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sleeping stone

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Posts posted by sleeping stone

  1. Sorry WC, I do not share your initial post at all :no: simply because I'm not capable to think that a man can be more than this: human being.

    I would share rather the idea that this band and members meant something to many both back then and now.

    I, for one can say that when I first heard Estranged I was mourning the love of my life and this song litterally became part of my blood, it was in my veins... I couldn't properly live without this song in my headphone but that's all for "relating to" something

    For nothing in this world I would consider someone being a "superhuman", a "messiah" or a "living God", but don't feel offended, it is just the way I am.

    Now on on topic,

    I don't feel attracted to GNR, they're just part of my small musical culture, I admit they surfaced at the right time in my life but if I update this past feeling to today, I can't say I expect anything at all. I know I'm going to be delighted with the new CD that's for sure. But again, I have to put in the right context (if it's the proper word, I don't know) and the musical scene today is so poor that indeed I count on this CD to "light" my options of good music. But what I can also say is that in no way my life is hung (gram?) to it.

    My vision of the musicians of this band is pretty good but again, in no way I need to "connect" to them or "relate" to anything, for me the music does it all and for sure, if the lyrics and melodies are great then "Bravo!", I'm in.

    I'll finish saying this. You see I most want this band to succeed and yes I also want W.A.R ( = my favourite artist :heart: , not singer or frontman, :heart: ARTIST :heart: ) to be back on top of the world again as much as any of you but I think that when you grow older you don't feel the same way about people, bands and so on... you take distance with your initial passion and I guess that's what happened to me with GNR.

    I am not good at giving advices but there's this book you might find interesting to read: "El Aleph"

  2. I read Madison's comments and it brings something to my mind.

    I can recall a few months backs when all the people claiming to know Axl were saying how shy he was as a person and how he never wanted to be too surrounded and so on and so on...

    I think here the people that post this kind of things are the same people that were saying what I wrote earlier and now simply because it happened to them, they feel bad. What they claimed to be true before maybe has simply been true for them on these shows. Axl "the great shy Axl" has simply acted the way everyone describes him and simply didn't want to be in the middle of everything.

    On the other hand, when you re-launch your carreer (Sorry for the spelling, i don't remember how to write it) you have to know when to be "wanted", or "available" or "friendly" . I think it could also be part of a perspective (like marketing ) that AXL is everywhere and nowhere in the same time, so it creates more expectations.

    Simple idea, it just what your posts have made me think. But of course, I could be wrong. I have no idea myself of who is Axl Rose.

  3. fewking hell... the look reminds me of james hetfield in the i disappear vid... Axl is back

    Please can't you stop comparing Axl Rose to anyone else?

    He's always been different from anyone, I don't see why now he would look like A, B or C.

    Just let him be.

  4. Que siiiiiiiii, que al final sí puedo ir!! He encontrado a una amiga que me puede sustituir en el trabajo y puedo ir!!!! Wohoooo!!

    Y no he tenido que mentir, simplemente he dicho que me tenia que ir de viaje y punto.Me pusieron mala cara pero me da igual. rock3

    Me alegro por ti! ¡Que lo disfrutes!

  5. Lo malo es que no puedo faltar porque no hay nadie que me sustituya, joder si hasta mi compañera que está a punto de dar a luz está llendo al trabajo porque no tenemos gente para que la sustituya.

    Pero bueno, supongo que la esperanza es lo último que se pierde... :) A ver qué puedo hacer.

    Yo voy a ser un poco más sensato que quienes poco menos que te piden que dejes el curro, tu medio de vida (presente o futura) para ir a un jodido concierto. Lo que te aconsejo es el 'truco de la baja'; dos dias antes 'caete', pega un grito... y di que te duele mucho una muñeca (no sé en qué curras, pero seguro que necesitas tus manos para ello). Te llevarán a la mutua o al médico y ahi te dirán que, si te duele, tendrás una distención, o bla, bla bla... eso que dicen cuando no tienen ni puta idea de lo que tienes.. pues eso, le echas cuento, y así tendrás 2 ó 3 días libres de curro, y, aunque seas esencial, al estar de baja tu curro no correrá peligro :) .

    Bueno, hagas esto, o cualquier otra cosa... suerte, y espero que nos veamos en en show.

    Lo mismo digo, que no tenga problema de conciencia en hacerlo porque por dos o tres dias nadie le va a decir nada.

    Elaboremos para la amiga November Rain unas ideas para la baja:

    - Lo dicho por Carlos

    - Inventate un gastro enteritis que va bien con el tiempo! (es viral y de temporada)

    - Alguien tuyo ha tenido un accidente (preferiblemente lejos de tu lugar de residencia) y tienes que ir.

