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sleeping stone

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Posts posted by sleeping stone

  1. Echo mucho de menos el foro internacional!! :P Me pone feliz ver todos ustedes hablando espanol otra vez!!

    me encantaria volver a espana - me fucking encanta todo del pais, pero la realidid es que hay una gran posibilidad que yo no vaya a tener la opurtunidad de ir <_< que fuckin' lastima!!

    Animo, todo llega. :)

    Encantada conocerte Budweiser!

  2. Bueno, bueno, qué mas da quien vaya, lo importante es que por fin vamos a ver a Dios en cocierto!!!

    Sleeping stone, de donde eres? Tu español es muy bueno, es casi perfecto!!!

    Soy medio francesa medio española! Aunque habitualmente viva en España, soy francesa de nacionalidad pero trabajo para una empresa española en el exterior de España.

    Ahora llevó 3 meses fuera de España.

    Y tu de donde eres?

  3. Os encuentro muy duros!

    A los de gradas nos habeis tratados de pijos, de fans de pacotillas y no se que mas, por fa, hay otros motivos por los que coger de gradas.

    Cogi de gradas porque voy sola y pedi que fuera bien situado.

    Tambien tengo que decir que cuando estas abajo, pues, lo siento te toca oler sobaquillos :laugh: , recibir puñetazos :fuckyou: , cabezazos :question: y otros tipo especia de idiota integral :xmassrudolph: que baila sobre tus putos pies en lugar del suelo, por lo que yo ya he paso la edad. (volvi de un concierto de Aerosmith mas azul que el mediteraneo por haber querido estar abajo, cerca del escenario)

    Soy una vieja, soy fan de toda la vida y SI disfrutaré igual que vosotros desde las gradas porque no me imagino un concierto de GNR donde el publico solo se sienta y escucha.

    Creo que de sentados tendremos poco, para ser honesta pero en plena seguridad!

    Asi que os encuentro muy duros, respectad por favor tambien a los viejos!

    No no, yo al menos no me estoy metiendo con la gente que va a las gradas, más que nada porque yo TAMBIÉN las he pillado de grada :P . Cada uno puede ver el concierto donde más le apetezca, faltaría más. Yo en mi caso las he cogido ahí porque mi novia no es muy alta y no creo que viese un pijo desde abajo, pero vamos, sino fuese por ella lo mismo las hubiese pillado igual de grada, porque hay que reconocer que desde ahí se ve de coña y no aguantas a las niñas que se suben a la espalda del novio y te joden la visión o al pavo de dos metros que se te planta delante y además bota... en fín, para gustos... Aqui más bien nos estamos metiendo con los fans casuales que agotan las entradas en un plis-plas, sin siquiera estar al tanto de la nueva formación y que no les duele pagar más de 40 euros para ir a escuchar Sweet Child O'Mine...

    agradezco tu respuesta... :heart:

    pero creis que quedan de estos fans que solo irian para oir SWeet Child o'mine?

    Creo que de GNR realmente quedan los que los han querido para su obra integra (Bueno, digo obra porque la musica es arte, no creas que este exagerando porque me gusten a mi!) no creo que un tío que en su día apreció SCOM venga a un concierto solo para eso. ¿O si? :drevil:

    Tambien creo que el mero nombre de GNR recuerda a toda una epoca en la mucha gente se ha soltado, ¡es que eran un fenomeno!

    Lo que espero es que GNR como esta ahora tenga tan buena audiencia como tuvo en aquella epoca, sea el estilo musical que haya escogido A.Rose, espero que esta banda dure en el tiempo.

    Os encuentro muy duros!

    A los de gradas nos habeis tratados de pijos, de fans de pacotillas y no se que mas, por fa, hay otros motivos por los que coger de gradas.

    Cogi de gradas porque voy sola y pedi que fuera bien situado.

    Tambien tengo que decir que cuando estas abajo, pues, lo siento te toca oler sobaquillos :laugh: , recibir puñetazos :fuckyou: , cabezazos :question: y otros tipo especia de idiota integral :xmassrudolph: que baila sobre tus putos pies en lugar del suelo, por lo que yo ya he paso la edad. (volvi de un concierto de Aerosmith mas azul que el mediteraneo por haber querido estar abajo, cerca del escenario)

    Soy una vieja, soy fan de toda la vida y SI disfrutaré igual que vosotros desde las gradas porque no me imagino un concierto de GNR donde el publico solo se sienta y escucha.

    Creo que de sentados tendremos poco, para ser honesta pero en plena seguridad!

