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Posts posted by D..

  1. Really I have to give credits where it's due... Axl is clearly putting 100% of his heart & body into this. 
    It's like he knows every single criticism we make, understands them, and proves us wrong. That's the way to go. 
    You have to take criticism, understand them and try your best to improve, and that's exactly what Axl has done, I'm so happy for him.


    I have no complaint to make about this show, just say thank you to all the band, they kicked some serious ass tonight, they sound perfect, I didn't

    hear a single false note, it was impeccable. Sure Axl has some "miss" on some parts of some songs, but it's a HUGE improvement compared to 2011-14

    and even Troubadour+last night. Overall he sounded fantastic and got a lot of his rasp back, you could tell he gave his all, he went all-out. Can't wait to see

    him back on feet and sing Coma again.


    I WILL buy tickets now, he has proved me he was still up for the mission, hehe. So proud of my man, he is still the best frontman of the world!!

    • Like 4
  2. On 5/4/2016 at 3:23 PM, Jordan Rose said:

    Well dude, I did read it all and I feel ya. But I was a fan back in the day and went to shows in the early 90s. The thing for me is that i'm a fan of Axl first and Guns second. I don''t even remotely care about the other members' side projects. I would rather have just Twat than all of their stuff put together from VR to Loaded, Snakepit and The Conspirators.

    I don't understand how Axl has gone back on his 15-year demand that Slash publicly explain and apologise for everything he's done/said to fuck Axl over.

    I mean, we know now for a FACT because of the actual contracts being released that Slash and Duff 100% lied about 'Axl wouldn't go on stage unless we signed the name over to him' as they were not on the road when they signed it. That was by far the main thing for Axl as it turned the media and public against him for the next quarter century and all Slash did was fan the flames in his passive aggressive way. We know that Axl was in the right about many things and his most hardcore fans like me have supported and backed him all these years. 

    Betrayed is the word. It's like, imagine for 20 years your wife absolutely trashes her ex-husband and then with no explanation goes back to him.

    It's funny because i've been called a t..r.oll for being negative about Axl in 2011-2014 because I cared passionately about Chinese and more new music. But I really don't care at all about Slash returning for a nostalgia tour so instead of trolling every happy 'reunion' thread like the Classic Era fans did to every New Guns thread for 15 years, i've posted like twice in months.

    The only thing I understand about this is that a 300k act and a 50k act have combined to become a 3 million act (credit to MSL for that observation). Literally nothing else makes sense because it goes against EVERYTHING Axl has professed to stand for for so long. You've got a street punk guy like Stinson saying that Axl is the most authentic person and 100% about the music.

    I've said it many times before but he was already saying in 1992 that he didn't want to cheat and bore himself or the fans by just jerking off playing Appetite every night. Well he's just spent thirteen years promoting Appetite in tandem with Chinese and now he's going to promote it some more!

    Having said that, my best case scenario for this so far was that they would play Chinese songs and that Axl wouldn't wear The Disguise and phone it in like 2011-2014. Whilst it fucks me off that he will take off his glasses, hat and bandana for his most bitter, hated enemy but not for all the fans on the 2011-2014 tour, it's still a good sign.

    I don't know if you read GNR Truth but the boss over there knows his shit and he's confident that the signs point to Axl still very much wanting to go ahead with 'the second half of Chinese.' Slash has played on Atlas Shrugged and he and Duff have likely played on other new songs. A new very Best Of later this year with one new song is very possible. 

    In other words, if things go well and Axl and Slash stay on good terms, this tour will facillitate Axl being able to continue with his plans stated in 2014. The reality is that had he replaced BBF and Ashba with yet more new guitarists, there is no way the label would have looked at releasing a new album. They wouldn't have even been in a position to tour the states again. 

    So the somewhat sad reality is that compromising with Slash was really the only way we were ever going to get any of the unreleased material, as ironic as that it. 

    It's a bitter pill to swallow. Like I said, i'm an Axl fan. My biggest wish would be for Axl, Bucket, Robin and Brain to play a shitload of club shows and play Chinese and all the unreleased stuff to passionate young fans who want new music. The New Guns dream is not even on life support anymore. With a bit of luck we might get one more album and just maybe some decent live versions of new songs. 

