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Posts posted by D..

  1. I'm hyped to be honest. Sure the first 4 released songs from Drones are mediocre coming from them... Mercy has got to be the worst song they've ever released, I mean it's even worse than Starlight and Undisclosed Desires combined (which were already fucking terrible). But the mainstream audience will love it so it's probably good they wrote this crap, it will bring more cash to the band and all the people working for them. I try to see it in an optimistic way, lots of people are hired by Muse and those guys are awesome beings, they always hire the same crew, so everyone will have food for their families.

    Psycho is too simple and easy. Reapers... it's okay, Matt has improved a lot on guitar, but it's a mediocre song sadly, even if technically impressive for Muse's standards, the chorus is horrendous, this kind of voice worked on Micro Cuts 14 years ago, but it's just annoying here.

    But let's forget all this crap. Drones has ONE thing going on for itself: The Globalist. From the clips I've heard, this one song will seal the deal for me. This will be for sure the best song of the album, and maybe song of the year for me. If they play this live, I will buy a ticket again. Haven't bought one in 5 years. From what I've seen, though they threw some surprises in the setlists at the beginning of the tour, they went backwards and are offering shitty setlists once again. But all can be forgiven if they dare play The Globalist at each gig. If they do, they'll get my money, and so will the rest of their crew. Haven't even heard this song in full but it's like Muse's The General. It will kick asses and take names.

    Also curious about The Handler. Defector might be good.

    Clearly the first 4 songs may not represent the real quality of this album, like for all Muse albums. For some reason, they mostly release the shitty songs as singles.

    And you know, while driving on my way home tonight, I was listening to the radio and they aired some song by Dead Daisies, Mexico I think it was called... there are some quality people in that band... but man what a boring piece of crap. Hard rock generic. Plain shit. I bet their whole album sound like this.

    At least, with Muse, every song is different. They rip off everything, but at least, it's a bit surprising, you feel like those guys did some work and sound research. This is why Muse is still a better band than 90% of what's coming out of the industry. They are not this predictable. I swear Dead Daisies is already a dead band, nobody wants this shit anymore. Sure Muse have known more creative days, but they're still far more enjoyable than most rock bands.

  2. What an interesting story.

    I get that most people here will side with Ezrin rather than Axl on that one. But... As touching and down to earth as Ezrin may seem... he had nothing to do with the project. He is a regular down to earth guy who had to leave at 8.30pm to attend his wife's party... wow... thrilling...

    Axl lost his will to enjoy a regular happy wife/husband relationship the day he lost Stephanie. Pretty sure he would have settled for a normal life like Ezrin and put GN'R to the grave had their relationship worked out.

    You have to admire his determination and patience while making Chinese Democracy.

    As for the songs, I'm not surprised that Ezrin didn't like most songs. You have to be in a state of suffering to admire the fine art in CD. It's not an album that was made with joy. It's driven by pain and suffering. The most valuable pieces of arts are driven by pain and suffering.

    I don't mind the "overproduction". It's not overproduced to me. It reminds me of a video where you see Picasso painting something, then painting something over, then over again. But through all the paintings, there is still a global meaning to it, and there are all the layers to be discovered underneath. I love that. I don't mind when it's stripped down either, that's just not the matter here.

    The only time when Axl needs to meet the real world expectations is when doing live gigs. Other than that he can do whatever he wants, I don't care. Yeah he shows up a bit late, but I never minded it. Makes the wait worth it, and when he goes on stage, he gives 100% (although his voice was atrocious in 2011, 12, 13 and most of 14).

    The world need more people like Axl. It's so dull when everyone shows up at the right time, living their perfectly minuted life, like it will change anything... you will die anyway.

    • Like 1
  3. Yeah it's not very good... The Resistance was definitely their best album, this song is way too simple, it's not even on par with their b-sides from the early 2000's. And the riff was written around the 2003 tour... what a joke.

    Man, I feel like The Resistance is one of their worst albums. That's where Matt finally puts his head so far up his own pretentious ass that he can't see even a glimmer of reality. Their older albums had a little bit harder of an edge to them, before they dove head first into synthesizers and very cookie cutter and immature lyrics about capitalism and society.