    Asi que os encuentro muy duros, respectad por favor tambien a los viejos!

    Te entiendo bien. Yo la he pillado de suelo, a muerte, gladiador a saco, pero tal vez me arrepienta por un problema que tengo de fascitis plantar (una dolencia muy puta que duele cerca del talón, en la planta del pie, cuando estás unas horas de pie). De todos modos, no me imaginaba en la grada no viendo una mierda y sin poderme levantar por culpa del de atrás... y es que siempre, siempre, en todos los conciertos a los que voy me dicen que me calle, o que no salte, o que no chille, o que no cante. Me pasó con los Jayhawks y me pasó viendo a Bob Dylan. Y en uno de Springsteen había un hijoputa de dos metros que no hacía más que saltar y darme con el codo en la cocorota. Le dije que la próxima vez le pisaba los huevos y me dijo que era un concierto de rock... je je, me hubiera gustado llevármelo a las primeras filas de los Backyard Babies en El Sol en el 99 o al de los New Bomb Turks en el Trylobite dos años antes al muy bastardo, para que aprendiera lo que es REALMENTE un concierto de rock.

    De todos modos, no veo mucha tralla en este de los Guns, la gente no se conocerá las canciones y me parece que al menos tocará cinco o seis nuevas.

    Entiendo a Sleeping Stone (muy buen nick name), yo también soy un viejo de 29 palos, cansado y aburrido de esperar a los Guns. El 28 de mayo me transformaré en una bestia parda, pero luego lo pagaré. Entiendo que la chica quiera sentarse o al menos que no la golpeen.

    Y en cuanto a lo de pijos... en fin, yo he conocido a unos cuantos (colegio de pago, etc.) que les gustaba Knockin on heaven's door, Don't cry y November Rain y no sabían quién pollas era Izzy Stradlin, pero también conozco a mucha gente que no ha llevado melena ni muñequeras de cuero que son verdaderos fans... entre ellos un servidor. No sé si irán muchos pijos al concierto, seguramente yo seré de los más pijos (no entiendo muy bien qué es eso, pijo es snob, un tío superficial y estúpido que sólo aprecia lo material, ¿no?); lo que tengo claro es que si alguien me dice algo en ese concierto por llevar una camisa o una americana le voy a organizar una trifulca que difícilmente olvidará.

    Insisto, los pijos hace años que se olvidaron de Axl Rose. Los únicos que hemos permanecido somos fans, con tupé o sin él, con Levi's o sin ellos, con tatuajes o sin ellos, con melenas o calvos, gordos o flacos, sentados o de pie, pero fans de verdad. ¿Me hago entender?

    ¡DI QUE SI!

    No hablo tan bien el español como para expresarme de esta forma, la verdad es que no lo hubiese dicho de mejor manera!

    Yo tampoco creo que sea para tanto. Por decirlo de algún modo, Guns N' Roses no son los Red Hot Chili Peppers, y me juego algo a que la mayor parte de la gente que este allí ese día habrá ido porque realmente quiere ver a Axl (previo pago de 40 euros, que no es poco). Habrá pijos, porque los hay en todos los conciertos, pero no creo que sean una gran mayoría. El tema gradas sí o gradas no me da lo mismo. Cada cual tiene su forma de ver los conciertos y me parece perfectamente respetable que alguien no quiera meterse en el bollo.

    De joven me gustaba, pero ahora, creo que quiero disfrutar no solo del espectaculo que ofrece un concierto de GNR sino tambien quiero disfrutar de la musica fundamentalmente, no se, algo me dice que sera un buen concierto, tal vez por el sitio.

  4. Os encuentro muy duros!

    A los de gradas nos habeis tratados de pijos, de fans de pacotillas y no se que mas, por fa, hay otros motivos por los que coger de gradas.

    Cogi de gradas porque voy sola y pedi que fuera bien situado.

    Tambien tengo que decir que cuando estas abajo, pues, lo siento te toca oler sobaquillos :laugh: , recibir puñetazos :fuckyou: , cabezazos :question: y otros tipo especia de idiota integral :xmassrudolph: que baila sobre tus putos pies en lugar del suelo, por lo que yo ya he paso la edad. (volvi de un concierto de Aerosmith mas azul que el mediteraneo por haber querido estar abajo, cerca del escenario)

    Soy una vieja, soy fan de toda la vida y SI disfrutaré igual que vosotros desde las gradas porque no me imagino un concierto de GNR donde el publico solo se sienta y escucha.