    In 2002 I used to burn tens and tens of CDs with live versions of the new songs, write 'New Guns N' Roses' on them and leave them fucking everywhere for people to find. My happiest moment was buying tickets for Rio/Lisboa 2004. Then Bucket left and it's never quite felt the same since.

    I'm reading stuff over at truth suggesting that any unreleased songs to feature Slash will inevitably have all previous lead parts removed. I really hope that's not the case and that anything by Robin and Bucket that equals e.g. the Twat and TIL solos is left alone.



    Read it all. You are a rare kind of human being... No surprise I can find that on a Gn'R board, I suspect some true hardcore Gn'R fans are just like you, this is very cool. Making free CD's in 2002 and dispatching them randomly is a genius idea. Wish there were more people like you.


    Whether or not Axl has seen what you've done doesn't really matter. What matters is that you've given joy and happiness to people, even if it's just a few.

    Sadly in life, most people act in groups and think they're so smart, and bring nothing to the world. These people are rats to me and they'll end up having a garbage life. Doesn't matter, they'll die eventually and nobody will remember them.


    Never forget what you have in your heart mate. I feel for people like you (no homo ahah). I feel betrayed, you feel betrayed, let's just keep being who we are: generous people with a heart, and balls. Eventually what really matters I guess is what Axl, the Gn'R experience as brought us, keep that in us, and try to make the world a better place the best we can, never selling out.


    I'm happy to meet some people like you on boards, my original post was going in all directions, it's not Shakespeare, it doesn't matter much, but intelligent and generous people feel me, I feel you, so that was worth it,  that's all that matters to me. Have a nice day comrade.

  3. "Keeping Gn'R alive" is what Axl has done for a long time, with a creative mind and a project (he totally lost it from 2011 onward)

    This reunion seems like "keeping cash coming". Gn'R has been dead for the past 5 years to me. Believe me I'm happy to see Slash, Duff and Axl stand to each other, cool for them (except that it basically contradicts everything Axl stood for during 17 years but whatever I guess).

    The lack of vision, project, and communication gives me absolutely no hope and excitement.


    I do understand your positions if you're fans from the old era, makes sense you're happier than me. I wonder though if you're really content with Axl's vocal prestation... looking forward to the stream of this week-end, with a proper soundboard, I think it'll appear clearer that he's not  on his A-game...


  4. @Saltzy Your posts are reasonable but I learnt this one little thing in life: when you don't voice your opinion and just seem content with the bullshit, the bullshit doesn't go away. 

    It's like when you're with a girl, you can forgive everything because she has nice boobs, but if you don't man up, eventually she will rule you and that's not possible with me.

    Maybe some people (like me) are being negative but there are obvious reasons why. However, I almost never post here, just now and then to express my opinion, sure there is no point in staying

    here forever if you're disappointed (just like I also find a bit stupid people writing everyday on boards, it's a bit of a waste of time, sometimes like once in a month it's nice to chat a bit, but that's it).

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  5. So far it's not good enough, same problems that he's had ever since 2011. I really don't get it except blaming it on the lack of training. 
    I'm not sure whether it's connected to his weight entirely, as stated, he sounded better in 2010 than 2002-6 even if overweight... but it must play a role nonetheless.

    Of course, if he looked much slimmer, a lot could be forgiven to the current state of his voice. It's a real wonder why he let go so much.

  6. I wonder if anyone feels betrayed like me. 

    I've been a fan of Gn'R since 2008, it may seem like nothing to you guys who may have been fan since 1992 or even 1987, but I did believe a lot in Chinese Democracy and Axl's plans.

    Back in 2008, my life was falling apart, Chinese Democracy popped up out of nowhere, and helped me through what may have been the worst year of my life (no joke).

    In fact, the whole discovery of GN'R kind of saved me. I was watching every video I could find (from the old and new line-ups, whatever), loved every single album, and got to a point where I would

    even go running in tight shorts with a bandana. (I know it's ridiculous but discovering this band and especially Axl gave me a huge motivation and I will never thank them enough for that, it's always harder

    to thanks than tell what is wrong).

    I may be an outsider here, but I actually kind of loved what happened between Axl and Slash. Best friends of the world then best ennemies. I like this idea. I think that your best buddy could eventually turn up

    to be your worst enemy, just like the girl you loved the most will be the one you hate the most.