    - Tienes que hacer obras en la casa y tienes que estar (ej. algo bien jodido como la tubería que inunda a los demas vecino o tu propia casa). Este suele ser el motivo más diplomatico.

    De momento no se me ocuren otros porque nunca estuve en esta situación.

    Pero siempre debes dejar un telefono de contacto (móvil, mejor) por si acaso. Eso es importante.

    ¡Suerte November Rain.!

  6. A November Rain: Que le den a tu trabajo porque si tu tienes conciencia profesional pensando que nadie te podrá sustituir para aquellos días sepas que si fuera al reves y que tu empresa te quisiera despedir, creeme que les importaría un comino que tu puesto se quede vacio una temporada.


    Si quieres alli nos vemos hija.

  7. I know Axl has cancel before.But why would Axl cancel those coming shows? They are in New York and Axl's ready there.He wont have too go far too get there.

    Your post made think of something but it has nothing to do with the topic.

    Axl always said by the past that he was late for everything, even his own shows :rofl-lol: . I stupidly thought that he was in NY to make sure he's not late this time :P ! I know it's stupid but it made me laugh alone! :laugh:

  8. Who else wants Axl to play us all your new stuff and let us be the judges? We have heard the classics for a long time and if he has 2 or 3 albums worth of material then lets hear it..... How amazing would it be to stand through a this show in awww with only recognizing 3 or 4 songs.

    Anybody else agree

    Don't get me wrong I do love some Its so easy and Pefect crime but hey, the peole going to these show are the true judges...


    I want a show in which I can sing along so I want a bit of both. Of course, I would welcome the new songs with open arms!

  9. Some still claim that there will be a reunion.

    This thread is about what will happend IF THERE IS NO REUNION.

    U people, who still hope for that to happen, do U think U will feel more for the new lineup when they start to tour and CD is released?

    Is it going to be easier to se them as a BAND?

    Or have they always been a band?

    Some people claim that this lineup is not a band, and thats why it is so hard to support them.

    "It´s just a solo work made by Axl, who caused the the pre-gnr splitup"

    We don´t know that.

    We don´t know how much impact they´ve made in in the CD-working progress.

    But people assuming that this band is ruled by the dictator Axl, and that his actually acts like one.

    This cind of propositions is in general builted on a theory that it was Axl who splitted the old lineup.

    That his dictatorship caused the split.

    But let us say that´s the case.

    Does that prove that he´s acting like one in this new band too?

    And why would he repeat a faild concept?

    Axl is the leader.

    But that doesn´t make him a dictator.

    I don´t think the americans look at Bush as their dictator.

    This is the way I think this new band work:

    *AXL appreciate all material he can get from the members(produced song proposoals etc.) or Axl himself propouse a "songbase"

    *AXL want everyone in the band to have the opportunity to make their thing when it comes to processing, and let them do that.

    *Then Axl pick and chose among versions of the processingwork and put it together and presents it as a internal demo version for the members.(This cind of versions that´s leaked!!??)

    *Then the members can listen to it, and come with further suggestions(like "re"-recording and stuff), until the WHOLE band is pleased.

    There´s much to suggest thats this :rolleyes: is the case.

    At least as much as some of u base your dictator theory on.

    I base it on this BELOW.

    I see this linup as a BAND.

    According to STINSON:

    (ONCE AGAIN for the 10th time)

    "The reason the disc isn't done yet, he added, is because Rose is a methodical perfectionist who wants to make the creation of Chinese Democracy as democratic as possible. "He likes to take all the members of the band and get the best out of each guy for each song," Stinson said. "It's a brilliant process that gets everyone involved so everyone owns a piece of the song because they've put themselves into it. That way you don't have people going, 'Well, I'm not gonna play on his song if you're not gonna sing on my song.' And that's a lengthy process because you have to get eight people to basically write a song together that everyone likes."

    And I beleve him.

    Some maby would say that he´s hired to say that.

    So, please don´t start with that "Axl and his hired backupband" shit..

    But I can´t prevent U to... :unsure:

    The first time I saw the new line up was looking at RIR3, this band convinced me instantly. Eversince, I want to see them live. DOT.

    And I will if everything goes well!!!!

  10. Bottomline: The message here is simply this, just because Better is Axl's favourite song doesn't mean it's the best song on the album.

    Well yes but that doesn't mean the songs that are supposedly superior to Better are anywhere near as good as scom.

    That's also true, but I don't think that was the point in the first place. As far as songs being better or worse then SCOM, there's no point in discussing it because we haven't heard the album yet. For all we know, there could be some songs on CD that are miles ahead of SCOM, or perhaps not.

    Yeah that's basically what I'm trying to say, although I disagree somewhat. I think the original post was aluding to the fact that certain songs on CD may be as good as scom which I think is well, as I said, wishfull thinking.

    Also, let's face something: SCOM is a song that's written in music history, but does it mean it is GNR's best song?