    Creo que de sentados tendremos poco, para ser honesta pero en plena seguridad!

    Asi que os encuentro muy duros, respectad por favor tambien a los viejos!

  5. Management did not want these tracks to be leaked.


    ;) thats the truth.

    James S.


    Tell me guys - do you honestly think that if somebody in the GNR camp had deliberately - and strategically - carefully planned and orchestrated the leaks in order to get feedback or "test" tracks that they would turn around and tell you about it? And do you honestly think it was just a coincidence that tracks (that were recorded years ago and managed to stay off the Net for years) would suddenly and explicably appear all at once - and from multiple sources at exactly the same time? And when they did leak, do you think it was just an oversight and coincidence that they waited more than 12 hours before asking the forums to remove them (even though the forums contacted them right away)?

    ... Hey - *shrugs* - just asking. :book:

    I don't remember in which thread I read this but there's a poster who wrote something like :

    "Sometimes it's a way to leave things behind"

    It made me think a bit ...

  6. And another one:


    I don't know why when I look at a picture of Axl Rose, his face reflects shyness (if the word exists in English!) and sweetness. I don't know why. This picture is a perfect example.

  7. Axl has the worst goatee and mustache i have ever seen. Whats more awful is that its colored.

    Does anyone juge you on every single detail of yourself?

    If not, just put yourself for one second in the skin of someone that is constantly juged upon stupid things like "goatee", "mustache", "hair color", "fat", Slim", "baggy shirt", or whatever. Wouldn't you sometimes say "hell, I can dress and look the way I want!", ????

    Well, I think you would.

    I for one just don' t care the way Axl looks, he's my favorite artist, he can look, do exactly what he wants, I don't buy his face or body when I buy his music, I buy the work of an artist. What do you buy ?

    You couldn´t have said it better!! :)

    And for fucks sake, the goatee is not coloured...These kids...

    Do you think that they really take care when they look at themselves in a mirror?

    By the way, thanks to the poster who posted the picture, Axl looks great!

  8. Axl has the worst goatee and mustache i have ever seen. Whats more awful is that its colored.

    Does anyone juge you on every single detail of yourself?

    If not, just put yourself for one second in the skin of someone that is constantly juged upon stupid things like "goatee", "mustache", "hair color", "fat", Slim", "baggy shirt", or whatever. Wouldn't you sometimes say "hell, I can dress and look the way I want!", ????

    Well, I think you would.

    I for one just don' t care the way Axl looks, he's my favorite artist, he can look, do exactly what he wants, I don't buy his face or body when I buy his music, I buy the work of an artist. What do you buy ?

  9. Chicos, no se lo que opinais pero la organizacion a la espanola estoy harta. Vivo a 1 km del Parque juan carlos y no se ni como comprar una entrada!!!!!

    Bueno servicaixa va a ser el sitio? a ver!

    Cuantos asientos en el auditorio en vuestra opinion?

    I think there will be around 15.000 people.

    By the way, the tickets will cost 40 €

    Creo que entrarán unas 15mil personas.

    Por cierto, las entradas costarán 40 €.

    15 mil? tanto, lo veia mas pequeño!

    Entonces hay que reservar en linea y ir personalmente a la taquilla?

    15 000? so many? I thought it was a smaller place!

    So, we have to book online and personaly go to get the ticket to the park?

    Well, a good walk in perspective, the park is big!

  10. Chicos, no se lo que opinais pero la organizacion a la espanola estoy harta. Vivo a 1 km del Parque juan carlos y no se ni como comprar una entrada!!!!!

    Bueno servicaixa va a ser el sitio? a ver!

    Cuantos asientos en el auditorio en vuestra opinion?

  11. The concert has been added to the 2006 concert page as "Not confirmed".

    The official website for the arena has not officially announced the event yet.

    I would not be superised that GNR would choose this arena to play as they have played there before.

    Lets hope it's confirmed soon!

    I'd rather they went to the new "Stade de France" it's bigger place.

    and you think they can sell that out...

    I don't know. Celine Dion did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. The concert has been added to the 2006 concert page as "Not confirmed".

    The official website for the arena has not officially announced the event yet.

    I would not be superised that GNR would choose this arena to play as they have played there before.

    Lets hope it's confirmed soon!

    I'd rather they went to the new "Stade de France" it's bigger place.

  13. Difference of opinions are a good thing, this board isn't a dictatorship AD much to your chagrin I'll bet. If Axl did say that, it's a dick thing to say, but I doubt he would ever utter anything like that in public.

