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John Bonham

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Status Replies posted by John Bonham

  1. My Hibachi chef tonight gave the table some words of wisdom: "Anal is like spinach - if you're forced to try it as a kid, you won't like it when you're older."

  2. Watching Paul McCartney's show. Not a big fan but since HE CAME TO THE BRAZIL I'm giving him a chance. Dude is killing it. So much talent and charisma. #sayhellotothebrazilpaul

  3. Axl I love you Say hi for me please ♡

  4. People who stop by unannounced are the worst people in the world.

    1. John Bonham

      John Bonham

      Jesus, put your cock down for a minute, mags

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. What is the best Roger Waters solo album?

    1. John Bonham

      John Bonham

      The Pros and Cons of Hitch-Hiking. Roger Waters + Eric Clapton

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Had to put my dog down today. 7 years old. Diabetes. Liver failure. So sad. A friendship like that should last for much longer. Dogs should live more. Love you, Cosmo. Forever.

  7. I brought in a stray last night, so I have a cat now. I've named her Daisy.

  8. Next time maybe don't wonder why I don't offer "constructive criticism."

  9. Rumors: Beta was fired the day appetite for democracy debuted in movie theaters nationwide.

    1. John Bonham

      John Bonham

      Is mygnr just another holding in Team Brasil's empire?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  10. It's a great time to donate guys!! Yeah yeah you get crappy supporter naff perks (whatever) but more importantly I'm off to NYC next week for my birthday and that plush hotel won't pay on it's own! #notgreedyjusthonest

  11. Prediction: A4D will sell better than anyone expected and get great reviews. On the flip side, Slash's upcoming release will not get good reviews. #tidesaturnin'

  12. In the amount of time that's passed since 2010, CD will be a decade old.

    1. John Bonham

      John Bonham

      For the kids who attended the 2002 tour when they were in college or high school, Chinese Democracy is definitely a nostalgia trip.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. In the amount of time that's passed since 2010, CD will be a decade old.

    1. John Bonham

      John Bonham

      They were more active during the inactive years of 1995-1999 than they are now.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. My hooray for tolerance!.

    1. John Bonham

      John Bonham

      What's up mah hooray for tolerance!

  15. On a scale of 1 to Paul Stanley, how gay is it if I throw my lovesick ass on the couch and watch romance films all day?

    1. John Bonham

      John Bonham

      "No, I like you very much.

      Just as you are."

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  16. Now Axl´s said what kinds of music he likes I wonder how many will start claiming the have the same taste and praising all those artists named. Like when a few years ago during the 2006 MTV show where he made everyone backstage to be silent so he could listen to Christina Aguilera, people started saying how much they liked her when they had previously bashed her. LOL some people are hilarious.

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