    I really believed in Chinese Democracy. I loved the album. I remember listening to the Tokyo 2009 bootleg just when it surfaced, I couldn't believe my ears. I wasn't there but listening to it, man... The amount of songs they played and Axl's voice, it was just unbelievable. I thought Axl's comeback though completely unexpected, was glorious.
    So much so that when 2010 came, I bought tickets to fly to Norway and went to see the band perform twice there. I met wonderful fans there, and even got to see Axl in person. I told him I loved Chinese Democracy and he replied "Thanks man", ahah.

    I even got some affection for Bumblefoot and Ashba, I thought they did the job. You can call Ashba a poser but he was a pretty nice guy. Same goes from Bumble.


    I've been waiting for CD follow-up since 2008. There are so many mysteries around it, so many titles we still haven't heard.

    Kind of hard to explain all this. From 2011 on to 2014, Axl disappointed me so much. No new music, and fuck, he just didn't work out enough. I know that he makes jokes about his weight and so on, but

    come on... how can you let yourself go like that? I have a hard time accepting it. Not just talking about his shape, but the voice, damn. It was perfect in 2010, better than 2001, 2002 and 2006. How in hell

    did he let go so much? Even from what we've heard from the Troubadour, I'm sorry but it's not good enough.

    I used to see him as a maniac, a perfectionist. Now I have a feeling he just goes through the motions.
    I ignore if Bumblefoot and Ashba really left on their own or if they were thanked by the management. If they left, then I can understand why Axl reunited. If they were fired, then it's just unacceptable. Wonder what

    Bumblefoot feels like, it must have been hard to play for 8 years and leave like that, without creating new music, that fucking sucks.

    In any case, this lack of communication is just bullshit.


    Sure it may please the "fans" who weren't open-minded and considered GN'R to be Axl & Slash. I can understand why, Slash is more charismatic than Bucket, Robin, Bumble and Ashba combined, and let's be honest, I'm happy to see them together again. But still, it's odd, and contrary to what we were led to believe for years, and I hate being cheated.

    As for the creativity, guitar playing, the meaning behind all those Chinese Democracy years (right down to the lyrics of some songs), and cohesion of where new GN'R was headed, I don't get why he's back, except for the money.

    I can't even listen to CD now, no joke. It's like this album doesn't mean shit anymore. I love the music in there but to me the most important thing were the lyrics, and I could feel what Axl had in mind when writing them, and however "universal" they could seem, they were clearly directed towards people Axl knew, like Slash, Duff, Stephanie and so on.
    Now it doesn't mean anything. It feels like bullshit.

    To me this tour seems like a huge cash grab, another tour of endless nostalgia with Axl just not in shape (just like 2011-2014 shows were, to me it stopped being awesome with Rock in Rio 2011).


    I still reserve judgment on that last sentence, I hope Axl will really surprise us, with a new album coming, with really risky songs (like playing Coma live), that he will invite Ashba and Bumble on some dates because they really deserve it, and that eventually he'll get back in perfect shape, that's all I wish him. But really he has to train fucking harder and stop eating too much man... I hate seeing him like this and sounding so-so. Sure, 54 years old but come on, look at Steven Tyler. He can do better than this! He is a fucking legendary frontman. Right now he looks like a regular 54 years-old guy who would have let go and have no ambition in life, no way I'm giving him money if he is not spot on (at least vocally).


    Anyway, I will watch the Coachella shows this week-end and see how it goes. But as of now, there's no way I'm paying to see them live, not in these conditions. Clear explanations must be given and projects to come. The management of this band is a fucking catastrophee in my eyes, wonder how much the guy managing them is paid, it's just not how you do it. Sure they might make a lot of money right now, but with a better manager, they'd be making a lot more. I for one will not contribute in the near future (if ever) and I consider myself a hardcore fan.


    Errr yeah I know I sound like a complete asshole but it's really what I feel and what seems true to me. I wouldn't waste time writing all this if I didn't love Axl deeply, that guy and their music saved me in shitty times. Maybe not saved but helped me a lot anyway.

    Still I bought a lot of stuff (albums, shirts, tickets) and feel I've contributed a bit to their bank accounts and have a right to express all this. 

    Gn'R just has been handled poorly over the years and I feel this is the pinnacle this year. Anyway, for those who enjoy this "reunion", I wish you have a lot of fun going to the shows, I really do, so far I've met great fans, there are no fans like Gn'R fans.
    I'm just not happy with how it's been done and feel betrayed overall (still love Axl, but man.. fucking train...)