    I see it like this:

    Absolution>Origin of Symmetry>Black Holes and Revelations>Showbiz>Hullabaloo Soundtrack>The Resistence>2nd Law

    Didn't listen to the new song, I think I get the idea just based on that awful album artwork. Gonna pass on this one, at least we'll always have Absolution to remind us that this band once made really great rock songs.

    Remember when they 'experimented' with dub step? I forgot about that until I saw this thread. Wasn't there just one song on the 2nd Law with like, 20 seconds of a dubstep drop played on guitar?? :lol:

    Believe me I love Absolution more than anyone here ahah, my first time with a girl had Absolution playing in the background. Great memories...

    I remember the whole album leaked like a month or two before the actual release, I had made a copy on a CD-R, listened to it all that August month (which was the warmest month I have ever experienced) and still bought it day one in september 2003 when it was released. Then listened to it all through the year, and went to see Muse live in Paris in 2003. Still remember when Matt said "this next song is especially for you..." and he played Showbiz.

    I'll agree Absolution is probably my favorite one from a nostalgic point of view (though I do have almost as much memories with Showbiz and OOS.. but I was a bit younger) and it's the best album next to TR.

    But somehow, maybe it's because Matt is almost my age, only a bit older, Muse's songs always brought something I needed at a particular moment of my life. It's like, their music had to happen at that particular moment.

    And The Resistance was the one album where I was astonished by the quality, maybe it's cheesy, but "I belong to you"... what a fantastic song. Using that Camille Saint-Saëns part was genius. It's also the only song of Muse actually featuring the word "muse" heh... but in a very clever way. I still love this song to death. And the symphony... mindblowing. Let alone killer rock tracks like "Unnatural Selection" and "MK Ultra". And the very clever "United States of Eurasia". Na, this album is near perfect.

    I don't have a problem with "huge ego" stuff everyone's complaining about. I read the same complaints about Axl's attitude... to me, being egomaniac is essential to an artist, when it's embraced in the good way, to spread the good message, to never let go, to fight and move on. I prefer huge ambition to simple "stripped down" stuff, though stripped down musics can sometimes be great.

    Now, Psycho is okay, but it's a bit too simple coming from them. They could have released a song like that back in 2001. I still like OOS but they were very young when they wrote it, and it has aged a bit. What they came up with later is far better.

    To me they gradually made better music with time, OOS was better than Showbiz, Absolution was better than OOS, BH&R had the most ambitious tracks from them at the time (Knights of Cydonia, City of Delusion... masterpieces), and The Resistance was the peak of their art. Then, with the 2nd Law, I don't know what happened. Still some good stuff in there but it seemed like a half-assed effort. And now Psycho... I'm not very optimist about this "Drones" album.

    (bear in mind I used to be a ultra hardcore Muse fan. I went as far as collecting promotional japanese tapes, went to see them live countless times, made CD's out of their b-sides and was listening to them non-stop for at least 10 years.)

  4. Yeah it's not very good... The Resistance was definitely their best album, this song is way too simple, it's not even on par with their b-sides from the early 2000's. And the riff was written around the 2003 tour... what a joke.

    so if something written some years ago it automatically becomes bad?

    and resistance is their best album?



    That riff was used as an outro to Stockholm Syndrome... as a nice bonus. That's it. It's not like Bellamy had a song in mind when he played that and while they did okay turning this riff into a full song, it's pretty mediocre. It was just meant to stay an outro.

    Yeah TR is their best album. Origin of symmetry was perfect as well... But TR has more ambition and that symphony... glorious. That's what I expect from them now, not generic average rock songs. But great if you like it.

  5. Their best album was The Resistance (first and only album they produced themselves). 2nd Law was ok but I don't expect "ok" from them... BH&R was a mess but it had some brilliance. I hope Drones will be good as a whole but I'm not convinced with this first track.

  6. I don't know what in the f*ck you just said.......but I've had a long day and will gladly drink whatever it is you are drinking today! rock3

    Wine. White wine.

    Edit: see my previous edit, I hadn't seen your answers, looks like I was right heh... Sad but true ; )

  7. This will put an end to the debate and shed some light on what I previously wrote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Alg8gYtTEaU

    Now the interesting stuff is the ratio of likes and dislikes. Generally, as people are not very smart and generous globally (and that may sound harsh but it's the truth, especially on the internet as it's a younger generation, who has a habit of being anonymous and write whatever they want without having any kind of repercussion - you could say the same about me, except that I've been saying these kind of stuff in front of a camera and say how I felt things, and most people seem to agree with me, of course here, everything is written so it's harder to feel my opinion) the ratio are often 10 vs 1 concerning dislike, or 1 vs 10. More rarely, you get 50 vs 50.

