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Posts posted by WhazUp

  1. The band sound amazing, axl is in great shape, tours goin well, cd is out, what fuckin more do you people want?

    The band sounds sterile and generic, Axl uses playback for backing vocals (in an 8-piece band, that is), no US/Euro tour in sight, and CD should be played be the guys who wrote and recorded it.

    There you are.

    the band sounds great

    sure i would love to have CD be played by who played on the original recording but Ashba is doing a great job and is more consistent than Fink

  2. i am LOVING these surprise gigs and all the new pics we get are a brilliant remedy for whilst we are waiting for the south american dates :thumbsup:

    and the cupcakes of this thread- puzzle me.What makes these people waste their lives doing such shit online-wierd :crazy:

    i think its all good now - ashbalove is banned finally

    How can you tell when someone gets banned?

    i checked his profile and it said "banned"

  3. dayum,,, nice pic.. but they shoulda put a higher stage for them. only people up front can see.

    you're kidding, right? that's a horrible pic :fuckyou:

    that's nice. insult and flip a guy off for saying "nice pic." "Harminator." Quality member we have here.

    i was thinking the exact same thing bro.

    the more and more this guy posts, the less i like him

    anyway, cool pic. im glad they stuck with You're Crazy

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