    Have a nice day anyway ; )









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  7. @Rovim: hmm I guess you miss my point.

    I don't know if I'm the only one, but when you heard about the Reunion, I had this central question in my head (beside being happy that Axl & Slash healed the wounds): "Did Axl fire DJ and Bumblefoot to get to this reunion, OR, did they leave by themselves, inevitably provoking Axl's madness leading to a reunion."

    Of course, it could be that it was just a big coincidence: reunion was in talks, and DJ & Bumblefoot naturally stepped aside, being humbled to have been in the band and leaving the original members come back. But I really doubt it's the case, in regards to Ashba's recent interview.

    Don't know if I'm the only one feeling things like this, happy to share views with you anyway.

  8. You know, through the years, Axl has always been my favorite guy.

    To me, it seems that all he cares about is the vision and the project. He reminds me of Batman in a way. Remember what Batman says (I don't remember the exact episode or movie, I just remember the sentence): "They quit because when it came down to it, they didn't have the heart for the mission." (speaking of the previous Robins and Batgirl).

    If we know one thing for sure, Axl certainly never wanted a reunion for a long time. He felt betrayed by Slash & the others' departure. He didn't fight for over a decade to release Chinese Democracy with a different monster band just to watch it collapse.

    Now, with that revelation about how DJ Ashba left the band by himself... I can't help but really wonder... Axl is often seen as the dictator (which I'm sure he is to an extent, but in a good way, he has a true vision) who fires his fellow bandmembers.

    It's pretty clear to me that, once more, he felt betrayed. Do the math: Slash & Duff left him in 1996/7. Buckethead left in 2004. Finck left in 2008/9. And now, DJ and Bumblefoot left too.

    His new project/vision was destroyed to ashes.

    I don't know if you get my point or can feel what this would do to somebody, but I can only understand Axl.

    You know, people in general, the masses, are dead stupid. When someone gets criticized a lot, most of the time, people will not think, they'll criticize the person too.

    DJ and Bumblefoot, in that regard, had the power over Axl: they were his "last chance" in a way. It was sooo easy to get the cash and leave whenever they want and leave the public feel that yet again, Demon Axl was the cause.

    So really, I can only understand now why Axl decided to proceed with the Reunion Tour: it was either this or Retirement. He must be dead fed up with this bullshit over the years, no lead guitarist seems to be able to commit to his vision as much as himself (except maybe Fortus who appears not being driven by his ego).

    He would have been mocked had he done nothing and call it a day with DJ & BBF departures.

    I guess that right now, he just wants to prove to the people he hired and paid more than enough (plus offering them the public exposure of their life) that they were dead wrong to only think with their ego and not believing in the mission.

    Really, Ashba's interview made me laugh. "Oooh you know... after 5 years in GN'R... I suddenly realized I had more fun playing my own songs, so I left..." What an opportunist. He did it for the media coverage, end of, stop the BS Ashba.

    Anyway, I'm sure we will someday get a glorious Axl's Rant Batman Style: "Oklahoma... You probably wonder why you read those clumsy declarations from Ashba and Bumblefoot in the press... You know why you were given such a lot of shit to read? You've been given such a lot of shit to read, BECAUSE, when it came down to it... They didn't have the heart for the mission."

    Fortus will then proceed with a Batman solo spot as Axl jumps in the audience in his bat-suit to punch the fuck out of a fan wearing an Ashba shirt.

  9. About Axl, yeah he was always criticizing people and shitting on them, and for absolutely no reason! It's not like he was nice to Cobain, Hetfield and the other ones to begin with! It's not like Hetfield who is clearly the best singer and most beautiful man ever made had accidentally taken the piss on camera judging his food wishlist! It's not like Cobain tried in a pathetic childish manner to ridicule him with his wife! Axl criticized them TOTALLY without reason!

    Thank you MYgnR fans for your real reviews of past & current events, you opened my eyes.

    I'll give you the one about Cobain, it seems he was a sneery, supercilious shit towards Axl's genuine offer to join GNR out on the road.

    Hetfield I disagree...their beef started when Hetfield got burned and metallica had to quit 90 minutes early. The band asked Axl to rally GNR and get out there and deliver a show to save the entire gig - what did Axl do? Went on late as usual and then left the stage.