    For what was said the songs Axl mentioned are his favorites he never said that they were the best! For the UYI, Axl said his favorite was Estranged, however which song made history on these records?

    That a song make history or not I think depends on the quantity of people it reaches, it has nothing to do with if it's the best or not. Favorites are favorites, hits are hits. I don't think we should mix these two concepts.

    Another example: The worldwide song to make history is "My way" Does it means it's the best song of his composer? Or even of all times? Well, I guess not.

    Just let yourself guide by your own tastes, and something tells me everybody will be happy with CD anyway. After all, it's Axl, that same Axl who pushed the rest of the band to put SCOM on appetite for destruction...

    So... what kind of fear or risk is there? I guess NONE AT ALL. Trust the man!

  11. I don't get why you all need GNR to dominate the world?

    I'm sure you people adore other bands that never made it to level GNR did. I don't understand this "domination thing" I find absurd.

    A band dominates the world if their music reaches as many people as possible, GNR had that worldwide, no doubt in my head that they will drop powerful things again. Absolutly NO DOUBT.

    But does it mean "dominate the world again?" I couldn't care less. I'm not their accountant.

  12. Hi everybody!

    I just got my ticket from ServiCaixa and I'm surprised it's written "Guns and Roses" instead of Guns N'Roses.

    There's no picture or logo or anything, could this be a simple mistake?

    Any of you living in spain heard any promotion of the band touring and coming to Madrid? Are there already any posters of the shows anywhere? Any radio talking about it?

    Please tranquilize this soul of mine.....that it is really going to be GNR coming to Madrid.

  13. ¿Qué tal os está sentando esta "calma chicha" que tenemos ahora? No hay noticias ni confirmaciones ni nada parecido, sólo fotos estrambóticas de Axl con los Sopranos (madre mía, qué pinta en la que sale con Michael Imperioli, a.k.a. Christopher Moltisanti), sin nada más que llevarnos a la boca que esas demos que sigo pinchando de vez en cuando, ME FLIPAN, pero de momento nada más...

    Tenemos lo del 28 de mayo (soy pesimista por naturaleza, imaginad al ir a un concierto de Axl).

    Pero no tenemos una nota oficial, de prensa, algo...

    ¿Estás tranquilos o qué?

    De momento creo que si, vendrán. A menudo los mods de este foro confirmaron con el famoso Mercks las fechas ó los paises. No sé si lo hicieron para España, pero bueno.

    Lo que no deja de sorprenderme es el sitio elegido. Campo de las naciones. No termino de entenderlo pero bueno, me pilla a un km de casa por lo que no me voy a quejar tampoco.

    Lo de la calma,pues personalmente nunca he sido obsesionada con tener algunas más que fechas de conciertos. Si es un engaño, pues me habran engañado.

    La calma es habitual en el mundo de GNR de todas todas. Que le vamos a hacer.

  14. Classic ? Do you know the difference between classic and great ? This album is by no standards a classic yet . Hell TWAT walripped in rolling stone already as being an over produced mess. I.R.S was seen as competent and only Better was lauded.Now I love all of these songs ,but there "better " be some classic songs around the corner.

    Yeah but, for your information, GNR has always been criticized in magazines so we, the fans, don't see why it would change and honestly we don't a f... about what a journalist has to say. To support what I say: check the number of entries at concerts they did for the Use Your Illusion Tour 92-93 and you'll see that press you beg pardon....

    Don't take things too seriously when it comes from press, relax, if we haven't heard the Big guns so far, that's even a greater news. I think many fans could think the same.

  15. Axl said in an interview 4 years ago that the band was holding there big guns back referring to songs that were not being played on the 2002 tour. If these leaks are the big guns and what we havent heard is filler this album is screwed. Now it has been said that there will be 13 songs. Six of these songs have already been heard ( I dont expect Rhiad,Silkworms,or Chinese D to make the album) so that leaves seven unheard songs .There "better" be a couple more great songs in there and a classic or two. I want a classic album not a great one. This album will sell 5 million if it is lucking. Also i believe the leaks minus CITR are not demos. They are the songs that will make the album. I also hope all kinds of fun fucked uo shit happen in the wake of this tour. Didnt anyone else find it funny when the last tour ended in a riot?

    Why don't you take a Valium?

  16. Echo mucho de menos el foro internacional!! :P Me pone feliz ver todos ustedes hablando espanol otra vez!!

    me encantaria volver a espana - me fucking encanta todo del pais, pero la realidid es que hay una gran posibilidad que yo no vaya a tener la opurtunidad de ir <_< que fuckin' lastima!!

    Animo, todo llega. :)

    Encantada conocerte Budweiser!

    Igualmente!!! :D

    Eres de Espana?

    No, no naci en España, pero suelo vivir alli.

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