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  1. 11 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

      do what ever you want to do and hope you all stay healthy.

    thanks. I have done what I wanted to do, from the beginning, and I have stayed healthy. Nobody could tell me what to do, not then, not now.

    While most of us are slowly getting back to their senses, and we conclude that everybody should decide for themselves what to do, it is good to remember that attitude for possible future crisises.

    It is my profound opinion, that intuition will always lead to better conclusions than what people refer to as "science". We all seem to realise, deep down, that the science was wrong, and our intuitions (which most of us suppressed in favour of the narrative) were always right.

    We should take this knowledge with us, going forward. He who never changes his mind, never learns something new.

  2. 1 hour ago, Oldest Goat said:

    Well said 100%

    The Beatles - Beyond I

    1. How Do You Sleep?
    2. Working Class Hero
    3. My Sweet Lord
    4. Let Me Roll It
    5.  Jet
    6. Instant Karma(We All Shine On)
    7. Maybe I'm Amazed
    8. Jealous Guy
    9. Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey
    10. Watching The Wheels
    11. Liverpool 8
    12. Band On The Run


    The Beatles - Beyond II

    1. Too Many People
    2. Gimme Some Truth
    3. It Don't Come Easy - Ringo version
    4. Live and Let Die
    5. Mind Games
    6. How?
    7. Let 'Em In
    8. Another Day
    9. What Is Life
    10. (Just Like) Starting Over
    11. Here Today
    12. Imagine

    two albums. cash grab! :P

    and to put injury to insult, you had to leave the best track for the second cd. I call that brazilian management tactiques.

  3. I see, but it's rather clownesque to label covid-vaccine sceptics as "anti vaxxers", when at the same time claiming it's not ok to call wokists, wokists.

    in what universe, do these people expect me to take them serious?

    so much for the argument, that the term "woke" is thrown around too often.

    The ease, with which the left labels everyone an "anti vaxxer" if they have questions, firmly gives me the right to call woke extremists, wokists.

    Furthermore, I reckognise that not everyone who supports minority rights, is a wokist.

    Whereas, the left labels everyone an anti vaxxers, without exception.

    there is not much left off the cake with these people, cos they have taken and eaten it completely

    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, Scream of the Butterfly said:

    Maybe the fact that the parents were not stupid (if that's the case) is exactly what contributed to what happened. Being intelligent, they understood just how small the risk was that someone was going to snatch the child, so they were relatively careless about preventing it. A stupid or average person would have been more prone to overestimating the risk, which in this specific instance would have paid off.

    Then again, the stupid person probably would have underestimated some of the more typical everyday risks, so their child could have ended up dead, too, just from a different cause.


    a hotel room should be considered a safe space. if abductions happened there every day, we would have known in the press.

    How many abductions have happened in hotel rooms, that we know of in the press?


    after the fact, it's always easy to point fingers. I'm certain, that those who shout the loudest, are the most insecure about themselves.

    having said that, I would not leave my kid alone in a hotel room. I would not leave my kid alone, period. But I am considered somewhat as an oddball. The vast, vast majority of parents do not have any problems leaving their kids alone with strangers. School teachers, scout leaders, camp leaders.... All professions that attract pedophiles. Incidents have happened again, and again, and again. Yet, we don't talk about it, because we realise we are all guilty about that. We feel better when we can point to parents like those of maddy; only to make us feel better. They provide medicine, for our thoroughly corrupted and bad parenting.

  5. we need to define "unnecessary risk"

    The concept, also implies there are necessary risks.

    Or, things that are unnecessary, but not risks.

    So in reality, we need to define two concepts: "unnecessary", and "risks".

    As a parent myself, I look around me, and I see other parents making "unnecessary risks" every day, multiple times a day.

    there is a range of dumb and dangerous decisions, parents make every day:

    - leaving your kid alone in a hotel room, so you can have a nice evening out.

    - hiring a babysitter, so you can have a nice evening out

    - entrust your kid to have a school bus trip

    - entrust your kid with the car of another parent, for a school trip

    - letting your toddler eat with a plastic fork

    - leaving your kid alone in a room for 5 minutes, because you got to take a phone call

    - leaving your kid home alone for 10 minutes, because you got to go to the general store for food

    - putting your kid on a vacation camp

    - various hobbies which are all the rage these days and which have the sole purpose of giving the parents free time

    - entrusting your kid to go swimming with school

    => each and every one of those examples, in the past has led to a deadly accident involving the kid in question

    First question: what is a risk? If you think about it, everything is a risk. Unless you strap your kid on a bed, and put him in an oxygen chamber. You can then argue, it's about risk chances. Well then, the chance of a kid falling on his head on the ice is much bigger than a kid being kidnapped from a hotel room. Simply, because falling on your head on the ice, has happened much much more, than children being abducted from hotel rooms.

    Second question: what is unnecessary? The answer to this question, is of ideological nature. These days, it is commonly accepted that parents should have "free time" off from taking care of their kids. The vast majority of parents around me, reserve the right to "dump" their kid somewhere else, so they can go party. When the majority finds something acceptable, you get what is called the democracy of the majority; it becomes an ideology. However, this is a pretty recent phenomenon. Certainly, this was not always widely accepted in society. It's the social media generation that believes, they should still be able to post nice holiday pictures on facebook, wether they have become parents or not. A thoroughly misguided, and worrying evolution.

    And, when something bad happens then, when shit hits the fan, it's these same people, who are the first to judge other parents who are as bad as them.

    I look around me, and the vast majority of people should not have the right to get children. Getting children should not be a right; it should be earned. The interest of the child vastly outweighs the personal interests of couples. 

    • Like 1
  6. 100% it's her

    a blonde girl with similar facial features like cheeks, nose and lips (compare her younger pictures with maddie), and THEN have that spot in the same eye, in the same place?