    And rarer than that: 1/3 likes and 2/3 dislikes, especially when the video has a good vibe. This ratio is the best you can get when you are touching a sensitive subject, because most people, I'd even say 99% of the people on the internet, would react like retards and put a dislike generally. But here, 1/3 of the people got it. It's a miracle and shows how much Axl is respected really.

    In this video, Axl acts like no one would. He takes huge risks. You don't take risks like that at this height of your career if you want to play it safe. Look at what is happening now, everyone is talking bullshit, everybody lies, nobody speaks his mind with honesty. Famous people are acting like robots. Furthermore, here, Axl is talking to a very divided audience, and at least 50% of the people came to see Metallica. He knew that, and yet he told it like it is. He is speaking his mind and is 100% spot on.
    It's funny that years later, 2/3 of the people still have no idea what he is talking about or why he acted this way. Proves how dumb most people are (and maybe dumber than 20 years ago... well to be more accurate, they think they are smarter than people from 20 years ago but they don't have guts). Globally people are fucking hypocrites and it pains them to see brutal honest people like Axl on this video.

    I just thought I'd share this. Axl kicked Hetfield ass that day, and he is just a lot more fun to listen to, and has the guts to speak his mind without being violent. That's the key. Say the truth and act classy.

    Edit: I'd also like to add something else... people like to "stick" together you know. More than ever with this internet generation, that's why you often get these ratios (1 vs 10 or 10 vs 1). People are dumb and can't judge for themselves without checking what other people think of something. That's why people there is a "general opinion" of forums, some people are just here for lurking, and the other people like to stick together to play it safe. Not sure most people are really speaking there mind, even here, though you are all comfortably sitting behind a computer.

    Generally, when people "stick together" around an artist or a movie, it's not very good. It's what I'd call a sell-out product, designed to please the masses. Take the movie "Avatar". Seriously, it was not that good, did not deserve what it got. And take "Blade Runner". Did not sell well at its time, critics didn't understand it and bashed it, yet it's a far, far, far better movie. Take "2001" from Kubrick. Objectively, it's one of the best movie - if not the best- ever made. Just a fact. But most people from the younger generation seem to like better sellout films like "Shawshank Redemption", because it's more understandable you know. It's easy to understand, they don't have to think too much.

    Hetfield is more audience friendly, because he speaks like a politician, it's easy to understand, he could be the guy you would meet in a bar, he has no class, and sometimes he says things under the tone of humor, when really, it's not. He is a nice hypocrite. Axl on the other hand, is more brutal with his approach, he is the kind of guy you wouldn't think of meeting anywhere, he is like a guy from a fairytale, he doesn't look like he belongs in this world, he doesn't think of the consequences, he doesn't prepare anything when speaking his mind, he is just being himself, and just does not seem like the guy you would meet in a bar. So not very audience friendly. People need to relate to the guy they are watching. That's why people don't stick around him as much, but at least he has stayed true to himself and I respect that. I think that everybody deep inside respect that.

    Of course most people here won't agree with what I'm writing now because I sound conceited and full of myself. When in reality, I'm just saying very simple things and plain truths, but truths are being forgotten. Most people prefer hypocrite approaches and well... the guy you would meet in a pub and drink with. I do drink beers though. But I prefer wine right now.

  8. Doesn't matter who is bigger... both bands put great music out there for people to enjoy.

    However, generally, Metallica fans are boring and depressed people. I prefer GN'R fans, they are often more energetic, more passionate. Metallica fans are weird metal fans with poor tastes in music. GN'R fans are more open-minded, listen to everything. Just something I noticed through the years.

    That being said, some GN'R fans are retards, especially the ones who state that GN'R died somewhere in the 90's. These people are fucked up. But globally, they are great. Can't say the same for Metallica fans, they all seem stupid as hell.

