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Posts posted by WhazUp

  1. This is the greatest VMA performance ever and it shits all over every single thing that this new "band" has done.

    +1 :thumbsup:


    I just love the drumming. Adler was excellent!

    ..that *was* the sound that counted most. Years down the line, it has all but vanished :question:

    I actually think Axl sounds pretty bad here. I bet if that were a recent performance(with the new band) people would hate on it.

    Really? I think the polar opposite - I think he sounds perfect here. Very rarely did he ever sing Jungle that well live (even in the old days) and this performance is fantastic. He hits all the right notes, has great stange presence, and has the perfect amount of rasp in his voice. I love this performance. It has nothing to do with who is/isn't in the band, I truly belive this performance of WTTJ is fantastic

  2. Setlist being played now blows away the setlists of bands new and old playing today. Stop complaining and realise what we have is special.

    Um, no it doesn't. Check out setlists from Foo Fighters (who I don't even like, but respect) and Pearl Jam (no setlist is ever the same).

    Hell, even this Gn'R setlist isn't as good as it was a couple of years ago. NEVER CITR, TWAT, or IRS anymore. Let's settle down with the "great setlist!" praise after every show. It's essentially the same. I'm going to the Camden show, and if they play this same setlist, I'm going to be a little disappointed.

    I mean really, can't they even change up the order once in awhile? Yes, I'm complaining. I've seen them 15 times since '91. Change up some songs once in awhile. Damn.



  3. Even on the album?

    not as bad on the album. but jump to 1:30 ish here

    GnR definitely uses some assistance live. When I was making a music video for ChiDem I DL'd a few live videos of it, and much to my surprise, every single one was exactly the same BPM. Absolutely impossible. Bare minimum Frank is playing to a click track, which would be unnecessary unless there was other pre-recorded things being played

    If you listen to the ear moniter mix of Tokyo 2009 you can hear the click track at the start of CD

  4. I don't know about live, but Axl uses it on Chinese Democracy, sometimes a little too much. That's just my own opinion though.

    Most notably (for me) in Scraped at 1:19. I meant wtf man it sounds like he just takes the pitch wheel on a keyboard and jams it up. Sometimes I feel like MY life's..... love the song a lot but that kills the feel of the raw angry blues rock song that it is

    All those years he worked on the album, how the hell did they let that line slip? Sounds like a fuckup.

    Didn't Axl say during the chats that it was intentional? I don't remember the exact quote and I'm too lazy too look it up lol but I think that's what he said

  5. IRS is pretty copy/pasted too. The 1999 leak has a different final solo, the 2006 demo has the Bucket solo, and the 2007 demo and the album version has the 1999 solo in the middle of the song and the 2006 demo solo as the final solo - meaning there was initially 1 solo but they copied the old solo and pasted it in the most recent versions of the song so there are 2 solos

  6. And I really don't care if you like Slash or not as I have gotten past getting excited when Axl cultists go out of their way to bash Slash as I really don't care if they like him or not. And you know what? since I started ignoring the fans trolling Slash I am much happier. You should give it try you will have much less stress when you realize people who bash Axl should not matter to you.

    Haha, you got stressed out from people bashing your hero?

    cupcakes coming here with the only purpose of bashing GN'R are not stressful, they don't get me "upset" (as you write later), but they drown out the interesting information and opinions on the forum with their monotonous noise. It is pure garbage, not because their opinions are not valid, but because it is so repetitious and boring. Their purpose is not to add something novel and interesting to the discussion, they are not here to actually discuss a band they are fans of. They are worthless cupcakes with incessant noise making the valuable posts harder to find.

    As far as why we are here, we are fans expressing our opinions..

    If you only post critical things then you are not a fan but a pathetic cupcake with too much time on your hands.

    don't like our opinions go to the HTGTH forum where Axl is pefect.....not going anywhere? then STFU and stop being such a pussy.........

    What? Are you serious? You don't agree with the notion that moronic cupcakes who offer nothing of value to the forum should go away? You seriously think that just ignoring them and letting the forum be drowned in cupcake postings is the best option?? Rather than improving the noise-to-signal-ratio and hence making the forum more valuable?

