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Posts posted by HubbaBubba

  1. I think you're reaching a little. Out of this tweet's context, what does the phrase 'no news is good news' mean to you? Is it a positive or a negative statement?

    When guns tweets it, you understandably interpret it differently. And you yourself just expressed a disbelief that there could be any 'other interpretation'. So what exactly are YOU doing?

    We should just leave it there. The fact that you can't get your head around any of this really isn't that interesting. And should you really have brought wits into it?

    Perhaps I'm wrong, but to me the expression "no news is good news" is not a positive statement. If you are expecting bad news but hear nothing then you say that "no news is good news" but the fact is you were expecting bad news to begin with. In this case fans are clamouring for ANY kind of news related to GnR, so no news is not a good thing at all in this case?

    No you're not wrong. It's a completely fair interpretation. And the ambiguity allows it.

    What if over a few months multiple sources claimed that your favourite band was planning to reunite, and not one member denied any of it and instead remained completely silent on the subject for a prolonged period. No news is good news?

    As longtime guns fans, your gut of course says bad news. But I think that this tweet, made in the context of recent events, could be fairly interpreted quite differently.

  2. I think you're reaching a little. Out of this tweet's context, what does the phrase 'no news is good news' mean to you? Is it a positive or a negative statement?

    When guns tweets it, you understandably interpret it differently. And you yourself just expressed a disbelief that there could be any 'other interpretation'. So what exactly are YOU doing?

    We should just leave it there. The fact that you can't get your head around any of this really isn't that interesting. And should you really have brought wits into it?

  3. Once again boys and girls, they are calling you, or we, or the people discuss reunions and pore over rumours, sad cunts with no lives. How is that even vaguely cryptic, where's the cryptic bit?

    Agree to a degree. But where's the dig at us in no news is good news?

    A bunch of people are clamouring and scrambling for some or ANY kind of news....and then they go 'what happened to no news is good news?', what other way can that be interpreted as aside from taking the piss?
    But this is all just a matter of interpretation (and assumption). Gnr could tweet saying 'the original band is reuniting' and you could say 'check out the sarcasm, those cruel pricks!'.

    Until they're on stage playing sweet child each one of us can take what we want from this. It doesn't mean there's more than fuck all to any single person's position. You do have history on your side though!

  4. The badness of Rock in Rio 2011 is greatly exaggerated around here.

    True. I think the reason that Rio is panned so much is because you can actually see Axl give up, which is pretty difficult to watch as a guns n roses fan.

    Bridge School remains the worst in my book. It was just shocking, and more like a weird parody of a gnr gig. I guess people go easier on it because it was a charity gig, and because Axl was sick. Or so it goes.

  5. Axl is a smart guy. Don't you think he would anticipate that, after all the public grudge-holding, the slightest whiff of a reconciliation with slash would result in an avalanche of reunion speculation?

    I think they're probably just evaluating their relationship. An eventual reunion can't be ruled out, but it certainly shouldn't be ruled in. So, why would they put unnecessary extra pressure on themselves at this tenuous stage by officially confirming that this is what's going on? Silence is the right option to take. In fact it's the only truly promising thing about this whole situation.

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  6. If Ash gets asked if he knows anything about a reunion... I'd like to know if he knows anything about a reunion. His own opinion on the issue means next to fuck all to me. If he doesn't like being asked he could just say 'I don't know'. Or even just 'fuck off'.

    What he is doing is letting us know what HE thinks about a reunion. This involves calling original guns 'lightening in a bottle' (yawn), and calling Axl fat (yawn). He then says some retarded crap about a door that as far as I can tell he thinks makes him sound like a wiseguy - but is actually tedious and a bit embarrassing to read. Then he apologises for all of the above.

    The only thing we learned for certain is that Slash's brother has got middle school-level literacy, and that he's a prize douchebag.

  7. Why do all these peripheral people feel compelled to give an opinion on gnr?

    Why the fuck am I hearing from slash's kid brother and Axl's housekeeper's son?? They're only connected with the band and their history by chance, and they have played no part in their music or their success. Haven't these people got stuff going on in their own lives?

    Watching these desperados coming out of the woodwork at a time like this just hints at the sort of leaches that would appear if guns ever did try to make something happen.

    If they do make a move, they'll need a really good, professional manager to protect them.

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