    As for the music, it's a tie really, GN'R is raw energy, passionate, Metallica is more technical, more subtle. I like both, I'd choose GN'R if I had to pick one, and as for live shows, GN'R (old or new) blows away Metallica, there's just no comparison, Metallica is dead boring live, although the setlist rotates a lot more. They just don't have as many good songs, and Hetfield is just very, very good in the studio, he looks like a robot live, and his charisma isn't anywhere near Axl's.

    Ultimately, the only thing interesting to compare is their frontman. Axl is much more unique and interesting than Hetfield ever was. People who really understand that are interesting. Hence, this may be why Metallica fans are boring and are never charismatic. Sorry for summarizing things this way, but it's true.

  9. Finally some kind of confirmation that BBF is out of the band... You have to wonder why Ron didn't talk earlier about this, afraid of a breach of contract possibly? But the worst part is that the GN'R camp never announced it.

    Anyway, doesn't really change anything to be honest, except that BBF was probably the biggest asset of GN'R in live shows. But clearly Ron was never able to push anything forward, just like the rest of the other guys.

    The band has been dead ever since 2010 in my point of view. I followed everything, every step, and to me, while the 2009/10 shows were great and an awesome way to promote CD, but after that Axl completely failed to build on the legacy (even though the last shows of Vegas last year were pretty solid, vocal wise).

    We're in 2015 and there is still no news of CD II or any new GN'R album. Axl keeps disappearing every now and then, no news, he barely does any interview, and when he does, we don't learn anything important.

    It's only logical of Ron to quit. Tbh, I knew he'd quit as early as 2010 when I got the chance to meet him, he appeared annoyed every time with my questions because I was asking him about some songs, the next album, his involvement in the project.. he clearly didn't have any freedom and was just at best a hired gun for live and some tracks arrangements. Nothing more. Pretty lousy when you think of what Ron could have brung with his talent. He should have quit much sooner, for years he was complaining every now and then. He had to quit. It could even put some things into motions and get Axl thinking, but sadly I think it's too late. Had BBF quit after 2010, it could have made a difference in Axl's mind. He has been way too generous and naïve.

    I may look pessimistic but Axl should let GN'R to rest. He failed to carry on the project. The albums are all great. There were a lot of awesome shows, among the best of rock n' roll history. Let it go and rest in peace Axl. There is absolutely NO use in continuing these live shows. This line-up is dead without BBF, and Axl has clearly been acting solo for too long. It's like he isn't there anymore.

    So either let it die and enjoy your retirement with your money and brazilian family and maybe super hot models...

    OR, work out, get in shape again, move your ass, call back the original members, and make a huge fucking album and a worldwide reunion tour. That's the only way it's going to be something of interest to anyone.

    I doubt anyone is still interested in attending GN'R shows with Dizzy Reed, Fortus, Ashba and the rest of the members. We don't care anymore about this line-up, it's fucking DEAD.

    Option 3: go back to work in the real world and meet the woman of your dreams, and remember GN'R of a life achievement that needs some rest. Don't fuck up the legacy more than you have done in the past 5 years doing basically nothing but tours with poor efforts past-2010 (except the last shows of 2014).

    Still love Axl, understand why he acted this way somehow, but man he needs a reality check because he is clearly lost.

    • Like 2
  10. Hmmm yeah, an ex-friend of mine did the same thing not that long ago, I found it pretty low to be honest.

    Look, the gesture is good. Helping homeless people is a nice thing to do (anyway that's my take on it, some people say that won't change their situation no matter what and that it won't motivate them gettin' a job, but imo if it can at least help them make it through another day, it's a good thing to do).

    Now, filming it... it's garbage. When I make a gift to someone, even if it's not for christmas or a birthday, I don't film it. It's just a gift. I don't care if you're homeless or a pal of mine, it's the same logic. Why would I film it? To show people how generous I am? Or to spread a good message? I think it really is a bit of both if someone needs to put it on video, it's to remind you that you did a good thing and to show to others that "you're a good person".

    I can say it here as nobody knows my true identity on this board: I helped homeless people a lot, still do when I get the chance. Sometimes it's just money, sometimes it's a meal, sometimes it's both. But I don't tell other people, I don't film it, I don't need an ego boost by helping people. People should help other people in need more often

    without having to be told to be good to them, it should be natural, and it should come from you. Not from what other people may think of it, not if you're going to be praised. It's just you and your guts.