    He isn't the main ingredient. Axl - creative force who gave the band direction, Izzy - song writer, Slash - came up with all the legendary riffs.

    Where would Sweet Child O MIne, Paradise City, and WTTJ be without SLash's riffs? Nowhere. Just songs with cool lyrics. They are classics because of the great lyrics AND riffs. It was a collaborative effort, atleast AFD was.

    yes, but you need someone who pushes you to get the best out of you..... Considering Slash's solo work and velvet revolver Slash isn't using his full potentional......he was with guns and axl as drive...... Ever listened to Bucket solo work? Nothing really worth listening to over and over again is it??? (my opinion, yes there are some nice songs, Sketches in Spain, Too many humans, and the like......) but these demo's show the true craftship of Axl Rose combined with Bucket... Axl Rose is the man behind the drivers seat.....we can obviously hear the who's directing

    You read my mind

  14. There's something I don't understand:

    "Why do you actually need a statement?"

    To know the date of release?

    To hear something about the leaks?

    To know what?

    Personally, I don't need a statement about anything.

    You don't want to know the release date ? :o

    No. Not particularly. I'm more interested in the future tours because now I travel in countries where they don't come, and I'll have to travel to see them.

    I'm old fashioned, I go regularly to stores and check what's new.

    I'm not the kind to stand in line to be the first to get it, but what's for sure is that I'll buy several copies...

    one for the car, one for office, one for home, one for travels, several...

  15. I guess we can't assume it's about her cos it's most likely Axl has had a few relationships since 1992 :)

    God! someone said it! That's what I hope for him anyway... :)

    Yeah... but maybe he wrote the lyrics a long time ago!

    Well, the rumor that a song called TWAT was going to appear on the record goes way back to around 96/97. So it's a solid bet.

    Well, she'll be happy to be considered a twat then :o ,.... don't want to be her. :rofl-lol:

  16. I guess we can't assume it's about her cos it's most likely Axl has had a few relationships since 1992 :)

    God! someone said it! That's what I hope for him anyway... :)

    Even if it's about her :no: , why don't you people wait for him to say what/who it is about?


    Another classic case of mans unrestrained compulsion to intercept another’s power for themselves, applying it as a self-conscious band-aid.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again:

    It is not uncommon for self consciousness to seek compensation, especially by individuals that may be privy to something which others want, then leveraging this as a form of power. By putting themselves in a position of an intermediary between those who "want" (i.e. - fans) and that which is "wanted" (i.e. - songs), they can thereby intercept the special attention given to the later by the former. For this reason, they may offer proof, but will typically hold out on some of the desired matter in effort to sustain the position of acting as the intermediary of attention between those who want and that which is wanted. Without this advantage, they once again become “normal”.

    In this case, why leak “part” of a song?….why not just either keep it to oneself and not say anything or leak the entirety of it? I’ll tell you why, and it has nothing to do with legality, or they wouldn’t have shared the “part”. The reason is such to retain the power associated with having the “unshared part” and draping it around themselves as an attracter of fabricated power that belongs to no one aside from the creator of the art, Mr. Axl Rose.

    Of course we are all happy to hear something, myself included, but that doesn’t negate the abuse of privilege.

    Do you think that the person is in anyway concious that he's a powerful man but only for himself?

    Because... none of us here can make him justice of his brand new "fabricated power" (to quote you) simply because he's a fucking username, faceless, still unknown but through a username.

    Do you think he feels alone with such big *coughs* power?!?!?!?

    I don't know your opinion here, but there's something definitly pathological in this attitude if your definition is correct, harmless at this stage but still pathological.

    But, I don't think it's the case of the person who leaked the songs. I think he's probably a cool guy that heard what Axl said and as he had the songs or was in position to get them, he just shared what he had.

    Honestly although in his position I wouldn't have done it, I think he didn't mean to harm or seek power. But of course I may be wrong since I don't know the guy and I didn't read the thread about him. So I really don't know.

    Wrong. He didn't share what he had. He shared a portion of what he had, evident by statements made. It is my opinion (key word) that this, as has been shown in the past, is to confer a position of power to oneself. Look at these people bowing down to those privy to that which they want. The ego doesn't have a name other than "I", it simply makes people feel good to intercept "attention" at the expense of others, in this case the artist. If someone were secure with themselves, they would keep quiet and say/share nothing, or they would share what they had, not retain enough to sustain a level of prestige, thus putting oneself on a pedastal while the masses bow before them, begging for that which they want.

    Disgusting then...

    I was prefering the idea of fan dying to share what he had. It sounded less vicious!

