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Posts posted by YOUCOULDBEMINE.

  1. 14 hours ago, action said:

    I noticed a trend, starting with the widespread access to internet (and knowledge), of people acting all douche with futile factual knowledge. I really do. It's like, these people happen to stumble upon something (it isn't exceptional; they practically throw facts at you when you surf the net), and they think they're all that great. These kind of people have always existed, but now they can feign intelligence with little bits and pieces of information. it is a strange thing to behold. People like that don't really anger me, rather I look at them in bemusement. Kind of like how I would watch a monkey wearing glasses or something. You can go two steps without encountering someone like that. And I believe, it only gets worse. I think it started with the so called grammar police, and now I think it's the source police. So.fucking.tiresome.

    You just don't find calm, sober people anymore who you can have a normal conversation with, without them showing off with the latest fashion buzzword like CO2, omega3, covid-sars2-19 or equally tiresome terminology. why is it so hard to act normal? are people afraid to come across as stupid? they must lack confidence surely? Where are all the low-schooled people? (without demeaning those people in the slightest) is everyone highly intelligent? I just can't believe that.

    I would 1000 times prefer someone with a sober look on life, rather than a know-it all. 

    So what you're basically saying is that you can't stand people who are educating themselves, or who are smarter than you.

    Also you sound like you're 60 man. 

  2. I wonder who said "hey let's upload Slither, Rocket Queen, YCBM and SCOM. Axl always sounds great on those songs!"

    They could not have picked worse songs than that. Maybe the first performance of Dead Horse from 2019.

    RELEASE SOMETHING FROM 1986-1993 OR 2006/7, 2009/10.

    2016 would be okay too.


    Also I can't believe people are into this.

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  3. 10 minutes ago, Len Cnut said:

    Thank you!  The problem is that you need to learn the shit to some decent level and then do something substantial to where the patterns become applicable to the sort of shit you are involved in, its not really stuff thats designed to help you buy a pint of milk, you shouldn't need Algebra for that :lol:

    It wouldn't surprise me if some mathematicians actually do consider everything before deciding what milk to buy and at what price :lol:

  4. 2 hours ago, action said:

    the most important facts aren't teached at school.

    they teach algebra at school for crying out loud. Algebra. When do you ever need that? It surely won't help to put that paiting on the wall.

    Learning algebra helps you develop problem solving skills, logical thinking, finding patterns and is basically faster than math. 

    And yes, it does indeed help you put up that painting on the wall.

    Also, sorry to say this but fixing stuff requires very basic knowledge. Us lazy millenials are too busy building bridges between communities and cultures.

    I know you denounce science, but I keep getting the feeling that you see scientists as these goofy guys with glasses that you see in cartoons.

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  5. 9 minutes ago, Lio said:

    It seems the downsides of not going to school far outweigh the possible risks involved in going to school, with precautions taken. Or that's what I believe anyway (because experts believe it). Let's hope I'm right :)

    Imagine if this went on for a few years and people started homeschooling their kids. A lot of these parents aren't as educated or 'street-smart' as they believe themselves to be. 

    We'd be doomed :lol:

  6. On 14-6-2020 at 10:55 PM, Oldest Goat said:

    I'm glad I voted for her and I'll be doing so again this election. She's a great leader and apparently our most popular ever. She's not perfect but hey I'll take things like slightly irritating levels of earnesty over "duuuh lets inject ourselves with bleach???" etc etc any day of the week lol. The opposition leader may as well not even exist he's a retard, I'm loving it.

    I honestly respect the hell out of both Ardern and Merkel. They've both shown to be true leaders. You should consider yourself lucky 😄

  7. On 3-6-2020 at 11:45 AM, action said:

    you don't calm the agressive drunk wreaking havoc in the local pub with tea and cookies

    a good beating with a rubber stick is what's the appropriate action here, till their blue in the face. You can always say "oops, you fell, sir. oops, you fell again". 

    Why the hell not? Reasonable when possible, violent when necessary.

    You can abolish the police when everyone becomes friendly and obedient.

    For some people it would be a revelation walking with the cops for a couple of days. Preferrable after 18 pm when people go home from work, and the thugs crawl from under their rock.

    Why the hell not? Violent when necessary isn't what they're trained for. Especially in the example you give.

    I saw a dude get his ribs kicked in by the police, because they were sure they had the guy who threw a chair in a bar. Once they got the wrong guy, he resisted (duh). Police thought it was necessary to jump him with 3 guys and kick the shit out of him. 

    Only to release him 2 days later because he was innocent. The guy sued the police, and lost.

    This had nothing to do with color or race, but the fact that most cops are dicks and that they think their uniform means they're above the law.

    I can name 20+ examples like this. So I'm not a fan of cops, anywhere.

  8. 6 hours ago, Live Like a Suicide said:

    Scraped isn't even the worst song on CD. I think that title goes to R&B.

    Rhiad had potential tho. I never really got into Scraped and IRS. 

    Live both songs were a lot better, way more rasp than on the album

    Rhiad on the other hand, Axl should've tried this song in 2006 or 2010. Same with OMG. 

  9. 14 hours ago, GNR_RNR said:

    If you watch it and come to that conclusion you're just a nitpicker. No other way around it.

    Is it the best performance or mix. No, not by a long shot.

    Is it bad. Also no, also by a long shot.

    I'm not nitpicking. I've seen Axl in 2006, 2010, 2012 and 2016. This doesn't come close to any of the shows I've seen.

    Also the mixing is pretty bad.

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  10. Wearing a mask in public 😂 not in a million years. And if I did they'd be extremely offensive. We went from thinking we were top of the foodchain to being chickens.



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