    I may come as a bit harsh saying this, but it's truly my take on it. DJ did do a good thing. 2 thumbs up. More people should do it if they feel like it. But it makes him look like an ass to me (not that anybody cares). He's no jesus christ, I could also argue that it's pretty low to film these guys when DJ clearly had a shower and had his fancy clothes when the other people were... well, homeless. What does this video show, really... that DJ looks cool, that he helped them, and that the other guys looked like hell, and you pity them when you look at this. I think this particularly, does not give the good message.

    BUT, the action in itself is good. I encourage DJ to do more of that... and not put it on tape. And not especially on Christmas. Do it whenever you can if you want to help them so much and don't fucking film it, makes you look like a fucking ass DJ. Not hard feelings, I'm not a DJ hater, I think he's done a fairly good job in Gn'R.

    I think it's totally stupid to do that.

    • Like 1
  11. Axl clearly is a perfectionist, maybe one of the most maniac guys in the music industry. You don't wait that many years to release an album.

    He is a perfectionist on every level, he wants the music to sound perfect, he even wants the sound to sound perfect, as crazy as it... huh, sounds. He wanted to look perfect (I think he gave up when he came back in 2009, 2008 must have been too hard for him, and I guess that you just don't care that much once you reach a certain age), wanted his voice to sound badass, hire the best musicians around, write deep lyrics...

    No matter what people think about Chinese, the amount of work that went through it is phenomenal, but it takes trained ears to get the level of that album. It clearly took more than "months" or "3 years" to make.

    That being said, I think that Axl is clearly lost right now. He doesn't sound right, doesn't have the right band, and maybe he got tired of the "old" upcoming songs from CD. Maybe he doesn't care that much right now, has been working too hard on Gn'R for too long, the vibe is gone, his old mates are gone, the world he used to know is gone. I can relate to that.

    I hope he finds what he needs to come back as the king he once was.

  12. Source DR DOOM? (for the Marilyn Manson quote) : )

    Thanks for the various replies, always interesting to read the point of view from other people, especially GN'R fans. I didn't grow up in America so CM isn't part of my culture and if it wasn't for GN'R, I would probably have found out much later about him.

    As for the comparison with Hitler that somebody made, I think it's appropriate (although the number of their victims is on a different scale). I see a lot of people forgiving Manson "hey, he wasn't so bad, it's not like he killed anyone", part of the point of the documentary is explaining to a young audience the horror of what he did, and how people like this still exist in society today, even in the medias or politics.

    Of course, Manson is a very clever guy and it's kind of incredible to see his level of manipulation through interviews. He doesn't try to convince his interviewer, he directly talks to the audience, portraying himself as the regular dude that the media manipulates to make money and get the more "shocking stories" they can out of him (which is true to some extent).

    Even if it's old stuff, I think it's still very relevant to talk about this today, I hope so anyway. I will provide the link once it's complete, but again, it will be in french. Will see if I can subtitle it in english.

    Thank you for your help guys, any advice on the subject is interesting (even if you support CM).

  13. Hi folks, still come on this forum but barely post. I'm currently making a documentary on Charles Manson (will post the link for those interested once it's done but it's in french so I doubt it will be of much interest to you), I'd like to mention Axl at some point in this documentary as I've been a fan for a while.

    I'd like to know if some of you have some knowledge about Manson's influence on Axl. There's obviously the "Look at your game" bonus track on TSI, and Axl wore a couple of Manson shirts back in the day.

    Now, as I had to watch a lot of Manson interviews for the documentary, some things he said weirdly reminded me of some things Axl said. For instance, Manson said at some point to his interviewer that most people who would come off of bus and stop at Saint Louis would call their mom and get some help. I'm pretty sure Axl said something close to this during a rant at a Saint Louis show.

    Don't know if this is a coincidence or if Axl was so inspired by Manson that he came to the point of quoting him.

    If you have more examples and informations I don't have, Axl's quotes about Manson, etc, please let me know as I could throw in some Axl in this documentary. It's incredible that such a mainstream rock n' roll star kind of advertised Manson to a young audience. I'm not sure if Axl did this for the provocation or if he was naïve enough to think Manson is a political prisoner.

    Please throw me your thoughts about this (and even argue if you think Manson was "framed" and deserves to walk among us, though I don't share this point of view). Thank you folks.