    Slash quote on the incident: “Not only did we not go on early enough to fill the void left by Metallica, we went on three hours later than our scheduled time.”

    Listen to Metallica themselves discuss the incident here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kQv7D4B9gY

    You've obviously decided to turn your back on well documented fact when you decided to set out your stall here.

    James Hetfield being burnt is nobody's fault, incident or not, Axl would have been late on stage, don't think he did it purposely to hurt Metallica.

    However, this video just proves how stupid Hetfield can be:


  10. I partly agree with the caller on the radio interview who argued that this has been going on for 25 years so if you go and don't know about it, more fool you. The fact is that everyone who has a seat and probably 75% of the people standing aren't bothered about getting a spot right near the stage so they can just turn up late and go grab a beer and chill and go in later on. That's what I did when I took people to see them.

    The only thing that really bothers me about it is that it's hardcore fans who supported New Guns and love Chinese who get screwed over because we have to queue in the pissing cold and rain from 8am to guarantee a spot on the barrier and then dehydrate all day so we don't need a piss when we finally hit the barrier and have to stand there for 4+ hours before Axl comes on.

    The people and the media who bitch and complain about it the most are the casual fans who are in seats or stood halfway back, talking through the Chinese songs and only want to hear the tired old songs.

    Interesting point of view, but you know it's all part of the brain.

    Back in 2010 I was a hardcore, hardcore GN'R fan. I took the fucking plane to attend 2 shows in Norway ahaha. I went to Bergen & Oslo, and even between those 2 cities, I had to take a plane.

    I went to the first show at around 3 or 4 pm... Axl didn't show up until 11 pm if I recall correctly. I didn't mind it, because it was worth the wait.

    It was all part of the fun and adventure. Axl was awesome, even got to meet him after the Oslo show, it felt like a nice reward.

    The fans in Norway were the best I ever met. Truly dedicated, some new fans, some old fans... some people were business men, I was only a student at the time, shared drinks with them and the best fucking part was... We were in a bar in Oslo, and we sang Coma half-drunk, everybody knew every fucking word of that song. Man that was badass. I love Norway.

    But ever since Rock in Rio 2011, I don't care as much. When I watched the stream live, I couldn't believe my eyes and ears. Axl hadn't taken care of him at all and sounded like crap, butchered a couple of songs, forgot the words to November Rain... That was harsh. Back then I waited for this show like a revelation, thought we'd get at least one new song (still got Estranged, but Axl sounded very poor on that one), I truly supported the band, bought whatever merchandise and CD I could find, wore CD shirts every day, told my friends how badass the record was, attended blindtests in pubs and told everybody how great GN'R is.

    So when I went to the Paris gig in 2012, my expectations were very, very low. I entered Bercy at 9 or 10 pm, and left around midnight. And I can tell you the wait was far more irritating even thought I only waited for like an hour or so until the start, because I already knew the show wouldn't top the 2010's ones.

    It's all about the expectations, dedication, and delivery. I don't see how anyone can be excited about GN'R as of 2015 given Axl's performance in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. The only good thing about 2014 were the Las Vegas shows, lots of CD songs were sung and Axl almost got back to his 2010 level at the end of the residency.

    I can only hope he has trained for the past year and still has some interest for his work, but I really doubt it. I won't make the same mistake I did in 2011. He seems to only train when a new tour begins.

    My guess is he is enjoying his life and money, probably just watching movies and sports, eating whatever he wants, and runs every once in a while. At least his way of life will allow him to grow older than most rock n' roll frontmen, but he will never look and sound as badass as he did when he was younger. You don't stay at the top of your game when you sit on your ass enjoying life, you just get softer.

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  11. Alright, this Corey Taylor taking a piss at Axl made me laugh, but it actually made me think.

    Back in 2010, I didn't care if Axl was late because he sounded fucking glorious.

    In 2012, I left the show early because he sounded like crap, I felt he didn't deserve the time I waited.

    Plus, he doesn't look good enough. Sorry to be harsh, but when you pay for someone to show up on stage, you don't want to see someone who has let go so much.

    You pay for someone who sounds AND looks good.

    About the look, think of hookers: are you gonna pay for someone who doesn't look good enough? No way.