    I hadn't seen the vicious part in sharing only a portion of it. You could be right.


    Another classic case of mans unrestrained compulsion to intercept another’s power for themselves, applying it as a self-conscious band-aid.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again:

    It is not uncommon for self consciousness to seek compensation, especially by individuals that may be privy to something which others want, then leveraging this as a form of power. By putting themselves in a position of an intermediary between those who "want" (i.e. - fans) and that which is "wanted" (i.e. - songs), they can thereby intercept the special attention given to the later by the former. For this reason, they may offer proof, but will typically hold out on some of the desired matter in effort to sustain the position of acting as the intermediary of attention between those who want and that which is wanted. Without this advantage, they once again become “normal”.

    In this case, why leak “part” of a song?….why not just either keep it to oneself and not say anything or leak the entirety of it? I’ll tell you why, and it has nothing to do with legality, or they wouldn’t have shared the “part”. The reason is such to retain the power associated with having the “unshared part” and draping it around themselves as an attracter of fabricated power that belongs to no one aside from the creator of the art, Mr. Axl Rose.

    Of course we are all happy to hear something, myself included, but that doesn’t negate the abuse of privilege.

    Do you think that the person is in anyway concious that he's a powerful man but only for himself?

    Because... none of us here can make him justice of his brand new "fabricated power" (to quote you) simply because he's a fucking username, faceless, still unknown but through a username.

    Do you think he feels alone with such big *coughs* power?!?!?!?

    I don't know your opinion here, but there's something definitly pathological in this attitude if your definition is correct, harmless at this stage but still pathological.

    But, I don't think it's the case of the person who leaked the songs. I think he's probably a cool guy that heard what Axl said and as he had the songs or was in position to get them, he just shared what he had.

    Honestly although in his position I wouldn't have done it, I think he didn't mean to harm or seek power. But of course I may be wrong since I don't know the guy and I didn't read the thread about him. So I really don't know.

  17. If you ever put your hands on the CD or any other, enjoy it for yourself, don't share. There is the work of too many people on it.

    I'm a huge fan, and of course I could think of downloading it to get a preview of everything but I also think this wouldn't be fair for the people who worked on it.

    Anyway, for what we can read of the past days, leaked or not this CD will be bought by the fans. It limits the damages but why leak it?

    Axl 's free to make it listen to whomsoever he wants, it's his work. You don't have this freedom or power of decision.

    My position is not a criticism to you or anyone willing to leak the CD, it's just an opinion.

    This is probably the most clear-headed post I've read about this situation.

    A pretty good, and simple, explanation of intellectual property rights.

    Nicely done, SS!!


    Thanks. I worked with Intellectual property rights by the past, I admit.

  18. Excellent S.S..........I would HOPE anyone with a shred of INTEGRITY, and RESPECT for the band's wishes

    would not pimp it out....To grab some PERSONAL GLORY....however fleeting.....

    You know what I mean??


    Well, if S.S is me then I think I do.

    Still, le Père Lachaise is a real cold place to stay.. :P try The Crazy Horse Saloon my friend!

  19. As I posted on HTGTH, if I got my hands on the disc (discs) - or tracks thereof, I really don't know what I'd do.

    Actually, the problem is, I *DO* know what I'd do, and that scares me. Not the possible legal repercussions or anything like that (as i'm certainly not the person who leaked the discs, thats for damn sure) but just a very difficult position to be in.

    I'm kind of hoping I don't have to be in said position. We'll see, though. There is no fate but what we make and all that.


    If you ever put your hands on the CD or any other, enjoy it for yourself, don't share. There is the work of too many people on it.

    I'm a huge fan, and of course I could think of downloading it to get a preview of everything but I also think this wouldn't be fair for the people who worked on it.

    Anyway, for what we can read of the past days, leaked or not this CD will be bought by the fans. It limits the damages but why leak it?

    Axl 's free to make it listen to whomsoever he wants, it's his work. You don't have this freedom or power of decision.

    My position is not a criticism to you or anyone willing to leak the CD, it's just an opinion.

  20. I find it interesting that Axl is requesting the assistance of big organizations in this song to help him with something. I've been under the impression that these last ten years were spent trying to adopt a state of absolute personal perfection- yet he wants the president, the irs, the fbi!

    What do you think he is talking about in this song and what is it that he is trying to achieve through his efforts?

    You tell us Einstein

    I just noticed where you're posting from Warchild, say "hello " to Jim Morrison for me please. I haven't been there in a long time...

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