    Edit: I will edit this topic to gather stuff I got from this forum, just stumbled across this on another topic, thanks to "Dr. Who" for sharing this!

    Q Magazine - March 1994

    Bring Out The Manson

    Statement from W. Axl Rose concerning the unlisted bonus track, Look At Your Game, Girl by Charles Manson, on Guns N' Roses' new album, The Spaghetti Incident?

    It's come to my attention that some people have taken offence to a particular song, Look At Your Game, Girl, on our new album The Spaghetti Incident?. What it all boils down to is this: The Spaghetti Incident? is 13 historical and musical gems that may have been overlooked. For instance, New Rose was one of The Damned's main songs but for whatever reason a lot of the world didn't hear it.

    In Indiana, I was ridiculed and physically attacked for my musical tastes, tastes that I never made any effort to hide. I thought it would be interesting for the so called mainstream and the people who were against this material when I was a teenager to actually hear these songs. Maybe they'll hear something they like, and more importantly, maybe they'll go and find the originals better, including Look At Your Game, Girl. The reason we didn't list that song on our album is we wanted to downplay it. We don't give any credit to Charles Manson on the album; it's like a hidden bonus truck.

    It's my opinion that the media are enjoying making a big deal out of Guns N' Roses covering a song that Charles Manson recorded, but if another band had recorded that song, it probably wouldn't have been of interest. The media need their "bad guys" to guarantee some ratings, so they use Manson's name coupled with mine to promo their news programs.

    However, when I do something positive, like contribute to charity, it's hard to get the news to pick up on those stories. The media is an interesting beast.

    Why did I choose to cover that particular song?

    Oddly enough, one of the things we do up at my house is have "Name That Artist" contests where we play obscure songs and everyone tries to name the artist. My brother Stuart found Look At Your Game, Girl at a large record chain and, needless to say, he won that round. Personally, I liked the lyrics and the melody of the song. Hearing it shocked me and I thought there might be other people who would like to hear it.

    I like the words because, to me, it's about a woman who has thrown things away. She thinks she's gaining love but basically she's gaining sadness. It was very fitting for a personal situation I happened to be in. The song talks about how the girl is insane and playing a mad game. I felt that it was ironic that such a song was recorded by Charles Manson, someone who should know the inner intricacies of madness.

    Manson is a dark part of American culture and history. He's the subject of fear and fascination through books, movies, and the interviews he's done. Most people hadn't heard anything Charles Manson recorded.

    A lot of people can say I wear the "Charlie Don't Surf" T-shirt for shock value, but I've worn that shirt for the past year on tour, all over the world. Yes, I was trying to make a statement. I wore the T-shirt because a lot of people enjoy playing me as the bad guy and the crazy. Sorry, I'm not that guy. I'm nothing like him. That's what I'm saying. There's a real difference in morals, values and ethics between Manson and myself and that is "Thou shalt not kill," which I don't. I'm by no means a Manson expert or anything, but the things he's done are something I don't believe in. He's a sick individual. Look at Manson and then look at me. We're not the same. Plus, I like the black humor of the "Charlie Don't Surf" line for the movie Apocalypse Now.

    I think people think I'm crazy because I believe in telling the truth. I'll admit sometimes I don't do a perfect job of it, but my efforts are true.

    It is my understanding that the song was written by Dennis Wilson. To what extent Charles Manson is involved in the publishing, I'm not aware. However, I am donating all my personal profits from having that song on our album to a charity, an environmental group to help protect wildlife and our oceans. In our video for Estranged, which will be the last video for the Use Your Illusion albums, we used dolphins, and this is my way of giving something back to the dolphin, which are endangered and threatened with extinction.

    Unfortunately I Don't Surf Either.

  14. To be fair, no offense G2R but the concept of the "tribute band" is really beyond pathetic. It's just sad really.

    Can you even picture this kind of thing happening in the early 90's?

    I mean put yourself in Axl's shoes, it must be kind of insulting to see a cover tribute band playing a show with one of your own membres.

    I'd be pissed for sure.

    There is a fine limit between being a fan and wanting to be one of GN'R members to the point of copying every of their mimics. Be your own man.

    Of course Bumblefoot is a nice guy, he goes down with that to please everyone, it's cool of him. But this is not professional. You have to keep GN'R special, unique, so it's stupid to tire the name and legacy by playing with some tribute band.
    Axl knows of all these things. He must have been pissed off by that. He must have been pissed off seeing Slash play with Michael Jackson and do other projects.