    About the wait... Would you wait for a girl/boy who isn't that particular? Of course not.
    However, if that person is good-looking/intelligent/sounds good and is spectacular, you will wait. That's how life is.

    Hence my poll. If Axl sounded as good as he did in the 90's and took great care of himself... would the lateness be a problem?
    As for myself: no.

    Axl (from 80's to 2010) was one of the few guys you would have the patience to wait for, because he was spectacular. I don't care about people complaining for

    his lateness and apparent laziness. Truth is, when you are truly worth it, people will wait and make efforts for you. When you are crap, nobody will make no effort and in that particular case, I would understand the "lateness" criticism.

    Do you agree or not?

  12. Ahahahahahaha oh my god that was funny :lol::lol:

    I'm beginning to actually like this Corey guy. He should stop making music or whatever he thinks he is doing and start stand-up comedy! I would actually be willing to pay for this and wait 3 hours!

    I believe he does:

    He's better comedian than singer/frontman.


    Well, I guess I can now take Corey's criticism on Axl with utter seriousness given the man's skills for stand-up comedy. I mean, I thought he was a singer but still wasn't sure, now that he is clearly working on a different field, I take him with much much seriousness! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    About Axl, yeah he was always criticizing people and shitting on them, and for absolutely no reason! It's not like he was nice to Cobain, Hetfield and the other ones to begin with! It's not like Hetfield who is clearly the best singer and most beautiful man ever made had accidentally taken the piss on camera judging his food wishlist! It's not like Cobain tried in a pathetic childish manner to ridicule him with his wife! Axl criticized them TOTALLY without reason! The other ones were adorable kittens! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    Thank you MYgnR fans for your real reviews of past & current events, you opened my eyes.

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  13. Ahah that was fun, finally a caller with some balls. Usually they rub the artist in the right way, that was pretty funny. He went a bit mad though, potentially a serial killer :lol:

    Corey seems like a nice guy, but let's be real, the caller was right in the sense Corey isn't touching Axl's talent in any shape or form.

    Not only that, but Axl has charisma. Corey has none. He just looks and acts like a normal guy. Which is why he is more liked by the mainstream audience, I guess more people can relate to a normal human being.

    Thanks for sharing the video, really made me laugh. Oh and the host was a total asskisser, he is embarrassing to watch, I would be ashamed to be in his shoes. Very fun to watch though :lol:

  14. Every artist is a canibal every poet is a theif all kill their inpisration and sing about their grief................... I could go on and on and on and point to numerous examples as to why Bono's lyrics are NOT atrocious. He has a LOT of really great lyrics and like any lyricist he has some questionable ones for sure.

    It's funny you think Bono's voice is annoying which is fine, that's subjective but the absolute weak point of Muse for me is Bellamy's voice. Yes technically he's a good singer but it's the same sounding shit on every song. Bono is the superior singer because he has character and soul in his voice in my opinion. His voce invites you to sing along with him. He's not just some technically good singer who can sing high notes ad nauseum. Though he is a good technical singer.

    I used to really like Muse but with each passing album they sound more and more pretentious. They remind me of a modern day version of Radiohead in that sense. I think if Muse had a new singer I'd probably like them way more. I've just grown so tired of Matt's voice. It's cold and annoying to me.

    Yeah I just don't like Bono's voice, and I don't feel any character or soul is his voice, it's just so generic. Anyone could replace him. Bellamy on the other hand, I find it hard to believe someone can describe it as "cold", but then again I've been a fan for a long time and am maybe 5 years younger than him, I evolved with their music, and each time, he makes some songs that are exactly what I need to hear at the moment. U2 songs are maybe great for the huge mainstream audience, to me it's just songs you can hear on the radio when you're in a supermarket. It's the big factory, they force these songs in your mouth, I don't like that.

    Back when Muse were young, nobody knew about them. I introduced the band to a lot of my friends. I'm glad they finally got the success they deserve, I don't see another band from their generation with such talent.

    I agree their songs may sound pretentious, but they have always been about that. It's ambitious. Their sound is huge. Has been ever since at least Absolution. Heck, even a song on OOS is called "Megalomania". Bellamy has obviously a huge ego, but he's just about the best of his generation so... Just like Axl.

