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Posts posted by HubbaBubba

  1. Ashba bashing is something we've done to death. I can't cover all of guns material perfectly, but would I have taken the job? Hell yeah!

    The truth is, we keep on at Ashba not because we really dislike him, but because of what he represents. He's the living, mincing proof that Axl is nearly done.

    Personally, I'm indifferent to the guy and find his own music bland. He's not a great guitarist, but that's no crime. It's just that I never would've thought I'd see footage of guns' bassist publicly deride their lead guitarist's attempt at a simple solo on stage. But who's got the most control over that little scene? The glory days these ain't.

  2. Impotent rage on mike's part. He could shit wherever he wants, but his band would still be second billing to the guy he hates and thinks he's punking. Ultimately the joke's on him, and he knows it.

    If you're gonna spend the whole tour disgusted with yourself for taking the money - then just don't take the money. You'll sleep way better.

  3. It's not clear to me how badly the board was doing financially before, but relegating the majority of your readership to some sort of formal second tier definitely doesn't sound like a great idea.

    Your last post by implication seems to suggest that non-members will not be 'taken care of'. I realise this doesn't necessarily mean that their forum experience will be any different, but it unmistakably creates the wrong vibe.

    Axl's 'way' has left only a small, tightly knit community of guns fans who are still active online. In all honesty, I wouldn't try to divide this limited community under any circumstances.

  4. This shit gets into a really deranged, murky world of super-stardom and the very, very nasty vultures that it attracts.

    I remember reading that in those same regression therapy sessions, Axl recalled memories from the moment he was conceived. And those same 'advisors' were the ones who helped him with that revelation about the native american past life stuff with Erin. He was absolutely adamant it was legit, and said so in a major publication.

    The truth is, whatever terrible trauma the man really suffered, going public with it in this way did neither him nor that cause much good.

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