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Posts posted by megaguns1982

  1. I think that by 1994 when this video was released GnR were not even close to what they originally were. Call it evolution or whatever, I say it was just a case of a rockband with too much money.

    Love the song..... Hate the video.

    This is the video that occasionally embarrases me to be a GnR fan.

  2. who the hell are they supposedly in talks with? all theyll get is fucking Adler and maybe traci guns and gilby.

    Axl cleared up this shit with his tweet the other day.

    Original GnR are gone forever, I cherish the fucking awesome music they made together, and im happy with what i have.

    Unless Axl gets done for tax evasion and loses everything, it will not happen.

  3. Dizzy's been in the band since 1991. He's stuck with Axl and has been a true friend. Plus, Axl and Dizzy write great songs together. Every band member has their own special purpose.

    I hate to say it but i always hated Dizzy, just cant help it, I always thought he was in it for the glory and a free ride, He basically admits on Makin fukin videos, nov rain that he rang Axl, gave him a sob story and Axl hired him.

  4. I haven't read all posts in the thread...

    Ive seen GnR live 3 times, 2 with robin, 1 with ron, and i do think its a bit of a cluttered mess live,

    I think Ron is an improvement on Robin, But buckethead is irreplaceable.

    But Iron Maiden is a great example of what 3 guitarists should sound like live (which ive seen twice live)

    all in sync and kicking butt.

    GnR can easily play with 2, most of the set is just AFD anyway and the CD songs would sound better stripped back live anyway.

    just my opinion, don't bash me.

  5. 1995, got a shitty CD player (good one at the time) for my 13th bday, along with AFD and Bon Jovis crossroads.

    BIG MISTAKE!!! thanks mum :thumbsup:

    Then memories of chilling with my first girlfriend listening to UYI2 over and over a coupla years later, great times.

    When i was 16 or 17 id normally be out partying with my mates and always come home and pass out to estranged on repeat.

    Mum knows every part of Estranged to this day. :rofl-lol:

  6. I believe there were more leaks out there than everyone was aware.

    The songs that leaked ALL ended up on CD1. To me this was just their way to clean the slate and start fresh for the next record.

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