    The chances of that exact combination of features, are slimmer than winning the lottery three times in a row.

  7. 6 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    That's hilarious. A few posts back you claimed that mainstream media was full of reports of excess deaths. 

    another lie

    "reports all over the place" is what I said, not "mainstream media"

    also, how curious, to see you're in a laughing mood, with all those people dying

    do you see me laughing?

  8. 2 hours ago, Oldest Goat said:

    When you continue painting you should keep working on this last one until you 'are' happy with it.

    that's kind of the plan.

    There's only one known picture of the surface of venus. It's all yellow, and mountains in the distance. I'll be painting that too.

    I love the thought of these rare images, or images that only stay for a fraction of a second, and put them on canvas.

    my sisters says, I have a manic episode again, and I'm clearly borderline. i think she's right

  9. 11 minutes ago, ZoSoRose said:

    Looks cool to me

    it's growing a bit on me

    the trees didn't seem to work, and I rushed the pathway. I also screwed up with adding detail too early. Also, it didnt end up what I had in mind. I wanted to recreate the "whiteness" when lightning strikes when its dark, but that didnt come out at all. I didnt feel happy when it was finished, like I was with my first painting. It was a struggle throughout, and I was getting a bit nervous. ridiculous really, who cares. but I hate it when something doesn't work.

    but I can see it for what it is now. I like the combination purple / ocre yellow, and the assymetrical, distorted view of the land. I think that ended up cool, but it was unintentional. 

    no more paintings for a while now. need to find my rest back.

  10. the dutch christian-democratic party (CDA), member of the dutch government, has evaluated (with help of scientific experts) their covid policy and has concluded that it was too technocratic, too focused on numbers and losing track of human impact, social exclusion and social impact of the corona measures.

    finally, after two years, there is some sense seeping back to the higher political echelons.

    Hugo Dejonghe says: "numbers crush people"

    Stuff that I have been saying for years

  11. 12 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

    I wish I would see or hear from dead loved ones but it has never happened.

    Also if there are aliens, they know better than to land here or make themselves known because they would be shot on sight. Human beings have no respect for other living things. Look what we've done to the animals. Please

    And if aliens could get here, they are way more powerful than us and could destroy us if we were to attempt to go to their planet.

    no reason to be afraid

    aliens have been here first, then we humans came.

    aliens could have never advanced so much if they had bad morals, they would have killed each other before that could happen. They must have respect for other living beings. Destroying other living beings is not necessary for them; an advanced civilisation can survive on their own means, they will surely have eliminated the need to kill other beings, to survive. Kind of like we are starting to do, with synthetic meat.

    I'm convinced, aliens love us, and have good intentions. The tales of angels and teachers in the bible: that's the aliens.

    as for dead loved ones, I have good news: they are not dead. Their bodies are gone, but their souls are stronger and brighter than ever. Death is like birth, it's the birth of the soul. Stop worrying, it will all turn out well. Enjoy your stay in the physical realm, roam the earth, enjoy life. Create. Love. Experience.

    • Like 2
  12. the more you have, the more you can lose.

    If someone handed me 100 million dollars today, you know, there's a guy there with a suitcase of money going "it's yours take it", I wouldnt wanna have it.

    Accepting that suitcase, would make me lose everything that I love, everything that gives me happiness.

    Not to mention, the assholes and bastards that would getting on my back telling me they're my friend.

    Success, attracts leeches. Nobodies. Losers. Wastes of oxygen. Leeching of another person's achievments. No, thanks. Fuck off the lot of ya, lol.

    So many people winning the lottery, ending up miserable and lonely.

    I'd answer; the suitcase is yours, now get the hell out of my sight.

    When I get home, I would feel the comfort of making my own meals, making do with the small things that I have and making the best of it. Watching the birds in my garden enjoying the nuts and fat I supplied to them. Enjoying the simple company of my family.


  13. 42 minutes ago, Oldest Goat said:

    Wasn't being cynical/sarcastic.

    It is indeed the healthy approach - and yet it can be such a struggle to enact.

    it's the right approach. My dad has told me the same.

    look at corona. Was it all necessary; the fear the media tried to create? It turned out, to be allright. We're all still healthy. I know no one, wide and about, who had serious health problems from corona, let alone died from it. It was all blown up, out of proportion. Fear mongering. I spent so much energy, these last two years, biting my nails, for absolutely nothing. It still did not stop me from pursuing my hobbies and interests, luckily. But some negativity was certainly present. The smallest worry invested in this made-up crisis, was already too much.

    People accuse me of not giving a shit, of being an individualist; but I find I still care too much. Note to self: give even less fucks when they annouce the next war /  virus / cultural and social revolution


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  14. 4 hours ago, Powderfinger said:

    We’re all aliens. We’re just extensions of their intelligence, hive mind. 

    "god created man to his image"

    this is an obvious clue, that we were created, or altered, to resemble the alien race more closely.

    people's skull is evolving more towards the characteristic "grey alien" head. Our foreheads are becoming longer, our chins smaller, our posture longer and thinner.

    our soul is "software", downloaded to our bodies. our bodies act as temporary vessels to our soul, which goes back to the alien dimension after we die, full of experiences from earth. The soul is therefore, a means to download information, but also a means to upload new information.

  15. 6 minutes ago, EvanG said:

    No, I didn't. I used a laughing emoticon for your Vincent van Gogh rip off, though. And it's still there, I just checked.
    Now again, stop quoting me, for crying out loud. You even quoted me twice now, you're obsessed.

    Yeah, that's the only way to react when you don't have an answer, some lame gif. You did the same when you got exposed when Jan posted those links to your nasty posts on the other board and you lied and said you never insulted members from MYGNR. Way to go.

    Drama Monkey GIF

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