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Posts posted by MillionsOfSpiders

  1. The other possible explanation for the sudden appearance of weight gain in his face is that whatever upset his vocals could have been a nasty infection. I get tonsillitis, it makes my neck and face swell really badly. I saw a couple of pics that looked like his glands were really swollen. 

  2. I think the prices are quite fair for the size of the show. Somebody's got to pay all those roadies and make money after :/ 

  3. 57 minutes ago, stella said:

    For those of us who aren't interested in the ogling (which is totally fine and good and all! Just not for me! :) ), another topic maybe...have you ever met any of the band members? I met Duff on his book tour and he was incredibly sweet, as one would expect, even though I was jabbering like an idiot :D  because I was so glad to meet him. I am still kicking myself that I missed Slash's book signing when his memoir was released.

    I met slash in 2001 on his snakepit club tour in Sheffield. He was wasted so didn't really talk much and the whole time people were shoving things at him to sign, which was annoying. Lots of people turned up who couldn't get tickets and they were being arseholes! 

    Everyone who spoke to him as he was going into the gig was saying what a wanker Axl is and how they all hated him and slash just laughed. 

    Half way through the show and they decided to play a GnR tune (can't remember if WTTJ or ISO) but the singer, Rod Jackson, did an Axl impression and the whole place threw their beer pots at him and stuck their fingers up at him while chanting Axl lol

  4. 48 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    The only thing I've heard is that he'll only get paid after everything's done and only if he behaves to Angus' liking ;)

    I hope when the AXL/DC thing is all done that we get to find out how they managed to get Axl to behave himself and what it was like having him in the band. Probably not though.

  5. 2 hours ago, janrichmond said:

    can't see Slash sticking around if Axl doesn't do new stuff,he likes to keep busy. Axl doesn't seem to like being busy,imo.

    I think Slash will, at least for a few years. He's back on the huge stage again, back to being a festival headliner, back with, imo, the best singer/musician he's ever been in a band with. It's all good for Slash. 

    • Like 1
  6. 34 minutes ago, The Archer said:

    :lol: I laughed so hard. There are still a few of them out there who are not as euphoric about things as the crowds we see on YouTube and they are going to be like that for a while. I sort of reconnected recently with a guy who used to run an online group AC/DC back in the day. He used to pretty much be a GN'R fan too (more Slash than Axl, as I remember) and he doesn't seem to enthused at all. In fact, while I've not seen him air any frustration, it just seems to be bottled up inside. This, despite him being one of the biggest AC/DC fans I've ever known. I can't blame any of the unhappy AC/DC fans at all, because there's a lot of emotional investment involved there - look at all the bitterness still floating around in Gn'R fan land.

    It did make me giggle, he wasn't the friendliest looking....

    He probably thought I was a bit arrogant also. I'm not very good socially, I'd rather give off a don't talk to me vibe than strike up a conversation :D 

    It felt like I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head the whole queue time though lol

    • Like 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, The Archer said:

    Great job :thumbsup:. Nice of you to help all the other AXL/DC fans on the forum by posting it here. Thanks to you we can all read it. 

    Edit: One of the most positive reviews so far. It just shows however, that there'll be some pressure to hit the same level of performance as the first shows on the UK leg of the tour. I hope that Axl has been holding something back and has some gas in the tank for the English language press. That'll be what's relayed to America and read by most of the rest of the world.

    That was the very first thing I took from it too....the see you in the UK part. You just know, London especially, is going to be pivotal as far as reviews go. It's nice to read something positive in kerrang though, they have been so anti Axl for a long time now. 

    Im sure Axl is 100% aware of how the press works here though. They cannot wait to rip you back down. 

    and you're very welcome....ill try and collect some from next week and post them up :) 



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  8. 1 hour ago, janrichmond said:

    i think it will only be a tour,like a 'farewell' tour

    God I really hope not. The one major thing that gives me hope is Slash. The guy loves to put out new music and I'm pretty sure he will desperately want to create music with Axl again, that's where both of them are at their best musically, together. 

    I hope he can inspire Axl. 

  9. 27 minutes ago, janrichmond said:

    just wondering how old/young you all are? you don't have to answer, I'm 50 and probs the eldest here:cry:

    oooh my first tag!! I'm cool lol



    I'm 36, I don't really spend too much time in these sub forums, but seeing as there's absolutely FA going on with guns at the mo, here I am :lol:

  10. 1 hour ago, Italian girl said:

    Interesting discussion.

    I still think he uses botox on his forehead (too straight for a 54 yrs old man) and that he had hair transplant... Nowadays his hair are frizzy and less red than the 90s....

    So do I. I don't think the cornrows helped his hair condition much, but in the early 2000s there were so many rumours about hair transplants and plastic surgery. When he first came back, that time he dragged beta up on stage, he had more hair than when he was on the illusion tours. 


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  11. I like AC/DC, i have most of their albums, had tickets to see them in 2010 but ended up not being able to go. 

    I didn't bother with their 2015 UK dates, even though it was easy enough to get tickets. 

    I didn't know anything about their cancelled tour and Brian's hearing problems until they started linking in with Axl though. I wouldn't be following them now if he wasn't there. 


    • Like 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, The Archer said:

    FTATR was really good. Clear improvement from the previous show; I hope that was just an abberration.

    Hopefully it was the result of just a bit of a cold and probably a bit tired from seven GNR shows, 20 AC/DC rehearsals and 5 AC/DC shows. 

    Might be a bit of getting used to outdoor shows too. 

    I hope he really does sound much better tonight, I'll have to wait till tomo to listen cos I'm at work all night now :( 

  13. If Angus Young holds that much influence over Axl that he can manage to get him to get his ass on stage on time and behave himself.

    That  he can get Axl to want to more work.....

    Then, for the love of guns n roses, next time anyone meets Angus Young,  can we get him to tell Axl he has to ring Izzy and Adler and get them back in GNR. 


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