a direct response but now fits others questions on the same subject.

    The whole whose it about bit w/songs doesn't work for me that much as in whether a line or whatever was inspired by a particular person or situation doesn't mean that in the end that's what or who the song's about.

    I could be working with clay and think of someone or something and somehow that could inspire me to take the work in a different direction at the moment but in the end it could just be a nice vase.

    I often wonder where the people who inspired so many songs are now and why it's only important with some songs such as Layla as opposed to others. I'm guessin' a fair # of beautiful love songs or otherwise were inspired by some that the artists and public might consider now or in hindsight to be the opposite of how they are depicted or allegedly represented.

    With Sorry.. like a lot of the material is drawn from a lot of different situations. The main focus on the boards w/the track seems to be either Slash or "the fans" (and the collective of "the fans" is another thing that doesn't work for me) and is much too restrictive or narrow and limits what I feel I intended.

    For me it's for anyone talking nonsense at mine and the public's expense and that many of those as well as the public don't know who to believe.

    Also where possible I'd like to give people the opportunity to get what they can from the material for a while before clouding that with my inspirations. Of course that's not always avoidable.

    This is a nice postfrom him.

  8. I think generally most people try to be/stay positive, its just hard sometimes. When you invest a lot of time and money into something, from time to time you need a little insurance that it is time and money well spent. And with the history of this band, and the lack of information, it can get frustrating sometimes because people get to feeling like the band/Axl just doesnt care about the fans.

    It annoys me that people can be so stupid to believe that the time and money they spend as fans puts any obligations on the artist. When you buy a record, that's all you get, when you buy a concert ticket, that's all you get, the band does not fucking own you anything in addition. If you've spent the last years waiting for news from those you idolize, that's your fucking problem and disorder. You should just be grateful for the fact that they make art for you to consume, you egoistic prick. If artists were to do whatever their rabid fans demand of them they would be emtiped out and the art would suffer.

    Nice first post, now calm down.

    I never said the band owed the fans anything, per se, but fans should be entitled to an interview or some kinda info every once in awile, just to know whats going on. Fans are who buy the product, who support the artist, and who go to the shows. Without fans, they are nothing. Just because the band doesnt technically owe us anything, they should still care enough to update us every once in awile, or do what Axl did last night by chatting with them.

  9. I sent him one real quick right before the thread started piling up but didn't get a response. Didn't really expect to, though. I said in spite of criticism from people - myself included - it's all based in a desire as fans to see the band/album do well and succeed, not fail, and that GN'R will always be a special band to me. I'm always impressed at how the mood shifts here when something positive happens - months of whining can be put to an end with a simple thing like this. When the '06 tour started, and when Axl made his first appearance in '06 on Trunk, and when the leaks occurred, and when the single first came out and the album was announced, this place was insanely positive, and I got that same vibe again last night. It's always refreshing.

    I think generally most people try to be/stay positive, its just hard sometimes. When you invest a lot of time and money into something, from time to time you need a little insurance that it is time and money well spent. And with the history of this band, and the lack of information, it can get frustrating sometimes because people get to feeling like the band/Axl just doesnt care about the fans. I have been guilty of this in the past, as has most people. Of course, some people take it overboard, but for the most part everybody on the forum gets frustrated at one time or another.

    When things like this happen it just goes to show you that the majority of people here really care about this band, and they are happy as hell when something positive happens. You might have one or two people here that just do this to start shit, but most people here wouldnt waste their time if they didnt really care about the music and the success of this band. For a band to be able to make people get so angry, it proves people still care. If they didnt, they wouldnt waste their time.

  10. Dexter is Axl Rose? If this is true, I have officially soiled myself along with having a heart attack. Just when you thought nothing could top getting Chinese Democracy before everyone else in the world, the mofo comes on on mygnrforum. FUCK YEAH!!

    What´s the meaning of the name "Dexter"

    I think its a TV show, but I could be wrong. (someone correct me if I am)

    And I also found that funny about him laughing at that picture, wonder if he laughed at ER photoshop of the Jarmo/Fernando picture? ahaha

  11. Might as well start here... You're a little cunt and since you've been posting you've pretty much always been a little cunt. Blind accusations and insults by an anonymous coward and whiny shit stirrer aren't impressive or needed by anyone. Everyone else...talk with your administrator. Who wants to chat?!!


    was this his first post?

    what a fucking legendary entrance!!

    I could see Axl saying this aloud in that funny little voice he does when he is ranting at live shows? haha

    It was awesome.

  12. I do have two questions, if you happen to come back to this thread anytime soon.

    I was just wondering what happened at that New Years eve gig in Vegas? The one where Slash was banned from coming to the venue? Were you aware of this and did you not want him there, or was this really done without your knowledge of the situation? I have heard many different stories, just wondering what the truth is from your side.

    And, why wasnt Merck thanked in the liner notes on CD? I know you guys had a falling out, but didnt he do enough to at least get thanked? Just wondering.

    Thanks again.

  13. I can't believe I missed all of this, that sucks.

    This was beyond awesome though, Axl was so fucking cool doing this and answering the questions the way he did. Seems he is just itching to tell his side of things, and I hope one day soon we get to hear his side.

    Two things.

    1) I hope this wasnt just a one off chat. If it was, then it was still really fucking cool, but it would be nice if you could stop in from time to time and answer questions/give us updates. This small chat answered so many things people were interested in knowing, it was just great.

    2) You have made one amazing album, and I just hope that eventually you tour and promote it the right way, because it would be a damn shame for this album to not get the promotion it deserves. I think once the Better video is released, this album will start selling more because that is one great fucking song (and should have been the first single).

    Thanks again for taking the time to talk to the fans, that was a very awesome surprise to wake up too.

  14. I think File Sharing hurts and helps artist. Of course you have a lot of people who will download and not buy the album, and yes that does hurt the artist. However, its also works as an advantage because I have downloaded lots of albums that friends have recommended I check out and then end up buying their albums and going to their concerts. Had I not had the option to simply download the album and check it out I probably would have never even bothered checking that band out, and spending money on them. So File Sharing is not always a bad thing just because some people abuse it.

    I dont think an album leaking early hurts sales, especially if it leaks a week or so before the release date. It does suck when a bands album leaks like 2 months in advance though. I have actually gotten tired of albums before they are officially released because they leaked so early.

  15. I usually download every album and listen to it before I purchase it, but if this ends up being true and we are getting the album in less than two months, I will not download it even if it leaks 3 weeks early. We have waited SO long for this album, and I can wait another month and a half.

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