    When you are on a project, fully dedicate yourself to it and support it.

    As for a tribute band, just don't do it, or at least have the dignity not to ask members or ex-members of GN'R to play with you. Because it's just stupid.

    Play in your parents' garage or at a highschool's prom. I won't ever care for a cover tribute band, it's the most pathetic thing that can happen in your music career, being stuck trying to impersonate someone you're not. Write your own songs.

  15. You're assuming he's leaving because of dates? Ahaha, how many times has it been stated he was out because of minor details like this?

    I bet it just means he's been in GN'R for 8 years, that's all.

    But he should definitely quit so that something happens to GN'R, Ron is very aware of the state of the band, random schedule, some shows here and there, no new album, no real cohesion as a band. It's high time Axl stopped this joke and delivers CD II.

  16. I'll give one thing to Appetite for Democracy, the mixing seems outstanding. The editing however, while not bad, is very generic, there's absolutely no soul to it. Same goes for the directing, based on what I've seen, it's pretty poor. They needed a real director, like what Scorcese did with the Stones.

    The problem with AFD is Axl's voice. It was fucking shit in 2012, probably his worst year, ever. Had it been any show from 2010, heck even 2009, it would have been an instant buy for me. Not just for the memories, but also because Axl was fucking ace back then (quite pleased with his vocals from this year as well). So I won't buy that, clearly, unless I find it for like $5.

    As for the Slash album... I don't know. I like some of his past stuff, especially Snakepit (Serial Killer could have been one of the greatest GN'R hits), I really loved some of the tracks on the two previous albums, but this one doesn't feel so good. And Myles Kennedy.. fucking boring singer. No soul. Too generic. Doubt I'll buy that, but it's still a better effort than a live dvd from a disastrous year for Axl.

    • Like 1
  17. Nice synchronisation, however the global feeling was a bit of a downer since you didn't add your own soul to it. It's just lives (with a bad quality image) synchronized (almost perfectly, good job) with the studio song.

    Here is for me the best example of a good music video, the guy took the studio song but he gave another meaning to the song, something I did not even think of while listening to the song. To achieve this, he made the images himself and that's the best thing you can do when you do these kind of videos. Here is the video I'm talking about:


    Good job nonetheless, especially if it's your first take on editing ; )

    • Like 1
  18. 7.5

    I love Prostitute, best ending of any Cd. Rq, raw. And of course the girl in the studio. DdM, not in my top lists, but always enjoy listening to that song.


    2.November Rain


    The first two will never change, but the third could of been many.

    9/10, great songs, but I wouldn't have picked Better as number 1.

    1. Coma

    2. There was a time

    3. Sweet child o' mine (but my best pick as third would have been Serial Killer, too bad Axl didn't sing that one, would have been absolute killer)

  19. That'd be cool. Over the fact I doubt it would change so much musically, it would show Axl is cool with his former bandmates, it's more of a symbol than anything else, like when Duff joined, I doubt it made much difference musically (the sound ain't good enough on the bootlegs to judge that though) but the fact Duff and Axl are pals is cool enough for me. Same with Sorum.

    Like Matt said, life is short and it's not getting any longer. Though, I doubt Axl is cool with Matt. I can recall a line in a book I read, not sure if it's 100% legit but still...

    Axl: "Are you going to leave?"

    Matt: "No"

    Axl: "Well then you're fucking fired!"

    HAHA, don't know if it did happen but that made me laugh so hard.

  20. Love Lana, Born to die is a great, great album, never gets boring to me, even the paradise edition is outstanding. Haven't listened to the new one.

    Sure she may have had some change to her face, she may not write most of her stuff musically and she comes from a rich family and was in a way, created. So what, who hasn't had some work done in Hollywood? Who creates 100% of their material?

    She looks like she is a very nice person and I enjoy her music. That's all that matters to me.

    • Like 1
  21. Well especially since some of the Metal Gear lore is retconed/rebooted with every new installment. That's why it's much better to start with the first MGS I agree. As for MGS2, it was meant as a conclusion to the series, I really see it as a standalone game, almost a simulation, another view on the whole series, I wouldn't necessarily recommend it just after MGS1 as it's very confusing plot-wise. The best way for a beginner would be imo: MGS1-MGS3-Peace Walker - MGS2-MGS4. Then maybe Ground Zeroes but there's not much in it so it doesn't really count as a game, it's ultimately just a demo for MGSV Phantom Pain.

