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Posts posted by Tom-Ass

  1. On AXS TV tonight 10:45pm-1:05am EST.

    No idea what show, probably Live From Sydney, Rio or NYC. The description says

    Slash performs tracks from his solo album and Guns N' Roses songs with singer Myles Kennedy.

    (2012), (Performance)

    Also on tonight, Real to Reel with Slash, 8pm-9pm EST on AXS.

    It is Made In Stoke.. they are playing it all day.

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  2. Opinions are like ass holes, everyone's got one, IMO cd is great, just a lot of old school gnr fans won't have it cos of who and who's not on the record

    Like you said, everyone has got one. IMO the album sucked and it had no difference who was in the band at the time. I don't think it should have been called Guns N' Roses due to the lineup but that has no bearing on the quality of the music. If I thought it was good I would say it. I was waiting for the album to come out like everyone else. I went out and bought me a Josh Freeze album, a Buckethead album.. Was watching along with everyone online that first Vegas show back. Loved the 3 new songs I had on my Rock In Rio bootleg. Bought End Of Days for Oh My God...

    The finished product just ended up being awful. And the studio versions of The Blues, Maddy and CD just weren't as good as the live versions I had heard.

  3. What he's saying makes sense, civil war is great, GNR were the best band in the world at that time.

    The only reason CD didn't do so well is the shit marketing it never got but it's still a great album, just cos there's no $lash don't make it crap

    Has nothing to do with no "$lash".. So fucking clever by the way. Or Izzy, Duff or Steven for that matter.. I personally thought most of it was like listening to nails going down a chalkboard but some people do like it. (I have yet to actually meet one in person). Whether you like it or not, it just wasn't a good Guns N' Roses record and a poor choice to release it as one.

  4. Just got done reading through this thread and man is it fucking dumb.. There are like 2 people that agree with the tinyrobot who is obviously a fucking clown. If you watch the actually video of Slash's comment it is so benign that it isn't funny. He doesn't come across as trashing poor Axl or taking cheap shots at him.

    This videos were cheesy as hell and I know a shitload of people that jumped of the Guns N' Roses train during the whole UYI's evolution. I liked the albums but overall people thought they were bloated, the videos were lame as hell and most of all people just got sick of Axl's antics.

    To 3 Axl nut swingers left in this thread.. I lived through it.. I loved Gn'R and Axl. I never heard anyone talk shit about Slash, Izzy, Duff or Steven... The fans that turned their back on Gn't got sick of Axl end of story.. He was the one I was always trying to defend.. I did this up until probably 12 or 13 years ago. What the fuck was I thinking?

  5. Without SCOM and November Rain and few Izzy songs you virtually got a tuneless/hitless album.

    Here's the Slash UYI album:

    Garden of Eden

    Don't Damn Me


    Civl War

    Get in the Ring



    YCBM (Stradlin)

    Don't Cry (Stradln)

    Nov Rain (Rose)

    Estranged (Rose)

    I'd take the first one any day... Although neither song on either list would be the same without both Axl and Slash.. Those cheesy videos are what ultimately killed Guns N' Roses popularity in the end IMO..

    I've read a lot of Slash interviews and it's easy to derive from his words that he wanted to stop GNR from getting too big, from becoming U2 or Aerosmith or The Rolliing Stones. On the other hand, Axl was prepared to follow those stops and he wanted to be huge. In order to be huge like that, at that time or era, videos like this were necessary. Period.

    Sorry but Guns N' Roses were the biggest band in the world before the trilogy came out. They were fucking huge!

  6. Battleground And Unholy could make an impact on the mainstream. They would just stand out whereas some of the others take more listening to.

    I thought Unholy took some listening to.. I think "Bent To Fly" would be the best choice for a single. This whole album is good though.. Every time I listen to it a different riff or hook just jumps out at me.. Songs that I didn't care for at first or thought were just ok I suddenly find stuck in my head.. Good stuff.

  7. It was pretty fucking bad ass when I saw it

    Just saw Gibbos 20 min video and you're right. It's fucking amazing

    hahaha... The only one that sucked for me was a couple of years ago at Hampton Beach. I was hyping it up to everyone that went with me and like a minute into the jam, he broke a string. He just walked over to the side of the stage, grabbed a new guitar and his slide, skipped the whole jam and went right into the end part of the song :/

  8. Stradlin put out 51 songs, across five albums, between 2007 and 2010. Duff has two bands on the go, runs a business and still finds time to write for a sports journal. All the rest of GN'R are actually really prolific; it is just the red head.

    Just the red head? What about Adler? :P

    Lol Adler...

    Adler did put out a full CD as well as an EP......

  9. 20 songs, this would work for me

    World On Fire

    Dirty Little Thing/Suckertrain Blues


    Stone Blind/Wicked Stone/30 Years To Life

    Standing In The Sun

    No More Heros

    Back From Cali

    You Could Be Mine/Out Ta Get me/Mr. Brownstone/Civil War

    Bent To Fly

    Not For Me


    Beneath The Savage Sun

    Knockin On Heavens Door/Rocket Queen (extended jam on either)

    Too Far Gone

    Fall To Pieces/Patience/Beggars and Hangers


    Safari Inn (extended Jam)

    Sweet Child O Mine


    Paradise City

  10. 20 mins Rocket Queen

    Holy FUCK Batman,, We have a new record!

    This song fucking stays..... Rotate the Todd songs if you want. I love Todd's backups and harmonies but his renditions of the GnR songs, Dr Alibi and We're all gonna die do nothing for me...

    Playing 20 plus songs I say keep the 6 or even 7 Gn'R songs.... The crowd fucking eats it up and there are alot of people that go there to see that stuff. I am one of them. I love hearing those songs live and I am not going to see Axl's band do them.

    Drop all the stuff off the first Slash Record except Back From Cali. Maybe play Ghost or Nothing To Say once in awhile

    Drop all the Snakepit stuff at this point. Maybe a song here or there for the diehards but they sure aren't crowd pleasers.

    Off AL I would only play Standing In The Sun, Anastasia and Not For Me, No More Heroes...

    Keep Slither and play Fall To Pieces or Dirty Little Thing once in awhile

    Then play like 6 songs off WOF....

    Too bad Izzy doesn't tour with these guys.. How fun would that be? The chemistry with him and Slash is unmatched.. Plus there are songs he could sing.

    He could also sing the YCBM backup vocals correctly at the end..

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