    Yes I used to let the Axl cultists trolling by bashing Slash piss me off and I used to respond but I finally realized that I did not care if they liked Slash or his music so I started ignoring them and did not get worked up over it I suggest Apollo and anyone else who does not like perceived negative opinions about Axl/NuGuns to do the same..you will be much happier in the end.

    All the individuals, including me, that Groghan refers to as cupcakes don't only post negative things about Axl and NuGuns so you are incorrect about that point. I can also say the same thing about some of the Axl cultists here who do the same thing to Slash..............

    And I agree that people who cupcake and take personal shots at Axl and the band offer not value but I don't agree that this is the case with the poster you and others accuse of being cupcakes, Bobbo, Sleeper, Sunny Dre, etc. fit this description. We offer our opinions about the band nothing more.......

    Again you and the others have a choice to stay here an read the posts that offend you nobody is holding a gun to your heads but whining about it is not going to change the posting habits of the people you attack so who really is offering no value with their posts in this case? But if you insist on staying here you can always put anyone who bothers you on ignore and their posts will be filtered for you...see problem solved mate...........

    exactly :thumbsup:

  7. If these 12 songs in this order were on one record and then they put out a single for each song, everyone would buy the single to get the B side and the record would have been as big as AFD or bigger and they would have had lots of top 10 singles because of the sales to get the B sides. The rest of the songs save for a different project or the next record including Ain't going down

    Dust N Bones --------B side 14 Years

    Perfect Crime ---------B side Back Off Bitch

    Live And Let Die----- B side Bad Obsession

    Don't Cry ---------------B side Don't Cry ALT

    Double Talkin Jive--- B side Right Next Door To Hell

    November Rain ------ B side Dead Horse

    Civil War --------------- B side So Fine

    Pretty Tied Up ----------B side You Ain't The first

    Locomotive --------------B side The Garden

    Estranged ---------------B side Yesterdays

    YCBM ---------------------B side Garden Of Eden

    Coma ---------------------B side Breakdown

    Total 75 minutes =

    Wow that's a cool idea!

  8. Nobody is sad and miserable about GnR not releasing more music.

    From all the whining and complaining on the fora it sure looks like people are really upset about it.

    When you're on a GN'R forum, you tend to tell your opinions of GN'R. Some have negative opinions and are hungry for new music. Because this is a GN'R forum, they express this opinion. Doesn't mean all they can think about is GN'R's lack of music; it's just the topic of conversation. I'm sure GN'R's not making people lose sleep at night (except at concerts with the late starts and all).

    +1 :thumbsup:

  9. I was working on buying the full song from a guy a couple years ago, and he played it over the phone to me..even though it was obviously garbled, the main part of the chorus said something something sacrifice..MSL and probably a few others can back me up on this..

    I remember MSL mentioning this a while back

  10. While yes Axl doesn't owe us stuff, it is kind of ridiculous to make a bunch of statements and promises as early as 1999 that he never followed up on. To not take those oppurtunities and make something of them is beyond me. Axl stated nearly ever year since 2002 that "the album will be out this year" but it didn't come into fruition until 6 years later. And after that he mentioned the Better video that would be out "in a week or so" and its nearly 3 years later and it still hasn't seen the light of day. And the timeline he alluded to in regards to releasing the "trilogy" has pretty much come and gone.

  11. This performance shits all over Rio and Chile. Some of the posters in this thread are nuts.

    I think the new band is cool and I am a fan of Axl, but you guys need to stop trying to convince yourselves that this band is better than the old.

    Has this new band even written a hit song yet?

    That is how it should be played.

    This version really does have "something" that I don't get from the performances recently. Not to say that people have to like the same versions I do, but I just prefer this one myself. Especially Matt's drumming, this song is one of those rare occasions where Matt actually fits really well with the band IMO

  12. I remember hearing a clip that was a few seconds longer than the one on youtube now, and I believe it went like this:

    All cautions made, every chance was given, no effort spared, to save what we had

    All in good faith.....................................


    Found it... The description says it's "All in good faith", but you only hear "All in goo- ......"

    It's in the very end, and has a better sound quality... about one second.


    I have the full 16 seconds that includes that 1 extra second of the "all in goo-". What I don't understand is why these youtubers loop the clip and repeat the same part?!? Its pointless

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