    Damn I'm so pumped for The Phantom Pain, while it wasn't the best looking game on the E3 (that award would go to the Witcher 3, even though I really don't like how occidental developers make games), it was certainly the most cinematographic, and deep trailer shown. As a MGS fan, you can't help but see how much work went into it, so many new informations, details... Kojima really let me down with MGS3, 4 and Peace Walker, I thought the games were less polished (not as good as MGS2 anyway which was the most brilliant game in early 2000's) and targetted to a more mainstream audience, but this one man.. he really took risks, references everywhere (Peter Pan, Dracula, Moby Dick, 1984- can't wait to see how the torture scenes will be inspired by Winston and Julia story- and so much more) and the gameplay is really gonna be the best out there for a TPS/infiltration game. Wasn't much impressed by ground zeroes as they took down some stuff you could do in MGS4 and Peace Walker, but this one seems to have it all, and more.

    As for the Twin Snakes, I wouldn't call it bad, but it suffers some of the problems the Gus Van Sant's Psycho remake suffered, it's almost a copy/paste thing without adding anything useful, and this is especially a problem with the gameplay, everything is too easy. They took the gameplay from MGS2 but didn't change the level design from MGS1, everything is the same, so it makes the game very casual. As for the cutscenes, most of it was changed with an over the top style (but believe me I love Ryuhei Kitamura's work, especially Versus and his Godzilla), the voice acting was changed and most importantly, the music: it was much much MUCH better in the original. Then if you just care for the graphics and playing an easy game, then yeah it's a better deal, but if you care about the atmosphere, the deep stuff of MGS, then you have to play the original. Again Twin Snakes is a sign that Kojima wanted to go more mainstream, he is the one who insisted Kitamura added is own over the top stuff to please a more mainstream audience.

    Anyway, MGSV... damn I can't wait. Won't be out til late 2015/2016 I fear, if you have watched every trailer from TPP, it's just too gigantic. There is the hospital scene which has a very special animation on Snake, Afghanistan (which maps looks gigantic)... and then there's Africa, didn't see it coming. That and the fact the Mother Base is customizable, plus there will be a lot of time gaps as we will probably start on Diamond Dogs (which must have been built during Big Boss' coma), then we'll move on to Outer Heaven (probably the result of an alliance with XOF, which will take some time), and Kojima must introduce the formation of Foxhound (since Psycho Mantis was seen in one of the first trailers).

    Clearly it's gigantic, since Ground Zeroes took four years to get released (the development was known to the public in 2012 but clearly it must have began in 2010 since almost everything was completed in september 2012), so I wouldn't be surprised if it takes two more years to complete the main piece.

    Absolutely blown away again by this new trailer, Kojima is definitely the most qualified video game director these days, to the point the rest of the games look already old and déjà vu.

    Edit: also don't bother with the MSX2 games (Metal Gear 1 and 2). The first one has aged a lot but it's still good, and the second one is a great game, in the vibe of his previous game, Snatcher, but it's mostly a game for retrogamers and Kojima lovers. It won't give you much more on the story and you might be disappointed in some stuff you want in it (some revelations made in MGS1 were never mentioned in the first two games, a good example of a retcon often happening in this series). Still it's incredible to see that everything you liked in MGS1 was already there in MG2. Just complete it if you have done everything else, as they are really tough games, very hard to complete without walkthroughs.
    I also wouldn't recommend Portable Ops which has some good ideas (that were kept/brought back in a new way in Peace Walker) but is mostly garbage with a poor story, poor character writing and disappointing music. It was just produced by Kojima but made by other people within his company. It also retcons way too much stuff and isn't even mentioned in peace walker (except for a line) and ground zeroes. We still don't know if it can be considered canon (most probably not, as it got the snake's revenge treatment).

    As for Ghost Babel on the game boy color, same as portable ops, mainly garbage, non story related, it's an alternate sequel to the very first Metal Gear on the MSX2, it's incredible for this handheld console graphics-wise, but there's nothing much to it. Even the music is irritating.

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