  15. Nah, no facts mate, just my 2 cents.

    I don't get the love for U2 honestly. I just don't get it ahah. To me it's one of the most overrated bands of the century, along Metallica, Green Day and Nirvana. I just don't get it, I dislike Bono's voice and his lyrics to me are atrocious.

    Matt's lyrics are sometimes very poor, especially on this album, but The Globalist's ones are amazing. IMO ; )

  16. Better when you develop your thoughts.

    Well, I really dislike U2 to be honest. And I was surprised to enjoy Big Freeze on The 2nd law. Very U2-ish, but better. Matt is a better guitarist than Edge, and a far better singer than Bono. Also a far better composer overall.

    As for Van Halen, I never got into their music, there are some amazing pieces of guitar in their songs, but they never made a song I really liked. Don't like the singing, don't like the style. So again, was surprised to enjoy something like Reapers.

    I'd say it a tie with Queen, Muse can easily match Queen's best songs. The final section of The Globalist is pure Queen, except I like Matt's voice and lyrics better. Generally, Queen's lyrics are not very deep (except The Show must go on), but I can't really take anything away from Queen, I enjoy their albums a lot. Their sound is a bit dated though, Muse pushed what they did to a new level, that's the way I see it.

    Try to give another chance to TG, it will grow on you eventually. The final section is surprising, my gf doesn't like it either, but it would have been way too easy to continue the 2nd part in the same way, and would have been boring with repeated listens (for example "Defector" is a more cohesive song, yet I'm pretty sure I won't be listening to it in 6 months).

    I'll agree on one thing though, the album isn't their best and is a bit of a letdown. I expected more, I expected a real concept album with a real flow, sadly they completely missed their opportunity. And 4 bad songs is too much for them.

  17. Mmmm... hard to judge an album like this, as always with Muse ever since Black Holes & Revelations. If you take the lyrics away, there's absolutely no "concept album" idea whatsoever (apart from the lazy ass transitions in the 2nd half).

    They rip off so many bands it would be easy to catalogue Muse as uninspired... but surprisingly, when they rip something off, they just do it better than the original, which is fucking amazing.

    As a whole, the album makes no fucking sense. That's what I was afraid of, and sadly it didn't live up to the hype at all, their "we have a concept album" talk is bullshit.

    4 of the songs are garbage/mediocre: Mercy, Revolt, Psycho, Aftermath... What the fuck were they thinking... Sucks ass.

    On the other hand, The Globalist... man... as an old fan who has listened to them from their start back in 1999, listened to all the b-sides, went to 12+ gigs... I can easily say, that it's hands down the best song they have ever released. Fucking amazing.

    I had my gf listen to The globalist, and she didn't like the third part, with the piano. She isn't a musician but generally she has very good tastes, so I was surprised she didn't dig it. I told her "listen to this, it's the best song that's come out in the past years" and she said "meh...". Damn. Fucking chicks.

    So yeah, the globalist. Fucking great. All parts are very different, it even fades into "Drones" (which is awesome, Matthew really impressed me on that one), and yet it makes sense. The lyrics are incredibly depressing, I wasn't expecting the guy to wipe out all of Humanity. Incredible.

    As for the rest, The Handler and Reapers are easily among the best of the album, but The Handler could have been better... lacks something. Same for Reapers, the singing in the chorus is annoying as hell. But hopefully, there is TG, and the singing on their is heavenly.

    I also liked Defector, very catchy, but it will get old pretty quickly.

    Overall, nice album, not their best, not their worst (2nd Law), The Globalist deserved its own album. At least I will remember "Drones" for the best song they ever made and best rock song of the last 7 years.

  18. Definitely not ZoSo, Matt has a unique voice and a real signature to it. He is one of the best vocalists around, just like Jeff Buckley in the 90's. Without his voice, Muse wouldn't be Muse. His singing isn't "perfect", but he gives it all, he brings his soul in the songs, just like Brian Molko with Placebo. It's very rare to hear that type of voice and style of singing.

    As for my comparison, it's really relevant to the state of the rock industry these days. All those 40/50 years old musicians try too hard to resurrect something that's been dead for the past 20 years. I find it harder and harder to enjoy something like what the Dead Daisies have to offer. It's been done before, again and again, it's just generic hard rock which is boring as fuck now. It's too old. Axl was definitely right to choose another direction for Chinese Democracy, at least that was a bit different and surprising.

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